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Reading on a peaceful day, hopefully (solo Empty Reading on a peaceful day, hopefully (solo

Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:02 pm
Orokana sighed as he was awoken by the morning sun. He hated waking up this way as he mumbled curses to himself and then he slowly started to get dress. His day was just getting started and he already hated it. He then mumbled as he was slowly getting clothed and then working on breakfast. He wore a white tunic and some pants, he didnt plan on leaving the home today. He shook his head and then pulled out a book after he grabbed a banana for his meal and went to sit down on a chair. He slowly ate the banana as he started to read the book. It was a weird book that seemed to be about tarot card readings. Well at least it seemed interesting. 

"The lovers

The Lovers — Symbolism

In The Lovers trump we find three distinct characters representing three different functions of human consciousness.

The male figure in the card personifies the conscious mind with its powers of reasoning and concentration. He focuses his attention on the woman, a symbol of the subconscious mind. The female, representing the subconscious, instinctive, intuitive and emotional component, concentrates on the angel hovering in the sky. She is able to contact the archangel (Raphael), implying that her powers are the means by which we attain spiritually altered states. Raphael, the archangel associated with healing, is extending his blessings of balance, health and harmony upon the two characters. The three individuals in the card depict the tribune nature within every person. We possess a conscious mental aspect involved in focusing and analysing our world through the five senses. Also, we have a subconscious mind where memories are stored and wherein heightened sensitivity transports us into a world filled with symbolism: knowledge of the past, present and future: and the perception of inner. invisible realms. Raphael, the third member of this trinity of mind power, represents super or spiritual consciousness, the connection to the power and vibration of the Creative God Force within ourselves. On a personal level, Raphael indicates contact with the soul or spiritual essence through a conscious choice (represented by the male figure) to tap and utilise the female or subconscious powers of time, altered states, meditation and travel through dimensions. The nudity of the man and woman symbolises honesty in the relationship.

The Lovers — Imagery

They are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, man's classical Biblical confrontation with choice, temptation and correct decision-making.

The Lovers represent a marriage between two individuals in the sight of God.

Metaphysically, The Lovers can be viewed as the commencement of the mysterious alchemical marriage, a bonding between two parts of one's self or between two people, that will be fully consummated in the Temperance trump. The angel is the Archangel Raphael, healing, blending, harmonising and balancing our mind and emotions, our lesser and greater selves.

The combining of the Anima and Animus."

This is all interesting yet he didnt really care. It all seemed kinda fake to him. Fate wasnt a real thing and gods werent either. He only knew that he was a man that could control people with his chakra to a degree. But religion controls a lot of people. Maybe if he wanted to control people better then his genjutsu could he could start a religion. But he shook his head for now, it wasnt a good idea to start something without planing. Besides all this lover reading had made him a bit annoyed. People didnt need people did they? He slowly stood up and closed the book for know as he mumbled and thought to himself. 

he sighed and then he put away the book and grabbed another one. He knew most of his books he grabbed form an old book store closing down. And maybe something would be interesting. This one was about reiki and he tilted his head as he started to read.

"Way back in Kindergarten or Pre-school when you were first learning to read, your teachers likely gave you books and lessons that were the beginnings of your learning. These were the basics. These materials were referred to as "Primer", and they prepared you for later learning. This section is for the absolute beginner to Reiki as they begin their Reiki Journey, in essence a "Reiki Primer". In this section you will find a basic understanding of Reiki, what it is, how it works, and what you need to do to get started.

Reiki is an enlightenment system and a healing art. Some focus more on one aspect than the other. That is, some teach Reiki only as a healing system while others may teach it only as a spiritual system. Either is Reiki. Reiki is primarily used in the West (i.e., the United States, Europe, Australia) as a healing system.

The system of Reiki was invented and developed by a man named Mikao Usui (pronounced Me-ka-oh 00h-su-ee) in the early 1900's. Reiki is often translated to mean "Universal Life Energy", but can also mean enlightenment or the coming of together of the Universal Spirit of Creation with our own.

Mikao Usui trained a number of teachers of this system. Many of those teachers taught students of their own. There are many lines of Reiki practiced in Japan from these teachers. Usui founded a school there that is said to maintain his original teachings. This school is called the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. They generally are a closed club and do not share information with outsiders.

Reiki as practiced in the west comes from the teachings of Mrs. Hawayo Takata. Mrs. Takata was a student of Chujiro Hayash, a retired Naval Officer and student of Mikao Usui. Most western Reiki practices come from the teachings of Mrs. Takata.

At its most basic level, Reiki is a set of five principles for living, a set of hand positions for treating self and others, and the receiving of an attunement to connect to the reiki energy. An attunement (or empowerment) is a simple ceremony that helps you to reconnect to the energy that is reiki performed by a Reiki teacher or "master"..

There are three levels in Reiki. In level one, you learn the reiki principles, the hand positions and then receive an attunement. In level two, you learn the three reiki symbols, distance healing and receive another attunement. In level three, you learn the reiki master symbol, the attunement process, how to teach, and receive the master attunement.

