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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:48 am
The clock struck 7:30 Am as Zaine sat perched atop a tree branch about 30 meters in from the entrance of the training ground he had selected for his meeting with his new disciple- he figured that the boy would arrive any moment as he seemed the type to arrive early, though he wouldnt be surprised if maybe he got held up a bit at home with Mizu. The Uchiha had on his lap the pride of his physical arsenal, Benihime  the blade that he made sure to take great care of since forging it- he carried nothing else with him for the training other than one weapons pouch and his headband that was securely tied to his left arm. He leaned back against the trunk of the tree, his hands laced behind his head with his eyes closed- he smiled softly as the only stimulation he received was from his skin, his ears and his nose. The sounds of nearby animals, both ground walkers and tree swingers moved by with haste in excitement at the prospect of a new day, the breeze that was not native to their country but a welcome addition thanks to Lord First ruffled his hair with its passing as it cooled his skin. He would take in a deep breath before opening his eyes, revealing his matured three tomoe sharingan- he was reenacting his hypertrophy training for the time being and was planning to keep his doujutsu active continuously in order to strengthen his base power with it. 

His excitement could hardly be contained as he imagined young Souji's surprise when he learned of what would be expected of him today during their exercise- he would glance over at one of the apes swinging from branch to branch in a care free manner, the beast filled with chakra of the fire element. The training fields were genius in design for many reasons and the one that Zaine always admired the most was its extensive selection of animals to spar with and challenge to gain further strength- this was something that one wouldnt expect to be possible in their natural desert climate but again he could credit the first Kazekage with this benefit. He understood the natural talent that his pupil had but even so, he would be in for quite the surprise if he were to underestimate his opponents for the day- the newly appointed Jounin would smirk, closing his eyes again and leaning back to a resting position. The clock would strike 7:35 AM, still no sign of Souji, but at this point it was only a matter of time- he would come as he said he would and he would take his next step in becoming a full fledged shinobi.


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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:32 am
As the clock stuck hour seven, thirty-seven - the subtle steps of another would emerge. To a keen ear they would project heavily, yet light. Souji's prior steps would have been softer, but due to his overnight growth spurt those soft steps were now a bit loud. The boy was now a teenager. His height was no longer five foot even, but five foot - six inches. His black messy hair was now maintained with the sides and back shaved to a fade cut. The top of his head his hair would sway over his face as the waves would veil his eyes a tad. His piercings would glisten from the sun's rays while. He wore a black turtleneck like shirt that hugs around his neck just over the adams apple. A black jacket with a few straps and buckles to give the impression of a straight jacket. Crimson pants and black shinobi boots. A white silk sash that hung over his left leg with the symbol of Sunagakure branded on it.  

His hands deep within his jacket pockets as he traversed his way deeper towards tge entrance of the training grounds. Lilac eyes scanning over the landscape and trees. Catching recordings of animals of animals of all sorts. To the teen's surprise this was the first time he noticed wildlife so close to a training ground. He found it odd, yet refreshing. The animals were seemingly at peace and his presence did not disturb them. The scent of fresh air filled his nose, the anticipation of this upcoming training elevated his mental. He would wonder what was to come of this. How much different would it be from when he trained...trained with his father? His eyes would lower, but the thought of Zaine being anything like his old man would immediately dismiss from his mind. 'No... Zaine Sensei is nothing like that basted. I trust him.' He would reassure himself as he thought.  

Coming to a stop, he would notice a rather large tree. Its wood and bark gave off a potency. It was an odd sensation, but not threatening. Scanning from the base of the tree on up he would raise a single brow, coming to find that Zaine was perched on one of the branches. He looked calm, relaxed. Souji almost didn't want to disturb him... after all, he was early. Perhaps... a few more minutes wouldn't be so bad, right? The Hyuuga would move closer to the tree, turning his back towards it. Closing his eyes and leaning backwards against it. His hair and sash would sway gently in the breeze that occasionally swept in.  

A subtle smile would befall his face, this was nice, without words, he felt as though he was was somehow bonding with Zaine. Sharing a tree, him at the root and Zaine at its branches. Both enjoying, taking in the moment of tranquility. This would go on for fifteen minutes. "I'm ready whenever you are... Zaine Sensei." His voice would project, a tad deeper than the night before, proof of his puberty favoring him along with his new height.

[WC: 519]

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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:10 pm
Not more than a few moments would pass before footsteps that were off cadence from the surrounding wildlife appeared- a simple smirk would come over the face of the man as he understood what this meant immediately. Just as he had expected, his new pupil was early but there was something quite different about him to say the least- he would wait until Souji leaned up against the tree, his back now to Zaine before opening his left eye and peering down at him and coming to a revelation about his new appearance "He's grown quite a bit.. and in such a short amount of time? This must be the work of those aging pills i've heard about. I wonder why he would choose to expedite his growth to such a degree. Maybe he's truly in that much of a rush to exact his revenge." Thought the scarlet eyed Jounin as he turned his vision forward once again before closing his eyes- the two would enjoy the sounds of their environment for about fifteen minutes before this tranquil zen would be interrupted by the newly deepened voice of the young Hyuuga. Opening his eyes slowly but surely after hearing the boy, he would stretch his arms and yawn, coming to a standing position on the branch before crouching just slightly to pick up his sheathed blade and springing from his position and into the air- he would execute a rather flashy gainer, strapping his prized weapon to his back as his eyes were parallel to the ground. He would land 4 meters from Souji and smile as he reached into the black jacket he wore, grabbing an apple from the set he was given by Raleth from his garden- he would toss him one before grabbing the last one he had on his person for himself and taking a hearty bite from it. "Well lets have a quick bite for breakfast before we get started, shall we? Though from the looks of it, whatever Mizu has been feeding you is far more effective than what this apple is gonna do for you. Still, theres no fruit in the village as refreshing and delicious as the ones you'll get from Raleth's Garden. Ill have to take you over that way soon." He would take another bite from the apple and smile once again, experiencing a mixture of happiness from the flavorful fruit and being able to share it with his new student.

