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Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:21 pm
Plant a Garden in the Grove:

The sun hangs high in the sky, bathing Sunagakure in the hazy-heat of afternoon as Raleth, wearing a black Saurtobi clan kimono that masks his impressive bulk, leaves his home, a wide-brimmed, straw-hat pulled low to cover his eyes, and his shame. He hurries down his street, turning a corner: ignoring the soothing smell of green-tea and ginger. The aged jounin walks onto the market street of the sand village, doing his best to avoid eye contact with the many merchants he knows: hoping to blend into the crowd, cursing his own size for making that difficult. He walks down the length, taking a small side street, traveling through the many criss-crossing roads of the village. Though the knows a path on the rooftops, he feels it would be best to lie low: better to not stand out. He travels for more than a half hour, to the familiar residential district of his friend, Zaine.

Walking up the Uchiia's street, shame burns the cheek of the Sarutobi, the embarrassment borne of one's own mindless actions constricts his throat: he hopes, and knows, he friend can help him. The weight of what he has to say brings his nose down as he walks up to his friends front door: knocking unceremoniously, shaking the door in its hinges. He waits the moments until his friend opens the door, trying to figure out the best way to phrase his request. The seconds in silence feels like minutes.

Zaine Uchiha would open the door, most likely not expecting the Sarutobi to be visiting. He would also notice the strange, neutral expression on the scarred face of Raleth, and would also notice a distinct lack of a fruit basket. Raleth would speak, at this time.

"I need your help, Zaine," Raleth would say, unsure if Zaine had heard of what transpired a few nights ago, "I had gone to the Grove to see the sunset, met some fellow shinobi. I had invited them for tea, and one of them brought up the idea for a spar. You know me well enough to know I'd never pass up an opportunity to train and better myself...but then one of them..."

What transpired flashed before his eyes, the shame he felt is replaced by the echoes of a furious rage, on Zaine knows well. Unable to hide this, Raleth Sarutobi flexes, a vein pops out near his forehead, he almost bursts out the shoulders of his kimono, his eyes flash white with wrath and as he speaks between his teeth.

"spilled tea...."

Not much else would need to be said for Zaine to know what would've transpired, the wrath his old sensei would have felt from spilled tea would be well known to the Uchiha. In the next instant, Raleth sighs out his anger, relaxing himself. Raleth would see what his friend had to say, and be ready for the scolding that would soon come. Once Zaine had said his peace, Raleth would motion for him to follow him to the grove, to the spot where the destruction was.

WC = 512
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:07 pm
The morning had presented itself bringing with it a new day for the village of Sunagakure and Zaine, the young Uchiha who was aspiring to surpass his limits daily in order to protect his village. The young shinobi arose from bed as he stretched his arms and legs while letting out a large yawn. Rubbing his eyes with his right wrist he would take hold of the blinds covering the window located to the right of his bed and move them slowly to the left until the shine was able to fully shine through. Zaine's room, now illuminated by the bright rays of the sun filled him with feelings of joy and ambition to get the day started. He had nothing planned specifically for the day which was unusual for him due to his rather organized nature. It was nothing short of normal for Zaine to have his entire day planned from morning to night but something in his gut the previous night was giving him the thought that he should take a break from his stringent schedules. He would make his way to the kitchen and pour himself a glass of water while he got out ingredients to make himself breakfast. It would end up being fairly simple consisting of pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns and a bit of fruit on the side; the fruit disappointed him slightly because it was fruit he acquired from a nearby market and he had become accustomed to fruit handpicked from his old sensei's garden but he would make due. Starting up the stove Zaine would begin cracking eggs and pouring them into a bowl, whisking them around and adding a bit of milk, salt, pepper and curry pepper. Once it was uniform he would place a pan on the stove ensuring that the burner was on low heat before he poured the eggs onto the pan and began to cook them. Once a bit of time had passed he would grab the pancake mix and motion towards another pan but would be interrupted by a knock at the door before he was able to begin cooking his pancakes. Without wasting another moment Zaine motioned towards the door, grabbing the handle without checking who it might be through the peep hole. To a lack of his surprise it was his old master Raleth Sarutobi dressed in a black kimono with the familiar Sarutobi clan symbol placed upon it. What seemed unfamiliar was the expression on the mans face, he seemed off..almost saddened? It was an expression that Zaine had only seen on his masters face twice in his life so something had to have occurred. To make matters worse he wasnt carrying any fruit with him which helped Zaine to further conclude something must be wrong and selfishly he thought "I was just thinking how much I wanted some of his fruit to go with my breakfast and here he shows up with no fruit...thats not important though, I have to see whats wrong with him." Zaine smiled at Raleth inviting him into his home as he spoke "Good morning Ral, what brings you here on a beautiful day like this?" Before Zaine could fully motion for Raleth to come in the Sarutobi would begin to speak informing him of the events that had taken place in the grove days prior. Zaine's smile would change to one of disappointment.

