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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:50 pm
It was just like any other evening in Sunagakure: the sun was beating down on the baked landscape from the west and there wasn’t a cloud in sight. There was about an hour of light before the sun set for the day and Musu was hot. Most days the dry heat was manageable but today the temperature seemed to sap away his energy to do anything else. It was at this point that Musu decided that a trip down to the grove was a nice idea. Before he had become a Jounin Musu had travelled through them to get to the office of the Kazekage but he had never just stopped to have a look around. So today was going to be different… his plan was to go to the grove and watch the sunset; actually stop and smell the roses. 

The walk from his house to the Grove wasn’t a long one. It only took about 5 minutes at musu’s normal pace to get to the outskirts of the grove. When he entered the grove he began to walk down the path, he went a ways inward until there was forest surrounding him, and then he walked off it. He would have a quick glance at the area and a few other people nearby, but for the most part this area of the grove was quiet enough. He would travel inward till he was about 15 meters away from the path where he found a tree, inspected it for a bit, and then decided that he would stop here for a while. He plopped down on the ground, allowing his back to be supported by the trunk as Musu faced the ever looming sunset.
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:02 pm
The early-evening sun blazed over the clay-and-sand sculpted village of Sunagakure, washing all in a tiring, yet relaxing, heat. Raleth, wearing a stands on his back porch, watering the growing plants in his garden, caring for the fruit and vegetables he's grown. A cool wind breezes through his porch, an easy-going impulse comes to his mind. He places his water pail on the small garden table, and picks a few oranges, strawberries, grapes, and slices of melon and place them in a straw basket. He goes inside his home and into his kitchen, grabbing an ornate, clay tea set, and a small, decorated fold-out table. He places everything in a small pack, and changes: into a deep navy kimono with scarlet trim, and etched with the blooming flowers of the Sarutobi. Grabbing a wide-brim straw hat on his way out, he leaves his house.

He walks down his street, turning a corner, when the scent of roses and lavender tickles his nose. Following the aroma, Raleth turns and corner, and goes to the Uncle Dragon's Tea Shop, a quaint building owned by an elderly couple, neighbors and friends of Raleth. The Sarutobi walks in, greeting the staff with a warm hello, and ordering a kettle of their just-brewed, Rose-Lavender Tea. With kettle in one hand and fruit basket in the other, the aged jounin walks to the opposite side of Sungakure at a leisurely pace.

After 15 minutes Raleth found himself walking through the lush vegitation of the Grove, a small patch of greenery nourished by the nearby Oasis in Wind Country. Many Suna residents had found their way to the Grove today, having a similar notion to Raleth to enjoy the scenery and relax. Walking to the outskirts, on a small raised hill opposite a large tree, Raleth sets up his ornate, fold out table. He places his tea set and fruit basket on the table.

The smell of roses, lavender, berry, and citrus are carried by a cool breeze, the sky glows with the many oranges, reds, and purples of the setting sun, Raleth Sarutobi kneels down next to his prepared table. Any and all who walked by by would see plates filled with fresh cut fruit, and a steaming clay tea kettle surrounded by empty clay cups. The general demeanor of the broad, 6'2 Sarutobi would be inviting and pleasant, as if anyone could come up to join the man for food and drink. 

Footsteps near Raleth grab his attention, he see's a man bearing a suna headband, a shinobi Raleth had not met before, walking toward a tree. Nodding politely, Raleth gestures at his table, and returns his gaze to the view of the setting sun.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:00 pm
Mizuki put her hand up to cover the glare of the offensive angle the sun had begun to dip down to - her sensitive eyes squinting as the rays managed to slice into her vision like hot knives. It seems she had been in The Spire with the Kazekage for longer than she had expected; had a whole day gone by already… it seemed only a couple hours that she had pushed the doors open and stepped under the cover of the massive construct that housed any number of floors for any number of nefarious deeds. The searing pain ebbed as quickly as it appeared though and she was able to lower her hand from the defensive position it had raised itself to instinctively. She pulled the straw hat that was tied to her back up and fixed it atop her head, leaving the straps undone as she wasn’t about to take off at a pace faster than a stroll - warm today.. Not uncomfortable as the dome wouldn’t allow that hell to return but warm nonetheless. Mizuki couldn’t have been more appreciative of her recent wardrobe change, made the desert home she had grown to love, more comfortable to live in. 

