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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Bath house  Empty Bath house

Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:17 pm

What a nice day. Nasu’s bath was broken so he had to go visit the local bathhouse to get ready that morning. The local bathhouse was great. When you get to the hot bathhouse there is a side for men and women. You go into your side and there is a big room. You can see the hot spring water in the back and some showers before it. “A hot spring was exactly what I needed this morning.” Nasu doesn't come here very often because it's expensive so he enjoyed the time he had there. While in the spring he started to hear fighting from outside. He could hear men talking about ownership of the hot spring. About 15 minutes later the argument stopped and Nasu heard someone leave. Nasu then got up to go home as well. On his way out he saw the owner sitting by the front crying into his hands. “What happened sir.” “my brother came and told me the bathhouse was his own. He then told me that he will come and take it from me by force.” Nasu spent some time talking to the man about what happened and they came to the conclusion of getting a mission. The owner wrote a letter that was to be delivered to the administration building. That would take some time to get approved though. So Nasu decided to take matters into his own hands and told the man he would take the letter to his superiors to get it approved fast as well as taking on the mission. So Nasu took the letter and went to get it approved. When Nasu got the mission through and got assigned to it he was told he could choose who he wanted to do it with. So Nasu went back to the bathhouse to tell the owner the good news. While walking back Nasu was thinking about who to bring with him. Nasu didn't know many people but he at least knew one good fighter. He decided he wanted to ask Gonk to join him on this mission. After sometime Nasu arrived at Gonk’s house. He knocked on the door and heard someone moving from inside. After about a minute Gonk opened the door. He looked like he had just woken up. “Hi Gonk I know it's early but I have a favor to ask. How would you feel about doing this mission with me.” Nasu explained what it was and then waited for Gonk's response.

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Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:33 pm
Gonk actually woke up to his alarm this morning, telling him that there was no scroll waiting for him on his windowsill, otherwise Momo would have been slapping his face ages ago. Gonk pulled himself out of bed, and went through his usual morning routine; making breakfast for himself and momo, getting dressed and armed, and was about to head out for some training when he heard a knock on his door. Surprised Gonk walked over to his door and opened it to find Nasu standing there.
“Hey Nasu, what’s up?” Gonk asked Nasu a bit puzzled. Gonk and Momo listened to Nasu’s story, and when he finished, Momo said “The bath house? Well what are we waiting for, let's go!” 
“Yeah alright,” Gonk said to Nasu. “Sounds like fun, just let me pack a few things first” Gonk hurried into his apartment and grabbed a toothbrush and a few pairs of clothes and stuffed them in a bag before walking back out.
“Okay, I’m ready,'' Gonk said before walking down the stairs of his apartment building. He knew the bath house Nasu described, he had been there a few times and even taken Momo once. Once they arrived, Gonk walked into the owner’s office and introduced himself.
“I’m Gonk, and this is Momo,” he said. “Nasu and I will be protecting you and your business. Now, do you have any idea of how or when your brother will try to attack?”
“He didn’t specify when he would take it from me, but I think it will be soon. I also think he will probably hire someone to do it for him. He’s not exactly in very good shape." Gonk nodded as he took mental notes about these things. “Here are the keys to your rooms,” the man said as he handed them each a key with a number on it. “Of course, it’s completely free of charge.” Gonk thanked the man then went off to find his room. Because the bath house was on the outskirts of the village, and the man required round the clock protection they had to stay at the bath house at all times. Finding his room, Gonk set down his bag, before walking out to see if Nasu had any ideas for what to do next.

Last edited by Gonk on Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed a color)
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:41 pm
When Gonk got excited by the mission Nasu was ready to get going. They got down to the bathhouse fairly quickly. When they were talking to the owner about how things were going to go down Nasu knew the man wasn't telling the full story. After they got keys to some rooms they found out they were right next to each other which made things easier. When both Gonk and Nasu finished putting their things down Nasu spoke to Gonk. "Gonk there are a couple things you should know, I overheard the conversation between them earlier and the owner's brother said he will attack sometime over the next 3 days. This could also mean multiple attacks over multiple days." Gonk had something to say back but then Nasu started with his thoughts on a plan. "Nasu decided that we should always have someone on watch. In the day I can do it but at night your night vision would be more useful than my sharingan. We will have four stations around the bath house. One by the front near the owners desk, one at the back of the building on the roof and then one on both of the other sides of the building on the dragon heads. We can spend 5 minutes monitoring each side or do a quick rotation between them. After 40 minutes we should let the other person know everything is clear. If we do not get any message from the other person within a 5 minute span time after the 40 minutes we will expect the worst that the other has been captured and the attack is about to start. What are your thoughts on this Gonk?"  