He would continue to eat his apple until it it was bare, keeping it in his right hand and allowing the newly aged teen to enjoy his small breakfast- the time was drawing near to see how he would deal with a situation foreign to him and Zaine already had his bets that this would be one for the books. The physical aspects displayed by the teen were undeniably different from what he was used to but they were minor changes when compared to the chakra visible to Zaine via the sharingan- it was as if he was looking at a completely different person, his chakra was still heavily based in Suiton but it was more calm and at the same time stronger and more fluid. "Seems like you truly are ready to begin. Well, we have a lot to talk about today but theres a few things that we need to get in order before that." A devious smile would come over his face as he tossed the all but finished apple into the air- he would make the tiger handseal at a speed of 100 and expel flames from his mouth that would spiral outward for 2 meters, the flames fairly weak but more than potent enough for Souji to feel their heat from his position and for the apple to be burned to a blackened and crisp state. He would halt the expulsion of fire and catch the remains of the apple, "Now then.." , scanning the tree he had previously jumped down from he would utilize the superior kinetic vision of his sharingan to analyze the movements of an ape he had scouted from earlier- it seemed that this specific beast was doing laps around a charted path of branches between eight trees and was about to come to the one closest to the two shinobi for the fifth time. Ensuring that his timing was perfect, Zaine would cock his right hand back and throw the burned apple at a speed of 115 just below the branch the monkey was planning to grab- the apple would hit the butt of the ape causing it to shriek and pull itself atop the branch rather than swinging to the next one. It surveyed the area in an angered frenzy as it finally located the two shinobi, one empty handed and the other still holding onto an apple. "This, is the first lesson in your training. We've only got a moment so here's a few rules. No gentle fist, no shadow clones no matter how many enemies you're up against, no ninja tools and the byakugan is off limits for now, good luck!" At this moment Zaine would form the Ram handseal and seemingly vanish from their position at a speed of 225, moving himself from Souji and the disgruntled ape 50 meters south where he would suppress his chakra and hide amongst the greenery, hidden from the naked eye. 

The teen would have little time to react as the monkey pounded his chest three times before leaping from the branch and scaling its way down the large tree- a fiery passion for revenge in its eyes as it glared down the human it perceived as its attacker. The ape would wait until it was 5 meters from the ground, still clinging to the trunk of the tree before leaping from it and inhaling with great force before releasing a ball of flames precisely 5 meters in diameter at a speed and power of 50. The ape would land, its paws balled into that of fists as it pounded the ground wildly and watched on to see if he was successful in burning his opponent to a crisp.


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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:21 pm
The lids that hid the lavender eyes of the teen would softly open upon hearing the landing of his sensei. Still leaning on the tree he would note as Zaine reached into his pocket to retrieve an apple. His brow would raise, moments after both were as he was forced to remove his right hand from the depths of his jacket to capture the apple that was tossed his way. Upon its catching the scent of the apple would waft in his direction. It smelled...delicious. it was ripe and had a good feel to its touch. Zaine pulling out another, Souji took a bite from his. Immediately his taste buds were awaken with a taste of sweetness and Vigor. Surprised, he peer beyond a haze of astonishment at the apple - stopping mid chew. 'This is! This is amazing...' He thought, picking up on his chewing, collecting the sweet juice from each chew.  

Zaine would grab his attention as he spoke. He mentioned Mizuki's cooking, connecting it to Souji's sudden growth. This caused the teen to chuckle. It was that. "Close, but that's not it. I sort of just woke up like this. I guess because my birthday wasn't too long ago, this is the result of some sort of growth spurt. I was surprised myself..." He said. Noting that Zaine also mentioned something about Raleth and his garden. The boy heard the name before but couldn't...wait! He would remember, as tge imagine of the mountain old man would manifest in his memories. "Ah, you mean the old man? Didn't know that he had a garden. But now that I think about it... he did offer me berries and tea the first time I seen him." He would take another bite from his apple.  

He would notice that his teacher was already done with his apple, and that he was staring at him... he noticed those crimson eyes. This gave Souji the impression that he was being analyzed, Zaine's eyes were piercing. Assuming it was for the training, Souji did not say anything, instead he took another bite. Listening as there was something that must be done before their scheduled talk for this training. This would intrigue the teen. What was needed? Those lilac eyes would abruptly shift upwards, as they followed the eaten apple that was thrown. In his peripheral his sensei formed a seal. This confused the Hyuuga for a moment, thus from his mouth spewed flames and heat. The flames grew to engulf the finished apple and the heat managed to be felt from his placing. The calcification of that jutsu just now was enough to make him stand up straight. Now that tge apple was back in the hand of the Uchiha, Souju would just now notice the devilish expression on Zaine's face. That matched with those crimson eyes would make for a scary sight.  

Those vert eyes were moving. 'What is he...looking for?' He thought. Little did he know that his answer would come swiftly. The Uchiha...threw the blackened apple? His head would turn to catch a sight of where tge apple was thrown. He did not see, but he did hear. Stepping over two steps to see  more clearly, Souji would see an upset ape. The ape's upset evolved into anger. It was looking directly at the teen. Lazily, nonchalantly Souji peer back at it. "Hm?" Confused for a moment. He would look below the tree branch the ape was perched on. There he would realize...there he would see with his own two eyes...the blackened, the crisped core of tge eaten apple that Zaine threw... His chewing that he was enjoying ever so much slowed to a gradual halt. His mouth was now slacked and bits of tge apple dropped from it. He blinked twice before directing his eyes to his apple and back at the thrown one. His eyes began to widen, blinking nervously as he directed them back to his apple and then the ape. "Wait... oh shit!" He pieced it together. Dropping his apple immediately and spitting out what delicious remains of it from his mouth. Looking over at Zaine with irritation mixed with nervousness. "What the hell, Zaine Sensei?!" His tone was vivid with his irritation towards the Uchiha. But it was only met with a few stipulations that brought everything full circle to him. This was to be some form of a test.  