Taking a deep breath she would run her long nails through the length of her ponytail as she walked, the endless meetings and strategy conferences took a lot out of someone - regardless the fact she was spending the time with her favorite person it was mentally draining to say the least. As she walked her sensitive nose picked up a different scent than that of the blooming array of flora that made up The Grove… no this was more specific… lavender and citrus were strongest and the rest fell away in the breeze but it intrigued her enough to follow its path to its origin. As she grew closer she felt a few unfamiliar chakra signatures buzzing at the edges of her sensing range - only growing stronger as she headed in the direction of the smell; they must be correlated. 

Low and behold atop a hill sat the most gargantuan person she had remembered seeing - this was the same giant that had the most opposing demeanor that day in the Assessment room. Her foot falls never faltered but her eyes continued to dark around the scene, there was a second signature to sense… Ah! The red tendrils of hair caught her attention against the brown of the trunk and this was also another person of interest. Mizuki had watched both of these men take their tests and had poured over their answers in earnest - seemed a touch unfair to them she knew so much about them and they knew nothing about her. Bringing her chin up slightly she turned in the direction of the wall-like man and, without word, kneeled at the table alongside him to his left. Choosing to keep her hat on for dramatic effect - why not prolong the mystery a few more heartbeats? - she spoke in a soft voice, “Lovely evening for a sunset Raleth.” She chose to use his first name in hopes of throwing him off a bit; she did look nothing like she had that day in the classroom so hopefully she would be able to get a small rise out of the man. Without waiting for his reply she turned her face, only the pale shine of her porcelain skinned chin and throat exposed to the dying light to call out to the one she knew was named Musu, “You’ll miss the view from over there Musu come join us.” The hint of a mischievous smile played on her lips as she reached out and stroked the rim of the nearest tea cup - “Simple in design yet sturdy in use… much like you, wouldn’t you agree?” She kept her face tilted just right so that only the lower half of her face was showing, their height difference even sitting helped in this game.

WC 660 [x2 word count for event 1320]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:11 pm
As Musu was walking towards the aforementioned tree he saw earlier the whims of fate had a different path for him. He was noticed by other people as he walked inwards and even mentioned his name. Musu did not come into the grove looking to meet new people but rarely turned down the opportunity when presented to him. He understood the value of connection and he believed that a single person could change his whole world. 

He was not surprised to hear his name called out. As a member of the Sealing Corps he was constantly called upon by ninja to complete various tasks around the village and as a  known member of the Uzumaki clan Musu was somebody people may not soon forget. As he looked around the area he tracked down the location where his name was uttered. Atop a hill Musu would see two people, one maybe a little younger and another definitely a bit older, and it would seem the woman had called out to him. She seemed nice enough to peak Musu’s interest to perhaps join them on the hill but it was the prospect of fresh fruit that won him over. Growing up Musu didn’t only have access to a couple of fruits that could grow in a small garden near his hut. Now every chance he gets to try new fruits is such a tantalizing offer. 

Upon being summoned over by the two ninja musu would divert his path upwards the hill. Upon getting close to the summit Musu would tip his head to the two ninja. “Thank you for letting me join you, I hope that your afternoon is going well, my name is Musu…” he would say to the ninja as he approached the table. With his field of vision showing him more than just two cups for tea he would continue … “pardon me, I thought that you two were on a date or something.” Musu would say to them as he began to take a seat. He still was not sure who the two ninja were but he figured he would learn their names shortly.
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Sun Aug 30, 2020 1:06 pm
As Raleth stared at the colors of the setting sun, took in the lush and rich greenery surrounding him on all sides, gentle footsteps fell behind him, at a relaxed and elegant pace. A slender, black-ash-haired, porcelain doll, wrapped in a midnight kimono, walks up to the table of the Sarutobi. Her face is obscured by a straw hat, but her full, glossed lips reflect the sunset. The aged shinobi cranes his head slightly in her direction, bowing and recognizing the unknown visitor. As the strong-faced Raleth catches glimpse of the woman's profile, the ashen-haired Saurtobi is reminded of a lunar rose, one trying to open its petals before the sun has set. Turning his head toward the horizion, a deep smile spreads over the scarred face of the shinobi. The black-ash-haired figure speaks, her voice as sweet as nectar.