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:50 pm
When Gonk exited his room, Nasu told him a few pieces of information and also came up with a plan to keep watch.
“Sure, I’m cool with keeping watch at night, but I think I’ll just create clones instead of rotating. That way I can’t miss them.” Gonk would wait to see if Nasu would show any opposition to his plan, before telling him, “Well I guess you should start your watch. Come get me when you think it should be my turn to keep watch.” Unless Nasu had anything more to say Gonk would leave with Momo to go soak in the baths for a while. Gonk undressed then stepped into the hot water, and after a minute, fully submerged himself. He could feel Momo sitting on his head, remaining with his head above water. Gonk meditated underwater for a while, pondering various things.
“I wonder when the attack will happen,” Gonk thought as he breathed in water with his gills. “Nasu should report in soon. I doubt they would attack so soon but it is possible. It would be better for them to try and assassinate him at night. Or at least they think it should be better. They probably don’t even know we’re here, let alone that I can see during the night.” Gonk was shaken out of his thoughts by a tap on his head coming from Momo. 
“What is it?” Gonk asked as he brought his head out from under the water.
“Your friend Nasu should be checking in soon,” Momo informed him.
“Oh, thanks for reminding me,” Gonk said as he glanced at the clock. Momo was correct, it was indeed almost time for Nasu to check in. Gonk waited with his head above water, waiting to see if Nasu would come to check in.
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:15 pm
Gonk was so quick to change Nasu's plan a bit and didn't even care what Nasu thought. It didn't matter too much for Nasu though because it didn't affect him. Nasu first went to the front of the building and looked along the street. He then activated his sharingan while he was there. He remembered how his new teacher Travin had told him to keep it active every day and to push it to its limit until it wouldn't feel like I was using it at all. While there Nasu though "why would someone come through the front door anyway. Maybe we should get rid of this spot for watch." Nasu then waited out the 5 minutes and jumped onto the room to head to the back. Nasu watched  that side and was starting to get really bored. "There is so much time left till the switch with Gonk. If only I also had a familiar to keep me company." Nasu then was suddenly cut out of his thoughts but some rustling in some bushes. Nasu went to go see what it was and it was only a bunny. Nasu then did his other two spots just sitting in thought at each spot. "Wow this is really boring." Nasu then finished the first run through and went to go find Gonk. First Nasu went to Gonk's room and wasn't that surprised when he wasn't there so he went into the bathing room. "How your soak going Gonk." Nasu listened to Gonk's answer and then told him that everything was fine. "There was a random bunny though but as I had my sharingan active I knew it wasn't a transformation of any kind. I also think we should not bother with the front of the building because nobody is stupid enough to attack form there." Nasu then looked at Gonk to see his reply and Nasu saw something he hadn't expected. Nasu had no idea how strong Gonk really was. Nasu's sharingan allowed him to tell that he had a lot of chakra in his strength and defense. Nasu couldn't imagine how hard it must be to break through his scales. “I was also thinking you might not want to soak in a hot spring until night. That would just get really boring so maybe we should do a 2 person watch instead. I’ll be keeping my sharingan active so I'll be able to make some things out at night. So any thoughts about this new plan Gonk. Or do you want to just keep it the same.”

-20AP for sharigan
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Ryo : 151400

Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:48 pm
Gonk’s head turned as Nasu walked into the room.
“My soak’s been fine,” Gonk told Nasu. “Did you see anything out there?” Gonk listened as Nasu recounted what happened while he was on watch and then considered Nasu’s new watch idea.
“Sure, I’d be fine with doing two person watches, but since I got this time to relax, it’s only fair that you get to a bit of time in the baths. I’ll do a rotation then you can come out and we could do your two person watch idea.” If Nasu didn’t want to spend any time in the baths Gonk wouldn’t stop him, but he thought he might as well offer. Gonk then stood up and walked out of the bath, grabbed a towel, then dried off. Gonk threw on his clothes then walked outside. It was a nice, sunny day, with only a few clouds rolling across the sky. Gonk performed three hand seals and in a poof of smoke, two identical copies of himself appeared.
“Alright,” Gonk told his shadow clones, “each of you go to one side of the building and watch for assassins. If you see one, alert me.” The clones nodded and ran off to their assigned posts. Gonk then turned his head to look at Momo, who was still sitting on his shoulder. 
“How would you like to get to guard a side by yourself?” Gonk asked him.
“Hell yeah!” Momo said eagerly. “I’ll destroy anyone I see!” 
“How about you just yell for me if you see anything” Gonk brought Momo to the guard station at the front, then jumped onto the roof and made his way over to the back. Gonk sat there watching the back of the building, determined to notice anything. After 40 minutes of watching and seeing nothing unusual, Gonk created a water clone to keep watch while he went to go get Nasu. As Gonk walked into the building, he noticed Momo sitting at his post, looking at the ground dejectedly.
“Hey, how’s your watch coming?” Gonk asked Momo as he walked over to him.
“It’s fine I guess,” Momo told him looking up. “It’s just boring and kind of lonely.” Gonk hadn’t considered that Momo might get lonely sitting on guard duty by himself.
“Well would you like to come with me at my post instead?” Gonk asked.
“Really? Yeah, that would be a lot better.” Momo said, smiling as Gonk picked him up and placed him on his shoulder. 
Gonk walked into the bath house and if Nasu was in there would ask, “hey, are you ready to come on watch? Nothing interesting happened while I was up there.” Gonk would then leave unless Nasu had anything to say and go back to his post on the roof.
“Hey,” he told his water clone as he came up to him, “could you watch the front?” The clone nodded and made his way off the roof and over to the front post. Gonk would then continue to watch the area, now with the company of Momo, not wanting to miss a single thing.
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:17 pm
Gonk thought we could do my idea. He told me that i should take a soak first before I came up. So Nasu decided "ok I've got 40 minutes. I'll spend 20 using my shrigan to its full extent and then just chill and take a soak." So Nasu did just that. He used his sharingan until he thought he was going to pass out and then went to the spring. "This is exactly what i need after using all that chakra." Nasu never thought that Travin would be him up to something so hard. Most of the time it left Nasu's eyes stinging. But the hot spring really helped. The water just makes your body feel so relaxed. "it feels like my chakra is already coming back." Nasu ended up falling asleep in the hot spring but snapped himself back awake. After 20 minutes he went, got changed, and got up to Gonk. He came up behind Gonk and told him he was going to have a little walk in the back forest to see if there was anything going on. "I'll be back in 10 minutes Gonk if I'm not you know what happened." So Nasu went to go have a look around he found a couple of shelters in the forest randomly placed around but none of them seemed like they were being used. Nasu did check them all out though just in case. After 5 minutes Nasu was going to check one more camp and head back to keep watch. He sat on one of the stumps and noticed it made a hollow noise when he sat down. It was very strange so Nasu hit the top of it a couple times to make sure it was hollow. Nasu then just took his kunai and cut the top off. It was very thin and easy to cut through. Inside it was what seemed like some sort of tunnel. So Nasu did the obvious thing and jumped down. It was what looked like a long hallway. Nasu couldn't see because it was dark and he didn't want to use his sharingan right now. So Nasu just felt the walls and noticed they were made out of dirt. He then hopped out of the log cover id up and went back to Gonk. Just making it in time he explained to Gonk what he found. He also said "if this is for attack this could mean we're dealing with an earth style.” Nasu then listened to Gonk's reply and asked for him to make a new plan or maybe send out some clones to check it out. 

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Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:37 am
Gonk nodded when Nasu told him he would be checking the forest. It was a good idea as they had no idea what was to be found in there. Gonk waited on the roof in the company of Momo, the two of them watching for any threats. Gonk didn’t worry too much about Nasu, he figured he would be fine on his own. He was a shinobi after all, he could handle himself. However, once it got closer and closer to the ten minute time, Gonk started to grow a bit concerned.
“Did he get captured?” Gonk wondered as he gazed into the forest, seeing if he could make anything out. Just as the time was about to run out, Nasu appeared from the tree line and walked over to him. Gonk listened to Nasu’s findings, intrigued by the mysterious tunnel.
“Well I think we should check this thing out,” Gonk said to Nasu as he stood up. “If the attackers are hiding down there we could stop the attack before it even starts.” Gonk dispelled all of his clones except for one shadow clone. “These clones can be useful for keeping watch but having so many makes my chakra pool tiny.” Gonk walked over to the remaining shadow clone and told him “go find the owner of the bath house and stay with him just in case he gets attacked while we’re gone. Assuming of course that you’ll be coming with me?” Gonk turned to Nasu as he said the last bit, figuring that Nasu would probably want to come. Gonk then turned to Momo and asked “What about you? Do you want to stay here or come investigate?”
“I’ll stick with you,” Momo said confidently, though Gonk could feel him shaking.
“Alright then, lets go,” Gonk said before jumping off the building and heading into the woods. Gonk quickly found the stump and jumped down into the hallway, seeing everything because of his eyes. Gonk started to walk down the long corridor, noting that it appeared to be a carved tunnel of some kind. Gonk silently walked through the tunnels, not making a single noise because of his silent killing. After walking for around 15 minutes, Gonk saw a light in the distance.
“We must be at the end of the tunnel,” Gonk realized as the group grew nearer, and the tunnel started to slope up. Gonk was unsure of what was above them, so he turned to Nasu and whispered “Do you think you could use your sharingan to see if there’s anybody up there?” Gonk had a theory that this might lead into, or at least near where the enemy’s were camping. The tunnel would be an effective way to approach the hotspring without being noticed until it was too late.
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:05 pm
Nasu and Gonk had gone to the other end of the tunnel when he was asked to use his sharingan. Nasu activities it and can see 2 bodies of chakra sitting near the fire that was about 5 meters away from the exit of the tunnel. "Ok Gonk their both up there and looking away so now should be time to attack." So Nasu quickly forms some hand signs while he is still in the tunnel and leaves his hands together on the last sign."Ok I've got a fireball jutsu ready to use. If you open the top I can take the one on the right. I'll shoot the fireball at them both but lean it more to the right hoping to hurt my guy a bit and it should get yours's moving as well." So Gonk opens up the wood stump latch on this side of the tunnel. Nasu jumps up and uses his jutsu. the guy on the left doges with no problem the guy on the right though takes quit a hit. It wasn't enough to stop him but gave Nasu a second to get ready. Nasu then runs to the man pulls out his katana and goes for a deadly blow but the man stops it with his kunai. The man said "How did you know where we were." Nasu didn't answer, not wanting to give anything away. There was a lot of back and forth slashing until the man managed to out hit my katana and flung  it out of my hand. Nasu then went for a punch right to his face and hit him perfectly. While the man was stumbling back Nasu took his kunai and held it to his throat. (Poof) It was a substitution jutsu. The man came up from behind but Nasu decided to end it. While the man was jumping out of a tree down to Nasu, Nasu made some hand signs and used phoenix flower jutsu. Nasu still had too doge the man but after that he used the attack and hit him with all six fireballs. The man basically burned to death. Nasu checked his body after he put out the fire. The man carried no headband which meant he was not a shinobi.                        

