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Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty A chance encounter (Raleth)

Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:05 pm
It was another peaceful morning for Musu in the Village of Sunagakure and Musu felt like it would be a good idea to go out for some light walking. He had already woken up and done his chores and daily training earlier and figured that he would take Raleths advice and decide to get in some good old fashioned relaxation. Musu had not yet been assigned to a team and there weren't many people in the village that he knew so he decided that he was just going to go out and see where the winds took him. After all this was how he was able to meet Raleth and Mizuki earlier in the grove and he thought that might happen again today. Musu thought for a little while about what he would like to do with this time and how he was going to meet new people and in reality he was at a loss. He didn’t want to just travel the grove again like he did before and he wasn’t really in the mood for a spar so the training grounds were out of the question. This perplexion was suddenly lifted however by a random thought. 

Musu would gather his things and put on his grey cloak over his Jounin flak jacket and head out of the complex that held his small apartment and made its way into the village. In his last meeting with Raleth and Mizuki they were able to try some delicious tea before the day was destroyed by pseudo spar that was started. Before that however Musu was deeply invested in the tea that they were drinking. It was sweet, a little tangy, and some of the best liquid that Musu had ever had. He was shocked to learn that a tea could be so flavorful and leave such a lasting impression on him so he wanted to learn more about it. Musu decided that he was going to learn a little bit about making tea with this day off…

Looking through the town he would ask around some of the different villages about where the best tea was in an attempt to narrow out his selection. If only Raleth were here to tell him where he got his tea before they parted ways. Asking around proved to be difficult, very few people seemed to care about tea because it was so hot here anyways, and the ones who were partial towards tea hadn’t given him much direction on where to go. After wandering through the village for a little while Musu would make his way towards a tea shop that showed some promise to the young ninja. It was called The Uncles Dragon, it was smaller than some of the other shops around the area, but it appeared to be quite popular as shoppers were seen going in and out of the shop as Musu looked on for a bit. After doing a bit of people watching for a few minutes Musu decided that it was time for him to give it a try and began to walk towards the building, ready to get his hands on some delicious brew. 

[WC: 527]
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:33 pm
The interior of the Uncle's Dragon tea shop is warm, with light yellow walls accented by rich green moulding, patterned with golden embers that reflects the candles hanging from simple chandeliers. The aroma is one of earth, spice, and lavender, with hints of honey and leaf: a smell that makes one feel at home and makes one think on one's past. The red-haired jounin, Musu Uzumaki, would be greeted by a kind faced woman who stands near the center of the shop. She speaks, benevolence rings from the tone of her voice.

"Welcome to the Uncle's Dragon. Please, come and sit. Whether you've come for tea, or just to rest your feet: all are welcome here. And please, try our green tea. It's simple, but a staple if you yourself have never tried tea."

She gestures to any of the open tables. With it being not busy, most of the tables are empty. As Musu would scan for an empty seat, he would see a familiar sight. The burnt-white, ash-haired Raleth Sarutobi sits in the far corner of the tea-shop, sipping a small cup of tea: enjoying the serenity of the tea shop. The bearded shinobi had yet to notice the presence of the Uzumaki, the aged jounin's thoughts being preoccupied with the taste of his tea. The seat in front of Raleth is open, and the presence of the Sarutobi is welcoming and inviting. If Musu were to sit down, and ask for some of Raleth's tea, he would taste citrus, milk, and the slightest hint of pepper, a smooth and sweet-spice profile.

WC = 264
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:55 pm
Musu walked towards the tea shop and it was as though he was instantly transported to a different place. To Musu, the dusty and dry aroma of the hidden sand village was all too normal to him. He had grown up outside the outskirts of the village in the main country lands, and while the air out in the country was definitely a bit crisper and cleaner than here in Sunagakure for the most part it was the same. So when Musu entered into the tea shop his nostrils lit up in the sweet yet unfamiliar aroma. Never in his life had Musu been so enthralled by the smells that were around him and it was as  though he was using his sense of smell for the first time. As Musu entered into the building and let the door shut he would just stand right at the entrance and close his eyes for a few moments; he let all the different layers of smell just enter into his body. It was truly as though he wasn’t in the hidden sand village and in a whole different land entirely. It was truly a remarkable experience for the young sand ninja. 