"This, is the first lesson in your training. We've only got a moment so here's a few rules. No gentle fist, no shadow clones no matter how many enemies you're up against, no ninja tools and the byakugan is off limits for now, good luck!" Those were his voids. Subsequently those were his domain of combat. To make tge situation worst, Souji noticed how he said "good luck!" before doing the unfathomable...vanishing from his sight. Suddenly the Hyuuga felt like he needed to take a bowel movement. He felt that sick to the stomach. It would seem that Zaine was negating him of all his skills except the very one that he wished to keep a secret...ninjutsu. "Dammit! I'm really left with no choice. And to make matters worse... there isn't a single source of water around here." He noted. Hearing the beating of the ape's chest would cause him to ready himself stepping back from the ape about one meter in total. He focused his lavender eyes on the beast and its movments. It was on the move. Scaling from branch to the side of the tree as it descends. This animal was clearly pissed.  

"Hey now! I get it, you're pretty pissed. I'd be too, in fact, I am. But trust me... you do not want this." He would speak, aiming to give the ape a chance to leave well enough alone. Though his attempts were futile as the beast leaped and released a ball of fire from its mouth... "What!?" Shocked, he stepped back two more steps. There was little time and he wss left with one option. His hands came together, at tge speed of ninety-nine he formed five seals - tiger, ox, monkey, rabbit and ram. Upon completing those seals his chakra within his very core churned and kneaded to a precise and highly concentrated degree. He figured if there was no water in this area, he would just have to produce it himself. Besides, water always best fire, on top of that this guy needed to cool off. "Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu!" From his mouth erupted a massive cyclone of water. The cyclone upon manifesting looked to be a stream of point five meters in diameter, Souji using his keen chakra control to elevate it to a mature degree swiftly erected it to twenty five meters in diameter with the power and speed of sixty. The vortex would snake its way towards the ball of fire also uprooting trees along the way in this path or reach. Once it met with the fire ball it would immediately overwhelm and snuff out tge flames.  

Jutsu used:
Pushing through the steam that was created from the clash the vortex would erupt through the aftermath steam like a snake for its intended prey. Uprooting more of the trees it would now look like a massive cyclone of water with snapped down trees and sands in its holding. Leaving a trail of puddles in its wake. Tge vortex would aim for the ape, crashing into it. Should it connect the pressure would engulf within its vehement nature. The ape would certainly find itself struggling to escape the horrid torrents of the vortex. Thus effectively reducing the strength and speed of the ape by fifty. The water would crash into the surface of the training grounds. Creating a nice size earthly rumble while splashing water residue in all directions. Some tree trunks and snapped logs also. Luckily none in Souji's direction. The crashing would continue as if it was on repeat, the ape would find himself in a constant loop as the water continued to pummel it. Souji making sure not to kill the beast by looking on intently. Watching for sights of struggle, or no resistance.

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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:57 pm
A look of utter surprise and shock would come over the face of his new mentor as he witnessed the destruction done to the training habitat that had been constructed by the first Kazekage- while he understood in full that the training field was designed for battle and that this sort of event was to be expected, the wildlife that have taken on this place as their home are still affected in part. He would palm his forehead as he sighed and thought to himself "He's starting to remind me more and more of Mizuki. To think he has water ninjutsu of this level at his disposal. Poor monkey didnt even see it coming.. ill have to bring some food by on another day to apologize." He would fix his facial expression, reverting it back to one of urgency as he understood fully what would come next- the boy did a splendid job at repelling his foe within the guidelines of the rules given, however it seems he did not consider that by unleashing such a massive technique, he would end up targeting and attacking creatures that were nearby and had no quarrel with him originally.

The fiery simian's eyes would bulge from his skull as the swirling typhoon made its way towards him at a speed that would eclipse his ability to evade with it being such a short distance- the ape, unable to free himself due to a lack of strength would be carried away with the jutsu as it ripped and tore through trees and dirt alike, remodeling the training field and catching nearby ostrich, armadillo and monkeys identical to original target in its grasp. The jutsu would come to a halt and the sight lying before the young shinobi would be a physical manifestation of what can occur if he let his power get out of control- the original target, unable to hold its breath for long enough under the pressure of the water would lay incapacitated and near lifeless. Other animals were in a similar stated but were able to shake off the damage for the most part and would flee from the area for fear of another attack- all would be quiet following the attack aside from the sound of droplets still hitting the ground, a left over sensation from Souji's potent technique. This would however be interrupted by a loud and aggressive roar that almost sounded as if two voices were fusing to create it.

The twenty five meter in diameter and fifty meter in length carved path would appear empty as the roaring grew to levels that were near deafening- it was then that 10 meters behind the young hyuuga 2 gorillas could be seen, one with sapphire fur and the others ruby red. They stood perched on a branch high in a tree that stood taller than all the rest and by their expressions and demeanor, it was clear they were not happy. The two would leap from the tree simultaneously at a speed of 100 and land upon the ground causing a smashing noise and a rumbling that would provide a small quake that could be felt by all 20 meters around their location. The two beasts stood at a height 5 inches taller than the young boy and they glared at him menacingly, steam trailing from the ruby furred apes mouth while the other drooled uncontrollably- it was clear that these two were the apex predator/guardians of this habitat and planned to engage the shinobi that had brought this carnage to their home. 

Zaine would sigh once again, his chakra suppression now deactivated "When I gave him those parameters I never would have expected that he'd be up against THOSE two. Even with his full arsenal, there's no way that he's going to be able to handle them. I think i'll have to intervene, this is my fault for underestimating his abilities with water style and the lengths he was willing to go to for victory" The young Uchiha would begin to walk from the greenery that had previously masked his presence, he was now 40 meters from the apes and Souji and was making sure to observe the two bests carefully- one abrupt move and they might strike at the boy and given the harsh limitations he had set for him earlier, its possible he might think that this is all a part of the training. Crouching low he would breath in deeply and close his eyes briefly before opening them and dashing at full speed towards the position of the three and would travel 30 meters, bringing him to a position behind the apes at 10 meters and well within auditory range of his pupil. "Listen up Souji! Training just got a little more complicated, these two are incredibly strong and they are not to be underestimated. I grant you permission to utilize your full abilities, minus the shadow clone technique." He would smirk as he added this small rule to the battle "Consider it a slight punishment for going overboard back there." As he finished his statement, the ape sporting sapphire fur would pivot to face him- its head would turn to the side slightly as it recognized Zaine from a previous time he had been in this training field. Zaine would wink at the beast and motion with his right hand for it to come forth and take him on- he would leap backwards 10 meters after doing so and the ape would let out a mighty roar, banging on its chest twice before subsequently following after him. The words of his new mentor would fade out as he gained distance from his leap, "I'll leave that one to you!" The battle between Zaine and the sapphire fur Gorilla would take place as Souji battled his new opponent.