“Lovely evening for a sunset Raleth.”

In another breadth, the porcelain doll calls out to the red-haired shinobi under the tree, referring to the man as Musu: inviting him to join in on Sunset, Fruit, and Tea. Her slender fingers rub the rim of the ornate, clay tea cup, her nectar voice drips with venom.    

“Simple in design yet sturdy in use… much like you, wouldn’t you agree?”

A thrumming chuckle boomed from the Raleth, he looks toward, but away from the mysterious woman. He goes to his fruit basket, and grabs oranges and strawberries. Grabbing a gilded knife from the basket, he cuts the fruits in half, the citrus-sweet smell tickles the noses of all. With seamless motion, he grabs the carved, clay tea-kettle. With care, grace, and purpose, he pours rich tea into three ornate, clay cups. Roses and lavender swirl with citrus-berry, calming the senses and lulling the mind. He speaks as he pours, his basso voice twirling the steam and rippling over the Grove.

"No sturdier than a rose, whose thorns cannot be shattered. Even clay has to be forged and molded to take shape, and it can still break."

The red-haired shinobi, Musu, comes up to the table, his voice measured and precise, “pardon me, I thought that you two were on a date or something.”

A genuine chuckle moves the broad shoulders of Raleth Sarutobi, "Not at all, Musu, merely enjoying a moment in life. Please, let us drink. A pleasure to meet both of you, I am Raleth Sarutobi"

Raleth grabs his cup, and holds the bottom of it with his other hand. He brings it to his lips, and tips the aromatic liquid to the edge of the cup. Inhaling, Raleth enjoys the hot tea without burning his tongue, and lets the leaves relax his body and mind. He sips his drink, eager to see the conversations that will come from the now-encroaching evening.

WC = 461 x 2 (event bonus) = 922
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Sun Aug 30, 2020 6:59 pm
The booming chuckle seemed to echo off the surrounding surfaces, coming back and washing her in their tenor. She was still watching him closely, every detail of the marred face in scrutiny as he reacted to her words - other than the smile and purposeful avoidance of eye contact he did not react adversely. It was the flash of the blade that finally pulled her two toned eyes down from his face to focus on the motion of his hands, large as he was he was nimble and purposeful with his movements. Only intense training, discipline and mindfulness would produce such an imposing figure who also possessed the seamless fluid like motion that he was displaying to her now. Of course she wasn’t narcissistic to assume this was for her in any way she just had a habit of absorbing every detail about some she could - hungrily absorbing information as if she was starved. The crispness of the citrus hit her more than sensitive nose like a full force assault, by no means unpleasant she would lean back - the edges of her kimono falling open to reveal the clothes she wore beneath. She took this moment to get more comfortable, arranging her legs so her left knee was propped upright and her right crossed around the front of it, all while she curved in toward the table and allowed her elbow to rest on her knee while her hands idly smoothed over the table top. 

Next was the wave of the calming rose and lavender blended tea that was steaming hot as it was poured into the cup she had been toying with only seconds before. As he poured though her patience was rewarded with his own play on words - so he was up for the task of verbal swordplay - the smile that formed pulled her lips up at the edges in earnest. A wordsmith was always a welcome addition to the village and she was lucky enough to have stumbled upon one. Before she had time to retort the man she had called to join them had finally walked up to the table, and with his own unexpected comment, forced a surprised laugh of her own to slip out before she reigned herself in again - quietly giggling to herself. Finally she reached up and removed her hat, revealing her full face to the pair; porcelain skin, dark features that drew a person in, and oddly two toned colored eyes - mostly violet with just the hint of blood red ringed around the pupils. She mimics Raleths sentiment and grabs the cup that been poured for her, raising it closer to her lips and inhaling the bouquet before taking a sip - perfection… not even the need any additional sweeteners. 

