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Suimin Uchiha Photo Op Protege: Prison Photos Empty Suimin Uchiha Photo Op Protege: Prison Photos

Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:36 pm
Mission Name: Photo Op Protégé: Prison Photos
Rank: B
Type: Labor
Character Requirements: A member of the team must have completed two “Photo Op Protégé” Missions. 
Mission Location: A prison located within the land. 
Word Count Requirements: 3500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 3000 Ryo, +1000 Ryo if you complete the bonus, 7 AP
Task: Your skill in Photography has improved to the point where you are being sought out for more journeymen tasks. Recently a representative of a local prison has sought you out on behalf of the warden. The Feudal lord of the land is requesting a status update on the prisons affairs. He is far too busy to go and inspect the cesspool himself but he wants an update regardless. 
The warden has tasked you with taking these photos. If you do not have a camera one will be provided for you. The feudal lord wants detailed images of the cafeteria, some of the cells, the guards quarters, and of some of the inmates as well, who may be less than keen to be photographed. As you tour the grounds you will be protected by two prison guards and by the warden himself. Inmates are bound and incapable of using ninjutsu but that won’t stop them from trying to harass you or cause you to take bad photos. Once you’ve completed the mission you are to bring the photos back to the village (or neutral town if Missing Ninja) to be delivered to the feudal lord. 
Bonus: Whilst at the prison, the warden would like you to take a photo of him that he could hang in his office. Take a striking photo that is to his liking and he will pay you for your work.
Suimin wakes up a little later than usual and rolls out of bed. He takes a few minutes to enjoy the comfort his floor brought him and gets up. Like every other morning he heads into the bathroom. He uses the toilet comeback out to get his clothes for the day and heads back into the bathroom to shower. He turns on the water and waits for it to reach the temperature that he prefers. While waiting he brushes his teeth getting every tooth gum and everything in his mouth. Suimin sometimes wondered why he took such care of his mouth if no one ever saw it. He had always covered it with his mask. After he finished brushing his teeth he turned off his sink and checked the running shower water. “There we go just how I like it.” He begins to undress as he prepares to get into the shower. 
He hops in and just stands there for a few moments basking in the nice warm water enjoying the way it would hit his skin. The way the water hit his skin reminded Suimin of the way his big brother would hug him; it would make him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Every morning he would take his time to enjoy that feeling for a little before he would start his day. After standing there for about ten minutes enjoying that feeling he began to clean himself. He started with his hair washing it thoroughly as a ninja he had gotten into a lot dirty places and fights. He then began to wash his body starting with his neck moving his way down. 
After that he hopped out of the shower grabbed his towel and dried himself. He then grabbed his clothes and got dressed. He was wearing his black long sleeve shirt under his grey sleeveless keikogi with black pants to match his undershirt. He then put socks on with his gloves, mask, and boot. After he gets dressed he gets out of the bathroom and passes his bedroom to go to the kitchen. While in the kitchen he heads straight for the fridge opening it to get the milk carton and orange juice from it. 
After he gets it he sets them on the table and heads back to grab the box of cereal placed on top of the fridge, a bowl to hold his cereal, and a cup for his orange juice. He pours his cereal into the bowl along with the milk and fills the cup with orange juice and sits down to enjoy his breakfast. After finishing his meal he puts the bowl in the sink along with the cup. The milk back in the fridge along with the orange juice and the cereal back on top of the fridge. He checks the time. “Oh my this is a rather late start to my day. Oh well better get going then.” He grabs the rest of his things and heads out the door but before he leaves he turns to the picture of his brother. “I’m going out to fulfill my duties as a shinobi. I wanted to let you know that I’m progressing very well as a Ninja and I believe Soon I fully develop my sharingan. I will be a great ninja someday but for now I’m off. Goodbye Love you.” After saying goodbye he exits through the front door locking it on his way out. After he makes sure his front door is locked he heads to the Raikage’s office to complete his daily duty of being a kumogakure shinobi.
As he steps out of his house he notices a letter on his door. "So many letters lately? Why me?"
