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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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End of peaceful life [P, Solo] Empty End of peaceful life [P, Solo]

Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:34 am
It was another day in Shimagakure, land of the carefree, home of the waves. It was a beautiful day, the sun high, girls in bikinis, bikinis in the water, balls in the air, drinks on a shake, guys in the shade. And Naoki was just sitting there, behind this desk doing you know what... that's right - staring at the seal construction diagram and wondering why the hell did he even start this. It was not so early morning already, approaching noon actually. These were just a few days after Naoki was promoted to Jounin rank. His village was in need of higher ranked people, which he speculated was partially the reason he was promoted, while others said it was because of his skill and fairly unique abilities. In some way he was proud of achieving this, in other ways it hadn't changed his life all that much... yet, this he did not realize at the moment. But that was about to change as well. So, sitting there, still undecided about this cursed diagram, Naoki would sense a presence. Looking in the direction he would spot someone standing by the window to his room, it appeared to be another ninja, a messenger most likely. Slowly standing up from his work, he would walk up to the window, wandering what news the man might be bringing him, and open it. Without much delay, the guy would hand him a paper and tell him he is being summoned, then disappear as quickly as he appeared. And just like that the day became a lot more interesting, screw the diagrams - if he was being summoned, then something was definitely going down. And it was probably wise not to stall this. Grabbing a more proper clothing and his ninja pouch, the man would leave the house and head for the main island, which housed both their village leader, elders and most of the leadership, it was also where he was being summoned to.

Finally at the place, the Jounin would enter the building and follow the instructions to a specific chamber. Within he was greeted by three Chuunins, which he knew from before he was promoted, as well as three village elders. The leader was not here, which allowed him to draw a few scenarios. The Chuunins standing a bit to the side, he would walk into the center of the room and report to the elders. "Naoki Gekou, reporting as ordered!" Not wasting any time the elders would begin with the reason for which he was summoned. Apparently this was about a Genin team, led by one of his former teammates named Kaito. The team was sent on an escort mission believed to be C ranked, the possible combat expected to happen only with bandits or wild beasts. But the team is overdue for two days now and since they have not sent any kind of message, that spells trouble. Since Kaito is best known to him and Nami, who was in the same room by the way, they were chosen to investigate the situation, Naoki being a Jounin meant he was leading the team. By now most of the nasty speculations were gone from the man's head - it was clear that the elders were taking this into their own hands, but it may have been for the better as the situation required swift response. Before he left however, the Jounin requested information on the team's original assignment. As stated before, it was an escort mission. The target was a blacksmith from Shimagakure, they were to guard him on his way to a certain town outside the borders of their little country, where he wanted to buy a certain, quite rare type of material for his creations and then escort him as well as his purchases back. At least that was the plan. What went wrong would only be a speculation and there was no time to waste, the team could be in trouble right now. And while Naoki did have faith in Kaito's abilities, after all they knew each other almost half of their life, there was no telling what had happened and what stopped them from returning on time. With that conclusion, Naoki bowed to the elders, obviously accepting the assignment, and headed out, calling the Chuunins after him.

In almost no time they would be out of the village. They did not bother getting a boat, but instead proceeded on foot through the sea, using the water walking technique of course. There was a chance that the team's craft got damaged in the sea, or maybe they got off course and ended up god knows where. In that case the search would take longer than expected, but Naoki decided to first check the most immediate and dangerous possibilities - a possibility of an ambush that the team could not deal with. For that they would need to check their path of travel. Lucky for them, Nami possessed a sensory technique that would let them spot Kaito's team even if they were a few miles off the road. The others... well, Naoki was not exactly sure. One of his rescue team's guys, named Jin, was probably a blade user, although the Jounin has never seen him actually fight. The man had sharp green eyes, white hair, always wore this strange black sash and carried two katanas on his back. The other one, either Tadao or Kiteki, not sure which one, was a medical ninja, having experience in a fight with him Naoki knew the guy was very good at avoiding getting hit, but he relied on outsmarting his opponent or someone else taking care of them for him. While Nami, wielding deadly blonde hair and hypnotic blue eyes, specialized in powerful water ninjutsu. She was actually a descendant of a water user clan, although Naoki never really looked into it and knew only what she had told him. And finally their team leader - Naoki himself. The Jounin has dark brown hair and almost black eyes, he wore black shirt and pants, with a white inscribed coat on top. He did not have any big guns and would try to take down their enemies with smart use of small things and funky stuff, which unfortunately he would not be able to do at this time as they required a before hand preparation. And they were in a hurry this time, so he would most likely have to rely on his commanding skills and abilities of his friends. And there we have it, the rescue team and all of their colors. Could add some about Kaito though, as Naoki did know his fighting style, being a friend for so long. Kaito, firstly had purple hair and yellow eyes, used a hybrid style of kenjutsu and ninjutsu, using a single blade to cause pain for his enemies at close range, while delivering decent techniques of wind and fire and medium range, usually to throw the foe of balance and finish them off with a well placed blade strike. That was what Naoki might expect if there is fighting once they find the team, but he did not know anything about his friend's students.