Zaine would place his right hand on his forehead as he looked down slightly and shook his head. "I was hoping to have some breakfast and have a nice relaxing day but you went and got yourself into a pretty bad situation." Zaine would look directly into the eyes of his sensei before speaking again "Wait here." Walking back into his home, leaving the door open Zaine would shut off the stove and leave all of the ingredients he had previously pulled out on the counter. He would make his way to his bedroom and get dressed in his usual attire, a white lonsgleeve shirt with the Uchiha crest prominently printed on its back, long straight legged black pants and both weapon pouches on his lower back. Zaine would take his headband and tie it tight to his left arm and make his way back to his front door. He would put on his shoes as he spoke to Raleth once more "So I might have heard a little bit about what happened. I know that you can get carried away from time to time..but attacking a high ranking shinobi with a lethal jutsu is reckless even for you." Zaine sighed, now fully ready to embark on this redemption mission with Raleth. He would close the door to his home behind him and begin to follow Raleth to the grove. "Ill help you with fixing your mistake because I in part feel responsible. I should have been there to prevent that from happening. The one condition I have is that you need to formally apologize to Mizuki and lord Kazekage for your brazen behavior." Upon hearing his response Zaine would continue following Raleth until they made it to the grove to begin repairing it. 

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Sun Sep 20, 2020 1:05 pm
The aged Sarutobi bows his head in thanks as the Uchiha agrees to help him, Raleth knew he could count on Zaine. The aged jounin waits patiently as Zaine goes into his home to get ready, and thinks of ways to remedy the situation he's created in the Grove. He's surprised at how quick the Uchiha returns, dressed and ready with his headband wrapped around his arms. His friends next words causes shame to rouge his cheek.

"So I might have heard a little bit about what happened. I know that you can get carried away from time to time..but attacking a high ranking shinobi with a lethal jutsu is reckless even for you." 

His friends words ring in his ears, the memory of wrath sparks up in defiance, a thought responds in his mind: trying to voice itself.
But it was the only way to defeat that porcelain brat! 
Raleth stops his voice, quickly inhaling through his nose and sighing out his frustration. He knows his answer does not excuse his actions, and, because of the words from his friend, he knows he must keep his own competitive nature in check. As Zaine mentions his one condition, Raleth is surprised: he had not thought of a formal apology. He figured that his actions today, planting a garden in the Grove, would have been enough. Thankful for having a polite and sensible friend, glad to know his old student can teach his sensei, Raleth bows his head, speaking.

"That will be a good way to make sure the Kazekage notices the Garden."
The Sarutobi motions to his friend to follow him to the Grove.

"It will be easier if you saw the aftermath of the battle for yourself," says Raleth as he leads Zaine, "you'll understand the basics of my plan. This is technically a job I could do by myself, but there are many things I need to get first, things like flowers, fish, and fireflies. Normally, these things could be purchased at the market, but I feel that would cheapen the gift I intend to give to the Kazekage. The flowers that I'm thinking of would be Oasis Embers, Desert Lillies, and Dune buds, the reds, golds, and honey colors of their petals would compliment the natural scenery."

