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A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:24 pm
A tinge of sadness rings in the aged Sarutobi as he listens to Musu, his lack of his clan's knowledge strikes a low point in Raleth, one that brings him back to a distant memory. A grim undertone colors the basso voice of Raleth Sarutobi as he answers the Uzumaki, his deep eyes glaze over as he stares at the fiery-horizon, he can see a great village burning in his mind. "If I did, I wouldn't know. Time erodes all connections, and my life took me away from the land of fire."

In time with Musu, following the motions of the Tea Ceremony, Raleth brought his cup to his lips, and sipped. The tea washes down his throat, and soothes the thoughts racing in his mind. Musu's loud sipping, his audible enjoyment, brings  a hearty chuckle to the broad-framed shinobi. Though the Uzumaki stains himself, he does not dishonor the Tea Ceremony.

The nectar-and-spice-voice of the porcelain woman next to him drips in his ears, Raleth turns to look at her as ahe takes off her hat and reveals herself, taking a moment to admire the sunset reflecting off violet-and-rose colored eyes. Having now introduced herself, Raleth gives the anbu his full attention. Though he says nothing, shift in body language would convey his means, namely, that it is rude to not introduce oneself over tea. 

Raleth listens to the blood-violet eyed woman's words, taking in her eloquence and meanings, and finds a kinship with the young woman, a strange connection both shinobi have: one made with the blood of others. As raleth gazes at Ms. Ohtha, he understands that her delicate frame hides her strength, and her beauty masks an intense ferocity. Yet, this kinship does not make Raleth want to be closer to Ms. Ohta, in fact, it almost does the opposite. A harsh mantra, a lesson branded in his mind, rings in his ears, it is better to know your opponent as a rival then a friend.
"You assume that the clay before you has been remade with gold, yet notice nothing shines. In the kiln, all are melded together, the flaws of one benefit another. That is how clay is made." 
Raleth's voice trails off as the fire in the sky dies and pulls a sparkling indigo blanket over the sky. Behind the deep eyes of the Sarutobi, Raleth sees a battlefield in his past, hears the screams of the dying, and feels the pulse of life die in his hands. An unknown scent of iron, brought on by memory, furrows the brows and hardens the expression of the Sarutobi.
"Perhaps the tea is meant to ease the imprefections, fill in the spaces left by the Kiln. Maybe, its the only thing that can make clay feel like porcelain. Perhaps that is why it tastes good."

Raleth sips his tea.

“Fuck! Thats delicious!” 

The sudden exclamation from the Uzumaki makes Raleth jump, the tea set on the table shakes from the intensity of Musu. Raleth laughs, the sudden crassness diffusing the heavy mood, and the sheer joy of the Uzumaki was infectious.

"Gurren is training Zaine, working with him one on one. I believe he is a good choice for a leader, his skill and wisdom are impressive, I'm sure we will learn much from him. An interesting choice, to place a taijutsu user with two doujutsu users, I'm grateful for it, honestly."

When Musu speaks up, Raleth responds
"A weapon, regardless of its craftsmanship, will break without maintenance. And without a well rested hand, it will always miss its targets." 
As Musu's tone drops, Raleth's curiosity rises.
"Well, we do have someone who could report any...'interesting observations' to the kazekage. If you want to demonstrate your abilities, Uzumaki, I would be happy to spar with you, until the sun has finally fallen off the horizion. What say you, Ms. Ohta?"

WC = 646
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:52 pm
As if on cue her words were being challenged once more, by the deep commanding voice that sat only a few feet from her - Raleth. Her eyes hardened the smallest amount as she leaned her face in his direction once more; with the dying light coming faster the peaks and valleys of his marred face were thrown into more relief. Unlike the softening and youthifying quality of the sun the creeping moonlight gave him a warrior's face - each scar held stories that she was suddenly dying to hear. Those stories would have to wait though as she was narrowing her eyes with a touch of frustration now- must he contradict her at every turn? While his words peaked her argumentative nature to a boiling point it was his facial expression as he paused that drew her up short, making her straighten her back in alertness. The look that crossed the mans face gave life to horrors that hid behind the eyes, eyes she was realizing he rarely allowed to be looked into. Odd… though with a doujutsu user as your teacher and friend you would be expecting him to at least avoid eye contact in battle situations… So then why now? What are you internalizing? 

The sudden urge to bring her black book out from her back pocket and create the profile for the Sarutobi was strong- she was gaining so much information yet knew she was barely scratching the surface. Mizuki was about to bring out the book and begin her task when she was caught off guard by Musu’s reaction-

Then there was the sound of high pitched wind-chiming and bells, the breeze sounding like it had just lightly brushed by - but there were no wind-chimes in the grove. Just Mizuki’s laughter.

Honest laughter. Musu’s exclamation drew out the rare sound and caused her to duck  her face slightly to angle her mouth away from the two men and down at the table - hiding the fangs that a full smile and laugh would clearly show.In the same moment she had laughed, her eyes closed automatically, only feeling the table jerk under her elbow for a moment before the rattling of the tea set took over the pause of surprise that followed. Clearing her throat she would look back up at Musu, the man was less serious in nature than herself or even Raleth but he brought such a refreshing outlook on life. It was a shame she had only met him now and not sooner, where had such a gem been hiding? 