Reiki works by simple laying of hands and intent. It helps brings us back into harmony with the Universal life energy. This is often healing.

In reiki you do not use your own energy but let this loving Universal life energy flow through you to others. People who do reiki are often called "reiki channels" or that one "channels" reiki. This word "channel" has several meaning in the new age communities and in common use might mean "channel" as in spirits. It needs to be clearly stated here that reiki is not about channeling spirits. The word "channel" here in relation to reiki simply means that we are in tune with this Universal life energy and let it flow.


practice Reiki. In 1938, while Dr. Hayashi was visiting Hawaii, he initiated Takata as a Reiki Master. She was the thirteenth master initiated by Dr. Hayashi. Her certificate, notarized on February 21, 1938 gave her the status of a Reiki Master and authorized her to teach the system. Mrs. Takata initiated 22 masters. Most of these 22 masters are alive and still practicing and teaching Reiki today.

At some point the Reiki system taught to Takata from Hayashi changed. Many of the meditative and spiritual practices (that are now being rediscovered as they are released from Japan) were missing. It is unclear as to why this was done. It is unknown if she was not taught them by Hayashi, or if they were dropped because Westerners could not understand them. In any case, there were not passed along to the vast majority of practitioners in the west. Perhaps this is why so many people attempted to add spiritual practices from Tibet and other places in an attempt to "fill in the gaps" that they perceived were missing. Reiki in this Hayashi - Takata Tradition is most commonly known as "Usui Shiki Ryoho".

After the death of Mrs. Takata, Reiki in America split into two main schools. They were the Radiance Technique (aka "Real Reiki") founded by Barbara Weber Ray, and the Reiki Alliance founded by Phyllis Lei Furumoto (Takata's grand daughter) and the remaining Masters of Mrs. Takata. Mrs. Furumoto began to claim as time went on, that she was now the "Grand master and Lineage Bearer" of Reiki, and recently that she held the "spiritual lineage". The Alliance and its members acknowledge Phyllis Furumoto as the current "Grand master" and "lineage bearer" of Reiki. While Mrs. Furumoto is certainly the current head of the Reiki Alliance, and of the lineage of Usui-Hayashi-Takata, which brought Reiki into the United States and much of the world, there clearly exists no Grand master designation that Usui passed onto anyone.

Reiki has evolved substantially since the time of Takata's death in the western world. Reiki has spread throughout the United States and Europe, and India. Many masters have added or taken away some techniques and modified the teachings. Some have added Tibetan Techniques, Chi Kung, Wicca, New Symbols and whole new styles have been created. There are now styles such as Raku Kei Reiki, Vajra Reiki, Essene Reiki, Karuna Reiki DE Seichim Reiki, Tera Reiki, as well as several non-traditional Usui 

Variants. The vast majority of practitioners are Independent Reiki Masters.

So there you now have the history of reiki. Try to remember, as you read this, that none of it matters one iota. The reiki history, was Usui's journey and realization, of *what is*. His journey is our journey. He experienced Satori, and from his experience of *what is*, set out this system as a pointer to the truth. The history is now

Section 5 - Was Reiki "Rediscovered" 

Did Reiki Come from Tibet?

It is commonly taught these days that reiki was "rediscovered" by Usui. This is taught most commonly in the Usui/Tibetan Schools and found in such books as "Essential Reiki" by author Diane Stein. Some, noticing some similarities between reiki and the Tibetan practice of empowerments by a master and Tibetan practices such as Medicine Buddha, began to claim that Reiki predates Usui's discovery and is in reality from Tibet. Still others developed new sources for this "tibetan history", and began to "channel" spirits, guides and other beings who told them reiki was indeed from Tibet (or Egypt, Atlantis, the Mayans, the Lemurians, etc. depending on which spirit you happen to be channeling).


The earliest statements regarding reiki coming from Tibet that I have been able to find, appear to come from Arthur Robertson's work in Raku Kei Reiki. Raku Kei Reiki was an invention of Arthur Robertson. He was a student of Iris Ishikuro who was herself a Master student of Mrs. Takata. This style was invented in America after Mrs. Takata has passed away in 1980. Raku Kei incorporates the Hui Yin (i.e., microcosmic orbit), the Breath of the Fire Dragon (Violet Breath, golden breath technique) and other Tibetan practices.

Usui states in his own words, in the Usui Reiki Nikkei (Usui Reiki Manual given to his students) that, "My Usui Reiki Ryoho is an original, it's nothing like this in the world. So I would like to release this method to the public for everyone's benefit and hope for everyone's happiness. My Reiki Ryoho is an original method based on intuitive power in the universe. By this power, body gets healthy and enhances happiness of life and peaceful mind." Going on he states that, "I've never been given this method by anybody nor studied to get psychic power to heal. I accidentally realized that I have received healing power when I felt the air in mysterious way during fasting. So I have a hard time explaining exactly even I am the founder. Scholars and men of intelligence have been studying this phenomenon but modern science cant solve it. But I believe that day will come naturally."