The ruby haired Gorilla would inhale with gusto before exhaling and releasing a violent mixture of steam and smoke from his nostrils- he had all but ignored Zaine and his companion as they exited and had his eyes fully focused on Souji, the shinobi who had caused this destruction, the shinobi that had harmed his son. The gorilla looked over at the ape Souji had attacked as it lied there breathing slowly but still unconscious- he would return his furious gaze to the boy as he let out yet another bellowing roar before forming the tiger handseal with his paws and releasing 8 fireballs at the young shinobi at a power and speed of 65 each that arced from their origin at an angle before curving in to make contact and damage Souji. This battle would be of much higher stakes and the teen would need more than just a singular flashy jutsu to best this foe- genius or not, this much was absolute.


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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:23 pm
Destruction, miniscule chaos, power without control would play before tge lilac eyes of the teen. He would watch as his jutsu would not only successfully counter the technique of the ape, but also lay waste to a portion of the training environment that the ape along with the other animals eventually came in inhabitant. The immediate area was filled with moisture, drops of water falling from the trees into a newly place pond of water, birthed from the Hyuuga himself. The ape laid there in the midst of this new pond, barely breathing. Souji's eyes would rattle... his hands would stagger to a gradual descent. What did he just do? This was not what he was aiming to do! The scurrying of many animals fleeing would only sink him deeper into a pit of self disappointment. His eyes would lay on the ape. "I... I didn't... didn't mean for this..." His voice shaken, proof of his sincerity. He did not know anything else to do in tge midst of such a sudden attack. But nothing that ape did could have merit this. He wss young, still growing to understand his own powers. He began to take a few steps, slow and cautious steps towards the injured ape. Concerned for its well being.  

Through his head, all that he could think about after seeing that poor animal there was how he landed there after his father would attack and torture him. His father was not merciful. Every attack was harder than the last. Every form of torture and punishment felt never ending. Eiken Hyuuga - A monster in tge form of a human. Honored by many Hyuuga alike. And apex predator that could blend into society so effortlessly. His eyes were without pupils and they were pale. Upon his forehead was a diamond mark, Souji never knew what it was exactly. His father's tone of skin was much darker than that of his and his mother. Perhaps it was because he came from the land of Lightning originally. Long flowing white hair, a pressence that demanded your attention at all times. A gaze that was invading even without the byakugan active. This monster was in a league of his own. His tone of voice would swap just as fast as his temper. His aim with his strikes were ever true. He was a being that Souji feared with all of his being. The mere thought of him makes this teen feel like that helpless little boy that he was back then. He could feel his father's gaze on him. His disappointment glazing him over into a bond of steel. Feeling trapped and suffocating.  

He blinked... tears formed down his face. Droping into the body of water at his feet. Vacantly, he stared at the ape, he was now two feet away from - coming to a stop. He saw himself in the ape. He found himself sorry, he found himself no different from his father.  


There was a flip of a switch... Deafening, a roar would capture the attention of 'this' Souji. One, no...two announcements from afar. What was that? He would wonder... shifting his head to the right to look over his shoulder he would notice a pair of beast abaft of him. One with the fur of sapphire and the other of ruby. His mind would formulate scenarios to make sense of this. 'Blue and red apes? Does their fur betray their nature? Does the blue one know suiton? If so, does that mean the red one knows katon? What's this...? Steam and abnormal drool. I see...' He theorized. Approximately ten meters behind him, they were spotted. His back still facing them. Upon their tree they stood, looking down at him. Showing glares of intense rage. His eyes would shift slowly over to the fallen ape before him. Thus returning to sit upon the two gorillas. He understood - he harmed one of their own, these two were here to avenge. Was this part of 'that' Souji's test? He would wonder. They leapt down, the ground itself would rumble a little from their combined landing. Souji, at this point found it unwise to keep his back facing them, turned to face them. Those tears of his would continue to flow, but his expression was vacant. As they stood, it was clear that they were at an advantage via height. To Souji, it would seem that they were a unique pair. They moved in sync with each other. Their glares would only force him to tilt his head to the left, his hair veiled his eyes at this point. The tears that were glowing would come to a stop. There was no need for them at this point. 'This is quite the surprise. Are you that afraid that you are willing to give me control over you? Are you allowing me to run ramped? Or are you finally understanding that we are one in the same and I am your better half?' Echoed that menacing voice from before within his subconscious. Souji, standing in nothingness, obscured by darkness remained silent for a few moments. Face to face with himself - the other Souji smiling devilishly. '...' Nothing. This was taken as a sign of surrender, thus the other Souji aimed to turn his back on Souji and take control. However, to his surprise he was halted. A tug of his left arm would force him to scuff. Looking over at the boy as he was struggling to hold back his tears as he gripped the forearm of the phantom. 'Oh? So you do have something to say? Alright, let's hear it.' It said. 'I am nothing like you... or him! Stay the hell out if my got damn head!' He roared. This of course did not impress tge phantom, merely left him amused. Snatching his arm out of the boy's grasp. He would turn to face him. 'Must you always yell? You claim that you're nothing like me or father, yet you yell just like him.. you create nothing but destruction just like him. You show no restraints just like him. You hate yourself...just like him. I'd say you are a mirror image of him. And I'm just the mask that allows you to get away with being comfortable with being just like him. Do not fool yourself into believing the lies you tell yourself at night to sleep. Fate is inevitable and we all have our paths mapped out. Father will find you and he will punish you and you will call out to me just like you did all those times ago and I will be the one to save you... only this time, I will not be relinquishing the helm back over. You've locked me away for far too long and I will not be kept a prisoner of my own body... so play, 'Souji' all you want. Let that Uchiha and that witch of a kage love you... but in the end they will all see you for the monster that 'we' really are. Hahaha. Try not to lose consciousness... I'll be watching for my chance~' The phantom would fade into the abyss. Souji's consciousness being ejected. Now before him stood the two great apes and... Zaine? The boy positioned his head right.  