~Uchiha Suimin we have heard of your photography work and you have been personally selected to take pictures of the Hidden Cloud Local Prison for the Feudal Lord. If you do not have a camera we will provide you with won. Come at ten o'çlock sharp don't be late this task is of great importance.~ 
-Local Prison Representative
"Huh all I did was help a guy setup pictures and clean cameras and now im a prison photographer intriguing." He said this as he put the note away in his pocket. He checked the time and it was nine forty five. "I better get going if I wanna make it on time." He started to walk down his path going towards the Local Hidden Cloud Prison he heads towards the eastern gates where the Local Hidden Cloud Prison is located. While he was walking there he was wondering what it would be like there. "Would they have all the prisoners locked in their cells? Will the guards protecting me be buff? Is the warden a good guy?" He continued walking through the streets with his hands behind his head as he walked thinking about what this experience would be like. He finally arrives at the prison a minute early, surprising because he didn;t think he was walking that fast. "Hello I'm Uchihs Suimin the Genin you requested." "Right welcome here's your camera." The warden was standing in front of the local hidden cloud prison holding a camera in front of him. He handed it to Suimin and bowed. "Thank you so much for coming. We really do appreciate this." "No problem sir. As  shinoi it is my duty to serve the people of my village no matter how tedious the task may be. Not that this task is tedious." "Oh no I understand. Well follow me I'll show you all the places you need to take pictures of." As Suimin and the Warden were walking in, two big guards awaited them. They walked past them and as they kept going the guards followed them as they continued farther into the prison. 
"We have everything setup The prisoners you are gonna take pictures of and everything has been cleaned so it should be good to go." "Ok well let's start with the cafeteria I'll get a few pictures there and then we can move on." "Ok yeah lets go ." He looked around the cafeteria, it was clean, it was spotless even. He examined the white tiles with black diamonds in between every four tiles. He looked at the orange tables they had scattered evenly in a zigzag pattern across the floor of the cafeteria. He looked at where they would serve them lunch with the emptied metal tray cleaned to perfection sitting there waiting for food the shroud the shining sides and bottom of it all. He looked at the brown and black ceiling fans that they had making being in the cafeteria a lot more bearable. He looked under a few of the orange tables to see if it was as clean as the top of the tables. He noticed there were two doors one to the north western side of the cafeteria which lead to stairs and one on the eastern side leading to another pair of stairs.  He stood in the doorway of the north western stairs and snapped a quick photo of the cafeteria. He looked at the photo and tried to pay attention to the details. "Not bad let's try one from another angle." He heads to the north eastern corner and gets down on one knee and takes another picture. He looks it over and decides one more just to be safe. He took one from the southern side of the cafeteria to get a fresh point of view. He looked over at the photos he took. "I think we can move on. We can always revisit if need be." Suimin stops looking at the photos and turns to the warden. 
"Alright I'm done here. Let's continue on to the next." "Right this way. Just follow me." "Okay then." They continued towards the door located on the eastern side of the cafeteria and started making their way up the stairs with the warden in front and the guards following from behind.  While making their way up the metal stairs he couldn't help but notice the clacking sound it made every time one of them would take a step up their stairs.They continued up the stairs and onto the concrete that awaited them on the top of the stairs. The concrete was much more pleasant and the noise it made was much less irritating. The inmates on the other hand were acting like complete animals. "I'm sorry if this is rude but must they act like complete animals." "No your right this is no way for humans to behave. QUIET DOWN NOW!!ALL OF YOU!!!!" His voice roared through the halls of the prison ringing in Suimin's ear due to the distance between him and the warden. 
Everything fell silent as they continued walking down the hall. "We have a guest and I refuse to have you act like animals and embarrass me or yourselves." The warden said this in a much more calm but still stern tone. They kept walking past the cells when he noticed they were labeled. "Cell Block A?" "Yes we label or cell blocks and divide them and put certain criminals in certain cell blocks depending on their crime and things like that. It helps keep things organized and some of the weaker prisoners safe." While they were walking Suimin walked past a cell block and noticed a man wearing a rag over his eyes. "Excuse Mr. Warden if you don't mind me asking why does that man have a rag over his eyes?" He looked with a curious face as this man seemed to look up at his question. "Is he blind?" The warden let out a laugh before he replied. "No wearing the rag over his eyes is his choice. 