From his own words, Usui states that his art is original and like nothing else in the world. He does not mention Tibet, Lemuria, Atlantis, Guides, Jesus, Buddha, chakras, spirit guides or anything else that is commonly taught along with reiki. He also does not mention that he "rediscovered" it.

It is also commonly taught that Reiki comes from Tibet, Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayans, the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Council, the Federation of Light, the Brotherhood of Light and even the space aliens. Usui's own words from his manual would seem to be in contradiction to these claims. Others have claimed that Reiki has roots going back well over 2,500 years, as well as those that speculate that it is the same healing system used by Jesus, Krishna, and the Buddha. Indeed some even make the claim that Jesus ventured into Tibet and India and learned Reiki from Tibetan Masters (see Diane Stein's "Essential Reiki"). Still others claim Reiki is from Egypt, Atlantis, and even from Lemuria over 100,000 years ago. Tibet has several touch healing systems, none of which are Reiki and it is inappropriate to call them Reiki. There is no historical evidence that Reiki ever existed in Egypt. There does not appear historically to have ever been any touch healing systems like Reiki or Seichim in Egypt. Atlantis disappeared and took her secrets with her. Atlantis and Lemuria, while the subject of great interest, if they existed, took their secrets with them when they were destroyed. There is no reason to believe that Reiki existed before Usui.

It is also commonly taught that Usui learned or discovered Reiki by reading the Buddhist Sutras. It is often stated that since Usui discovered Reiki by reading the Sutras, it must therefore have been a buddhist art that predated his discovery of it. Since countless millions have read the Diamond and Lotus (and other) Sutras and not ever seen anything that described Reiki or discovered Reiki, It should be safe to assume that the sutras, while they may have been a great inspiration, were not the source of Reiki.

In all likelihood, Reiki was a combination of several different arts and techniques that existed and were in practiced during Usui's lifetime that he combined after he had a satori (enlightenment experience or moment of oneness). Morihei Tanaka was alive at the time and in the same general area teaching his Dai Rei Do and his system used Rei Shi Jitsu or Universal energy to heal. My information also indicates that this school used Reiju as their empowerment process. Reiju was the original process to empower students that evolved into attunements in the western systems of reiki. (It was also rumored that Usui had studied with Tanaka but that cannot be confirmed.) Another school developed at this time was


called Omoto Kyo. This was developed by Onisaburo Deiguchi. His practices used eating healthy food and diet and energy healing. Deiguchi's system was further developed by Mokichi Okada who developed Sei Kai Kyu Sei Kyo better known as Johrei and as the Johrei Fellowship Worldwide. Johrei also uses Reiju to empower its followers. Finally Ki Ko was the Japanese practice of Chi Kung. Ki Ko techniques were widely known in Japan and found their way into many systems including Aikido which was developed around the same time that Reiki was. Techniques such as hatsurei ho and other practices in the original Usui system were obviously from Ki Ko. It is most likely that Reiki evolved from these and other practices in Japan that Usui learned and studied.

Section 6 - Other issues in Reiki

There are several areas that are often taught along with reiki but are not Reiki. These are things such as Reiki "Guides", acquiring psychic powers, chakras, the "21 day cleanse" and the energy exchange. These will be addressed in this section.

Reiki Guides

"Guides" in Reiki is not a part of reiki but is often taught along with Reiki. Reiki books such as Diane Stein's "Essential Reiki" and in William Rand's teachings talk and teach the meeting of your "Reiki Guides". In the teachings of Usui, Hayashi, and Takata there was not training or teaching to meet "guides". These practices were taken from Shamanism, Spiritism, New Age and other sources and added into reiki in an attempt to explain how reiki works or the intuition that many people expeience as a result of the mindfulness and healing that is reiki.

Some authors, such as Diane Stein, invented the idea that the Reiki "guides" do the attunement and make corrections for mistakes. "Belief" in guides is simply that, another belief. Some find the idea of guides meaningful, while others find it contradicts other beliefs that their religion might have.

There are those that believe that your "guides" are merely your intuition manifesting itself in a safe and acceptible format that you can process, and thus the "guides" are an anthromorphication of your own intuition. Others believe these are a real phenomena and channel all sorts of guides. Many people's guides give them information that contradicts what other's guides have told them. It is confusing to say the least. Whatever your belief regarding guides, recognize clearly that it is a belief, and that guides are an add-on to reiki and not necessary to practice reiki or do it effectively.