His attention to snap back right to reality when the lady that was manning the cashier spoke up to him. It was now that Musu was able to look around and look at how nice the inside of this shop actually was. Musu could see now why so many people seemed to like going to this place, the interior was beautiful and different from the rest of the shops the village, and it definitely was nice to see a bit of variety around here. The lady manning the cashier was nice and pleasant and suggested that he try the Green tea that they had. As he walked up to the counter his sense of smell continued to function on all cylinders as it appeared the earthy and leafly aromas were emanating from the many pots and kettles that surrounded the young lady. 

“Yes, this is my first time in a tea shop! I’m so excited to try your green tea if you would please make me some!” Musu would say to the young lady, Musu would hand the money over for the tea and would watch as she began to make him is pot. She was so fast and so skilled with her technique Musu could barely keep up with here and after a little bit Musu thought now was a good time to find a place to sit. As Musu scanned the room he would finally be able to see in greater detail all the decoration and care that was clearly put into this place. His wonder would then stop as his heart jumped as he saw Raleth drinking some tea in one of the occupied tables. 

“Raleth! Hello, its Musu from that day at the grove, do you remember me?” Musu would say with delight and enthusiasm as he began to walk towards the ninja.

[WC: 506, Total = 1033]
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:45 am
“Raleth! Hello, its Musu from that day at the grove, do you remember me?”

The voice of the Uzumaki breaks through Raleth's tea trance, he looks up and sees the red-haired Musu, who greets the Sarutobi in his own peculair matter.

"It's good to see you, Uzumaki. Come, sit down."

Raleth gestures to the open seat in front of him, and motions to the kind faced woman, the owner of the tea shop. "Mrs. Mananaka I'lll have the sunrise tea spread." 
The kind faced woman smiles and bows before walking to the back of the tea shop, to prepare the order.

"What brings you to this side of the village? Finally taking some time for yourself? I'm glad to know you listened to me during the tea ceremony, and even remembered considering..."

Raleth pauses, the silence that fills the space between the Uzumaki and the Sarutobi are filled with the memory of the battle in the grove.

"I knew you'd be skilled enough to handle anything during that spar, though, I do apologize for putting you in needless danger. lost in the moment."

Raleth knows his apology does not excuse his actions, but he hopes the red-haired jounin would at least consider accepting it. Raleth brings the small porcelain tea-cup to his lips, finishing the drink he had started alone: listening and responding to Musu's reply to what he said. After a moment, Mrs. Mananaka returns with a tray of 3 tea kettles, and two cups. She place each one on the table, explaining each one to musu.

One is normal green tea, another is green tea with  honey, and a third is rose-and-peach tea. The spread is meant to introduce those to the world and falvors of tea, going with the most basic to something a little more exotic. Which one would the Uzumaki prefer? Raleth was excited to see the answer.

[[WC = 315]]
[[Total WC = 579]]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:58 pm
As Musu caught the attention of Raleth he was pleased to see that the jounin had remembered him from that day at the grove. Not that the meeting was a long time ago but Musu was sure that the older jounin knew many people in the village and he feared that his face might just blend in with the crowd. Almost gleefully the Uzumaki jounin would walk towards the table that raleth was at and sit down. Preparing himself for a nice cup of tea. The air in the tea house seemed to lift up and Musu began to truly feel comfortable in an unfamiliar place. Sitting down Raleth would ask the waitress, Mrs. Mananaka, for a tea spread, which made it appear to Musu that it was some sort of sampler. Musu had completely forgotten that he had also placed and order for some tea at this point so it wouldn’t be surprising to find that the waitress would bring them not only the tea spread but also Musus kettle of fresh green tea. 