After a good half an hour of running on the water they finally set foot on the solid ground. They had reached a port town on the borders of the Island country, this is where Kaito's team was supposed to disembark and take a ship back to the village when returning. Stopping a few meters from the shore, Naoki would look at his teammates and after confirming they were not exhausted he would order them to look around the village, ask people if they had seen the team and when, then meet up at the center of the village in five minutes. With that they scattered and began their small 'raid'. People here were friendly and cooperative, being protected by Shimagakure from bandit raids and the like. Unfortunately most of them did not pay much attention to the details as many ninja from Shimagakure would go through here to the mainland. In the time agreed the Jounin only managed to confirm that the team went through here during the last week, but not when exactly or any other details. He would then meet the others in the center square of the town. Nami only learned that the team was here and that they had the blacksmith with them. Jin managed to acquire some documents from the harbor, confirming that the team arrived four days ago via ship from the islands and that they had not gone back yet. Not with a ship from this town anyway. Kiteki while not getting anything about the team heard a rumor that the forests through which the team was supposed to travel had recently been infested with rogue ninjas, some of them considerably high ranked. With that they managed to conclude that the team was not here and that the risk of their mission was probably way higher than originally expected. Not lingering much, they left the town and headed for the forest.

With Nami on the lookout with her technique, the four of them got deeper and deeper into the wilds. They followed the road, while going through the trees, out of sight. Suddenly Nami signaled to stop. She had sensed something. Once they did she would explain there being somebody to the north of their location and while she did not sense Kaito's chakra, it might be worth checking out as some of the chakra signatures were of similar caliber as their own. It was agreed that they should check it out, because of the chance that it was their team, but Kaito was dead or got separated. They would then start going in that direction and in a couple minutes would arrive at the scene. Staying out of sight not to be spotted by the enemy, the rescue team would observe the situation. Apparently it was a siege, a small one. There were over 15 enemies surrounding what seemed like a small ruined shrine. Within the structure were the genins and the blacksmith, Kaito was nowhere to be seen. According to Nami, only three or four of the rogues had chakra levels close to theirs, everyone else were mere thugs. For some reason the aggressors were on a pause and did not attack, the team was probably well dug in, maybe even had a few traps set up and attacking them would make the bandits lose a few people. They were probably considering alternatives. What bothered Naoki though, was that he could not see Kaito anywhere. He did not believe the man just died like this, but he could not get to the kids and ask them unspotted. Nami wanted to just take them head on. She was probably thinking that Kaito fell and now wanted revenge, but before the Jounin told her to wait, Jin noted that none of the strong rogues are out in the open, only the weaklings. At that moment Naoki realized why the attack had stopped, but it was too late - Nami was no longer next to him. The girl jumped down from the branch burying a kunai in a bandit's back, one unlucky enough to stand where he landed. Then making a single hand seal the girl conjured up a massive wave of water that washed away four more thugs. Kiteki made a disapproving grimace - he was not the one to take such risks, while Jin unsheathed one of his blades preparing to assist Nami, but suddenly the scene changed. Three wired kunai landed next to Nami, the wires preventing her from forming another seal. And from the trees nearby shot surges of lightning, following the wires down to her position, momentarily disabling the girl. However cliche it is, but it's also classics - it was a trap, the whole situation was - the rogues were not attacking only because just like the rescue team, they could sense other ninja and knew the reinforcements were here. Now the remaining three jumped down to help their teammate, but it was too late. The single moment Nami was disabled provided an opening - four more kunai landed, two on the ground at her feet and two hitting her chest and back. All of them had exploding tags on them. The scene flashed and the roaring explosion engulfed her, for a few seconds covering the field in dust and smoke. Someone would shout her name, but Naoki was too disoriented to know if it was him, Jin, Kiteki or somebody else. Before the smoke fully cleared, Kiteki shouted 'Above us!', Naoki realizing that being the direction of an attack rolled to the side and lost sight of his teammates. A moment later multiple kunai rained on their previous position and multiple explosions followed, raising more dust. A silhouette passed by him in the smoke and a man would emerge swinging a goddamn battleaxe at him. But before he came close enough for Naoki to strike, his expression would suddenly change and a blade would pierce the man's heart from behind, emerging from his chest. A blade Naoki recognized, even when bloody. Then he heard the voice of the blade's owner say 'Fuuton: Fuusoku!' and the scene would be cleared of all dust and smoke in a couple seconds as windy surge carried it away. When that was done, the bandit would be dead on the ground and Naoki would see Kaito standing in front of him. He had confused feelings, he was still stressed and mad even that Nami got hit, even dead maybe, but finding out that Kaito was still alive was pleasing. The boy probably had similar thoughts as he did not show much happiness but merely nodded as if saying 'let's clean this mess up'.