Psychic Powers

Other books discuss the theme that Reiki and the attunements give you (or cause an increase in) psychic powers, clairvoyance, and other psychic skills. The Usui Reiki Ryoho System was not designed to develop psychic powers. In Usui's manual, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Hikkei, he states clearly that Reiki was not about using or developing psychic powers. Many teachers sell this idea that receiving a reiki attunement enhances psychic powers. Doing Reiki or receiving an attunement will not give you psychic powers. The Attunement is a wonderful spiritual experience and a joyous experience to receive. For some people it may also increase psychic sensitivity, increase intuitive awareness, and other psychic abilities, and for others it might not. Either way, these things are not reiki.



i Chakras are energy vortexes and are information that is part of many Indo-Tibetan Systems. Chakras were not taught as part of the Original Reiki System but were added on to the many Usui/Tibetan and Tibetan Reiki Schools that sprang up in America since the mid 1980's. Some masters teach Chakras as part of the system along with reiki.

Some schools and/or Independent Non-Traditional Masters teach techniques such as "opening chakras", "closing chakras", that they spin clockwise and what that means, that they spin anti-clockwise and what that is supposed to mean. There is not always a general consensus on what colors the various charkas are supposed to be and different schools and people see them differently. Some reiki teachers have taken from their new age practices of using pendulums to determine the "spin" of a chakra, or using it as a yes/no oracle to determine if the chakra is "blocked". In my own experience, I have not found much concurrence of opinion as to whether or not it is open or blocked among those that practice such techniques. Chakra work is a complicated skill. It is taught as part of several healing traditions outside of reiki and takes many months, if not years, to master even at higher level. It is certainly not something that could be taught in a weekend reiki class. If you do not have specific, extensive, instruction in manipulating chakras outside of your reiki class then I would suggest to you that you not engage in techniques such as these. Remember that reiki is simple. Doing reiki is passive, by doing nothing everything is done. Manipulating chakras is an active act and would seem inconsistent with doing reiki in this manner.

The 21 Day Cleansing Cycle

This is another area that was not originally in the Reiki system but is often taught along with reiki. When you receive your Reiki attunements you may experience some cleansing. Cleansing can be emotional release, your body purifying itself of toxins, illnesses healing, or letting go of problems. I have known some people to report dark heavy urine or loose stools following and attunement. It is my understanding that "Cleansing" was not taught as a part of Usui's original teachings. Some schools teach that the cleansing occurs in a 21 day cleansing cycle. Other masters teach that there is a "healing crisis" that can occur. Presumably implying that the attunements are so powerful that they can precipitate a severe emotional release in some people which can be a "crisis".

Several of the traditions that I learned taught the 21 day cleanse (there are 7 chakras and 3 days of cleansing for each chakra or alternatively relating to Usui's 21 days on Mt. Kurama). In my own case, I did not have any "healing crisis" and I kept waiting for it to happen. Although I could do reiki, i began to wonder if perhaps something was "wrong" since I was not cleansing and so many others reported that they were.

Having done extensive work as a therapist in mental health as well as alcohol areas, I have noticed some things over the years regarding group process. An observation ( more so than that it is actually well documented and researched) that researchers who have studied group process, and alcoholic therapy group process in particular found that the stories that people tell of their past experiences change from the time they enter the group over time. When they enter they will discuss their symptoms that brought them to treatment, but will begin incorporating elements that seem to bring group approval. For example the number of "blackouts" they report increases, they will incorporate these details into their presentations which become more alike over time (This was compared in the research studies to pre group individual interviews and other measures such as observation by peers and family). It is both a process of group pressure and dynamics, as well as confabulation.


' I bring all this up, because it seemed to me that was a part of what I was seeing. That is not to say that I doubted the veracity of the people telling the stories. Nor is it to say that I doubt they experienced the symptoms or anything else. What I noticed was that people tended to take what they experienced and mold it into that 21 day cleanse model. When you are told you will cleanse, and are supported in group process by others anecdotally telling their stories, you will tend to process your experience through that filter and "see" what you expect to. This can take away from the direct experience of just Being Reiki, from your own direct experience of *what it* and into the realm of other's conditioned beliefs of what you should be.

My observation was that people "cleansed" as they thought or expected that they should. When I have shared this "insight" with people on some e-lists and BB's, people have generally not been very receptive to it. Some wrote me and called me cold hearted and insensitive, closed minded, unfeeling, an elitist stuck on that "traditional stuff', while some others wrote things that I will not re-print that were less nice.

I have observed this phenomena in people that I have taught. At first I would teach the "cleansing" model, and people would cleanse. They would even talk about it as if it were a tangible thing, something to be proud of as if a sign of passage. As i began to learn more of the history of reiki, I could find lines where this was taught as "conventional wisdom" but could not find it in early teachings. So I dropped it. The funny thing was, in classes where I taught straight reiki with no add-ons, and I did not teach the 21 day cleanse, no one seemed to cleanse. I have always tried to be available to people for follow up and always extended the offer and invitation for them to contact me in the event that they experienced some healing "crisis" but that rarely ever happened.