Raleth and Zaine pass over the entrance to the grove, and beginning walking through the lush, desert greenery.

"Mirage Minnows have wonderfully iridescent scales, I've heard they can be found in small puddles in dunes. Their scales reflect the smallest bit of light, and, to my knowledge, they are the only naturally found fish in Wind Country. I've talked to some local merchants, they say that some of their schools can be found near the village. Should also check for sand snails, I've heard their good for keeping water clear."

The two walk over a lush, rolling hill: toward a picturesque tree blooming with green.

"SparkFlies are an insect who emmits tiny wisps of red-and-orange light. There are many theories as to why, but I believe its how they communicate with each other. As such, this will be the most difficult to acquire. Since it is during the day, the market would be our only chance to get them. But, we need to make sure each and every one gets along with one another. As such, we will need to purchase them one by one, and see how they respond to one another. Ideally, they will have a sort of tempo or beat to their sparks. I've even heard tales that of some fantastic things with a swarm of Sparkflies enjoy each other."

They round the hill, and gaze on a field sown with destruction. A huge, jutting earth wall bearing the blooming flower of the Sarutobi acts as the barrier and edge to a 20 meter in length, 10 meter in width and depth lake. The corpses of uprooted trees dot the mud-torn shores of a murk-water-filled divot, turned-and-warped-soil bleeds together into brackish-black, worms and grubs wriggle in soil and lake. The surrounding trees seem frail and shaken, almost as if traumatized by the power displayed. Once again seeing the consequences of his Wrath, Raleth bows his head: his voice muffled by a mixture of emotions.

"We also have to landscape this area. I've ideas, a carved path around the lake for a lover's walk, perhaps. Still, what are your thoughts? We've about four tasks ahead of us, split them up and we can be done before nightfall. I'm fine with whatever, you decide how to proceed. Once we've finished our tasks, I'll put it all together. Then, we can go to the spire and I can apologize to the Kazekage. And, Miss Ohta"

Raleth stares at the mud-torn, murk-filled divot, awaiting his friend's response.

WC = 797
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Sun Sep 20, 2020 9:38 pm
Listening to the words of his old sensei as they made their way to the scene of the destruction Zaine could hear the genuine feelings of regret and shame. It was clear now that Raleth was dealing with his mistake internally and was most likely being extremely hard on himself. Keeping this is mind Zaine saw no reason to continue pressing the issue and moved toward lightening the mood more "Well from the sound of it you atleast got those old bones moving a bit." Zaine would say in jest as he looked up at the sky, walking just a few feet behind Raleth. "I was starting to worry that id need get you a walker to get from place to place." Zaine felt that in the growing peace his friend had become a bit more complacent and had been training less than himself and others he noted in the village at the same level. So, as much as he was disappointed by the actions of Raleth, part of him was relieved to know that he hadnt lost a step and that he was still worthy of being referred to as his old sensei. He listened on as instructions and descriptions were hurled at him, sounding almost like snap poetry. This was far from abnormal coming from the aged Sarutobi but still Zaine preferred more direct methods of communication as opposed to his style in battle which mimicked a more sleek, evasive and tactical modality. He would allow Raleth to speak his piece about the many different ideas, floral arrangements and creatures he wanted to add to the new and "improved" Grove. Once he was done and they rounded a hill, now onlooking the destruction Raleth had caused the young Uchiha would speak "...You..I can't believe this. I didnt think that it would be this bad. Before we talk about ideas for people having romantic strolls, we need to clear out these scattered branches and tree trunks. I can utilize wind style to direct the debris into the body of water. The greenery will act as a new pseudo ecosystem for wild life." Turning to face Raleth Zaine would place his left hand on the back of his head and sigh with both eyes closed before speaking again "I havent exactly gotten the hang of Earth or Water style yet so I wont be of much help in that department. But youre going to need to level this place out by smoothing over the portions that became unsteady from your earth ninjutsu. If you can accomplish that then we should be able to fix this place up in no time." Zaine would await a response from his friend and depending on what he said he would leap down from where they stood, ensuring that he was far enough back from the debris that were scattered around the perimeter of the newly added body of water. Once Raleth gave him the signal to begin, he would utilize his wind style to forced debris into the water where they would sink. 

Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:59 pm
Raleth could feel Zaine's lack of enjoyment as the tasks were mentioned, he expected his pupil to be excited at the chances of quests and fetching. As Raleth eyes the Uchiha who gazes at the mud torn divot, the Sarutobi notes his expression. From the slight twitch in his friend's brow, and the unquestionable grimace, Raleth knew that Zaine had not eaten breakfast. A startling thought strikes him, the Uchiha must've been in the process of making breakfast when the Sarutobi knocked on his door.

What kind of sensei lets his student skip breakfast...

Storm clouds hang over Raleth's brows, he resolves to fetch all the items needed. It was his mistake, and problem, after all. 

"The debris would make for good nests for the sand snails," Raleth says in regards to Zaine's proposal of his use of wind ninjutsu, " clear out a sizable area around the water, at least 4 meters. I'll see about getting what I need, I should be back before sundown. "
Raleth ponders the problem of leveling out the uneven terrain. Faced with a problem he'd never thought of facing, something that would require immense strength, yet delicate precision. Raleth finds his mind running blank, having to think in ways he hadn’t before. He keeps this problem in the back of his mind as he turns to leave Zaine to clear the debris.

A sudden idea, borne from the obstacle of this problem, presents himself: he might as well turn this experience into something more. Raleth forms the Dragon, Horse, Hox, Ram, Hare and Snake handseals, and claps: releasing an explosive amount of earth chakra around him. The air surrounding the Sarutobi is manipulated, density is altered, gravity is lessened, Raleth hovers above the ground. The white-ash-haired shinobi inhales through his nose, losing himself in the flow of the Light-Weight Boulder Technique. He exhales, and prepares himself for the trial ahead. In the next breath, Raleth bursts upward, shooting through the sky: heading toward the vast desert of Wind Country.

He travels toward a familiar spot, a battle-torn oasis nestled between two dunes. Raleth scans the burnt-tree-encircled water and is dismayed to see the charred bodies of Oasis Embers. But, as he floats in the clouds, he spots the dull-orange petals of a patch of Dune buds. The Sarutobi counts himself lucky, the flowers' petals are glowing, strong, and nourished, most likely from the waters from the nearby Oasis. Raleth drops down, and carefully removes the flowers from the sand, taking care to conserve the complex systems of their roots, grabbing neighboring sand to keep them healthy enough to be comfortable for the journey ahead. Raleth places them carefully in his pack and shoots back up in the sky.

The bright-red of Oasis Embers catches his eye, the distance would be dizzying if he was not maintaining his flight. He bursts forward, toward the shores of a smaller body of water and scoops up handfuls of clay-sand-mud, just enough to paint the vision he has in his head. Satisfied, he swings himself upward, through the midday sky: searching for the tell-tale purple of Desert Lilies. Sweat begins to bead on his forehead, the jutsu begins to take its toll.

In the shadows of the windswept dunes, the faint pigment of vibrant-violet stands out in the shadows of the sands. Raleth angles himself to swoop down low, and in one quick motion scoops up a plethora of Desert Lillies, placing them in his pack and securing them. He circles back to another oasis, and grabs a handful of water: sprinkling it over the flowers. Having found all the flowers he needs, Raleth shoots high in the sky, looking for the next thing he needs to get: fish.

The burnt white, ash-haired shinobi scans the horizon, looking for the slightest glimmer or shimmer in the sand. He had hoped a school of mirage minnows would've been near the desert lillies, but he figured things couldn't be that easy. He flies in a direction, over rolling waves of sun-scorched sand, keeping his eyes to the ground, searching. His muscles begin to tense, stress and pressure build up in his body, his breath tries to become irregular as the technique puts a strain on his body. 

