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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

My heart is cold Empty My heart is cold

Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:28 pm
The crowd amassed in the City Square of Hoshi, split in half to make way for three peculiar figures that made their presence known.  

One a seven feet tall giant, always recognized from afar.  Each step, from legs thick as the tree trunks, seemed to cause the earth to shake slightly as his frame exceeded the expectation of what the shape of a human should look like. At the young age of three and ten, he had been nearly as big and strong as a fully grown man in their prime. The warrior path was chosen for him by the gods that were worshipped in the lands. Or so the religious folk said. The Knight was covered in armor from head to hill and above layers of chainmail and boiled leather. on top of them a white cloak, pinned at the soldier with a golden pin. The handle of the greatsword poking over that very same shoulder. The massive sword was beautiful and strong, and most men would find themselves only able to lift it with both their arms, yet this Knight could do it with only one, and swing it as elegantly as if it were an extension of his own body.

The second figure that would draw the eyes was an elegant woman, dressed in black.  Her face lay exposed, with hints of white powder.  Red cheeks and shiny white teeth made their appearance as she smiled.  Her eyes blue, that of sapphire stone.  Her thin lips moved as she cracked a joke of sorts. Sometimes it felt as if the world was by itself a hidden joke that only Shina the Outcast could understand.
 The last of the fellowship walked barefoot in chains.  Black iron locked his arms in confinement as if he embraced an invisible lover.  His eyes moved, flitting from person to person in the crowd begging for help, and yet his mouth remained closed, speaking not a word.  His black hair was strewn across his face, the rags he wore tarnished by dirt. In a different time, those jade green of his would have been viewed as beautiful, had he not walked back into the village as a traitor.  

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:47 pm
The city square was filled to the brim with people wishing to watch a spectacle. They moved in unison making way like a parade float was coming toward them. The tall one the aforementioned float, was a monster of a man eclipsing even the Terumi a man that usually towered over others. While the Nova didn't know the man's name he could tell by the white cloak he was a member of the same order. 

Second among them a familiar face, Shina a loyal ninja to the village since its founding. It seemed she had gotten herself dolled up for the public prison transport. Since, a crowd had formed she was on full display. A smile on her face wide enough that you could see her teeth. 

Standing there the Terumi had to wonder if this was planned and if so, why? The man with each gaze met seemed to be begging for release. A beg that would likely go unanswered as the crowd continued to move away from the path. Among the crowd some people would talk among each other calling the man a traitor along with less societal terms. When the group moved near the Terumi he would begin to walk alongside them.

His Nova cloak over his lab coat, the plague doctor mask strapped securely to his side, and the red hair of his clan on full display. He would then whisper to the giant. "So, what's happening?"

WC: 240
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:53 pm
Making their way into the center of the city square another individual fell in with them. The recognization came a second too late for Shina. The Uzumaki’s voice filled the air in excitement.  “Akabayashi you old fox, you made it out alive after all. Good thing we didn’t bury an empty casket.”

She threw a kick down at the calf of the prisoner that brought a cry of pain. He lost balance and was forced down to his knees. “We have a rogue shinobi here wanting to die for his cause. Going to oblige him.” 

The moves of the Knight that walked with them would come to a sudden halt, the naked blade being unsheathed from his back to pierce the ground with the pointy end.  The sound made the prisoner flinch heavily, obviously, he had seen it coming, and despite that, could not stop himself. The behemoth was now easily recognizable to any who lived in Hoshi.  Despite the fact that at all times his face was covered by a closed visored helm.

The Hopeful Knight was the only name he was known by. Ayato, the Hogokage knew his true name, who he was in his past life. Yet that information had not been made public knowledge into the village. There were many speculations of his identity, few men matched his size. The more popular of these theories, or rather rumors, that he was the reanimated corpse of Kyousuke Snow, the third Kage of the Star. Brought to life by Kenshin Uzumaki with dark shinobi sorcery. 