"Listen up Souji! Training just got a little more complicated, these two are incredibly strong and they are not to be underestimated. I grant you permission to utilize your full abilities, minus the shadow clone technique." The words of his sensei would reach him, but the last part would leave him a bit puzzled. He was being punished? The Hyuuga would originally have an expression of little concern, to one of dwarfed confusion.. "But... it was your idea..." he would say in the most confused tone possible. His brows in a mixture of furrowed and raised states. His mouth slightly slacked and opened. His eyes lazily narrowed as if he was trying to see tge logic behind it. Shaking his head he wouldn't dwell on it. It was far, that much he could agree with. He did go a bit over the top.  

Now that Zaine took off with one of the apes, the sapphire one, Souji was left to deal with the ruby one. This was not going to be easy, however, he was not at a disadvantage any longer. The ape's glare was powerful, so much that it would cause tge boy to step back once. He would notice that with his step the beast looked over to the ape behind him. His eyes would widen as he glanced back over to tge creature and realized that this ape must be important to the ruby one... "Hold on... is this yo-" His words were cut short as he noted the beast formed a seal. Instinctively his eyes would flush with enormous waves of chakra. The veins around his temples and eyes would bulge and his lilac eyes would glaze over with pearls. He could see the chakra within tge beast forming, molding into something at its guy, circulating through the chambers of his being as they were spewed from its mouth. His eyes would dart left, right and up. He counted eight balls of fire moving to reach him. Their speed were incredible. Leaving him little time. He thought of simply avoiding them, but he realized that he would be leaving the ape behind him to take unnecessary damage. Judging by the rage of the other ape he was not thinking clearly and fired aggressively. "I will not fail a second time..." He would glance once more at the weaken ape. Swiftly analyzing its chakra. Once he understood it, he would turn his gaze on the blazen orbs.  

Chakra began to seep from his being in rapid session, from every tenketsu within his body his chakra was erupted from. He pivot from his left foot into a rotation, extending his arms and hands to assist. At a speed of 119.5 he picked up speed to a post where he was barely visible within the center of his rotation as the chakra was swirling and condensing at a power of 60. He would remember that his chakra flow was less than the orbs and would utilize his precise chakra control to scale his justu power and health up to 132.5. The shell would expand and one would think that the ape behind him was in danger, but the results would be contrary to that belief. By understanding the chakra of the fallen beast he would deem him not a threat and someone worth protecting. The shell would expand to three meters and holding while protecting Souji and the ape from tge barrage of fire balls. As the flames would come into contact with the orb of chakra they would explode one after tge other creating a screen of smoke and possible causing a bit more damage to tge immediately area. Souji would notice that those flames were strong. Much stronger than the one those other ape used. The water around his rotation would swirl about it as it was pushed aside and lifted to the air in a spray. Fully masked behind the screen that the ruby ape's jutsu caused after colliding with the Hyuuga's defensive jutsu he would cease his spinning. His eyes would pierce through tge smog to find that the beast was still there within a good ten feet of him. 'I'd hate to do this to you, but...' He would think .

Dragon, tiger, hare and ram seals were swiftly formed in the cover of the smog. Chakra at the pit of his stomach was molded as he placed his left hand at his chest center. From his mouth erupted a jet stream of cone of water. It would abruptly shoot from the smog like a bullet and expand to a total of fifteen meters. Its power and speed would also be scaled to its max to hopefully catch tge ape off guard due to the sudden sneak attack and over power it to create a knockout - the increase of the jutsu would be raised to 75. Should the impact occur the ape would be knocked off its feet on to its back. The lingering water would spray around and land on the ground and other bodies of water and even the trees and leaves. 

Jutsu Used::

Souji would cease the flow of water from his mouth and bring this hands together to form another seal - Tiger > Rat > Boar > Serpent > Monkey > Rat > Dragon. Fiften centimer long and one centimeter thick needles would manifest from tge nearby source of water create by the Hyuuga. All formed exactly four meters around the ruby ape. There were a total of ten needles that would formed and hovered about tge ape, fixed on its precise location. By this time the smog was swept away and Souji would be seen standing before the fallen ape as if he was the one protecting it. It laid unharmed by his rotation and he held the seal that controlled the needles with all intentions of using them at a moments notice should tge ruby ape not back down. Though.... Souji understand if it didn't. "Don't make me do this... Stand down and let me tend to this one." He looked on intently. 
Jutsu used::

[WC: 2,231]
[Total WC:4,119]

AP Costs
Heavenly Palms Rotation [Mastered: +20 Power/Speed/Health] - 45

Suiton: Water Trumpet V7 - 22.5

Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death V7 - 30

AP Count: 1,103 - 97.5 = 1,005.5

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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:58 am
The battle between Zaine and the ape sporting Sapphire fur raged on in the distance and consisted mainly of ninjutsu clashes- the Uchiha continued to utilize his wind style techniques as to not harm the creature while still pushing it back and maintaining distance. Their battle seemed to be less aggressive and almost like a sparring match as content chanting and roaring came from the ape. Farther south in the training ground however, a battle that had much higher stakes was taking place and this battle was aimed at much more than testing strength.