After some time, he sees a small sparkle in the shadow of a mountain, between a dune-made-valley. Raleth flies low, diving into stone’s shade, and goes to the sand hill flanked area. In its center lies a sizeable body of water, its surface looks like a prism of fantastic colors: a spawn-pond for Mirage Minnows. Joy spreads over the aged jounin's face, he hadn't expected to find an entire school and family. Yet, dismay rises in Raleth, he hadn’t brought anything to carry the minnows. The thought of the flight to Sunagakure, only to  have to fly back to this spot, frustrates the aged jounin. Yet, inspiration strikes the Sarutobi as his body begins to ache and strain from the stress of maintaining the Earth Style Technique. 

He inhales, reversing the flow of the earth chakra around him, manipulating the air around him: exhaling, altering the density of the molecules and increasing the effect on gravity. His weight is brought back to earth, his feet sink into the sand, the shift of pulling force attempts to break the white-ash-haired shinobi. But, the will of Raleth, the chakra control of the Sarutobi, makes the transition easy: and he is able to bear the burden of the Heavy Weight Boulder Technique. 

He trudges to the mountain that casts its shadow over the dune-made valley, carving a path through the sand. He faces the unmovable stone. He breaths in, calming his thoughts and emptying his mind. He brings his feet and hands together: like one in prayer. He readies himself, spreading his feet apart, bending his knees, bringing his right fist to his side and his left hand over his heart: spread flat and facing his right. 

He punches the unmoving mountain; quaking stone, shaking sand, and thundering earth. A fissure erupts and splits the mountain apart, light breaks through the shadow: splashing its glory over the dune made valley. Brilliance radiates from the small pond, spectrums of color hover over the water: created by the school of Mirage Minnows. 

Raleth returns to the small pond, carrying a large stone bowl crafted from the mountain: carved with a kunai he holds in his other hand. With a seamless and careful motion, the Sarutobi scoops the mirage minnow spawn pond. Fatigue burns the aged jounin’s body, he breathes in and changes the flow of his chakra: decreasing the effect on gravity on himself and the bowl he holds. In the next moment, he bursts into the sky, carrying the flowers and fish: heading back to sunagakure as the late afternoon sun hangs over Wind Country.
He passes over the mud-torn-divot, dropping the bowl and pack of vibrant flowers. His friend, Zaine, would notice the intense stress that Raleth has put his body through, and the limits he’s pushed in his own chakra control. He gives his friend a farewell and flies toward the market, unaware of how that might appear to the villagers of the Sunagakure.

Providence finally shines on Raleth Sarutobi, the task of getting the SparkFlies is easy. The merchant he found is kind and good-hearted, the bugs he keeps are loved and respected. More than a family and friends, a community of SparkFlies. Raleth thanks the merchant, praising him thoroughly.

He returns to the grove, with jars of the bright-orange flashing insects. He places them near the fish and flowers and brings his hands together, deactivating the Earth Release Boulder Techniques. The sudden break of concentration, the relief of relaxation and release of tension and stress, causes the aged jounin to gasp. He falls on one knee, breathing heavily. He takes a moment to rest, and ponder the lessons he learned in the desert.

WC = 1319

AP = 595/700

Earth Release: Light Weight Rock Technique
Earth Release: Heavy Weight Rock Technique
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:14 pm
Hearing the words of his old sensei Zaine would nod in agreeance understanding that his job in all this was simple, he would be utilizing his wind style techniques in order to clean out the debris that laid messy around the perimeter of the body of water. Now standing 10 meters from the body of water Zaine would take in a deep breath as he closed his eyes, taking in the flow of the natural wind current around him- as was his habit when performing wind style ninjutsu outside of a situation of battle. He would open his eyes revealing three tomoe equally spread around a pin point black pupil engulfed by scarlet red sclera. Zaine would glance over in the direction of Raleth as he began to chain together handsigns, he noted the order of handseals followed by a clap. Zaines eyes would widen as he saw the sheer volume of high density earth chakra that had been gathered up by Raleth, so much that it seemed to overflow from his body. He continued to watch as the chakra would become finely tuned around him and take a controlled shape as the aged shinobi began to take flight. The last time Zaine had witnessed this technique was during their sparring session but at that time his Sharingan was much less developed- he had not the ability to view chakra in color and at its specific density. He stood staring in awe as he gained full perspective of the quantity of chakra along with the control needed to execute a technique that appeared to be so simple and graceful to the naked eye. He would nod as he focused his attention back to the task in front of him- it was finally time for him to do his part to return the grove to its former glory.