But regardless, he had appeared to carry out the hunt for the missing-nin that had left this village, most of those who claimed for Valen Akari’s as of the now-disbanded cause. And or the remnants of Jaws Grimma still roaming around parts of the country.  A never-ending task, one that he had turned into an entertaining event of sorts. The manhunt being shut down by their new Hogokage who had left the village for the summit down in the south. 

"We usually pass judgment on these degenerates outside of the Village. But we were summoned back, thus it will have to take place inside those walls. Less authorized, yet just as prevailing if you asked me." Shina proclaimed with fire in her voice.

WC: 380
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:08 am
Shina's response was why Akabayashi preferred time away from the village. These two had turned missing ninja hunting into a game, a sport, a spectacle. If they were going to judge this man, why parade him through the village, like a show dog? Make, the judgement as simple and clean as possible. To strut about the would be judged before a crowd was gratuitous at best. The man's poker face would remain calm and stoic as usual, throughout his thought process.

When Shina finished talking the Nova would address her surprise at his having lived. "Yes, I tend to rise from the grave even if a bit worse for wear." The man would say addressing his now boney appearance which was once filled with muscle. He would take off his sunglasses and squat down at the chained individual making sure their eyes met. His one emerald eye boring into the man's, his other milky looking yet still functional eye unmoving as if it were actually blind. 

"So, what did you do to get captured by Pretty Smile Saphire Eyes and Tiny of the Massive Blade?" He would ask before looking at the giant. "Doctor T of the Nova corps, sorry for the late introduction." The man would say standing up and inspecting his comrade with a quick shift of his eyes, there was only one person he had ever seen that large and he was dead. However, stranger things have happened.

"How will the judgement happen?" Akabayashi would ask in a casual tone ignoring the growing crowd. The people had moved closer in to see and hear what was happening. Heavens these people were nosey, as if he had room to talk the man who just inserted himself into the procession.
WC: 290
TWC: 530
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:24 pm
“Yes, you look like shit. But better to look like a corpse than actually be one in Jack’s collection.” There was all sort of crazy stories about the criminal that had taken Akabayashi prisoner. That S-rank missing-nin literally came out of nowhere and placed the entire Shadow Country under his grip. Skellinger was immortal,  had a synthetic jaw saw his mother stabbed to death in front of him when he was a toddler. A few even claimed he was Valen Akari in disguise. Fucked up rumors like that. 

The Knight bent his neck so he could look down to Akabayashi, who he dwarfed. The plates of the helmet clang and a rasping sound came from within the helmet as he nodded in acknowledgment of his comrade's greeting. Strong and silent type in every way to match that size of his.

Shina, the Outcast of the Uzumaki Clan and Head Jounin of Hoshigakure, found herself in surprise. It was no secret that the Terumi member had melted the skulls of Tenshin the Unfaithful and Kid Blue, two Hoshi nin who he and Ayato fought and eventually defeated. The mission that made their careers. Yet now he seemed to be appalled.

“Akabayashi do I sense a question on your lips?” Asked the half-wild woman. Even though the comment, her body language, and gaze carried little in the way of judgment.  Usually, at this hour, people would be dissipating like shadows hit by the yellow-red light of a torch. A boring night it was supposed to be, yet today it brimmed with life. The Nova Medic would not need the Byakugan to see it had something to do with the man in chains. His gaze mirrored her own in some ways, perhaps reflection was able to be spread.  “The crimes of this fellow.”  She’d say not unkindly her eyes meeting his own.  
“Defecting his village a year ago, falling in with a missing-nin group, and a fortnight ago killing the people he had sworn to protect. A miller and his wife. And the children them as well.” His jade green eyes looked up and found the new figure.  Locking on the Nova member's mismatched ones. And for the first time today, they began to water. His lips opened, trying to mouth a word from his broken teeth. “Please…” He uttered. “I only watched. I never thought they’d hurt them.”