“I hope that you are doing well Raleth, I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye the last time that we met.” Musu would say as the two began chatting. After that statement Musu would wait until Raleth was finished with these words before speaking again. The older jounin appeared to be thankful that Musu took his advice about taking some time to relax but then he trailed off talking about something else. The tone and subject matter that came from the jounin instantly changed to a somber tone and came off as apologetic towards the younger Uzumaki. He was truly saddened about how the day at the grove ended; he recalled it as though it was his fault for the destruction of that area of the grove and the tea set that was placed down there. He then went on to say that he knew that Musu could handle whatever either Mizuki or Raleth threw at him, stringing that complement on at the end of his conversation. Musu looked down at the tea that was already there, remembering a bit more about what happened that day, and then a few seconds later he would look Raleth dead in the eye and begin to speak. 

“First off, I want to thank you for advising me to take some time for myself. I feel like ever since I was promoted to jounin there has been a wait on my shoulders. In the sealing corps I had a singular job and I did it well but now I feel like there's a whole lot more responsibility. I owe it to the village and I owe it to myself to always do my best. Life requires balance, however, and I intend to use this newfound wonder of tea making to give me something else to look forward to….” Musu would pause for a second after that and let out a long sigh before continuing to talk; Musu’s tone would deepen and his speech would become more direct. 

“Secondly, I didn’t see it that way at all. I simply suggested to Mizuki that a demonstration of my talents would help her better see what I’m capable of. After you agreed Mizuki instantly went on the offensive. She started that fight, not us, and you were just defending yourself. I had no idea that she began so suddenly and right where we were enjoying our tea. Even I know never to mix work and play.”

Just as Musu would finish his conversation the tea kettles and a fresh set of cups would be brought over by Mrs. Mananaka. Not only was the sampler there but also a full fresh kettle of green tea to accompany it. Musu’s tone would change to one of joyfulness and embarrassment as all the tea would smother what table space they had. 

“Shit! I completely forgot that I had ordered a kettle of green tea as well! Ha!” Musu would laugh as he would begin to pour a cup of tea for Raleth. “Where I’m from its bad manners to pour drinks for yourself.”

[689, Total = 1722]
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:25 pm
A hearty chuckle escapes the ash-white-haired shinobi, enjoyment spread a smile on his face as the Uzumaki pours a cup of green tea: a good start for a night filled with conversation.

"With what I know, it is also bad luck to pour a cup for yourself!" Raleth waits for Musu to finish pouring the cup of tea; and, as the red-haired jounin places the kettle down, the Sarutobi grabs it and pours him a cup of green tea.

"Miss Ohta started the bout early, this is true. But..."Embarrassment dulls the bass voice of the immense jounin, "I forgot myself and got lost in the fever of battle. My actions were too intense for the arena we chose to spar in.." The memory of that evening, the sound of branch and wood breaking, is still fresh in the wash-white-haired shinobi's mind. But, he perks up as he continues to speak. "But, all is well. The following day I came to my senses, thanks to an old student of mine. Together, we cleaned up the mess I made. Even found time to plant a wonderful garden. Truth be told, it was a strange coincidence; with the combination of mine and Miss Ohta's jutsu, a serene lake had formed."

Raleth gestures for Musu to join him as he brings the small cup to his lips, the distinct aroma of green leaf tickles his nose. He tips the rim over his lips, hot and flavored liquid spills over his tongue and down his throat. A warmth comes over Raleth, starting from the base of his stomach and and spreading throughout his limbs, calming him in ways. After a moment of mutual tea enjoyment subsides, the Sarutobi speaks up.

"Last we spoke, you mentioned that you were a native to Wind Country. I don't mean to pry, but did you father tell you nothing of your namesake? Truth be told, you needn't know your clans history, you yourself are a fine example of an ingenuous Uzumaki. But still, do you not wonder why you are so adept with fuuinjutsu?"