The waters of the newly formed lake rippled with the flow of the wind that graced the young Uchiha and his surrounding environment as he began to channel chakra and weave handsigns. The young Uchiha would run through the handsigns Tiger>Ox>Dog>Rabbit>Snake and then clapping his hands. The sound of his clap would be accompanied by the rippling of his clothing and unkempt hair in the wind that was beginning to form in front of him. A 15 meter wide and 5 meter tall wall of violent wind would come erupting from in front of Zaine at a power and speed of 65 - this wind would take with it all of the branches dirt and torn earth that had been displaced by Raleth's earlier display of power. The debris would be sent into the body of water and the weight of the branches along with the added force from the winds would allow them to sink to the bottom of the the newly created body of water. Zaine was a bit surprised with the increased strength and speed at which his jutsu took form and gave a slight smirk in acknowledgement of his newfound strength that had resulted from rigorous training. At this point it was time for him to check back on the progress of his teammate who no doubt would be carrying the larger load of work in this reconstruction. 

Zaine looked on at his aged master as he continued in flight before something interesting began to occur. It seemed as though the earthen chakra surrounding Raleth began to shift although it maintained every bit of intensity shown previously and to this the young Uchiha was once again surprised. Landing, seeming to sink into the ground with more weight than his body should allow, Raleth would make his way slowly but surely through the sand leaving a trail through it as he stopped at the base of a large mountain. Zaines eyes took note of the shift in this browned chakra that seemed to focus itself in a similar fashion on the surrounding area around the shinobi but with very different results. Zaine would lean over onto his right knee with his right elbow and place his left hand palm facing down with fingers tightly together above his brow to block the sun from his eyes. He would continue to watch as Raleth got into a stance that his pupil knew all too well and once he was readied in this stance- the events leading would prove to be a show. With one swift strike the Sarutobi of ashened hair would plant his fist firmly at the base of the mountain, splitting in down the center and revealing a bright light that shined through vibrantly. Zaine had always known of his masters power but to see it in action against the landscape was truly a sight to behold. Returning to a standing position the young Uchiha would shout out to his master "Seems like you have things under control here! I think im gonna hit the road! Ill catch you on our next mission and dont forget that were going to the Kazekage to apologize!" He would take his leave allowing Raleth to finish up the remainder of the work on the grove.

Jutsu used:

[WC=851, TOTAL WC= 2,218]



  • Claiming all mission rewards
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Ryo : 500

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Fri Sep 25, 2020 12:31 am
Approved for Zaine's exit and mission claims!
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:44 am
The immense jounin nods, silently saying farewell to Zaine as his friend takes his leave, the Uchiha leaving Raleth after completing his task. The white-ash-haired shinobi sits down, crosses his knees, and places his hands in a meditative position, staring at the cleaned up, mud-torn divot. The foliage, branches, and bodies of trees that once surrounded the waters and shore can be seen at the bottom of murk-colored lake, fauna gravitates to the sudden-made-shelter: the smallest forms of life wriggle out. With enough time, and some luck, a natural ecosystem would form, a picture, borne from the surrounding environment, would sprout from the soil, dirt, and stone tilled by Raleth's wrath. The plantlife that would grow, the vision of the garden, projects onto the mud-torn divot, Raleth can see what he needs to do. He breaths in and relaxes himself, standing up in the next moment. The aged Sarutobi prepares his mind and body for the tasks ahead.