Mizuki listened with growing approval at Raleth’s analysis of Guren, she too would use the same words he chose to describe the Chinoike - though her ancestors would have called her a traitor for not simply having killed him on the spot. To be fair the man had grown on her from day one and at this point she couldn’t see herself so much as drawing blood, much less rip him apart as tradition would dictate. Though upon her proper meeting of half of the team she had assigned to him she was feeling a little ‘put out’, had she missed out on dynamic pairing? Once more she was pulled from her internal musings by the ashen haired man - her left eyebrow would rise as she contemplated the offer; in reality she would be at a slight advantage with the night approaching, her sense of hearing and eyesight would give her a slight edge but …. Fuck it. Biting her bottom lip in thought she would lean back, unfurling her legs from their crossed position, then lean forward in apparent interest - her left hand remaining out of sight under the table while her right hand slammed against the table as a fist; a diversion.

“I’ll show you how it’s done when a lady leads.” At the exact conclusion of her words the ‘Clone Seal’ was formed in her left hand creating two identical clones of herself - one directly behind her and already dragging her back and to her feet while the second spawned standing over her original form in a defensive stance. The first clone had her to her feet as the two retreated back into the trees to gain leverage of distance. In the same moment the second clone pulled two senbon from her weapons pouch, throwing them directly at the places Musu and Raleths hands had been resting on the table while quick stepping back away from the table while her free hand flew threw the following hand signs: Bird > Rat > Ox > Monkey > Rat > > Dragon > Ox > Snake. If the hand seals were managed to be completed the sky would further darken as heavy rain clouds would form overhead 50 meters in diameter from the clones center and within seconds the torrential downpour of rain would saturate the area - all laced with the foreboding sensation of Mizuki’s bloody chakra signature; the clone would give a sly wink if successful. 

If the clone was to be interrupted and unable to cast the jutsu then the jutsu would simply be formed by the first clone which was perched in a tree 5 meters from the original area, while her original form was perched in another tree at the same distance - the three figures forming a triangulated formation around the tea table. With the added darkness and her natural affinity for lurking in the dark she could go unseen hiding among the trees, and as she kept within 5 meters of the men she was able to hear their heartbeats a rudimentary way to track their movements.

Now all she had to do was wait for the water to form and the game to begin.

[WC 944]

Jutsu Used at full speed, hand seals performed at full speed as well.
AP at start - 1981
Shadow Clone - 30 AP cost = 1950 AP split between three: Clones each having 650 AP and original 651 AP
Rain Tiger At Will V7 - performed by M2 for 50 AP 

Remaining AP-
Original - 651
M1 - 650
M2 - 600
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Ryo : 500

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:27 pm
The air around the group appeared to become a bit thicker between the three ninja as the conversation continued. Musu saw the audible laughter coming from the other two ninja as he exclaimed his positive review of the tea. It really was delicious and Musu was thoroughly enjoying talking with other ninjas with him at the table. that seemed to have some wits about them. Raleth was clearly a wise and well read individual… Musu saw that he understood the world and his place in it. It is a rare thing indeed to know a person with a clear vision for their life. As Musu listened in on the conversation that Raleth and Mizuki were having he couldn't help but notice the constant back and forth that the two ninja were having. Neither one was willing to give up an inch of ground on their point in what was appearing to be an intense battle of words and Musu didn’t feel like he was qualified to chime in. Being alone with his mother and father growing up he didn’t really have anyone else around him to banter with and when they spoke to him it was mostly about business and straight forward. Philosophy was talked about but it was done with extremely less flavor. On top that Musu realized that he was in way over his head about the topic of clay and tea making but maybe he would ask Raleth later to give him a proper introduction, perhaps it would be a way to bond with the shinobi, and it was at this point in his internal dialogue that he saw that he spilled tea on his cloak. He chuckled a little bit as he continued to listen in. 

“Agreed; again spoken from a man that clearly understands the world around him…” Musu would reply to Raleth about the nature of us ninja being weapons. “...and I think you do know more than you realize, you should take pride in that.” Musu concludes his statement with a genuine but tea stained smile. 

As the conversation then led into the topic of examining his abilities Musu would again begin to smile as Raleth was in agreeance. As the older ninja spoke he would inform Musu that Mizuki was connected to the Kazekage of Sunagakure and his attention would be completely turned to Mizuki. This woman who had only been in the village for a year already had the ear and could generate influence from the village leader? Anyone who could rise to that level as quickly as she did definitely had learned a few tricks along the way. Musu’s curiosity would grow as he pondered how that was possible and it was clear to him that Mizuki was a powerful and potentially dangerous ninja. Musu did not think of those words as negative attributes as those are qualities that are required in the ninja world to survive. “Awesome” Musu would say as a  spar appeared about to begin. 