Raleth sits back, relaxed.

"I lived for some time in Fire Country, my house was near the Uzumaki estate. The friends that I had in childhood i've not kept up with, but I can recall the stories of they told me of their forefathers. If you wish to know, I'd be happy to tell you what I can. Again, this information is not needed, but it could shed light on things you've been confused on? I've always found that a piece a wisdom, especially from the past, can help one overcome the obstacles of tomorrow."

Mrs. Mananaka comes back to the table of the ash-white-haired shinobi and the red-haired jounin, placing a small kettle of green tea: one ordered by Musu Uzumaki. Never one to turn away tea, Raleth graciously pours the rest of the green tea into Musu's cup, and the kettle so that the handle faces the Uzumkai. An invitation to pour and converse some more, if he chooses to accept.

[[WC = 501]]
[[Total WC = 1080]]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:23 pm
“Thank you, Sir '' Musu said to the aging jounin as Raleth would pour a cup of tea for him. The Uzumaki jounin would lean back into his chair a bit and find a way to get himself even more comfortable. The small act of pouring tea for eachother might not signal anything to some but it was a huge mark of respect for Musu. The act would take him back to his days as a child with his father. Even when they were on a hunt and the elements were unwelcoming his father would instill a deep level of respect into Musu. Not only for other ninjas but for nature, the animals around him, and most importantly himself. Following along with Raleth he would lift his cup up and sip the warm brew. 

Musu would again feel the same excitement that he had when he first drank the tea that they shared in the grove. The earthy tones created a weight within the tea that Musu felt as the warm liquid would begin to warm his inside. As Raleth would continue to speak about his adventures Musu would look away at times to inspect the decor on the walls, still listening intently to Raleth, but using those moments to enjoy the tea that the two ninja shared and let it settle in his belly. 

“Delicious..” Musu would say quietly while Raleth would speak. He didn’t want to interrupt him but he could help complement this first sample of tea. Musu would appear to be physically happy as the two continued to have their conversation. The ecstasy that he felt would carry over in the tone of his voice. 

“I’m glad that you were able to find a silver lining in the encounter. I look forward to visiting the grove again and seeing the work that you were able to achieve.” Musu would say to Raleth as they continued to sip their tea. “I also look forward to meeting you on the field of battle, not now of course, please don’t start a spar here!” Musu would exclaim to the ninja with a tone of sarcasm. After this Musu would finish his current cup of green tea. 

The next part of the conversation appeared to become more personal as Raleth asked Musu what he knew about his family heritage. Not one to shy away from a conversation even if it was uncomfortable he would let out a deep sigh as he poured another cup of green tea for Raleth. He thanked Mrs. Mananaka for bringing him the tea he ordered and then continued on with the conversation. 

“My Father was not from the Land of Fire. He was originally from a small village in the Land of Lightning and I never got the chance to ask him why he moved away from there. He told me what little he knew about my clan's ancestry. He told me that his father was a skilled Fuuinjutsu user but my father was never as adept. When he learned about my innate talent with sealing he tried his best to teach me what he knew but it was actually my mother that helped me hone my skill the most.” Musu would take another large sip of green tea before continuing on. 

“I’m proud to be an Uzumaki and since coming to Sunagakure my knowledge of the clan has greatly increased but it's only been from the histories I’ve read in the books and scrolls. There is no feeling to it, you know? So in conclusion, yes Raleth, please tell me a tale of the Uzumaki clan. I challenge you to move me in a way the tomes could not. I’m never one to turn away from new knowledge.” Musu would conclude. 

“Also, tell me more about the other two teas that we have here if you wouldn’t mind? So far everything that I’ve tasted has been spectacular!

[WC: 652, 2374 total
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:42 pm
“I also look forward to meeting you on the field of battle, not now of course, please don’t start a spar here!”

A hearty laugh, a booming sound, escapes the ash-white-haired shinobi, the humor of the red-haired jounin is appreciated and the promise of a future battle is enticing.

