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Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Defending the Bath House Empty Defending the Bath House

Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:59 am
Defend The Bath House:

Zaine sat reclined in a chair as he read the directives off of a mission summons he received earlier in the week from an ANBU level shinobi- he had been wanting some down time lately due to the amount of training he had been up to but had a change of heart as he read through what was being requested. "Rumors of an attack on a bath house owner? And by his own family at that. Poor guy cant even trust his kin." Understanding the role he had to play in this situation he stood up, folding the summons and heading to his room to gather what he would need and get himself ready. He slid open the doors of his closet and reached for both of his weapons pouches which had in them an explosive tag each, 3 meters of bandaging, 5 kunai and shuriken each, a smoke bomb and 5 legacy senbon each. He would grab his long sleeve white shirt that bore the Uchiha crest on the back of it and black straight legged pants, putting them on one after another. He grabbed the katana that sat in the corner of his bedroom sheathed and secured it to his back, the bottom of the hilt pointing in the same direction as his right shoulder. Now that he was dressed and prepared to head from his home, he needed to think about what the best course of action was to gain intel on the would be attackers. He knew enough to know that theres no way the attack would occur at the bath house but also knew the attackers would be confident enough to strike the owner at a spot he visited regularly because they were a family member. He pondered the different scenarios as he walked out of his home and licked the door behind him- next leaping from the ground to his rooftop and heading towards the bath house at a speedy pace.

He would make it to the bath house in twenty minutes by rooftop and would stop short, three buildings away as he scoped out the individuals entering and exiting- keeping note of anyone who might look like the owner whose description was provided with a picture prior. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so far but that would change as he saw a group of four men enter the bath house carrying small weaponry: daggers, clubs and one even having a short sword. The other customers who were entering before hand quickly put distance between themselves and the four men before choosing not to enter the bath house altogether and moments after the men entered, people began to funnel out. "Thats pretty strange.. theres no way they would be going to attack the owner in broad day light like this. Plus they just look like a few thugs. Either way I can't allow them to cause trouble even if it slows down my mission." Thought Zaine as he stood up from his crouched position and began to leap from building to building closer to the bath house before he jumped and landed down at the entrance, walking in and seeing that the four men had made themselves more than comfortable.  

What he saw as he walked in brought his blood to a boil almost immediately; the man wielding the daggers had his arm around the neck of one of the women working the bath house with his dagger in the other hand and at her face. Two of the other men, one with a club and the other with an axe stood at opposite sides of the room with their weapons drawn as customers clung to the walls afraid to make a move. The man wielding the Katana who Zaine deduced to be their leader stood in the middle of the room, his sword drawn and pointed at a man who wore a similar uniform to the hostage at the mercy of a dagger- the difference being the golden color of his shirt and the tag that said "manager" on it. The thug wielding the blade spoke, his voice echoing through the bath house "Now listen up, I dont want to have to ask you again. Wheres the owner of this dump? If you dont want your "star" employee over there to get hurt, youd better start talking." Tears now ran down the face of the hostage as the manager began to plead, realizing the seriousness of the situation, "Ive already told you! We havent seen him all day. Noone here knows where he could be, thats the truth. Now let her go!" The managers words were brave, but his body quaked in fear that undoubtedly was only a fraction of how scared he truly was. The thug would wind his arm back, blade in hand as he motioned to swing it at the manager of the store, his voice manic with rage "Youre giving me orders?! I warned you that I wouldnt ask again!" His blade would come speeding towards the face of the manager and a deafening clashing of metal would blast through the open space of the bath house- the silence following it would present Zaine, holding the hilt of his katana that had not been fully drawn but pulled out half way with his back angled at the trajectory of the thugs blade to block his attack. 

"I think its safe to say that he doesn't know where the owner is, so how about you and your friends let that girl go and be on your way." Zaine stared into the eyes of the man before him, his expression serious and filled with a calmed rage- the man stared back, a bead of sweat dropping down the side of his face as his face as he noted the Chuunin flak Jacket on Zaine. "How about you mind your business, we didnt come here to mess with any shinobi but the odds look pretty stacked against you." The thug withdrew his sword, bringing it back to a readied stance with both hands on the hilt of the blade. Looking down at the thug gripping his blade and back up at him, he came to the realization that based on what the thug had asked, all of these men were closely linked to his own mission. This was a stroke of luck if nothing else and Zaine smirked as he spoke to the thug once more "Tell ya what. Lets take this over to that open field a few blocks from here so we can "chat". You deal with me and you can come back here and do whatever youd like." He knew the offer would be one the four men wouldnt refuse because in their mind they had the numbers, weaponry and ignorance of who their opponent truly was. With a simple nod the thug wielding the katana and spoke to his crew "Lets deal with this trash first and when we get back, were gonna have some fun with everyone in here." He would look back at the manager "Were not done here." He would turn face and begin to walk out of the bath house, his men following close behind after the man with daggers reluctantly let go of his hostage and motioned at her that he would be back for her. Zaine would follow close behind the four men, smiling at the young lady and customers of the bath house on his way out. 