Then in an instant Musu was taken aback. As Mizuki pondered the offer set before her he saw her facial expression become contemplative… although he did not know what was going through her mind, Musu's background as a hunter kicked in. Most animals do not ponder, instead they act on instinct to react to whatever experience was thrown at them, dangerous or otherwise. But these were no longer the animals of the land of wind that were within company: he was with ninja that could plan things steps ahead. Musu began to feel disappointed with himself as he lapsed in utilizing one of the titular aspects of the hunt: The game never ends… when dealing with other ninja you must consider yourself both the hunter and the hunted; your thoughts and actions should always be indicative of that primal thought or you may indeed become the prey. Oh well, better late than never. 

Musu’s senses would heighten as Mizu dropped her fist onto the table… she had indeed gotten the jump on the other two as it appeared that she was participating in this spar and would initiate. Musu’s awareness of the chakra around him indicated to him that Mizu had an advanced chakra network… even more formidable than Musu’s. Whatever Mizu was planning Musu believed that would involve using that great chakra. Raleth on the other hand had a far dimmer chakra network at his disposal: It was not minute but it was clearly inferior to the other two ninja at the table, although the muscles bulging from his toned form would indicate that he could be far more physically gifted than the other two. A benefit to where the ninja were at however was that at least within the the 25 meters of the three ninja there were no other chakra signatures around them, perfect to allow the ninja to spread themselves a part if they desired; no third party was in danger of getting hurt by some flung ninjutsu. When Mizu’s fist hit the table Musu’s heartbeat began to race a bit, as it did whenever a hunt would begin. 

Musu thought it might be a reality but he did not anticipate the reality that this spar would begin at the table. Mizu had no regard for the tea, fruit, and the table that the three were sitting around. She indeed was ruthless and had every intention to win and get the jump. Musu could sense the change in her chakra nature as she weaved the hand sign under the table but he did not expect that Mizu could cast a jutsu with one hand, something Musu had never seen done before, incredible. In the instant that puff of smoke would be produced Musu would react like the Animal he was played out to be right now. Four seals would generate on the following tenketsu points along musu’s body: one on each of his hands, one on his belly button, and one at the center of the spine. At a speed, power, and health of “65” chakra chains would be produced from these seals. His chains would appear the same color of the setting sun: a beautiful radiant orange. The two from his hands would be topped with a spike as they launched themselves diagonally rising at a 45 degree angle, forming an X shape and in the direction of the two ninja. Should he be accurate the chains should clank with the senbon that the first of Mizu’s clone would throw at him, whichever hand she was aiming at, potentially even hitting the one aimed for raleth as well as it could be following the same trajectory.  Depending on how powerful these senbon were the chains could have their paths changed by the senbon, if they were unaffected by the ninja too they would continue along their path and launch themselves at both ninja. If hit, they would pierce the upper chest of the two ninja right under the collar bone in an attempt to restrain him. Musu did not know if this was going to be a three way battle or a one on two bout as that was not clarified but he did not want to take the risk. Should Raleth come to Musu and indicate that they were on the same team Musu would use his power to stop the chain before it caused damage to the aged Sarutobi. 

Musu would also see the clone make the hand signs for a jutsu. This would indicate to Musu, depending on how many hand signs she was able to produce, that she was indeed using high powerful ninjutsu, but Musu did not know what jutsu she was weaving. 

The chain from his belly button would launch itself towards Mizu from under the table. It would be fashioned with a blunt edge as it would begin to fly towards her clone that would be formed from her jutsu. His goal would be to thrust the chain towards the ninja clone and to knock her back. Seeing as this clone was in front of the original which was dragging Mizu up, it was a possibility that she was slowed by this process, enough so to limit the movement of the clone so that the aim would be true. Should the chain miss its target Musu would continue to do it in the direction that the clone was going. Musu did not want to use a sharp edge in this case because if the clone was destroyed by the powerful blunt force and hurled towards Mizu he did not want to cause internal damage to her stomach, only blunt force trauma and knock her back. The last chain from his back would fly up five meters and curve around with a spearhead. To the other two ninja this chain would look the same as a scorpion's tail, ready to strike on a target. In all the actions of the chains they would be launched in a way that would not harm the table. The last thing Musu wanted to do was destroy the table or the tea set but should the aim of the chains have to be changed in a way that did, then so be it. 

[Chakra chains: 111 total AP, 639 AP remaining]

[WC = 1524, Total = 3880]

Last edited by Moosiah on Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar Nazi)
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A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:08 pm
Anger's embers sparked inside the ash-white haired Sarutobi, Raleth's eyes go wide with flaring fury as Mizuki slams her fist on the tea table, jostling the and jarring the clay cups. A singular thought boils the aged jounin's mind, the affront to the traditions of the ceremony unable to be ignored. 

This act of we drink tea in peace...

A startling sight causes Raleth's wrath to blind him, he spots a drop of tea that stains the wooden table: spilled in manners abhorrent to the traditions of the Tea Ceremony.