The mighty gorilla looked on with his eyes widened as he found the young man's technique to be a spectacle- his opponent was spinning with such grace and speed that his movements were impossible not to gawk at. This however was not the aspect of the situation that had our simian friend confused and awe struck- he would raise his right paw as if he was reaching out to grab his fallen son as the rotating chakra sphere expanded to a point that it would reach the young simian. To the surprise of the Gorilla, the sphere expanded and actually covered his son, protecting him from the onslaught of the fireballs that he had sent in a furious rage- his head would cock to the side in utter confusion at this display. Was this not the same child that harmed his son and put him into such a state? Was he not the one who had destroyed a portion of their home? A soft but steady growl would erupt from the ape as he continued to watch the rotation be executed until its finale and as the water droplets that were kicked up from it settled back to the ground. A smog had been created that blocked the vision of the ape but for the time being he was not too worried about his inability to see the Hyuuga but he did want to ensure the safety of his family member. The ruby haired gorilla would slowly begin moving towards the position his son was laying in previously when a stream of water would fly out from the smog at a speed and power of 75- the ape having little time to react decided that he would take the brunt of the attack and braced himself by squatting down low and forming an 'X' shape with his arms. The jutsu was quite formidable in strength but lacked the strength that the Ruby haired Gorilla had- this would do nothing to diminish the pain felt by him but would cancel the ability of the jutsu to use its impact to send a target flying. The ape would maintain its position and continue to move forward after grunting and exhaling violently through its nostrils, emitting a thick steam that served as a drying agent.

The ape would look on as the boy was now visible to him and as he formed handsigns the only thing the large beast could think of was the current state of his son- looking over to him he would note that he was now breathing better but still unconscious. He would now wear a more relieved expression which would be strange considering that he was now surrounded by ten needles that had been formed from the chakra of his opponent- the ape would look from left to right noting them and would then return his view to Souji. The ape was completely capable of emitting a fire style technique known as "Blast Wave" that was omni directional and was capable of destroying these needles- but the display of the boy previously protecting his son peaked his interest and surprised him a great deal. The ape would begin to move towards his son, inching through the needles to the best of his ability, getting poked and possibly impaled in his arms and chest if the needles were not moved. As he made it to his sons position the large ape would pick him up, cradling him in his right arm and then moving towards Souji's position- the beast had understood the words of the young shinobi and was willing to allow him to help his son, though the over confidence by the boy made him a bit reluctant. He would place his son on the ground in front of the boy and take a step back, his gaze more calm but just as piercing as before- he maintained consistent vision on Souji to ensure nothing strange occurred and was more than close enough to intervene if necessary.

Gogyou Bushuugi
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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:31 am
'He's not...attacking? But why?' He would notion in silence. Gauging the ruby fur ape as it effortlessly defended against the surprise strike of Souji's Ninjutsu. The teen would proceed with his analysis of the situation as the beast pressed forward in his immediate direction. Not once bothering to care for the suspended senbons of water that hovered about it. As it entered their radius the beast would find that they fluid did not contain a solidified state, merely brushing up against it would not scrape or pierce, but merely wet its vibrant red fur. Souji's jutsu does not take lethal form until launched. This could be because the technique itself was used a tactic to keep the animal at bay, rather than actually cause further harm.  

Closer and closer the large animal draw near. Souji's heart beginning to pound at a rapid rate, growing more alert. Those eyes of his would notice something within the chakra of the animal... it was no longer hostile...instead it was wavering. Taken back by this, Souji stepped aside as he released his jutsu, canceling it. The rhythmic sound of the floating water crashing into the body of water that was created by him. His arms fell to his side as he watched as the ape took his child into its arms. "So, that is your child?" Murmured the Hyuuga, noting that the creature would then motion over to him and lay his son before his feet, while taking a steps back to give To his surprise, his words were understood? By an animal? This was clearly new to the boy, never did he expect a beast, no, ape to understand his speech. Though it understood him, its eyes remained heavy on him. The intensity of its gaze weighed on his shoulders. "I see... you can understand me. This is odd, never thought I'd be speaking to an animal... but, rest assured that I will help your son. It is my fault that he is hurt. My impulsive nature gotten the better of me, for that...I apologize." His words filled the air with a sincerity that came from his core. Coming to his knees, kneeling at the side of the animal he would use his eyes to scan over its being. Nothing major on the exterior but a few cuts. He would see to it that these were mended. "He has a few scratches along his arms and legs. One on his chest. I'll heal them but speeding up his blood clotting to scab over the wounds. Don't worry, you have my word that I will not cause further harm to him."  

Boar - was the seal that was formed to activate what was to follow. Holding out his hands, from the center of his palms a flicker of blue chakra expanded outward to coat his hand entirely. The flickering chakra would take a consistent form of a blue blaze of tranquility. Noting that this may seem startling, Souji would speak. "When I was a boy... much younger than I am now. My father would often put me through harsh training regiments." His palms to subtly lay over the scratches on the smaller apes arms. "They always consisted of precision, control, execution and honing the emotions. Precision...I was good at. Control, I managed fine. It was my execution and emotions that I couldn't grasp. That didn't please my father, not one bit. And when father was not pleased he did not shy away from showing it... He... he..." His eyes would begin to flood, were his Byakugan not active, his vision would have been clouded, but instead it was like a ripple in a pond. Tears streamed down his face, thinking about his past. Running to his chin, dropping to the chest of the ape. Far away from the scratch. His voice was shaky, but he did his best to maintain an audible speaking. His hands would move to another portion of the apes wounds - the legs. "...he would punish me, by any means that he saw fit. Often that meant nothing was beyond his discretion. Weapons, fire, water, stone, electricity, burial, near death experiences, beatings, lacerations, punctures, fractures, breaking of the bones, contusions, concussions, starvation, fluid deprivation, months confined to a dark place with zero sounds, bindings, suffocating, chakra sealing to near paralysis, nerve severing, branding, and more... he is not a man, not one of this world at least. Compared to him, you are nothing more than a harmless prime ape. He... he is the definition of a zero tailed beast. There was not sneaking around him, my best bet was to avoid him completely. But that was never possible. When I think of that man I thing of one thing...fear. Immobilizing, suffocating fear. He is my demon that haunts me at night... the night terror that renders me useless within my dreams. I know that there will be a time that he will come for me and he will find me and I may or may not be able to stop him... but I will try. Its either that...or run away." His hands would move from tge legs over to the chest. The wounds were healing nicely from what he could see, this manifested a small smirk on his face.  