She rubbed her lips together thoughtfully as she stared down at the deep colored liquid before choosing to compliment the brew master on this excellent cup, “It takes an immense amount of time and patience to create something as balanced as this flavor profile… all good things come with time and effort. Clay didn’t become unyielding shatterable art without a strong will behind it.” Gingerly she set the cup down, resuming her previous movement of toying her fingertip over its rim as she then focused on Musu - “What brings you out this evening? Raleth here, came for the sole purpose of the sunset, did you have the same intention?” She was… eager to know more about her company but she kept her cool demeanor as usual, regardless of the questions she was withholding.

WC 590 x2 wc 1180 for event
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:54 pm
The shinboi was glad that his remark would begin to break the ice between the three seasoned ninja. There was truly an unspoken comradery that these ninja had, especially after years of service to the same village. At least for this remark, Musu was glad to see that while time may have aged them all they did not lose their sense of humor. He would begin to take his seat facing Raleth and Mizuki at the bench. At this point the woman would reveal herself to the others: her skin far paler than himself (which Musu thought was impossible given his already moon-like complexion) and eyes with two different colors. Upon looking at her he remembered that she was the woman that was taking care of the paperwork at the assessment he took at the academy. While the woman was indeed a beauty in the eyes of Musu he couldn’t help but wonder what dangerous and life altering tasks fell upon her to get to this point in her life. She appeared to have a certain sadness about her… a melancholy beneath the veneer. 

“Nice to meet you both, My name is indeed Musu, Musu Uzumaki” he would say as he got comfortable in his seat. 

Speaking of Melons, Musu would watch as Raleth would expertly begin to cut up the fruit that was laid before him. The older shinobi appeared to be as skilled with a knife as any renowned chef would. This impressed Musu and reminded him of his father in some way. He too was skilled with the knife and this interaction brought back memories of his childhood when he and his father would go out hunting. The way that Musu’s father was able to skin and filet the game he hunted was elegant and seemed almost effortless. Raleth was able to quickly and evenly cut the different types of fruit that were at his disposal and Musu let out a sly grin as he did so. Raleth informed the group that he was part of the renowned Sarutobi clan: Musu did not know much about the clan except for the limited history that he had learned about them from his father or in the books that he had read while in the village. The knowledge that he too was part of an ancient and well known clan gave Musu some comfort… there were other people in the village that were blessed, or burdened, by a clan with a great name.  

“You are an expert slicer Raleth, surely a reward from your many years of service.” Musu would say. “I was just promoted to Jounin and this is the first time in a while that I have been able to take some time to reflect. There must always be a balance between work and rest wouldn’t you agree?” he would ask him. Musu glanced down at the cup of tea steaming hot in the cup that was handed to him but he decided to wait a bit to let it cool down, basking in the aroma that emanated from the cup. 

“Are you familiar with tea… ummm?” he would ask the woman, implying that he still did not know her name.
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:06 pm
In an instant, the aged jounin recalls the beautiful sights he's seen as he lived his life. He remembers the way the sun hit the waterfall between the colossal statues in the Valley of the End, painting the clear water with the color of fire. He pictures the waves of roses and lavender as he traveled through the hills of the Land Hidden in the Stems, and envisions the great mangrove trees of the Land Hidden in the Mud. And yet, just like when he was a young sprout, the sight of a beautiful woman surprised him most of all. A thankful smile spreads over the scarred and bearded face of Raleth Saurtobi as he stares at the burning horizion, like one a gardner has when he spots a wondrous wild flower. He angles his head, so both Musu and Mizuki can see his face and hear his voice well.

"I'm glad to know that the seeds of hidden leaves have been sowed in the land of wind," Raleth says, voicing his kinship toward Musu, honoring a venerable ally to the Sarutobi. He adjusts his shoulders, to answer Musu more directly, and inadvertently opens his broad profile to Mizuki. "Not all skills need be used in battle, Uzumaki, we are not weapons when we are at home, or in the company of friends. If true peace ever comes, what will you do to pass the time?" 