It needs to be stated here that what I have written in no way should be thought of as to diminish the suffering of another. Nor should it be read as to take away from any difficulties that you may have had. Nor is it to imply that "it is all in your head". The issue here is not whether the "21 day cleanse" exists or not, or even if "cleansing" exists or not. It is rather that to conceptualize this subject in this fixed format, fast food, one size fits all way is to diminish the wondrous unique individual response that people have to attunements. It forces us to place our experience and being into a pre-molded form. In doing so, we move from our own being and experience to wondering how well we fit the mold. You cannot imagine how many questions and letters I have receive asking if their attunement worked since they did not seem to have a 21 day cleanse. Others have written asking if it is normal that their experience lasted 40 days, or 100. Still others have written discussing with me that they noticed that on day 14 of their cleanse they "should be cleansing the throat chakra (or heart, or root, or third eye, etc.)" but they feel it in the heart or another location, and is that normal and ok? These simple examples illustrate to the reader here that by teaching these ideas in this manner we force people away from their direct experience of BEing Reiki into molding their experience with reiki into what other's beliefs regarding it are.

Reiki is about change. Most notice after taking reiki that there are changes in their lives, many unforeseeable. All people experience reactions to the attunements to some degree. This is healing, aligning, changing.

What we experience following an attunement is nothing to worry or fear. It is unique for each person. Make sure that you discuss with your teacher any problems you have. It is commonly taught that the best way to deal with any post attunement symptoms is to drink lots of water. This helps flush from the


system any toxins released and helps keep you grounded. Additionally doing daily full body self treatments helps considerably.

One final word regarding "cleansing". I again stress that reiki is about change. People come to reiki because they want to heal. Think regarding this. What is it that you want changed in your life? What is it you need healed? These things are part of your life and may be areas that you will heal. Also, if you are experiencing any psychological conditions, there is the possibility that as you are healing they might seem worse as they begin to be worked through. For example, if you are depressed or have just experienced a loss. Above all else, if you have any difficulties, problems, or emotional healing that is troublesome contact your Reiki Teacher.

Energy Exchange

This concept of energy exchanges is one that was dogmatized into the practices of the The Reiki Alliance as they codified what their understanding of Reiki was in the first years after Mrs. Takata passed away. The idea or concept of energy exchanges is the idea that if one receives a gift, such as Reiki, that there must be an equal exchange of energy to "balance" things out, so the universal balance is maintained. This philosophy was added to Reiki by students of Mrs. Takata.

It is said, that Mrs. Takata believed that Westerners would not value Reiki unless they paid dearly for the Training and so used this to charge the $10,000 price for Reiki Master training. Later masters added in the idea of "energy exchange" in order to justify this practice of high charges. This was never part of the original teachings of Usui. Some of the masters trained by Mrs. Takata made their Master students promise to earn their living only from doing Reiki. While this had the effect of developing very dedicated healers, it also had the effect of making Masters very competitive. Additionally, they became very selective in accepting master students as a result. So as you can see, issues of money, business, and competition entered the picture and from all this developed the idea of energy exchanges.

Some advance the arguement that everything is energy and money "represents energy". That is, that money is a form of energy that is used to get other things. It is a form that is valued by others. (If we wrote this in a formula, would it be: if money is "energy", then money energy = spiritual energy?)

Some say that not keeping the exchange "creates a vacuum in the universe". Some say that if they do not charge they "dishonor reiki". Others teach that if an exchange is not done there is a "karmic imbalance". Others teach that people will not accept the worth of what you offer if you do not charge. Still others feel that if they don't charge that the message you sent to the universe is that you are not worthy of receiving anything. My friends, ideas such as "honoring reiki", feeling worthy, balance, creating a vacuum, maintaining karmic balance, are not about honor, they are about money, they are about ego. They are ways we are attached to the outcome of doing reiki, ways that maintain the illusion of separateness. People heal when they are ready, paying money will not change this. Honor comes from holding something dear in our being. It again needs to be stressed, that these words are not to disparage anyone, or be negative toward charging but rather to clean up some of the arguments of justification that people use. The Universe *I5*. Reiki *IS*. Balance, as is conceived of here is human contrivance and ego. What *IS* does not need us to keep a score sheet." 