The disrespect...tea has been spilled...

As Mizuki speaks, Raleth's fury flares like fire in his eyes, and he shoots a look toward Musu. The aged, white-ash haired man could not guess the kind of person or warrior the red-haired jounin was, but the animal Uzumaki would recognize the beast Sarutobi; and a mutual understanding would develop, one of hunters, hunting their quarry: the disrespectful porcelain brat. In the next instant, senbon were thrown, handseals were formed, and clones were made. The sudden chaos tempered the Sarutobi's rage, and made a martial artist's thought ring clear in his mind.

She's fast...!

The senbon thrown by the clone pierces the fabric of the kimono around Raleth's wrist, at a frightening speed. The animal Uzumaki bared his fangs and struck, shooting chains of chakra at both Raleth and Mizuki. But, with the earlier understanding forged by both shinobi's, Musu's chains would most likely be pulled back, giving Raleth enough time to dodge. At the same time, the chakra fascimile of Mizuki strings together a flurry of handseals at shocking speed. But, because of the passive nature of the shadow clone, only focusing on handseals, the red-haired jounin's chain attack would more than likely interrupt the handseals and dispels the clone. Trusting in the abilites of Musu, Raleth reacts to his situation. 

With the grace, tempo, and fluidity of a taijutsu master, Raleth stands on his left leg, tearing away from the tea table as the chains of Uzumaki chakra come shooting toward him: ripping off the sleeve of the senbon-pinned kimono and brandishing his impressive, dense, and intimitading musculture, as well as being nicked on the cheek by the chakra-made chains as he turns toward his left: stepping over to Musu's right in two graceful steps. At he steps, Raleth forms the clone handsign at the same time the disrespectful porcelain brat would have formed the monkey handsign: and chakra-smoke bursts from his body.

The embers of the day die, its ash, smoke, and soot blanket the heavens: bringing with it a calming wind and darkening clouds. A breeze rushes through the grove, fanning away the white smoke, revealing three Raleth Sarutobi's, surrounding the scarlet-haired Musu Uzumaki who brandishes his scorpion sting-chain. The Raleths' to Musu's left and right would be forming handseals, with the left stringing together a jutsu in preperation, and the right forming the Hare, Boar, Ox, Half-Tiger. The one in front of musu held no visible weapons, but stared intently at the situation, perparing to react to anything.

With the shadow clone's handseals having been interrupted by Musu's chain, the formation of the the disrespectful porcelain brat's jutsu would have been interrupted for a moment, and activate in an instant later than Mizuki would have hoped. As the ash-haired woman completed her final handseal, the Raleth to musu's left would bring his hands to the ground: and all would feel the wrath of Sarutobi.

The ground 20 meters in front of Raleth begins to rumble, churn, and quake. The soil is thrown and smashed and grabed, the roots and rocks are ripped and torn: the very earth is torn asunder by the white-ash-haired Sarutobi. As the jutsu spreads at 30 speed, the clouds get heavy with rain, and weep water over the churning battlefield. The quaking and shaking would knock Mizuki off of her tree, and the constant tremors would slow her speed by 30, evening out the fight if succesful. The Raleth quaking the ground holds his hands: letting the brat understand his anger.

WC = 679
Stats n Jutsu:
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:45 am
Having successfully pulled away from the table and positioned herself around the men on the ground she felt a sudden rush of chakra surging back into her body - damn they got one - the rain still formed and the heavens continued on their dark descent; her fail safe activating as she anticipated. As the downpour ensued she was beginning to feel soothed by being surrounded by her own chakra nature - the opposite would be felt for the two men who would feel a suffocating amount of foreboding energy. She was running through potential next steps - having to hold herself back for the sake of sparing their lives - when she saw the old man had tripled as she had and they were up to something. The original was indiscernible but it seemed as though the first step was to surround Musu on three fronts. 

Smart - you are only as strong as your weakest link and as Musu was an Uzumaki she was aware of how limited his range was. It was a commendable first move and while she remained running through her arsenal for non-lethal moves she was suddenly cut short in her thought. One of the clones had been forming seals, she was aware of that much but was unsure of exactly what he was planning - until the ground started to crack apart and churn as if becoming liquid. At this range she could hear the racing pace of the Sarutobi’s heart - and the rage it was conveying - he was no longer thinking logically.. And that meant his markers for how far was too far was clouded. In an instant she was fleeing back, her clone following on her heels to protect her fleeing form and act as a bodyguard and flesh shield should they attempt an attack while she ran. The sound of crunching and slamming earth rocked Mizuki down to her lithe frame and had she not been as fast as she was her life would be crushed out of her by the devastation the man was producing. 