The words seemed to agitate the colossal crusader who gripped his sword.  Fit for true combat as well as a ceremonial execution.  His knuckles would have to whiten as he lifted the massive blade, the size of the steel clearly beyond that which should be lifted with one arm.  Clasping the grip he held it perpendicular to the ground. He knelt down and whispered, his helmet close enough at the prisoner’s face as if they were to kiss. He whispered something, something that made the prisoner jump back. This was not the first time the Knight had spoken to him, but it would be the last.  All those around perhaps would be able to hear the stony pound in his voice, yet the words would be unintelligible for all those except the barefooted prisoner.

“This was only the watcher of the crime. So after we found out where they were holed up in the Tachibana Woods. We had him watch as Ser Knight over there butchered his friends. ” Shina paused for a moment as if to consider what to say “Turns out it was he who betrayed their location. Remorse perhaps but it seems like treachery runs in this guy’s blood. We are going to hear him confess before he dies.”

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:38 pm
For the first time in a while a smile crossed the man's lips and it was because someone told him the truth, that he looked like shit. A small laugh would escape him, something the man wasn't used to as he attempted to cover it up with his hand like a cough. For most people they wouldn't escape with their trash talk, but Shina was a long time ninja and friend. Shina wasn't always so wild before, her attitude shifted when Denkiteki disappeared from the world. It was clear the two had been in a relationship and his loss effected her deeply. 

It seemed the giant wasn't one for talking as he nodded a 'sup' to the introduction. Some people just weren't talkers though, so it was fine. He would learn the names of his comrades in time, they all had to have yearly exams done by him so it wouldn't be long before he knew. Then he could figure out the guys diet and exercise plan. 

Even though he never said anything Shina could tell there was something on Akabayashi's mind. She then answered the question he had asked their prisoner. He was scum, so what was likely coming the Doctor didn't feel bad for. A traitor and murderer of people who offered their home, utter trash. It became worse when he began to plead to save his hide. Someone who watches is as bad as those swinging the sword, his plea falling on deaf ears.

Interestingly, the man's whimpers were enough to stir the giant to bend and whisper in the face of the prisoner. The tone harsh enough to cause the chained man to jump. The people in the crowd were speaking in a dull roar making the words incomprehensible. Everyone present wished they could hear the words, but based on previous detail you only got to hear the voice if its owner could kill you after. They should write poems about this guy, the fear he invoked in his captive superb. 

Shina would then explain that he had turned on his allies likely out of guilt, that however didn't excuse his past faults of leaving the village to join a rogue group. "No, questions from me." He would say with the giants blade still hovering in the air the one armed grip still a wonder to those present, who seemed to be inching closer by the second. Shifting his attention to the crowd and placing his sunglasses back on he would push the air between him and the people. "Back up everyone!" He would say loud enough for those getting too close to hear. 

"These groups are pushing awfully far into our lands again." He would say with a tone implicating himself as the cause. If they were hiding in the reserve they were close and the armored ninja took the group out on his own. "Good work, you two." He would say in praise for the two's accomplishment. Even if he didn't fully agree with what was happening making a public stink wouldn't change a thing and they had done an excellent job. 
WC: 518
TWC: 1048
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:13 pm
The moment Akabayashi gave his acknowledgment for the man’s upcoming death, a priest made his appearance. As if drawn to the word confession by magnetism. The priest wore dark orange robes, had a belly like a keg of ale, and the beard on his plain face seemed to be in desperate need of a trim. 

“I shall hear such a confession.” The priest’s voice pierced the moist air of the night.  Abnormally high, not even befitting the godly man.  No sooner had he stopped talking and the prisoner was bursting into uncontrollable sobs.  He remained in his kneeling position.  “Forgive me.” The shoulders shook, his abdomen sucked in as his diaphragm began to spasm from fear, exhaustion, and the complete loss of hope. 

I wronged this village. But so have others...” As for the priest, he returned to his chanting, louder this time.  The knuckles of the gauntlet gently rubbed against the crown of the young prisoner’s head for a moment, messing that thick mop of black hair further. The arm thick with muscle was drawn back. The boy’s mouth opened, and his lips tried to mouth a word.  “Please….”   The first blow landed hard, and the air exploded in a rain of dark red. Despite the mess, it’s clear he had survived it.  An apparent dent in his head promised the prisoner was as good as dead, yet he continued to live.  This was how the Hopeful Knight dealt with traitors. They were not worthy of a clean death from his greatsword.  Speed was not something he had a need for today.  