AP-60 for fireball, phoenix flower, and sharigan. All -20 AP
total AP=735
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Bath house  Empty Re: Bath house

Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:41 pm
Gonk nodded when Nasu laid out his idea, it seemed solid enough to him, plus, he doubted the ninja would be skilled enough to post much of a threat.
“You coming out with me?” Gonk asked Momo as he crept up to the stump.
“Yeah of course,” Momo said, trying to sound confident, even though Gonk could feel him shaking.
“Alright, I want to try out a move I learned recently.” Gonk said as he started to gather chakra in his right arm. He then silently walked up to the stump and punched through with his left arm, 
jumping out to the left to avoid getting burnt to a crisp by Nasu’s attack. As soon as he hit the ground, Gonk released the energy he had been storing up in his fist, sending a ball of energy flying towards the enemy’s chest. Seeing the incoming attack, the enemy quickly created an earth wall, but unfortunately for him, it was nowhere near strong enough to stop Gonk’s powerful attack. The ball of chakra punched straight through the wall and then straight through the enemies chest. 
“Huh, I thought he would be more of a challenge,” Gonk thought as he walked over to the body. But however, to Gonk’s surprise, the man was still alive, but bleeding out very quickly.
“I should get some intel from him before he dies,” Gonk realized as he kneeled down next to the body. “Hey listen up,” Gonk said to the man as he rolled him over to face him. “I’ll kill you if you don’t tell me where your boss is.” The man looked at Gonk, with fear in his eyes, before going into a coughing fit, spitting up blood.
“If you head straight north from here you’ll find his home,” the man slowly whispered before falling completely still. 
“Well looks like I didn’t even need to finish him off,” Gonk said cheerfully as he walked over to Nasu. “You killed him,” Momo said, sounding shocked. 
“Of course I did,” Gonk said as he turned his head to look at Momo. “This is how things go in the shinobi world. If you can’t handle that, you aren’t fit to be a ninja.” Momo seemed to ponder these words before nodding. 
“Hey Nasu,” Gonk called as just as Nasu finished off his opponent. “I know where the brother of the bath house owner lives.” Gonk then walked off into the forest heading straight north. After 20 minutes of walking, Gonk could see the huge building rising out of the trees.
“If he has such a big house, why does he need his brother's business,” Gonk wondered as he crouched down behind some bushes and studied the building more closely. There appeared to be places for guards to stand, but they were empty, additionally, the grass in the lawn was growing long, showing that it had been some time since it had been tended to. 
Turning to Nasu, Gonk said “I think I know why this man is trying to take the bath house. He must have had a lot of money, then lost or spent it all. Now that he needs money, he’s trying to take the bath house from his brother. He probably once had many guards, but now can only afford to pay a few. So it’s unlikely that we’ll encounter much resistance inside. We also should probably try to capture this man instead of just killing him. Alright, you ready to go?”
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