Raleth gathers an intense amount of earth chakra in his body, concentrating on condensing it. He weaves the Snake, Hare, Ram, Tiger, and Horse handsigns as he flows this pressured-energy throughout his limbs  and extremities, forcing it out of the many tenketsu points on his body: creating a small aura around himself. The air in this aura is manipulated, molecules are arranged, and the effects of gravity are increased as the final handseal is completed. A great force pulls the Sarutobi to the earth and threatens to bring the white-ash-haired shinobi to his knees. But, like before, Raleth stands tall and bears the weight of the Heavy Weight Boulder Technique. 

He walks to the cleared shores of the destruction-made lake, ready to craft and sculpt the vision in his mind. Utilizing the increased strength from the earth release technique, Raleth reforms and warps the mud-torn divot with his own hands: smoothing the uneven terrain with his palms and creating arrangements of rock and mud with his arms, to make a setting and scene that can only be called romantic. Before long, a circular, 4 meter path is created around the 20 meter lake, with rocks and boulders arranged to form a zen-style garden around this walk-path. Bright-orange Oasis Embers are placed in the peaks of these rock-arrangements, making the stone look like its bathed in sunset light. The dull-brown of dune buds are placed closer to the waters, giving the shore a smooth-sand appearance. The Desert Lillies are placed at intermittent points on the circular path, their vibrant petals spread over and cover the walk path in violet.

The immense jouin grabs the stone bowl carved from the mountain, careful not to disturb the shimmering of the Mirage Minnows. He brings the bowl to the shore, placing it near the earthen barrier: lowering its edge to the water and allowing the minnows to swim through the lake are their leisure. As he returns to the Sparkflies, he opens each jar carefully. When they feel ready, the bright bugs will drift out of their jars, twinkling with curiosity.

Raleth takes a step back, taking in the picture before him. As it stands, the lake looks serene and calming. But, the immense jounin feels more can be done. In the next moment, inspiration strikes as he releases the Heavy Weight Boulder Technique. Raleth forms the Ox, Monkey, Hare, Rat, and Boar handseals as intense amount of water chakra swirls in the stomach of the ash-white-haired shinobi. This vortex of chakra travels up to his throat and mouth, shaping its self in rhythm with the handsigns. With the final handseals, the aged Sarutobi spews out a terrifying torrent, a dragon made of water: 3 meters wide and 20 meters in length. It wraps around the 20 meter shore of the flower-trimmed lake, rises over the earthen barrier created by Raleth, and rests its head above the blooming flower of the Sarutobi. Strain simmers the body of the white-ash-haired shinobi, sweat beads down his furrowed brows, he maintains the Water Dragon Bullet. 

The immense jounin forms the Horse, Dog, Bird, Ox, and Snake handseals, the earth of the shore, the mud and stone of the Earth Wall Barrier, hum in resonance with the hang signs weaves by Raleth. Earth rises and forms to the flow of chakra, wrapping around the body of the water dragon. The final handsign is completed, the Earth Dragon roars to life, resting its head on the earth barrier and dipping its tail in the lake. With its maw open, the water of the Water Dragon Bullet falls into the lake, cascading over the arranged rocks: spilling into the violet-petal trimmed lake, splashing waves over the dune-colored shore. And, because of Raleth’s own ingenuity, the water of the lake continuously flows throughout the Earth and Stone Dragon, without any loss to the volume of the lake!

The aged Sarutobi releases the jutsu, and breathes out the strain to his chakra. He closes his eyes, and takes in the serenity of his surroundings. As he opens his eyes, he notes the sun beginning to set in the sky. He smiles, he has just enough time to do what needs to be done. He leaves the flower-trimmed lake, and heads home.


WC = 821

TOTAL WC = 3449

WC Bank = 5470 + 3449 = 8919


Claiming all mission rewards
4,000 WC towards mastering Light Weight Boulder Technique (Flight)
2500 WC towards mastering Heavy Weight Boulder Technique (A Rank) (Handsealess)

Remaining WC = 2419
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth) Empty Re: Undoing a Mistake (Zaine, Raleth)

Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:23 am
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