And it was devastation on a level she had yet to experience - save for the demolition of the library after The Wraith had attacked her… Kenshin had left nothing of the building and even carved several meters of earth away, turning both to dust. No this wasn’t that level of destruction but this was its own kind of monster - fully outside of the range and as high as the tree in the vicinity could take her she stared down at the destruction of the Grove - and her blood boiled. Her enhanced eyes tracked the area the jutsu had affected; 20 meters forward , 10 to the left and 10 to the right was reduced to rubble, trees uprooted, the entire terrain utterly unrecognizable. As she took the destruction in she could feel the blood rage spiking, her eyes would shift slightly as the blood halo around the iris expanded out almost drowning the violet hue - pray that she could keep herself in control… pray she wouldn’t give in to this rage as the Sarutobi had given in to his; but she was starving. 

First thing was to stop this child-like tantrum; he had no idea how lucky he was that it was her and not Kenshin bearing witness to the destruction of the handmade grove… *god covering their asses later was going to be a headache*. She was just outside of the range, even if she had been seen fleeing she would be able to melt into the darkness with ease; all while the chakra soaked rain would hide her chakra from being pinpointed as well. Her next course of action would take immeasurable control and timing accuracy but if she pulled it off no one would be injured in the process - regardless of her anger of the Old Mans’ lack of regard for her life she wouldn’t return the sentiment. The clone remaining with her would begin weaving the signs for a technique she never wished to use on those she would consider comrades … but this display was a disgusting disregard for their home and it was unacceptable. Both the original and clone stood 1 meter outside of the range of the roiling ground and the clone began weaving Tiger → Ox → Monkey → Rabbit → Ram - once the seals were formed the rain falling 5 meters in front of her, mid air, would begin to swirl and form into a spiraling vortex at the speed of 60. While the clone formed the vortex that would sweep the two up into the swirling mass of water - the vortex would stretch 25 meters in diameter and extend to its full 50 meter length; the strength of this jutsu canceling out any technique below its power level. Anyone trapped in the vortex would lose 50 strength and 50 Speed immediately upon capture and would continue to hinder these stats for awhile after the jutsu ended.

After she was sure the two of them were captured - knowing she had them by sensing their chakra starkly standing out against her own infused water- the clone and original Mizuki would move forward at the same moment the jutsu was released. The amass of water slammed into the ground and deposited the two men half haphazardly - splitting up the original would go to Raleth and the clone would go to Musu; both quickly weaved the signs Ram-Dog-Bird-Snake as they moved so that upon initial touch each would be paralyzed. Using Great Vortex was something she was not happy having to do but she had to hope her capture and release was efficient enough to have done as little damage as possible.

If all went according to her plan the original Mizuki would have Raleth by the front of his kimono, her razor sharp nails piercing the fabric, as she hauled him up enough to stare into her eyes. While the clone instead checked over Musu to ensure vitals were in safe ranges and make certain he was okay, even pulling his paralyzed body into a more dignified position if possible. Raleth on the other hand was not so lucky, “Have you lost your fucking mind? What possessed you to destroy this place?! - And MUSU could have easily been crushed by your jutsu had he stepped out of line for a MOMENT. Not to mention your rage induced disregard for my life!”, she pulled him a little closer so she could make her point as clear as possible, “You’re luckly the Kazekage wasn’t here to witness this, he wouldn’t have been so merciful.” With that she would drop him the few remaining feet to the ground and shake out her fists, being that close was more dangerous for him than he knew as she felt the blood lust setting in. Her heart was racing at a pace much higher than normal and she could no longer hide the fangs that ached for the vein that pounded in the mans neck. Scowling down at him she spoke again, “This spar is over. Consider your ass saved, find me again when you're ready for round two, this time in an appropriate setting. Once I’m far enough away this seal will be released, at least you can attest to strong first impressions.” With those final words the original Mizuki would sprint at full speed away and into the streets of the city while the clone waited til she was far enough away, released the paralysis seals on them, and ended the downpour of rain before poofing into smoke.

Mizuki would know of course everything that had happened even after she left the moment her clone was returned to her. What a day for a sunset, but an even better one for a full moon.

WC 1295

[Potential EXIT]

Jutsu used:
Rain Tiger At Will V7 - 25 AP upkeep
Great Vortex Technique [V7] - 45 AP activation
Paralysis Seal V7 - 30 AP on placement x 2

Remaining AP - 1821
original - 1271
M1 - 550

Last edited by Mizuki Ohta on Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding in WC total)
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A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:59 pm
Clink! The sound of the senbon from the clone as it collided with Musu’s chain and avoided damage to his hand. These chains had proved useful to deflect the weapon and Musu remained unharmed for the time being. Poof! A cloud of smoke would appear at the shadow clone that was in front of Mizuki and facing Musu would be struck by the chain, dissipating as it was defeated. Musu did not know much about the shadow clone jutsu but at least he knew that his chain could defeat it. 

As Musu’s chain reached close to where Raleth was Musu realized that there was no way that he could take on two ninja and it appeared to be that he was on the same side of Musu in his bout. Musu didn’t know the rules of sparring but he figured that Mizuki was the antagonist in this fight. If he had to deal with Raleth he would and as a puff of smoke was made from raleth he would drag his chain backwards and begin to have it extend out at max speed to its full length of 25 meters. Appearing from the smoke were three identical Raleths, more shadow clones to deal with in this fight, and Musu would not act on these clones as long they did not try to harm Musu.