"It odd to see... an animal showing greater care for his child, than a human, you know? But, I suppose animals have a deeper connection with each other that humans cannot quite understand. I guess I'm trying to say... You're a better father than my own... and that makes me happy." The healing was completed, all that was left now was to boost the apes energy. The glowing of his hands would cease, he formed another set of seals - rat and dog. Outstretched his arm and form a pinch with his thumb, index and middle fingers chakra began to bubble from the space between his fingers. Blinking in and out of space and time. This occurred for two seconds before a small round green pill was morphed into reality. "I'm going to give this to him, it should help him regain his energy. Its a military pill used by us shinobi to regain stamina." He added. Using his left hand to left tge head of the ape to a degree to prevent choking, he place the pill into its mouth. Directing his right hand to scoop up some water beside them, he would then cup it into the mouth of the ape to aid in swallowing the pill safely. This should be enough to help the ape back to its self.  

The Hyuuga would turn his gaze over to tge ruby fur ape, tears still within his eyes, now deactivating them. Lilac eyes would be seen. "Again, I apologize. To show my apology, I will return every day to help replant trees and plants to rebuild your home. I was unaware of the destruction my jutsu would bring, even more so of the fact that this was a home inhabited by you all. You have every right to be upset with me, I completely understand. I know all too well of the heart ache that a destroyed home brings. You have my word that I will see to it that your home is restored and I will personally protect it to prevent it from ever be destroyed again. Or you may hit me as many times as you see fit!" His words were stern. His expression was stern. He did not waver in his commitment to the ape, to the animals of this training grounds. He felt in his heart that he owed them more and this was the least he could do for the time being. He wasn't nearly as strong as he wished to be...but, he will get there in order to keep true to that promise.

[WC: 1,637]
[Total WC: 5,756]

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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Tue Dec 29, 2020 5:29 am
The actions of the young Hyuuga boy were enough to bring the ruby haired ape to a complete calm- the selflessness behind his gesture along with the accompanying words served as more than enough of a catalyst to put what had occurred prior behind them. Still, the offer to come back to the place of his mistake and assist in reforming their home was both noble and admirable- the ruby haired ape would take his son into his left arm, looking down at him and then up to Souji. He would lock eyes with the young man as he cried tears of lament over his past actions and situation- the words he had spoken while healing the youngling had cut deep and allowed the simian to peer into the very soul of the young shinobi and many things began to come clear. The boy had outrageous power, that much was undeniable but to think that it came at the cost of his very comfort, trust and innocence was almost too much to digest- the ruby haired ape would nod at Souji before exhaling and releasing a light puff of smoke from each nostril, signifying that he accepted his offer and hoped to see him again soon. The apes attention would shift as he peered over Souji's eft shoulder to see his sapphire haired companion walking its way back over to them, now only 6 meters from the two apes and the young Hyuuga. Zaine would be alongside the beast as it approached, his sharingan deactivated and a soft smile gracing his face. He had expected that his new pupil would be more than capable of overcoming this challenge and growing in power as he had hoped but he never thought such an emotional transition would take place- he was both proud and surprised at Souji's new development and was pleased with his performance.

"Well, it seems like you guys have wrapped things up here pretty nicely. Well, done Souji. You took good care of the little one and even managed to make a new friend." His left palm would slap the back of the sapphire haired ape as he continued "I think its about time they were able to head back to their home.. or whats left of it anyways" he said as he couldnt contain his laughter- he wanted his apprentice to understand that its okay to lose control so long as you learn from your mistakes and it seemed he was on track to do just that. The two apes of opposing colors would give one last grunt in tandem with large smiles before leaping into the trees to the left of the two shinobi and taking off into the expanse that was their habitat- this would leave Zaine to speak with Souji alone which was precisely what he wanted. He would take a seat on the ground and cross his legs and let out a sigh, "Go ahead and take a seat with me. Theres a few things that we should talk about given everything that just happened." He would wait until his student was seated and comfortable before continuing, "First off I want to start by saying, im sorry. That training exercise got a bit out of hand and I never intended for you to get caught up with opponents of that caliber. To be completely honest with you, if that ape had been taking it seriously the whole way through, you would have been in some serious trouble. But you handled it like a true, benevolent and kind hearted shinobi and for that i'm proud of you Souji." He would give him a moment, taking both of his hands and placing them behind his head as he continued to speak "However, as im sure youre painfully aware of.." He would look over to the path that Souji had carved through the training grounds and then back to the boy "If you dont have a solid handle on your abilities, things will get out of control and you'll hurt innocents around you. Which ironically is the entire lesson that I wanted to teach you today. You have to realize what power you hold and what it can do to EVERYTHING around you, or else you'll risk becoming a weapon against your loved ones."

"Of course, I didnt bring you here today to teach you a lesson that I could have just told you about. The real reason I brought you here was to bequeath the Fire Style element to you." His expression would now shift to one of grave importance as he needed Souji to understand the significance of this lesson in relation to the fire element. "Just look at how much damage you were able to do with water, the element of freedom and rejuvenation. The destructive capabilities of fire go far beyond this and can become a detriment in the wrong hands.. hell you could even end up killing yourself if you aren't careful. But, I believe you're at a stage where you can handle it with the proper training and discipline so, Souji, lets not waste anymore time." Standing up all at once he would look down at the boy and motion for him to rise with his right hand- his eyes would shift without him closing them from their golden yellow to the matured form of the three tomoe sharingan as he readied himself for what came next. "I assume you got a good look at the chakra network of those fire simians correct? I figured your Byakugan would give you a decent idea of how their chakra was moving as you watched the jutsu they expelled move from their bodies and take form. Now, watch me and repeat." He would make the Tiger handseal as he pivoted in a 180 degree fashion with his back now to Souji and let out a stream of fire similar to the one he used to cook the apple from earlier in their training- he would hold the stream of fire for 10 seconds before stopping it and speaking again, his back still to his student. "Fire Release: Fire Stream, its a jutsu used to teach shinobi the basics of the element and its a core part of most fire style techniques, especially those expelled from the mouth. You will do this jutsu 300 times within the next hour, or youll have to restart until you get it right. Only then will I teach you a jutsu that was passed from my father to me and from his to him, the pride of the Uchiha clan." Walking slightly to the left of Souji he would cross his arms, his expression blank as he watched on, hoping his student would be up for this challenge and realize that there was no way he could accomplish such a task "alone". 