[1,247 WC]

Last edited by Zaine on Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Defending the Bath House Empty Re: Defending the Bath House

Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:01 am
The five of them made it to the open field before too long- the four thugs standing 2 feet apart from each other facing Zaine. The leader of the group would look over at the thug holding the axe and motion him with a nod in the shinobi's direction to draw his axe and charge. This que set him up perfectly to react to the man as he charged at Zaine with a speed of 30, raising his axe high above his head and belting out a roar as e attemoted to bring it down, directly onto his head. He would respond by simply sidestepping the slash at a speed of 50, grabbing the left wrist of the thug with his left hand so that he could not withdraw quick enough to evade the open handed strike that would be delivered to the right side of his torso at 50 strength. This strike would cause a clean fracture of his ribcage on the right side with a possible puncture of the lung from the broken bones- the thug would fall to his knees clutching his torso and coughing up blood, his axe hitting the ground almost as quick as he did. Zaines attention would be returned to the rest of the thugs as this time he was charged by the club wielding thug and the one with daggers. They charged in unison with the daggered thug leading at a speed of 50- he was clearly the fastest which explained his weapon choice but his speed would be far from a problem for the young Uchiha to handle. Drawing a kunai from his weapons pouch Zaine threw it at a speed of 50, slow enough on purpose for the thug to be able to block so that as he raise his right dagger to block the kunai another kunai would follow at a speed of 105 directly into the stomach of the thug. The thug would drop his right dagger as he dropped to his knees and grabbed the kunai with his right hand, stabbing the left dagger into the ground and cursing. The thug wielding the club would look down as this happened for a moment, distracted by the hollering of his comrade-this distraction being long enough for Zaine to dash at him with a speed of 80, closing the 6 meter distance and delivering a chop to his wrist at a strength 50, fracturing his wrist and causing him to drop the club- followed by an open palm strike to his lower left jaw at a strength of 25, enough to deeply bruise and crack his jaw rendering him unconscious. 

The thug who still had one dagger in hand would use the leverage of his left dagger stabbed into the floor to hold himself up along with his knees like a tripod as he removed the kunai from his stomach and threw it at Zaine whos back was turned to him at this point. The thug wielding a katana would smirk as he looked just left to Zaine- this signaled to him that there was an incoming attack which he deduced could only be from the one thug who was not completely incapacitated. He would turn his head just as the kunai was approaching at a speed of 75 and duck down just slightly and draw his katana 6 inches out of its sheath to block the incoming kunai. The thug began to shake before letting go of his dagger and collapsing completely to the ground- with this the shinobi turned his attention to the leader of the gang of thugs. "Sorry about your friends, but im in a rush, and I really wanted to talk to you specifically. So I wont waste time, who are you working for and who sent you after the owner of the shop? You tell me that and ill let you go so you can get these three some medical help." He would re-sheath his blade and pick up the bloodied kunai that hand landed just behind him with his right hand as the thug responded. "You think because you beat those three, you have a chance against me. Im in a whole other league. They cant even use ninjutsu and I used to be genin in Kumogakure. Thisll be over in an instant." The thug would finish his sentence and put his hands together in the "RAM" handeseal as he smirked- this combination of actions and words would pull a large sigh along with a slapping of his left hand on top of his head from Zaine as he truly didnt want to take any more time from his true mission to joust with this thug. Even so, he realized what needed to be done and closed his eyes momentarily before opening them revealing his three tomoe shraingan "Im sure youve atleast heard of these eyes. No jutsu you do will get by me and if you keep testing my patience, ill scrap this whole questioning you plan and figure something else out. Which means, youre a dead man." This was nothing more than a bluff, he was completely adverse to killing and at most would do just as he had demonstrated on the thugs partners- this was a gamble though, hopefully with his ocular prowess revealed and a convincing threat the man would fold and give up the information. 