As Musu’s chain was dealing with the shadow clone he would watch as Mizuki and her clone would begin to scurry away into the darkened trees as final bits of sunlight began to dissipate into darkness. Musu did not know if this was the act of a rat that preferred to hide from view or a lynx that would stalk its prey. No matter as they began to rise and take cover from beyond the trees nearby. It was an interesting move on her part. The three of them were atop a hill and the highest point of Musu would stand up as well, moving his chain from his stomach in a way that would not harm. Musu decided not to pursue the other clone with his chain at that point. Seeing at how fast the close and Mizuki were able to move Musu knew that his chains would not be able to catch up to her. Instead of leaving his chains open to be destroyed Musu decided that it was best to keep all of his chains near him to fend off any attack that might come after. 

Musu would be standing by the time the Raleth clones would begin to stand beside him, taking a few steps back as Raleth would begin to weave hand signs from the clone to his right. Musu could sense a large amount of chakra energy coming from the sky at this point as a large amount of rain began pouring all around them. This had to have been Mizukis doing as the drops of water emitted the same chakra signature as her. Not only did Musu realize that this must have taken an incredible amount of stamina to produce but it also created a camouflage for her within the jutsu and Musu could no longer sense her presence. Smart, her Jutsu made her an effective hunter and gatherer of information. Upon seeing the droplets of water hit the tea set it was already too late. The tea was ruined by the water that would have spilled into it, a damn shame, Musu was hoping to save the tea... 

Musu would watch as the devastation would begin. The ground would churn and moan as Sarutobi's great power would begin to warp the land around him. Musu was glad that he didn’t stay where he was at previously because it too began to crack, destroying the table and the tea set with it and large mounds of earth and stone would begin to move.Trees would fall down and the earth would crumble as the trees, dirt, and water would begin to congeal together in a great mudslide of doom that was hurtling towards Mizuki. Musu ears would crack as the largest trees would slam into other more rooted trees down the 15 meter hill and begin to uproot them as a great cataclysm would have been produced. The only way that Mizuki could have stayed close to the area was by running upward into one of the trees, and even then it was indeed possible that the impacts of other trees, rock, and mud that collided with it would prove too much for that tree to handle, making it fall as well, or at the very least cause her balance to falter and making it difficult for her to weave hand signs for new jutsu. For in Musu’s mind it wasn’t the jutsu that proved to be the most deadly but rather the natural disaster that was created by it. Sure, there were other hills that rose up around them in the grove and she could possibly find her way to them, but Musu was worried for Mizuki’s health. At this point Musu could not assist Raleth in what he was doing, but he could try within his power to find Musu by sight alone. 

“My God man!” Musu would exclaim to Raleth as the devastation would begin. 

As all of this was happening with the rolling ground Musu would begin to run at full speed backwards to the singular large tree that was accompanying him on the large hill. Although it was out of the range of the rolling ground Musu could still feel the ground shake around him and he had to be extra careful not to fall. He would concentrate chakra to his feet as he began to run up the large tree as high as he could go. The power of his tree climbing technique would be 36 and he still did not feel safe. He would end up rising about 10 meters above the hill and perching himself on a large branch that would allow Musu plenty of room to stand on. For added measure Musu would also begin to wrap the chain coming from his stomach at a speed of 65 around Musu and the stem of the tree. This would give Musu added protection as it would hold musu tightly in place but also be a blunt chain that would not pierce Musu.  All of the trees that were still standing in the area around him would be at similar height if not maybe a few meters taller than the tree Musu was standing on, this would mean that Musu would be looking down at the other trees looking for Mizuki. As he peered down at the devastation surrounding him Musu would begin to form tears around his eyes and melded with the rain droplets.

“ENOUGH!” Musu would yell out around him…. “I see that you both are extremely powerful beings, creating rainstorms and causing earthquakes, but this is no place for a spar of this magnitude! Look at what happened to the Tea Set!” he would say, looking down at the destroyed table and pottery that would have been swallowed up by the Earth jutsu. 

At any point during this should the vortex of water be created by Mizkui, Musu would use his chakra chains to repeatedly wrap around Musu in a 5 meter diameter cocoon. The three remaining chains, not including the one holding Musu in place at the tree if that was applicable, would cover 75 meters woven continuously around where Musu was. This chain link barrier would be formed at a speed of 65 with a health of 65, and if everything went correctly Musu would wrapped around that no light, rain, or other product would be able to penetrate it.

[WC: 1293, total = 5173]

AP: Chakra chains: 80
Tree Climbing/Surface Walking: 5 , 554 remaining.
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:51 pm
The rain platters over the grove, bathing the Uzumaki and the Sarutobi in dreadful rain. The water seeps into their clothes, invades their pores, and soaks them to the bone. Yet, the fires of Wrath blind Raleth as he continues churning the grove into mush and mud. As the red-haired shinobi yells, Raleth does not respond. His intense eyes stare into the darkness of the breaking trees, he watches the lithe, porcelain brat flee the carnage he bestows.