Jutsu used:

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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:18 pm
Lilac eyes of the teen rested on the vibrant, yet bold ruby fur of the ape. Souji observed as it picked up its son into its arms. Noting the acknowledgement of the creature's acceptance of his offer to return, to rebuild. This pleased him, despite his eyes being filled with tears that eventually ebbed. The Hyuuga also noticed the return of the other ape along with Zaine - who seem to be more than fine with his prior opponent. Once both apes were out of the immediate area, all that was left was Zaine and his student. It would appear that this was what Zaine wanted.

Glancing over to the Uchiha, Souji responded. "I'm not deserving of your praise, Zaine Sensei. I should have been more aware of my power." His gaze fell, heavy thoughts on his consciousness, despite making amends for it. It was a tough swallow for him, unfortunately. His sensei's movements would evoke his attention. Seeing him sit and crossing his legs registered to the teen that this was one of those moments where a heart to heart was in order, the gesture was recognized when his biological mother would do the same right before, or after something bad happens. He was asked to sit with Zaine... after a few moments of analyzing the situation he would give in, "Fine... I suppose you're right." motioning over and siting two feet before the Uchiha, one foot firm onto the ground where his knee was towered, aimed to the sky. His left leg outstretched before subtly wrapping it over his right foot. His right arm mounted over his knee and his left hand before him as he rest his chin in between his elbow he would lock eyes with his teacher.  

To his apology started tge conversation, taken back by this, Souji remained quiet and continued to accept the words that followed. His words held truth, Souji felt that the ape was not really giving it his all...the flashback of the ape blocking his jutsu and then moving closer despite the suspended needles showed proof of that. Returning to the present, he would lower his gaze to the dampen sand between them. "No... you did what you did to get your lesson across, i cannot accept your apology for successfully teaching me something. It's I who should be apologizing for what I did to their home... I panicked and allowed my power to get away from me. I know that much now." calmly he met with his eyes again.  

Zaine's words moved with a weight of two, maybe three villages... His tone was stern and he spoke truth, truth that the Hyuuga could not and would not shy away from. The last thing that he wanted was to become a weapon against the very people he wish to protect. The imagine of Mizuki burned into visual for him, then Zaine...Sebastian...a few of the Village folks. His right fist would clenched as he grabbed hold of himself, mentally fortifying himself. "Wait...what?" He was told of being blessed with the affinity of fire, one of the five elements that was said to be both versatile and dangerous. It was all beginning to make sense to him now. 'I see... so that's why he brought me here. To use my Byakugan to analyze and gain a idea of how fire chakra works. Zaine Sensei...' He thought, while his expression still spoke little shock from his learning of what was just spoken to him. With a blink, Souji immediately notes the shift in the Uchiha's expression, more so to a stern one. Again, he was reminded of what could happen if he lacked control or awareness. He would nod, "I got it... I'll be sure to keep that in mind moving forward."  

The two would stand at the same time, Souji getting to his feet first due to how he was sitting. He would move in sync with Zaine as the yellow eyes of the Uchiha shifted to crimson with three matured tomoes. His lilac eyes glazed over to a pearlescent ones with swelled veins around the temples and eyes. "Naturally... the chakra is gathered at the core of the body, thus the chakra churns and knead as if being heated in a furnace, it is then pressurized as it travels the network along the course of being expelled and takes an rapid Igniting upon coming into contact with oxygen." Just as he described it, the same thing took place within the body of the Uchiha. It was what came next that would take the boy for a loop. "You want me to do what? 300 times within the next hour?" Souji was foggy on what he was suppose to do to manage this order... watchinf Zaine walk to the left of him as he crossed his arms, the Hyuuga would ponder to himself before coming to the idea. His face would light up as he formed the Shadow clone jutsu seal. To the left and right of him manifest the shroud of smoke that screened two additional Souji in them. The smoke clearing would reveal these identical clones, one of which hand an expressionless face, more nonchalant than the other and the original. The three stood side by side of each other and formed the very same seals the original witnessed Zaine form. Collecting and molding their chakra within their core to mimic his master's and the ape's chakra pattern. The hardest part about this was the kneading the chakra to alter to those degrees as well as shade. It took several minutes before one, the original Souji managed to grasp the changing of chakra. He was foolishly - "...Listen up... I think I understand. We're separating our chakra perfectly, we are however not approaching the binding of pure chakra with heat, instead we have been going about it as if we were using water... water is mostly a tranquil and powerful element. Fire is raging and unruly...this is going to sound crazy...but think about how much you hate the heat and all that comes with it..." His words would surprisingly bare fruit in them as their chakra would alter to a reddish orange at the core and three streams of flames expelled from thier lips. The success was heavily felt, but there was no time to celebrate just yet. He had a ninety-nine more to go each. The clones would suffice in helping him reduce his training time as well as increase his knowledge once the clones are dispersed.  

As this took place, multiple more tried were made. Each one seemed to be more comfortable to the Hyuuga as they produced the flames more smoothly and more controlled. One of the clones eventually spread ground between the other two and held a specific focus on its training with that technique. Occasionally glancing over to the original Souji and somewhat glaring at Zaine. Could this be...?

By the final minute of the hour given to the boy, he was now more comfortable with the technique and the heat of the flames that came with it. He felt odd releasing fire from his person, it was annoying to him and caused him to sweat quite a bit. The very thought of learning fire release never crossed his mind, but he must admit, this could be useful to him. Once they were done, Souji would look to the Uchiha. "Damn... that's extremely hot for a low chakra jutsu... what is that, E rank?" He inquired while gaining himself. 

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{Souji learned Fire Release and Fire Release: Fire Stream from Zaine}
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