His lips continued to move, stuck on that one word as his eyes stayed on Akabayashi.  The final time he tried to get the word out to the world, a punch landed once again.  This time the already damage skull lost its shape.  The next blow was faster, followed by another, and another.  Soon all semblance was gone, and shoulders ended in a red plump mess.  

“This is the justice gods delivered by guiding the hand of our champion!" The priest shrilled in joy at the site, only to be abruptly stopped.  A gauntleted hand was now clasping his throat, lifting him up. Chocking him. “Wh…” legs kicked underneath him. “What are you doing..” The voice became thinner with every word, the same time a roar of awe and shock came from the crowd watching. But everyone would think twice before trying to take on any of them.

“Killing you,” Shina responded coldly. “He sang a beautiful song, about one missing-nin hiding in the city, moonlighting as a priest. That would show up today make sure he didn’t talk.” Shina proclaimed loud and clear so that her words could be heard by those watching.

“Li..lies.” The priest who was not a priest barely managed said. 

“I sensed otherwise.” Shina had the Eye Mind of the Kagura technique active this entire time. A sensory type jutsu that among other things could signal the user if a person was lying or not. And the sensor had blown up like a new year’s parade the moment this priest showed up. Yet when the dead man had confessed it had been clean as a whistle. 

The Knight applied pressure and a sickening crunch followed. It was the priest’s broken neck. His face kissed the stained dirt of the street.  For him, only one snap and the face of the second traitor was sent to the next world.  The bodies lay next to one another, conjoined by the gore of death. The giant attempted to remove the fragments of flesh bone and brain. Blood dripped from that closed visor helmet and fine white cloak.  The strap kept the weapon on his back, and once he had sheathed it, it was then that Shina spoke addressing the crowd….

They watched in silence. Shina didn’t have a religion that he prescribed and saw them as a crutch for people too weak to just accept that life was life. An explanation was only appropriate so that they wouldn’t jump to their own conclusions now that their entertainment of the evening was over.

“The traitor’s name was Trevor. And he was more use to this world in death than he was in life. Taking another lowlife with him to the next world. One that had managed to shed his old skin as a career criminal that prayed on the good people of this country and start a second life within the village as a goldy man. Yet he had failed to learn the most important part of his new craft. That the gods are just after all." 

WC: 765
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:11 pm
Who the hell is this jerk? Was the immediate thought that went through Akabayashi's head as the orange clad tub of lard pushed himself through the crowd and into its center where he and the two other ninja stood. "Wha..." What business do you have here, was what he was about to ask before being cut off by the priest who wished to hear the confession. The voice so shrill the Terumi's ears were ringing. By the time he wanted to interrupt the prisoner was starting his confession and the priest was acting... oddly. Why was he chanting during a confession? 

Then the gauntlet of the giant gently touched the back of the prisoner's head. Still on the ground he knew what was coming, as he mouthed the word 'please' to try one last time for the Terumi to spare him. The fist pulled back and with a crack like thunder and a splatter of red rain the man was given a dent so large it looked like a crater. The man was still alive, but could no longer feel pain. The last of the man's working synapses still mouthed his final words as the fist rained down again and again until nothing was left but a mess. 

There was a reason Akabayashi didn't like priest this one was shouting for joy about the gods justice. This was no justice delivered by god, it was human. Some baser instinct that enjoyed the gore and aggression thats all this was, justice was merely the excuse. That same bloody hand that had beat the prisoner to death then scooped up the fatso by the neck. The priest cried out his confusion and admittedly even the Terumi was taken aback by the action. The guy was weird not something to be killed for. 