Cell Block A is where we keep some of the stronger prisoners. That man is an Uchiha. We sealed his eyes so he could see but he couldn't use his sharingan."  Suimin looked at the warden then back at the man. "You are a disgrace to the Uchiha name." The prisoner smiled and laughed upon hearing this. "Is that so and what clan do you belong to?"  "The Uchiha." "I'm a better member than you are and i'm a better member than you'll ever be." "I'll surpass you one day just you wait." They continued walking after the bitter interaction between the two. "Unless you get a mangekyou you'll never be better than me." "Such talent wasted how unfortunate." Sumin thought to himself. 
They started approaching Cell Block B. The prisoners were much more quieter. Most of them were exercising and working out. Doing push ups, boxing punching bags, and reading. They continued on paying no mind. Suimin was looking over the photos he took as they were walking looking at the details giving himself critiques. "So how long have you been doing photography." The warden said, trying to make an attempt at conversation. "I have recently started to get into it. I took on a mission that involved cameras and a little while later I got a request to come back and now I'm here on a request." "Right sorry if this is affecting your schedule." “No it’s quite alright I didn’t have anything planned for the day. I don't mind doing this.” "Well here are the cells you can take pictures of well stay to the sides and let you get to work." "Right thank you kindly sir." He started looking around each cell trying to think of the right angle to take the picture. He decided to take it from the door and a few from the  corners. 
He continued on to the next cell doing the same thing. He continues making sure to take one and while standing in the doorway. He didn't know much about photography but he felt that angles were very important. He walked over to the southern wall and continued to the eastern corner and took a picture from that point of view. He goes to the western corner near the door and takes a picture from that point of view.
He continued on to the third cell doing the same thing. He continues making sure to take one and while standing in the doorway. He didn't know much about photography but he felt that angles were very important. He walked over to the southern wall and continued to the eastern corner and took a picture from that point of view. He goes to the western corner near the door and takes a picture from that point of view.
He continued on to the fourth cell doing the same thing. He continues making sure to take one and while standing in the doorway. He didn't know much about photography but he felt that angles were very important. He walked over to the southern wall and continued to the eastern corner and took a picture from that point of view. He goes to the western corner near the door and takes a picture from that point of view.
He continued on to the fifth cell doing the same thing.  He looks at all the carvings and every nook, dump, and dent in the walls. He continues making sure to take one and while standing in the doorway. He didn't know much about photography but he felt that angles were very important. He walked over to the southern wall and continued to the eastern corner and took a picture from that point of view. He goes to the western corner near the door and takes a picture from that point of view. 
"Well I think we're done here I will only be using some of these. I'll go over them later and pick the ones I like best." "Okay we'll let's continue then. 
We will be heading to the guards quarters." "Okay well then let's go." They continued on to the guards quarters to begin taking the pictures. They got to the guards quarters and Suimin began looking around. Making sure to take note of everything from the desk to the chairs to the keys hanging on the wall. He looks at all the different things they had in there the piles of paper. He stood in the doorway like it was a ritual and he took the photo. He then started to walk around looking for an angle to take another photo. He sits on top of one of the desks that was positioned in the south eastern part of the guards quarters. "Oh my lord How unfortunate I forgot to take pictures from eagle eye views. Well I'll have to go back and take some but for right now i'll finish up here." Suimin said this as he jumped onto the ceiling pointing downwards with his camera. "Wow um yeah we can definitely go back. It's no problem." He took a few while casually walking around on the ceiling. Suimin jumps down landing on his feet and he looks over the pictures he took once more. “These should do just fine.” 
He went back to the cells to take some eagle eye pictures and walked onto the walls and onto the ceiling. He then crouched and took a picture trying to capture as much as he could. He walked around taking multiple pictures. He hopped down and went to the Third cell. He walked onto the walls and onto the ceiling. He then crouched and took a picture trying to capture as much as he could. He walked around taking multiple pictures. He then went to the fourth cell. He walked onto the walls and onto the ceiling. He then crouched and took a picture trying to capture as much as he could. He walked around taking multiple pictures. He walked to the fifth cell repeating the process. He walked onto the walls and onto the ceiling. He then crouched and took a picture trying to capture as much as he could. He walked around taking multiple pictures.