He sighed deeply and closed this one. It was more interesting then the others but it seemed a bit crazy for him. But it was about some cool things he guessed. Orokana wasnt much for spiritual things so he was kinda weirded out. He then tilted his head again as he was trying to think. softly walking to his closest he decided to leave and walk outside. mumbling to himself as he wanted have a nap. 
Orokana woke up after a nap not knowing what to learn. he got all the genjutsu he cared about for now and did not know what to do. he got up dressed, ate, and head out for the day thinking of what should he do now. he thought ninjutsu learning but that was bland. he shrugged and thought he should try finding something in his book store. Orokana was reading a book he found in his favorite book store. he kept reading it. for once it wasn't a genjutsu book, but it was a weaponry book about how to use a sword. oro kept reading and was interested to learn this, but he needed his katana sharped. he closed the book and walked out of the store, thanking the owner for the book. Orokana was walking down a street he never walked down before, only because there was a old blacksmith here. he was walking down to the shop with people, all buff and old looking at him. Orokana was not the tallest or the strongest, in all honestly he was very weak muscle wise. he walked into the store and a man with a heavy accent said "what do you want mate." sounded like he was not found of oro already. "I'm looking for someone to sharpen my katana." Orokana said casually. the man starred at Orokana. he could tell he was not a fan of him. "can you even hold the damn thing? can you even swing it boy? it would be a waste of metal for me to give you one." then man mocked him. Orokana looked the man dead in the eyes. "don't worry your pretty little head if I can swing the thing or not, I am a customer and I am asking for a katana, if you deny me I promise you, you will be in a very real, very awake nightmare. now. give. me. the. katana." Orokana threated. the man held his glaze and then nodded firmly.  "ok one katana for you, with a sheath too. now get lost." the man threw him the katana. "why thank you master blacksmith, I will be seeing you." Orokana said walking out. asshole, he is a prick and a half... Orokana walked pasted the men that still watched Orokana, putting it on his belt, the men chuckled. "you guys are nothing but assholes, what did I do to make you guys laugh, is it my better looks or?" Orokana said getting annoyed with everyone around him quickly. the men moved to him. "what did you say punk?" one of the taller guys said making a fist at him." Orokana made a puking noise. "oh that b.o., or is it breath, I can not tell with you people." one man went to punch Orokana but oro used his genjutsu binding on the man. "you cant hit me even if you tried." Orokana smiled. "bye." Orokana walked away. "pricks." Orokana rolled his eyes and took out his book reading the battojutsu book again. getting excited to learn this new jutsu. he felt happy. he thought of himself being a little bad ass, wait till the others see me.