With the smoke cleared the Jounin could now see what was happening on the battle field. Jin was already killing, with his blades he was curving a path through the enemy lines, steadily reducing their numbers. He was already finishing off his fourth victim. Kiteki on the other hand appeared to have taken a hit earlier and was on the defense, maneuvering between three foes, avoiding their attacks, but it did not seem like he would be able to keep it up for long. Nami was face down on the ground and did not move, but he could not afford to go check her state at the time. At least nobody seemed to be targeting her now. Both Naoki and Kaito started their move, Kaito engaged the nearest rogues, while Naoki began forming hand seals. He could sense that among the three attacking their medical ninja one was with higher amount of chakra, something of Chuunin level. That would be his target. Right before finishing the last seal he would shout Kiteki's name, letting him know about the incoming attack. Then he would spit out four fireballs which all took different paths and bombarded the position. Hearing the warning, Kiteki managed to roll away from the explosions, but he did not seem to be fit to fight anymore. Lucky for him, everyone on that side were taken care of or being taken care of by Jin, which was slicing the throat of his 6th right now. Turning to see how Kaito was doing Naoki saw him fighting two at once, both seemed pretty skilled. A third was already on the ground. As the Jounin turned to run towards the scene, suddenly three more figures joined the fight. Those were Kaito's Genins, assisting their sensei in this skirmish. His friend appeared to be fatigued and it was no wonder, he probably had to evade or fight these bandits for the last couple days if not more. Naoki would take one of his opponents on himself, allowing the four to deal with the second one. His foe was quick on his feet, he wielded only a single kunai, but was probably the one responsible for disabling Nami, since before Naoki began fighting him, he was the man use something like a lightning whip on one of Kaito's students. Keeping that in mind, the Jounin was careful in the ways he should approach the man. However the fight was surprisingly easy, the man over-committed, leaving himself in a vulnerable position, allowing Naoki to land a slash on his leg, impairing his movement, then kicking him on the ground and knocking him out with a seal of five elements. As his fight was over, he saw one of Kaito's students make a mistake putting himself to be an easy target, an opportunity the bandit seized. In order to save the kid, Kaito took the hit, surprising both Naoki and his enemy, allowing him to settle the score and impale his foe. In the mean time Jin was done with the last one on his side of the field - the fight was over.

Unfortunately there were injuries, one of the kids got electrocuted, Kaito was bleeding pretty bad and Kiteki was completely out of it. And then there was Nami. Naoki would remain by Kaito as he saw Jin check on the girl, then sadly shake his head, confirming the man's fears. It was heartbreaking to say the least, those were his best friends and he just lost one of them, in a situation like this. Then Naoki was brought to senses once more - his other friend was dying as well, he needed treatment immediately, but Kiteki was unconscious. The leader shouted for Jin to try to get their doctor up, but it was simply not happening, the Genin sensei was bleeding out in front of his eyes and there was nothing he could do. Surprisingly though, Kaito did not blame him, 'nobody could have known' he said. In his last moments he gave his katana to one of his students, said his farewells and wishes, then tried to joke, but it was cut short. Naoki knew how it ended though, he had heard his best friend say that joke a few times now. Trying to help himself, he would attempt to laugh, but the joke was simply not funny. Instead he crumbled to the ground and his eyes would drown in tears, yet no sound would be given voice. The change was almost unnoticed by the man, as he was too busy crying at that moment, but he would notice it later in a mirror, realizing what it is. After his eyes had awoken, after a good half an hour on the scene, they managed to salvage something that the Jounin absolutely did not care for and leave. The bodies of both Nami and Kaito would be brought back with them to Shimagakure for burial. Kiteki woke up after an hour and the Genins were fine, so was the blacksmith and his materials, curse them! The mission was a success at a cost of two lives.

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End of peaceful life [P, Solo] Empty Re: End of peaceful life [P, Solo]

Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:49 am
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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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End of peaceful life [P, Solo] Empty Re: End of peaceful life [P, Solo]

Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:25 am
Sure, my bad
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