A cold drop splashes on the white-ash haired jounin's neck and runs down his spin, chilling his core: lifting rage's blindness from Raleth. The rain, the chakra infused into the water, is terrifying. Not because of that grasped at the shinobi's mind, nor the water that threatened to suffocate the Sarutobi: but from the murderous intent he felt from each drop. It was as if he was a mouse, or rat, catching the blood red eyes of a cat. The immense power would make most dizzy, but this is not why Raleth Saurtobi found the chakra terrifying. It was because that fear excited him. Closing his eyes, tilting his head to the forboding sky, Raleth washes his face in another's bloodlust. Like a rat with sharpened fangs, bearing its teeth at a foolish feline, the aged, white-ash-haired jounin stands tall in the dreadful rain.

“ENOUGH!” rang the voice of Musu Uzumaki, breaking the battle trance of Raleth Sarutobi “I see that you both are extremely powerful beings, creating rainstorms and causing earthquakes, but this is no place for a spar of this magnitude! Look at what happened to the Tea Set!” 

One of the Raleths looks and sees the shattered remnants of a once peaceful evening. Shame and disgrace drape over him, a jutsu is completed as hands are lifted from the ground: in time with water swirling in the air.

Having prepared a jutsu before hand, the Raleth stringing handseals completes the Snake-Tiger-Horse-Monkey-Dragon-Snake as Mizuki repositions herself outside of the churning carnage. As she completes the seals for her jutsu, a Raleth lifts his hands from the ground and completes his jutsu. The churning soil halts, the aged jounin stares at the mud-warped-hole: the destruction his blind rage wrought. He falls to his knees, in front of the other two Raleths.

The malicious rain, now glowing with murderous intent, hovers above the ash-haired kunoichi. Droplets of rain coalesce, swirling into a thin stream: drawing the surrounding moisture in. In the next moment, this thin stream shoots out, exploding into a vortex of water churning with the rage of Mizuki Otha. The sound of rushing water, crashing over the warped and torn terrain, becomes deafening, the very earth responds with shudders and quakes.

A barrier of earth, emblazoned with three concentric circles, the blooming flower of the Sarutobi, erupts from the chakra-torn-soil, behind the kneeling Raleth, and under the one who did not cast the jutsu: raising the white-ash-haired jounin high in the air. Two sets of earth walls have been fused together, making a defense that is 5 meters thick, 60 meters in width, and 30 meters in height, with the final meter of the barrier curved and tapered toward the ash-haired kunoichi’s water jutsu.

The Raleth kneeling in front of the barrier gazes at the deafening torrent of water. Instead of running, Raleth tilts his head down and clears his mind: taking the punishment he knows he deserves. The water crashes into him, he finds that his strength allows him to keep still, for a moment. The vortex is freezing, awesome, and overwhelming, the chakra surging through it is dizzying. The way it batters his body is torturous. And, after the moment passes, the great vortex engulfs the Raleth Sarutobi, slamming him into his own earthen defense and crushing the shadow clone into chakra smoke. 

Though the power of the earthen walls is 50 and the great vortex is 65, the barrier of the Sarutobi stands strong, as the clash of opposing elements causes the water jutsu’s power to be reduced by 25, to make its actual power 45, just under what the earthen barrier can withstand. And, because of the shape, width, and thickness of the barrier, the water of the great vortex is splashed away from the rest of the grove, the earthen-walls acting like a levee: forcing the huge volume of water back into the chakra-warped, mud-torn hole that was once a section of the grove, spraying clear and vibrant water high in the air. The water reflects the light of the shining room, splashing the battle-marred section of the grove in spectrums of silver and white. 

Those who would find themselves on the streets of Sunagakure at this time, or could spy the grove from a high office, would see a magical sight: a shower of glittering diamonds pattering over the greenery of the Grove. The water, no longer infused with chakra, settles into the mud ripped divot, draining into the soil, earth, and sand of the grove. The volume of water is too great, a lake forms between the hill and trees, flanked by an impressive, earth-style, flower-relief barrier. The sparkling drops platter over this lake, as the rippling surface stills, the moonlight shimmers off the water. Raleth gazes at the roots that stick up on the mud-shore, and can see worms and grubs wriggle in the bottom of the lake. He turns, to see Musu Uzumkai wrapped in a chain cocoon in a high tree, a practical defense against the attack of the ash-haired kunoichi. A mixture of feelings well up inside; interrupted when Mizuki Otha and her clone comes into view.

Skin paler than moonlight, eyes like blood-rubies, with an expression of something more than anger or bloodlust. Raleth crosses his arms as he looks at the ash-haired women, who would most likely water walk on the surface of the lake. And, hopefully stall their paralysis seal assault after seeing Raleth stopping his. They speak in stereo from the surface of the lake, most likely keeping her distance, her voice like the nectar of rose-thorns carried by the light of the moon; like a red-eyed cat that found a sharp-toothed rat.