"Of that, you've nothing to fear. And may our enemies quake when they spot our banners flying together!"

Raleth brings his cup, and shares a drink of green tea with his comrade. The Sarutobi listens to the Uzumaki and finds the memories Musu shares about his father endearing. He's glad to see the pride that glows in the red-haired-jounin's eyes as he mentions his lineage. As Musu mentions the tomes he's read, there is a strange emptiness in his tone, as if he cannot picture the stories told in them. At the request of the Uzumaki, the aged Sarutobi agrees to breathe life to the stories he's read.

"This was a time long ago, many years from where we are now. When the world looked the same, but the lines of countries were changed. There was war, violence, and bloodshed at all times, two clans fought for control. And, while this war waged, there was a family of shinobi separate of these other two. These were the Uzumaki, renowned warriors and scholars who were said to live longer than the trees that surrounded their village. And, they were great allies to one of the warring clans, the Senju. When peace finally blossomed in the land, the Uzumaki were forever immortalized by the Senju, the symbol of the jounin and chuunin of Konoha is the clan crest, the swirl. And, when tragedy struck the clan, the leaf welcomed them with open arms."

The white-ash-haired shinobi sips his tea, enjoying the memories of hidden leaf village, but finding himself near a place he wishes not to be. A strange an unknown twang would break over the Sarutobi as he spoke a sudden name, "A childhood friend of mine, Rosina Uzumaki, used to tell me the story about how her clan had saved the village. During the third hokage's reign, my great-grand-uncle, Hiruzen Sarutobi, had defended the Leaf from an attack from the village hidden in the Sound. The fight was awesome, what I've read about it says that titanic and monumentous things occurred. Hrizuen fought with his last breath, and this was at a time where age had finally caught up with him. People were deceived, traps were set, and in the end the Sarutobi fell. But, not before saving Konoha with a jutsu developed by the Uzumaki, a fuuin seal with disastrous consequences.

Raleth Sarutobi bows his head, in respect to his ancestor, and to the progeny of the clan who aided him. Raleth takes another sip of tea, and finds that the green tea is finished. He puts the tea kettle near the tables edge, and grabs another kettle from the sunrise tea spread.

"This is green tea with honey," Raleth says as he pours Musu a cup, "Sometimes, the simplest things can cause a great thing to be greater."

[[WC = 517 / 1597]]
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Thu Oct 08, 2020 9:28 am
Walking past the many shops that decorated Sunagakure Zaine had come to a familiar area, one that had a special sentimental value due to the fondness his old sensei had for it. A sweet aroma of differing teas graced the nostrils of the Uchiha as he instinctively walked closer and closer to a tea shop he was more than acquainted with- "Uncles Dragon" tea shop. He smiled as he walked inside of the small shop and was greeted by a friendly smile "Welcome to the Uncle's Dragon. Please, come and sit. Whether you've come for tea, or just to rest your feet: all are welcome here. And please, try our green tea. It's simple, but a staple if you yourself have never tried tea." The young woman said to Zaine as he entered "I think thats exactly what ill be having now that you mention it, one order of green tea please!" He would scan the room as he watched the woman walk away to put in his order and to his surprise he would see Raleth Sarutobi sitting in the back corner with none other than Moosiah Uzukmaki! He had run into a stroke of luck meeting the two of them here, he would get to enjoy some tea in the company of two high ranking and respectable shinobi.

He would make his way past the other consumers of tea until he was standing in front of the table at which they sat "Excuse me, but would you fine gentlemen happen to have room for one more?" A rhetorical question, he would pull up a seat next to Moosiah, smiling in his general direction before focusing his attention on Raleth "So besides the fantastic tea, what brings you here today, you guys coming up with new tactics for battle?" He was more than excited to partake in any conversation with the two but was interested as to what they were in such deep conversation about, surely it would be something he could get in on. 

Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A chance encounter (Raleth) Empty Re: A chance encounter (Raleth)

Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:01 pm
Musu would give Raleth a large smile as Sarutobi was visibly tickled by what he said. Musu seemed to get a laugh out of Raleth pretty consistently and it pleased him to know that there was somebody that appreciated his different style of humor. As Raleth spoke to Musu about the future battles to come it comforted the young jounin that somebody with a bit more experience in the field of battle was there to provide wisdom and courage. Musu had never been a large scale battle before, even when Sunagakure was under siege he never was on the front lines, but he knew with this promotion that he was more than likely required to take a leadership role. Musu understood now more than ever with this comment that he would need a man like Raleth in his corner to teach him the ways of battle that very few people could. 

“Well, while they will cower at the mere sight of our banners, I still hope that such conflict will not come to pass, and if it does I look forward to ripping out their spines!” Musu would say directly to Raleth while giving him a wink and a smirk. In reality Musu hoped that he wouldn’t have to be that ruthless but it still wasn’t beneath him if it was necessary for the sake of his friends or the village. 

The pleasant afternoon continued with the continuing conversation about the shared past of the Sarutobi and Uzumaki clans. As Raleth showed Musu respect when listening to the Uzumakis past knowledge about his clan he would give the Sarutobi the same respect: he would quietly sip his green tea and remain eye contact with Raleth as he spoke about the third Hokage and the jutsu that he used in his defense of the hidden leaf village. Musu would lean in a bit as he talked about a hidden jutsu of the Uzumaki that was used during that battle. It was incredible to learn that while his father might have taught him jutsu passed down from his family line that there were still other sects of the clan that held access to even more powerful jutsus. Perhaps these jutsu’s might reveal more information on how Musu got here in the first place.

“Thats an incredible story. I didn’t know that the Uzumaki and the Sarutobi had such a connection in the past while in the leaf. It seems as though that this connection continues in the sand.” Musu would raise his cup up to Raleth and drink down the rest of the green tea that was lingering at the bottom. Once finished Musu would conclude his statement. 

“It’s incredible to think that there may be other secret Uzumaki jutsu hidden in the leaf. I’d like to go there one day to find out. Perhaps this could give me a more dynamic fighting style. Did you learn any secret jutsu from the leaf while you were there?” Musu would ask the Sarutobi as he poured the honey green tea into his cup. 

As Musu was listening to Raleths response Musu would pour him a cup of the honey green tea as well. As Musu finished pouring he would sense a strong, familiar chakra enter into the room. Zaine would find his way to the table that Raleth and Musu were sitting at. Making his greetings and pulling up a chair before the two could even respond Musu would stand up and give Zaine a bow, recognizing him from the dinner that the three were present at a few days prior. 

“Hello Zaine! I hope you have been well. Please have a seat, although it appears you anticipated our answer before I even said it. What are you physic?” Musu would say to the Uchiha. Musu would wait to begin sipping his honey green tea until the waitress would come over with another cup for tea, and as soon as he could Musu would pour a cup for Zaine. Musu would raise his cup and appear to be waiting for the other two to do the same before exclaiming “To good friends” and taking a drink of the tea. 

Interestingly enough, if either of the two ninja would watch Musus expression, he did not particularly enjoy this tea. A look of distaste would wash over the Uzumaki as the super sweet liquid would pour down his throat. Setting his tea cup down Musu would answer Zaines question about their meeting. 

“Actually, when I first met Raleth he recommended that I take some time to relax, giving me sage wisdom through a metaphor. I was walking through the village and found this tea shop and low and behold: Raleth was already there sitting alone. We’ve been chatting ever since. We are right now acutally talking about our clans history in the leaf village and maybe the secret jutsu that are hidden there.” Musu would explain to the Uchiha, reluctantly taking another sip of the diabetically sweet nectar. 

“What brings you here, Zaine?” Musu would ask, concluding his statement.

[WC: 821, TWC: 3195]
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