Raleth gives time for Musu to think and respond and allows Mizuki to respond to the uzumaki's question. He returns his profile to the horzion, taking a deep taste of tea. He looks in Mizuki's direction, keeping her in the sides of his vision, responding to her.

"Any imperfections found in the clay will be revealed in the fires of the kiln, it will shatter and crumble no matter its shape or make. What you see before you had no choice but to be strong." Raleth smiles as he addresses Mizuki's compliment of his tea, and skill. "The thorns of flowers need not worry of such things, their petals are perfect from birth; I only boil the plants in water, it is them that flavors the tea, the clay is just a container." 

Raleth lets his words hang in the air, and gazes at a sky quickly burning into indigo-charcoal.

WC = 374
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:36 pm
The knowing smile settled on her petite face as she listened to Musu’s musings, recently promoted as he was he had yet to spend any down time to relax - a lack of balance could deeply hinder one's ability in combat. That used to be one of the tactics she would employ on her targets when her life was ruled by the coin of shady men and women who wanted their hands to remain as blood free as possible while their path was cleared of human obstructions. Being a hired blade before aligning with Sunagakure had been all she knew for so long that even to this day she found she missed the gore of it all. Her body was relaxing more noticeably as she listened to the tenor of the mens’ voices, her left elbow rested on the table top as she settled her pointed chin on her fist - unblinking and intense as she stared first at Musu as he spoke then at Raleth’s profile. 

The receding sunlight spilled rays of light upon both of their faces - at the angle Musu sat the rays brought an illusion of fire to his hair as if the light alone set it ablaze while the other half of his face was cast with sharp shadows making her imagine the man split into two opposite beings. If Musu was a fiery illusion then Raleth was like warmed snow, the rays softened the harsh lines and scars that marred the older man's face while adding a glow to the ashen shades of his hair that reminded her of a winter's night campfire. Her attention had been idling half way between paying attention to the words and their expressions while speaking, so when the words trailed off in a questioning manner her attention snapped back to Musu where she would purse her lips in contemplation. How she disliked giving out information about herself, by no means had she felt threatened by either but rather the deep seated dislike of information sharing was rooted in her life as an ‘unknown’ - easier to slither in the underbelly of humanity when you aren’t known. 

Of course, she would be seen as rude if she remained closed off to such surface level information so she would concede, wetting her lips before speaking- “Mizuki Ohta, and familiar as I can be, I traveled a fair bit before I settled in Suna a year ago. Most of the time though the tea at the inns I would pause at was little more than puddle water mixed with honey, there was this one town though a little hole in the wall nowhere but the inn in question was run by an elderly woman and her grandson.” she let out a soft sigh as she recalled exactly why she had been in that specific Inn… they had been her targets, he had gotten involved with loan sharks to help keep the rural inn afloat for his grandmother and had quickly fallen behind on repayments. She was sent to ensure that the two were to take their last breaths in her presence so the loan sharks could sweep in and buy the property at a discounted price due to the stain of murder she was to imbue on the place. “It seems the only contender to that cup sits before me, and that's saying something.” The image of herself sitting at the bar in that inn, covered in blood as she was, she was determined to enjoy the last pot of tea the pair had made before she hastily introduced them to death. 

Mizuki could easily feel the gaze of Raleth, always in his sights though he kept from looking directly at her. His response was equally as thought provoking as before and gave her pause to contemplate the possible meanings it held. This time as she replied she too stared out at the darkening sky, rich blues and royal purples were suddenly lit from beneath in the last highlights of scorch red and orange sunlight - “A wise man honors the flaws made in fire, imperfections make us human after all. Crumble as it may, the ingenious will always make something great from a pile of shattered pieces. Even the grandest statues crumble but the beauty isn’t in their flawless construction but in the gold used to put them back together - highlighting the flaw.” Her face would turn to face him full on now, crimson tinted violet eyes staring at the scars covering his complexion once more. “You give far too much credit to nature and not the mind that brought those plants together to work in such harmony.” Reaching out she picked the clay cup up once more, stroking her thumb along the side of it before putting the previous memory to rest in her mind and drinking deeply. 