He then walked back to down the metal stairs he had traversed quite earlier in the day. He went up the wall and onto the ceiling trying to avoid the ceiling fans. He walked around to mostly the corners where there were no fans. He would then take photos while crouched to get the most in the photo as he could. While he was taking a picture one of the prisoners thought it would be funny to throw a book at him.  In response he weaved the hand seals Ram and used the body flicker to dodge just in time. He continued taking pictures while the Warden scolded the whole block having no clue who did it. “Well that covers that why don’t we head on. I believe last but least on our list is the prisoner photos right?” “Um right yes the guards will go and get the prisoners while we go to the yard where the photos will be taken.” “Ok then let's go.” Suimin followed the warden who seemed a bit nervous as they headed to the yard. 
They continued walking through the prison which was quite big despite it being a local prison. They would make a few stops every now and then because the warden would need to open a gate or two. After a bit of walking and stopping they finally made it to the yard it had a lot of sports equipment and work out equipment. “This isn’t bad so this is the exact place where I'm going to be taking the pictures?” “Yes it is.” “You got it.” After standing there waiting for a little while the guards came with the prisoners. “Uchiha Suimin nice to meet you guys. I’m gonna be taking your photos for today.” “This pansy really? Whatever lets just get it over with.” One of the prisoners said as they walked past Suimin. The warden looked at him with a death stare. “Where are your manners? You shall treat this boy with respect, do you understand me?” “Yes!” Said all three prisoners in response. “Well if you could stand up against the gate and I could snap a quick photo.” The prisoners made their way to the opposite end of where the door was and posed for the photo. Suimin smiled under his mask and took the photo. “How interesting it’s like there models.” He thought to himself while taking a few more. 
“Ok now I’m going to shoot one with you.” Sumin said pointing at the one who called him a pansy. “Pretend like you're playing basketball.” He started taking the photos of him shooting and playing with the balls. While doing this the prisoner threw the ball at one of the guards and when they tried to catch it one of the other prisoners grabbed him. “Oh no!” Suimin thought as he activated his sharingan and began weaving hand seals Rat Boar Dog to  activate one of his new jutsus. “Space Time Art: Mass Pull!” he yells as he creates a small disk not too far from him pulling in the prisoner who threw the ball. He turns around and delivers a swift kick to the second Prisoner as the guards help in the take down. He begins to weave more hand seals Snake, Horse, Ram and Used Lightning Pulse on the third one. After taking them down Suimin says. “Stay still and behave, I need more pictures.” He continued taking pictures of the prisoners doing different things exercising, posing, and playing sports. After that he goes through all the pictures he took and decides which ones he's going to bring to the feudal lord. “Well my work is done.”
They went back into the prison and the prisoners were brought back to their cells. While going in, the warden pulls Suimin aside. “I was thinking since you did such a great job with taking pictures of the prison I was wondering if you could take one of me. I'll pay you for it.” “Well I can certainly try.” They headed into the warden’s office where Suimin began to take photos of the warden in different poses. After snapping a few photos the warden finally picked theon he liked the most and hung it up in the office. “Thank you, hope to see you soon.” “Bye then.” 

Suimin leaves the local prison and heads to the village where the village is. He begins his walk to deliver his photos going from platform to platform. After walking for some time he gets to the village and heads to the feudal lord's villa. “Hi I’m Uchiha Suimin I have the pictures of the local prison for the feudal lord.” Suimin said hoping he was in the right place; he had never been to the feudal lord's villa or knew he existed. “Oh yes come in now. The feudal lord had been waiting for you to arrive.” He went in and handed him the pictures. “Thank you boy I appreciate this very much. Oh my you did a great job with these photos.” “Thank you Feudal Lord.” Suimin gave the feudal lord the Mission file to sign to confirm he completed this mission. Suimin headed back home.

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Suimin Uchiha Photo Op Protege: Prison Photos Empty Re: Suimin Uchiha Photo Op Protege: Prison Photos

Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:43 pm
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