"If you are a healer who makes their living healing others, it would be essential to charge and appropriate to do so. But do not confuse honor with money. They are not the same. Charge if you wish, don't charge if you wish.
In one of Takata's teaching stories, she tells the story of Usui and the Beggars. The story was that "Usui began to share this new gift with the beggars on the streets of Tokyo. He found that they would repeatedly come back for healing and did not appreciate the gift he gave them." It was then added that as a result that he vowed never to give reiki away again for free.
This story is used as a justification for the "energy exchange" and for the justification for having people pay dearly for receiving reiki. The teaching story Takata told, of Usui working in the slums of Tokyo is just that, a teaching story, whose moral was that some people refuse to change. Historically, Usui worked with people all over Tokyo following a major earthquake, poor or not. He did not charge for this. It is
said that he maintained his own business. There was not a charge for being a member of his organization, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, but a small monthly fee to help keep the club going. It exists to this day. The moral of Mrs. Takata's teaching story has become so far removed from it's original meaning by the energy exchange position, it is all but forgotten. The moral of the story of the beggars is that some people do not want to change. It is easier to stay where they are, to take the easy (all be it painless) way then it is to change. People who are reinforced for being ill will stay ill.
The universe *is*. Reiki *is*. What *is* does not need human ego to play energy Robin Hood to try to equalize and balance things. If energy exchanges were so important to maintaining spiritual balances of energy in the universe one might expect other spiritual leaders to have mentioned them. I have searched the Gita, the Vedas, the Bible, the Koran, the Tao Te Ching, Buddhism and cannot find exchanges. One might think that if it was of such import that it might be mentioned. You can find many healings, acts of kindness, compassion. You can see the radical loving kindness and compassion of Jesus who says, "your faith has healed you", but he didn't add "now you owe me to balance this out". In these many traditions of these great teachers, you don't see worthiness, money, balance, exchanges. In reiki, the relationship of teacher and student is perfectly "balanced", just as it is.
Charge if you need, do not if you do not. It is as simple as that.
Section 7 - Levels of Reiki
In Current Practice in America and Japan, Reiki is taught in levels, and through attunement by a Reiki master. There are three levels that are generally used, although in the Usui/Tibetan schools the level of Illa has been added.
Level I - Reiki Level I (called Sho Den in Japan) is taught to those that wish to learn to use the Reiki Energy. The class is taught by a Reiki Master trained to pass the attunements and teach Reiki. There are various attunements for conferring the Reiki energy on a student. Traditional Usui Healing Systems use four attunements. Depending on the School of Reiki one takes classes in, a Reiki I class material generally includes the hand positions used when doing Reiki on self and others, the Reiki principles, and the hisory of reiki. You then receive the attunements. Reiki I is taught by some to heal on the physical level. Some schools also add information on the effect of the energy on the organs and indications of illness and how to treat them. Some schools teach that Reiki I heals on the physical level.
Some non-traditional schools add information on the chakras. They may also add a speculative history that reiki is from Tibet. Some schools teach the power symbol with level I. Many nontraditional schools only use one attunement for level one.
Level II - Reiki Level II (called Oku Den in Japan) teaches the three Reiki Symbols and the student is given another attunement. Some conceptualize Reiki Level II as being a deepening of the Reiki experience and a greater commitment to Reiki. Reiki Level Ills thought to heal on the Emotional level, while others believe that Reiki always heals on all levels. The Power Symbol, Mental/Emotional Healing Symbol and the Distant Symbol are taught. Their meanings and applications are taught. Some schools insist on an oral tradition (that is a western Takata based adaptation not practiced in Japan). Different schools have different time length requirements before level II can be taken (usually three months between level I and level II).
Level II generally includes the three Reiki Symbols (Focus, Harmony, and Connection), Mental/Emotional Healing, Distant Healing, and another attunement.
Non-traditional schools add the techniques scanning and beaming. Some others add spiritual practices to Reiki including new age practices, ascended masters, crystals, Tibetan and other practices. The time between levels varies, and in some schools Level one and two are taught in the same weekend.
Level III (Master Level) - Third Level Reiki (called Shinpi Den in Japan) is the Master Level of Reiki. Reiki Level III is taught by some to heal on the spiritual level. The Usui Master Symbol is taught. The Usui Master Symbol completes the other three symbols taught at Level II. Some traditions require a great commitment on the part of the student, and there is a bond forged between student and master. Masters are taught how to initiate others into Reiki using the attunement process. Level III generally includes the Usui Master Symbol (empowerment symbol) and its meaning and application, The attunement process and practice in its application, and how to teach others.
Non-Traditional schools add in three additional symbols. These are the Tibetan Master Symbol (i.e., Dumo), the Fire Serpent Symbol and the Raku Symbol. The attunement processes are modified as well with various Tibetan breathing techniques and the chi kung microcosmic orbit. The Usui/Tibetan Schools and other various Independent Practitioners have added a Level Illa in between Level II and the Master Level. Level Illa is often called Advanced Reiki Training (ART) although these techniques are not "advanced" and technically neither are they reiki. Some of the techniques that might be included here are: Reiki Meditation using the symbols for problem solving and for manifesting goals, Reiki and crystals, making a Reiki crystal grid, using pendulums with reiki, Reiki meditation to meet you "reiki guide", Reiki Healing Attunement, the Tibetan Antahkarana symbol and a meditation for its use, the Hui Yin position and the Violet Breath. In this dichotomy, Level Illb teaches the addition of three "Tibetan" symbols, and how to perform the attunements. Level Illa is an extra level added onto reiki in the Usui/Tibetan schools.
Section 8 - How Reiki Works" 
This section is the simplest to write of the whole manual. No one knows.
See I told you it was simple.
Anything other than, "no one knows", is purely speculation and belief.
There are those that speculate that it activates the hara line. Others believe it opens the chakras. Still others believe that it reconnects you to the divine energy. There are many theories.
In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, the manual he gave his students he says, "I've never been given this method by anybody nor studied to get psychic power to heal. I accidentally realized that I have received healing power when I felt the air in mysterious way during fasting. So I have a hard time explaining exactly even I am the founder. Scholars and men of intelligence have been studying this phenomenon but modern science cant solve it. But I believe that day will come naturally." Even the founder seemed to be at a loss of how to describe it.
I will share with you, that I suggest that you not waste your time worrying how it works and give you the following suggestion. Reiki cannot be grasped with the mind, it can only be known in the doing and being of it. When you "do" reiki, it is not so much in the "doing" as it is a state of BEing. In doing reiki you are in the moment of oneness that Usui shared. In the movie, "The Matrix", Morpheus tells Neo, "...sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, there's a difference in knowing the path and walking the path". Everything you have read to this point in this manual is "knowing the path". In doing reiki, we are walking the path.
Reiki Level I is the first step in the Reiki Process. The ability to do Reiki is passed onto a practitioner by receiving an attunement or initiation from a Reiki master. This attunement is all you need to use Reiki healing energy in your own life and for those around you.
Reiki can be used on Adults, Children, Animals, and Plants. People generally like receiving Reiki and report that it is a relaxing and stress relieving process. A normal treatment takes about 45 minutes to an hour to do. With children and animals it generally goes much faster (they are also much less likely to sit still for an hour).
Section 9 - Ethics in Reiki
The Reiki Ethics
Reiki is a unique healing method. It requires that you touch another person. Not just with your hands but also with energy. You share in the loving energy of the source that God has made available to all. It is a unique and special gift.
Many people coming for healing are vulnerable. They may be vulnerable emotionally or physically. It is imperative that you do not violate that trust that they place in you. If a person is experiencing emotional release, as a result of the treatment it is essential that you maintain their confidentiality and respect their lives.
What follows are some ethical considerations to help you be aware of some of the issues that you might face as a result of practicing Reiki. This will be addressed again in Level II when you learn distance
healing with reiki.
1. Ask permission prior to treating anyone. Some people actually do not wish to be healed. Respect their wishes.
2. Consider all information given to you by people you treat with confidentiality. Any information that is discussed in the Reiki session should be confidential between the you and the person.
3. Before doing reiki on someone, give people a brief description of what happens during a session and where you will be touching them. Have them sign a hold harmless agreement also indicating any areas that should not be touched.
4. Do not ever promise healing. Do not ever diagnose. Explain to people that Reiki sessions do not guarantee a cure, and are not a substitute for appropriate medical care, and never suggest that the client change prescribed treatment or medication or interfere with treatment of a licensed health care provider.
5. Suggest referrals to licensed medical or psychological professionals when appropriate. Do not attempt to diagnose or do therapy with people if that is not your specialty that you are authorized or licensed to do.
6. Respect touch and boundary issues for people. Having clients disrobe is never necessary for a Reiki treatment. Do not touch private areas.
7. When working with children make sure you have the permission of the parent.
Section 10 - Touch Issues
Touch Issues
Reiki I consists of the History of Reiki, Information about Reiki, the Hand Positions, and Receiving and attunement. One of the major issues, often not discussed, is Touch and the meaning of Touch. This is an important part of Reiki and of life.
Touch is an essential part of wholeness and love. From studies done on monkeys we know that without touch babies cannot thrive. We know from other studies that a mother's touch can relieve pain in children. Touch can be a sign of affection and a non-verbal communication to another. In Sports games, athletes often touch each other as a sign of support and respect. Football players from opposing teams often pat each other on the back after a play as a sign of respect and support for one another.
Reiki is a "hands on" healing art. In practicing healing we touch others, or we touch ourselves. Let's explore both type of touch.
Self touch is a particularly important issue. Many people are decidedly uncomfortable touching themselves. There are issues of self worth, body image, and sexuality involved. Some people feel"