Her words rang true, Raleth Sarutobi forgot himself in his rage. In fact, the reason for the destruction, a slight at a tea ceremony, was more than embarrassing, it was mortifying. And, the fact he had forgotten about his ally in the spar, Musu, was more than careless, it was foolish. Taking her words, Raleth resolves to learn from this experience. Yet, with his stone faced expression, none could know this. As Mizuki Otha offers another spar, a flash of something near her mouth draws a dark curiosity from the aged Sarutobi. It was as if the pale, ash-haired kunoichi had fangs. The sight surprises him and he tenses his arms, like a rat baring its fangs: and a martial artist’s passion flares inside him. Death stalks the shadow of the red-eyed Mizuki, its mantle drapes off her shoulders; a great challenge, a chance to hone one’s skill, presents itself to Raleth Sarutobi.

Choosing not to reply, he watches Mizuki Otha leave the grove, and exchanges some words with Musu. Perhaps the Sarutobi can pass on the lessons of the leaf to an Uzumaki? As the red-haired shinobi leaves, Raleth kneels in front of the lake borne from his wrath, and meditates. As he does, a nebulous idea forms around him. 

Perhaps a garden would compliment this lake?

WC = 1246
Total WC = 4778

AP = 540
Earth Release: Multiple Earth Style Wall
4 Earth Walls at 40 AP = 160

AP = 280

Total Word Bank = 11970

-4000 Words for Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique
-2500 Words for Great Fireball (A Rank)
Using 5000 words spent on jutsu for stats, for a total of 50 stats.

Vigor: 60 + 10  = 70                  
Chakra: 40 +30 = 70
Speed: 50 + 10 = 60
Strength: 75 (50 + 25 Clan bonus)

Remaning Word Bank = 5470

Last edited by Raleth on Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:05 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Editing total WC and WordBank)

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:34 pm
Exit Claims -
TWC 5813: 114 AP [Max stat discount]
1000 towards Hiding like a mole  1000/1000
500 towards Headhunter Technique 500/500
1000 towards Crow Substitution Technique 1000/1000
2500 towards Contract Seal 2500/2500
813 towards Five-Seal Barrier 813/1000
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 500

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:29 pm
Approved for Mizu's exit claims!

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Roy Goka
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Ryo : 500

A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Meeting in the grove (Mizu - raleth)

Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:46 pm
As his chakra chains would wrap around the Uzumaki it would give Musu some time to reflect on what had happened. At this point, since he was wrapped around in his cocoon of chakra chains, Musu was not really able to perceive what was going on around him too well. However, he did sense an immense amount of chakra being formed around him, this chakra, clearly Raleth’s would encompass the two ninja and create a barrier of some sort. Great destruction had clearly been created around him. What an amazing display of power, these ninjas clearly know how to use their elements to create amazing things, and Musu felt a lot like a fish out of water. He had spent his time in Sunagakure learning the sealing arts and was an amazing utilitarian for the village but it was as though he did not have the amazing power that other ninjas of his class possessed, was he too weak to be a jounin for the village? Was he given this promotion prematurely? 

His thoughts came to a close as he noticed the rain and the chakra around him begin to dissipate, he wasn’t sure if the vortex jutsu had hit him or his chains, but they did not penetrate and he was saved from damage from its power. Some time had passed as this happened and he began to sense Mizukis chakra come from her position and advance. Musu would begin to unwrap his cocoon of chakra chains and bit so that he would be able to look outside. Although the raw power and destruction that two ninja had created together was immense it had also been able to create something new and beautiful. A small lake of water had been formed from all the rain and the earth moving around. The moonlight continuing to reflect on its surface was a thing of wonder for Musu to behold. 

Mizuki began to speak to the Raleth and in extension Musu. It appeared to be that they all agreed that this spar had gone too far two quickly in the grove. An invitation for the spar to continue at another time? Musu let out a sigh of relief and began to have his chakra chains recede back into his body, the seals that were created by them dissipating as they completely left his body. Musu would begin to walk down the tree and head back to the surface level. Should both Raleth and Mizuki still be there when he walked down, Musu would put out a long bow to the two ninja, “Thank for you the tea, the company, and the chance to spar with you later. I hope that I will be in touch with both of you soon.” He would say and begin to leave the place. He would for sure be in touch with both of them privately to learn more about their ways and what power they have for the village. Musu had learned a lot during this encountered and as he left he realized that he had a long way to go. Walking back to his home he determined that he would begin his training immediately.


Chakra Chains = 80AP
Tree walking = 5 AP 469 AP remaining.

WC: 529

Total WC: 6440
Topic Claims:
4000 Words = 40 Stat Points, reaching the 250 MAX stat cap
2400 Words = 48 Bonus AP

Jutsu Claims:
Vacuum Sword = 1000 WC
Fuuinjutsu Breaking Rank B = 2500 WC
Fuuinjutsu Lock Rank C = 1750 WC

Chakra Absorption = 1000 WC

Total = 6250 WC

[Topic End]

Last edited by Moosiah on Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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