The thugs entire demeanor changed the second his eyes met with the scarlet red eyes that Zaine boasted, his hands returned to his side and he began to stutter as he formed his words "Th..This wasnt a part of the deal, he didnt mention anything about sharingan. Listen man, we KNOW where the owner is. Were not here to find him, were here to keep anyone else from finding him. We all got hired by some shinobi who works for the same family as the owner. Thats all I know man, thats all I know." His words seemed honest enough if not his shaking and stuttering didnt lie about his fear- now having the lead he needed, all that was left would be to locate the owner who was probably not very far from their location and also dealing with this "shinobi" who helping to orchestrate his demise. "Tell me where they are, now." He would say, pointing the kunai that was still drenched in the blood of his ally at the leader- who would fill Zaine in on the exact location of the owner and the fact that the shinobi was also an ex- Kumogakure shinobi. Deactivating his sharingan and leaving to thug to tend to his fallen friends the young Uchiha headed for coordinates exactly a half a mile away on the outskirts of the village- the destination, an abandoned warehouse that had been completely emptied weeks beforehand. 

He came to the back of the warehouse and located an entrance that was at the corner of the building, thinking it was better to come in under the least amount of attention, he decided this would be his entrance. First, he would send chakra to his feet so that he could scale the walls of the warehouse up to the tallest window and peer in to check the surroundings and setup. From where he was he could make out 3 men in the giant empty room of the warehouse; there were two men standing with arms crossed in front of another who was sat tied to a chair. The situation had pieced itself together at this point and all that was left was for Zaine to intervene and stop the death of the bath house owner- dropping back to the ground he would try to open the door that was locked and realized he would need to rush the door down to gain entrance. This however would cause a large noise and garner a lot of attention- so forming his hands into the clone handseal, two puffs of smoke his size would form and out f them identical shadow clones of himself would appear. The clones would send chakra to their feet and scale the building from opposite sides so that they were positioned at the tallest windows on each side of the building and ready for the real Zaine's que to swoop in and grab the owner once he engaged the shinobi. Once they were in position he would inhale deeply and exhale before kicking in the door at a strength of 50 sending the door flying across the room. He would dash in at a speed of 80 and stop 5 meters from the three men ensuring that he noted the reactions of the two standing above the man who was tied up. The man on the left didnt so much as flinch at the sight of Zaine while the other jumped back and dropped on his butt in shock. It was clear who the shinobi was and that only one thing remained between he and his mission objective- the shinobi that would change him forever.

[WC= 1,507/2,754]
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Defending the Bath House Empty Re: Defending the Bath House

Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:15 am
"And here I thought they would have been able to hold you off atleast a bit longer. We havent been able to get all of the access codes we need yet. If we dont get those, then I dont get paid, so congrats, you made it on time. Hes not dead...yet." The man he had deemed the shinobi said in a calm manner. This troubled Zaine a great deal, he couldnt figure out whether this man was foolish and didnt understand who is opponent was or if he was just that powerful- the reason had little relevance when weighed against his objective but still he couldnt help but ponder it. "Its a good thing too, if you didnt need him you probably would have run off the second you saw me. But now you dont have a choice but to fight me, Ginjo." He said with a smirk as he began to walk slowly to the right of the owner and who he assumed was the family member that wanted him dead. The Kumo shinobi began to walk at the same pace as Zaine while keeping eye contact, the two resembling to lions about to engage in fierce combat. "So he told you my name too? Ill have to take care of all four of em when I get back." The Uchiha would interject "And what makes you think theyre still alive?" Stopping his pace now 10 meters from the other two men and exactly parallel to Zaine he would speak once more "You're not the only one with intel, Zaine Uchiha. I knew you were given this mission, I knew you would beat those four and I know above all else you have a cardinal rule. You dont kill unless absolutely necessary." Ginjo would smirk as he raised his arms to chest level and slung them down by his hips, revealing 2 and half foot retractable blades on each wrist "Thats why you're going to lose here. You wont kill me, and if I dont die. You will." In what could be perceived as an instant the ex Kumo shinobi dashed at Zaine with his blades crossed in front of his face at a speed of 80- jumping into the air he would spin at the same speed, building up momentum and slashing at the neck of the Uchiha with his right blade. 