Orokana looked at the book as hard as he can, noting every detail. "Using the basic principles behind Quick Drawing, the art of drawing the sword, the user will preform the basic motion of quick drawing the blade. The quick draw is engaged by one first gripping the neck of the sheath with the hand correspondent to the sheath's location. If it is on the left hip, you hold it with your left hand, if your simply holding the sheath then you use the same hand. Once the neck is gripped the opposite hand reaches across the body to draw the blade is one powerful slash." he nodded and thought his exercise was enough and went for the real deal. he stood up and stood in front of the tree. he took his left hand and put it on the sheath. then put his right hand on the blade. then he quickly sliced the tree. again it was not deep but it was a start. so Orokana nodded and did it again. he wanted it to get deeper and him to be better his aim with the tech. this tech is very cool, I can use it as a first strike and to quickly kill, if only I was faster. that's the only thing I'm missing, I spent a lot of time on my chakra now I need to use my time on my speed. Orokana took deep breaths as he kept doing this. the tree was slowly losing bark. every now and again Orokana would look at the book next to him and read it, refreshing it in his mind. he needed to remember all that the book says for him to use this, plus the muscle memory of doing this so many times. he thought if there was other techs like it, he hopped there was and thought of investing his time with learning more weapon tech's. it would be useful to have. Orokana like the quick kill options so he kept the idea in the back of his head, noting he should try to find more about these techs. Maybe I should get new cloths... a butler carrying a sword is really dumb.. its going to be a pain trying to find a good look tho. fuck me... Orokana sighed when he thought this. he defiantly thought he could use a new look but that can wait till he was finished training. he kept swinging and saw he was getting faster at it. interesting. he smiled. he was happy of how well he was doing. then he stopped for a moment. he took up the book and started to read it again. ok I think I have this thing down, or close too. I should keep doing it until dark tho, just so I know I have done it a lot and that I know how to do it, but I'm making good progress. Orokana closed his eyes and breathed softly taking a break. he nodded his head and opened his eyes again.
Orokana read the book again, he hoped for the last time. "Using the basic principles behind blocking, the art of deflecting attacks, the user will preform the basic motion of quick drawing the blade. Swing at the time you think its going to hit you to try and parry the attack." he then put the book away. he wanted to take a break, so he did laps, kept running, tried to push himself faster and faster, he thought of upping his speed bc he will need it in years to come, place running away faster is never a bad thing. he took his sword and began to keep doing it. the day kept going like this until it was almost dusk. Orokana did it once more but this time it cut deep into the tree. it was paying off. he did it more and more. the sun light faded and it was night. once Orokana noted it was night he did it once more. then he took his blade and sheathed it. and began to walk home. on his way he got cleaning supplies for the sword and a stand for it. he also got dinner. once he was home he set up the stand and unsheathed the blade starting to clean it. after it was clean he sheathed the blade and put it on his stand. he smiled at it. he then placed the book on his self. he was getting a stack of jutsu books he mastered, but he still had room to learn more. so he thought of what to do next. he didn't care about ninjutsu too much but he should lean some soon, will be handy, and he needed to think of how he should fight with his new katana. there was a lot to think about but Orokana was up for it. it beats doing nothing. he could feel himself getting stronger, but maybe he needed to do more missions, all he has been doing is training, and maybe he should do more sparring. it would be nice to see how other genin are and how well he can stand in a fight, maybe he might try fighting yen in a spar, he would lose if he was honest but still he would learn something new. yen would like it, gets too teach oro a lesson on how to fight, plus he could show yen how he fights and his resolve. but that was for another day, Orokana made dinner then ate it.

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