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Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

The Food Shelter Empty The Food Shelter

Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:34 am
Mission Name: Ration Delivery
Rank: E rank
Type: Delivery
Character Requirements: Genin+
Mission Location: Konoha
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 ryo, 1 military pill.


There is a man who is shrouded with mystery. They say he is the one who supplies the military rations, and other small useful edibles that provide benefits to the village. Knowledge of said individual is by far the rarest, but he delivers each week without fail by the batches.

His only request. Is that these are required to be delivered by shinobi as in the hands of normal civilians things can go drastically wrong. We want you to deliver the supply of rations to the market district. And their respective suppliers. With your pay you will be rewarded generously as well. For good service.
The Food Shelter Konoha10

Finishing her meal at the Ichiraku Noodle Bar, Blaisa could be found walking on the battered roads of one of the busiest streets in Konohagakure.  With the weather bright and shiny, the revitalized Sarutobi had no choice but to grab a bite to eat and see what the day had in store for her.  Roaming from store to store, Blaisa was simply looking for something to do on her day off.  She had just returned from a scouting mission the other day and wanted nothing more than to take the day to relax.  Peeking around the corner to her right, she could see a mysterious shadow that led down a dark alleyway.
The Sarutobi’s curiosity peaked as something did not sit right with her about the shadow’s presence.  Walking down the alleyway path, a mysterious figure who turned about to be a fellow Konoha ninja began to walk towards Blaisa in the opposite direction.  ‘Hmmm?’, she began to think to herself, stopping in her tracks to analyze the shinobi.  As a clear view of light fully revealed his silhouette, Blaisa could immediately tell that the Leaf shinobi was of a higher rank than her – at least Chuunin or above.
As the shinobi got closer, Blaisa could also see that he was carrying a set of boxes – three stacked right on top of each other.  The shinobi peeked around the boxes that he was carrying and noticed the Sarutobi’s presence as he began to sigh in what seemed to be relief.  “Oh, thank god a Genin like you is here, Blaisa.”, the shinobi began to speak.  “Kezu Inuzuka.  Pleased to meet you.”, Kezu began to speak directed towards Blaisa.  Her curiosity already fulfilled, Blaisa knew that nothing good could’ve came from someone of higher rank being thankful that she was there – history has taught her that this means that there’s some work about to head her way. 
Looking back up at Kezu, the young shinobi let out a mild sigh of annoyance before responding, “Blaisa Sarutobi.  What is it going to be this time?”, she would say in a friendly but bitter tone.  Kezu simply looked down at Blaisa and let out a lighthearted chuckle, “At least you’re not running!  Most Genin I’ve dealt with usually run when they see a ninja like me in need.”, he would finish.  ‘Well duh….  Too bad I didn’t think that was an option fast enough...'. she thought to herself silently with an expression of dread. 
Containing a friendly smile on his face, Kezu explained to Blaisa that there were boxes of rations that needed to be delivered to the market district.  The newly elected Hokage had instated a law in which all restaurants, grocery stores, and pharmacies were to donate their leftover stock to his newly constructed Food Shelter in order to supply food and rations to those in need.  After hearing Kezu’s reasoning, Blaisa closed her eyes and looked down to the ground revealing a wide smile in return.  The Sarutobi’s mood towards the Inuzuka had changed as the Hokage’s actions had begun to warm her heart.  “Tell me where it is, and I’ll deliver it as quickly as I can.”, she would respond to Kezu in a now light-hearted tone.
The Market District located in Southern Konoha.”, Kezu would say in rebuttal to Blaisa’s question, as he set the boxes down before turning around to grab another load.  Attempting to pick up all three of Kezu’s boxes at once, Blaisa strained to do so as the boxes were much heavier than she had first anticipated.  Forming the clone seal, Blaisa spawned in two shadow clones for them to assist her with the delivery of supplies.  As the trio of Blaisa made their way towards the District that they were directed to go towards, she viewed her surroundings to take another note of the various reconstruction projects that were occurring within the village.  This brought a smile to her face, as that meant the village was taking more steps closer to regaining their greatness.
Dropping off the boxes at the Food Shelter, Blaisa waved goodbye to the chef whom had received the supplies from her as she headed back home to the Sarutobi District.

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Last edited by Blaisa Sarutobi on Sun Dec 06, 2020 7:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Food Shelter Empty Re: The Food Shelter

Sun Dec 06, 2020 10:28 am
Please claim the mission rewards: 500 Ryo + Military Pill. Bump once edits are made.
Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

The Food Shelter Empty Re: The Food Shelter

Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:38 pm
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Food Shelter Empty Re: The Food Shelter

Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:36 pm
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