The shinobi approached at a speed equal to Zaine's giving him little to no time to react- he wouldnt be able to draw his sword in time so utilized his only advantage, the sharingan. He activated it swiftly and watched as the the muscle fibers in the mans body relaxed and tensed rhythmically- each contraction painting a clear picture of what was to happen next. Zaine's reflex speed was that of 100 and mixed with the ocular boost of his doujutsu he was able to lean back just enough to where the blade only scratched his cheek, drawing a bit of blood. He would quickly reach for and draw his sword as the other shinobi came back with a slash from his left blade at a speed of 80, his strength 35. Zaine would be able to block this slash and force the blade of his enemy away, using the momentum he gained from his counter slash to stab his sword into the floor using it as leverage to duck down and dodge the incoming slash from the shinobis right blade. He was beginning to pick up on the fact that this shinobi wasnt particularly skilled and rather had a large amount of raw speed and a barbaric and unrelenting style of fighting that would overwhelm most combatants- this Uchiha would be different. Placing his rightpalm on the hilt of his sword that was now stabbed into the ground and his left palm on top of his right hand he would lift his legs up and deliver a kick to the shinobi at 50 strength, making contact with the right arm that his opponent raised at the last minute to block him. This would leave his arm completely fractured and useless- and advantage for Zaine. Reaching in his weapons pouch at a speed of 80 he would grab two shuriken and throw them one after another at a speed of 105 at the highest windows on opposing sides of the building, shattering the glass and triggering his "signal". His clones would come in simultaneously and one would land on the other side of the ex kumo shinobi and the second would land in between the tied up owner and his family member.

"Your arm's useless now and ive got you surrounded. The fights over so call it quits and get out of here." He said hoping to bring an end to this battle. His clone was 3 meters from the shinobi while the real Zaine was 5- he felt confident that his opponent would make the sensible decision and throw in the towel but he couldnt have been more wrong. I already told ya, if youre not willing to end this then you wont survive to see it through!" His words were followed by one handed handseals that revealed him building up a dense brown chakra within and upon completion he slammed the ground with is right palm after retracting his blade unleashing a devastating earthen ninjutsu. Spikes flew at Zaine and his clone at speed of 75 and power of 75 and at the range of 3 meters the clone could not dodge it. It was hit and disappeared with a puff of smoke, wile the real Zaine had just enough time to move to the right, his torso being lacerated on the left side 4 inches deep. He would look up in anger as he charged the shinobi at a speed of 80, drawing his blade from the ground and lunging at him before driving the katana deep through the core of his chest- he did this with such strength that the shinobi toppled over and his katana was once again driven into the ground. Zaine held his bleeding torso with his left hand as breathed heavily, his katana planted firmly through the heart of his enemy.

" actually. Did it. Not bad Uchiha. I..didnt think you had it in you." His body went imp as these words escaped him and with his life gone the young Uchiha couldnt help but feel regret for having used lethal force. His other shadow clone made quick work of untying the owner of the bath house and tying up the family member that tried to orchestrate his death. Zaine would wrap one meter of his bandaging around his wound to stop the bleeding before explaining to the owner that he would take his family member into custody and that the owner would need to speak to the Kazekage about the events that transpired. Once he finished up with bringing the family member in and reporting his mission as complete, he was left with a sense of accomplishment for saving the life of the bath house owner but also a sense of deep regret for having to kill for only the second time in his life.  He would return home after visiting the hospital to have his wound nursed and treated, taking some time to relax and thinking more on what had occurred and if things could have been handled differently. "There must have been another way." He thought as he stared at the ceiling in bed that night and made a vow to strengthen his restraint and seek out all alternatives in the future.


[WC= 1,267/4,021]
[Total WC= 4,021]


  • Claiming all Mission rewards
  • Putting 1,875 WC to Sacred Spear V7 (A Rank) [2,500/2,500]
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  • Putting 500 WC to Elemental Arrow V7 [500/500]
  • Putting 4,000 WC to bonus AP [+40]

Applying 25% max stat discount 

Last edited by Zaine on Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:46 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Adjusting claims)
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Defending the Bath House Empty Re: Defending the Bath House

Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:29 pm
Please list mission you are completing in the first post please.
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Defending the Bath House Empty Re: Defending the Bath House

Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:33 pm
Edited the mission in!
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Defending the Bath House Empty Re: Defending the Bath House

Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:58 pm
Approved - so sorry for the 5 day delay there.
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