Before Akabayashi chose to speak Shina would take the stage, detailing the events that had led to what was happening. That was when the realization dawned on him that this man's public walk of shame was a plan to draw out the priest from hiding. The loud crunch rebounded through each person present a clear sign the man was now dead like his friend. The giant released him to fall to the ground in the bloody heap of his accomplice. Shina would then address the crowd to tell of the man of the cloths deceit. As usual with anyone the crowd took the explanation with a grain of salt, they would form their own conspiracy theories about it later. For now the show was over and they would soon disperse to occupy their time otherwise.

Due to the proximity the Terumi's clothes were now splattered in tissue, nothing he was unaccustomed to yet something he didn't prefer to be in the city. Removing his shades he would use his lab coat to wipe off a bit of brain that had made its home on the lens. It annoyed him throughout the execution, but with the conclusion of events it was time to remove it. "Time of death." The Terumi would say looking at a nearby clock. "12:37PM." He would pull a napkin out of his coat and offer it to Shina who also had blood splatter on her. 

"Would you mind helping me drag these two to the hospital? I need to prepare their death certificates." He would take the smaller more bloody one, unless Tiny decided to carry both. The fat one was likely too heavy for Akabayashi to carry on his own. If they agreed the Terumi would walk them to the hospital to begin the paperwork on the way he would ask some questions.

"So, Shina how have you been?" He would ask just to catch up with the jounin. 
WC: 622
TWC: 1670
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:40 pm
The crowd began to disperse, as the stony street seemingly drank the blood.  Their play to flush out the charlatan had been a success. Two birds with one stone. This was how their Nova Corps did their fine killing. Young men and women of this village fancied the sound of their cape flapping on the wind. No more teleporting swordsmen and beam of fire. But cold calculated efficiency to outplay any adversary. One could argue that one well thought plan in somebody's arsenal was worth more than 10 S-rank forbidden techniques.

“I’ll help you alright, but we ain’t carrying these two. I’ll put them fuckers in scrolls.” always had been the better fuinjutsu user than the two of them. And the utilization of scrolls to store corpses, or in this case relocate them, was something casual to her. When it was done 

“We ain't going to the hospital yet. It’s going to be in a different place. And just you and me, if you are up to the task of course. Sir Knight over here can’t quite fit the entrance of the dungeons. Shina said grinning back at the larger of the two Nova members. Mere moments later, a scrap of the steel-clad boot was heard as the behemoth turned around. He gave a nod as he began to walk away. Each step seemingly made the ground shake. The fuinjutsu lady figured it was a good time to answer the question of her colleague - of how she was feeling.

"Enjoying the little things this work offers I suppose." She would say as she reached for the side pocket of her jounin flack jacket. From within she summoned two corpse storage scrolls. She unrolled them both with one quick movement of her free hand. The fuinjutsu formula upon the yellow parchment began to emanate rapidly when she fused her own chakra with it. Two puffs of smoke and only a massive pool of red was left of where the two corpses laid moments ago.

“The next one requires a bit more finesse, however.” 

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

My heart is cold Empty Re: My heart is cold

Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:43 pm
Using scrolls to transport the dead had never even occurred to Akabayashi, he usually didn't carry any on his person even though he should. She would then designate that he would be accompanying her to the dungeons, as Tiny couldn't fit. With Tiny trotting off each step a pounding of earth like a sledgehammer against the ground, the two were alone. 

Shina would break the awkward silence by answering the Terumi's question sealing the corpses as she did so. All that remained of the bodies was some blood that had already begun to soak into the ground. While knowing there was something in the dungeon that required his attention he didn't know it was another prisoner requiring 'finesse'. "Well, good to see you are enjoying... work." He would say stepping out of the blood that had puddled around his shoes. "To the dungeon I suppose." He would say heading in that direction.

Unless, Shina wanted to speak he would remain quiet until they reached their destination. "So, who is it we need to finesse and what did they do?" He would ask showing his ID to the guard to let him through. The guard was already worried since the two showed up covered in blood, before he even asked for ID he tightened the grip on his sword at his side. His words came out clear despite his fear of blood, with luck he wouldn't have to see more today.
WC: 239
TWC: 1909
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