As the group sat, the blazing sun falling beneath the horizon, she would pick up another knife that was sat to her right and stab a few pieces of fruit, nibbling them in small bites making sure to keep her abnormally long canines hidden as she thought on where to lead the conversation. “So Musu, you haven’t been assigned a team to work with yet.. Is there anything specifically you want to work on? I found it a little more difficult to place you on either team, so I figure give you a choice. Raleth here is on a team lead by Guren Chinoike and I lead the other, but that does raise my curiosity-” cocking her face her chin jutted up in Raleth’s direction, “-, How is Guren’s teaching style working for you and Zaine?” As she waited for their replies respectively she would continue to nibble on the juicy sweet arrangement of fruit; just the same as the fruit he had brought in the basket to the Assessment.

WC 974
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Wed Sep 02, 2020 8:21 pm
“Those days are a distant memory to most and quite frankly I don’t feel like I have any connection to them. I know very little about the history of my clan except what my father told me and what I learned about in the books at the academy here. Even my father’s roots were bedded in land far away from the hidden leaf. While I may be blessed with a name that was not normally from these parts I consider myself akin to the sand. Do you have any connections to your bloodline still in the hidden leaf?” Musu would reply to the Sarutobi shinobi as he held his cup towards his mouth.

Musu would begin to drink his cup of tea as the two ninja would begin to chat in response to the pleasant conversation that they were having.The warm cup heating up his hands as he put the cup to his lips and the strong aromas of lavenders and sweet berries hitting his nose and immediately giving Musu a sensation of calm. As the tea began to glide down his throat the warm nectar would invigorate Musu, heightening his senses while also putting him in a state of great relaxation. This tea was magnificent and something that Musu had never experienced before. Musu was not too familiar with the art of tea or making tea but he would commit this flavor to memory as one of the best tasting things that he had ever had. In an action probably unprofessional Musu would continue to drink down the tea in his cup which was still pretty warm from just being off the kettle. He could feel the heat racing through his body as he gulped down every last  drop that was in his cup. In an act of carelessness he would try to put down the cup a little too early and some of the tea would spill onto his face and grey cloak and begin to leave a stain.

While drinking his tea, Musu would stop for a second to give a slight nod to Mizuki as she began to tell the group her story. She looked strong and she came off as very well spoken when she began to speak. As she sighed and paused throughout her exchange Musu could tell that the young woman had been through a lot in her past. She had experiences that she would rather not share with strangers and a history before Sunagakure that clearly shifted her life and brought her here. Perhaps she had a certain wisdom of the world that many others didn’t and was clearly a unique individual. It is no wonder that she is a high ranking ninja. This made her appear thoughtful and calculated in Musu’s eyes. Musu would finish his tea and decide right then that he had stumbled upon two very intriguing ninja.

As he set the tea cup down and swallowed the last bit of tea in his mouth Musu would exclaim “Fuck! Thats delicious!” as he looked towards Raleth, nudging the cup close to the kettle as to appear to be wanting more. Musu didn’t even notice the spill on his face and cloak as his eyes set on the fruit that was at the table. He would begin to pick up some of the berries that were assorted there and continue to listen in on what his mates had to say. 

In between two pieces of fruit Musu would begin to reply to both his tea mates. “Whether on a shelf or in the chest of the enemy, a knife is still a knife, and it will always be a weapon. I intend to be as formidable of a weapon for my Kazekage until the day I die. However I will concede that even the most lethal weapon needs polishing and care to maintain its peak performance...” Musu would take another bite of fruit before he continued on. “I am well gifted in the sealing arts but I have never been assigned to a team before, even when I was growing up it was just me and my father so I had to rely on myself a great deal.” Musu would look at the two of them in a more serious tone. “Perhaps a more thorough examination of my abilities may help you better determine where I could be of most use?”

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