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Lacuna (Open

Takumashi Senju
Ichigo Sato
Ikari Senju
Aroma Viperis
8 posters
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Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:10 am
Kusari would listen intently to the three, at first his presence was barely recognized, it was not until the third one, Ichigo apparetnly was his name. when asked questions such as what he was doing out and about, he answered in Kind "Well You See, I was on my way to start studying up on some files on the genin of the village, I wish to help orginize ninja cells, and help to make them balance, However when I saw you three, I could not help myself and decided why read when seeing one in action is much better" As Kusari implyed that he would rather like to watch if not participate in anything the kids would be doing to show off their prowess.

When then asked about Purpose, Dreams and Goals Kusari took the moment to ponder. What advise could he give these three. When the answer fell upon him, he piped in "Chase them, give it your all. If by the end of the day you can stand and walk back home, you failed yourself. It takes Hard work and dedication to achive that stuff, and it will not be given to you on a silver platter. Reach out and achive it yourself. When the need of Training arises do not wait for a mentor seek one out, if no mentor is to be found, then teach yourself." Kusari let it be at that to give it a moment to sink in.

Kusari had noted the growl that came from the other male when his name was mentioned, however he could not understand why, and all it did was make him tilt his head ever so slightly when he looked at him. "Some Advice for you, since you wish to earn your kage's favor and recognition, do not be average, one of these cookie cutter type ninja who 'Never give up' and shout it all over as if everyone else expects them to. Instead excel above the rest be more like the ninja who goes around and does the bigger thing, be it helping a rival get stronger by teaching them something they require, or giving a stranger a welcoming hug. Mind you these are examples you do not in any means have to those things exactly." Kusari gave it a moment and once more spoke "To put it simply, Do not be typical, but rather be eccentric, be yourself and keep bettering it, to make a name for yourself you must first reach a point that you are proud of the name and the actions you have taken that can be reflected upon when your name is said."

He would then turn his head to look at the one addressed as Aroma. This one seemed peculiar, and she had not said much to him at all. After he had heard her reply to Ichigo he spoke to her "Words of wisdom for you are much simpler, If you wish to be noticed, then take charge and do something worth noticing. Do not sit back and watch and observe but take action and lead charge. It is not the supporting cast in a play that is immortalized, but the Hero."

Kusari let the kids be for a moment, to sink in his words before he asked "Might there be something I could be of assitance with in helping either of you to achive your goals" and after he spoke he looked to Ichigo "It is unfair to ask them their goals and not tell them yours" Kusari himself was curious as to the boys answer aswell
Aroma Viperis
Aroma Viperis
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Clan Specialty : Medusa's Eyes
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1350

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Sun Mar 15, 2020 3:43 am
The voice of the young lad Ikari sounded within the background of her wandering thoughts. No doubt that he was also answering the words that Ichigo was so curious about. What was this kind of purpose? Aroma was beginning to lose her stance of being focused on the conversation. The words in the background sounded so faint. Her attention was being drain to something else. There was an approaching event that was of high importance to her, and it was approaching faster than she had expected. Drawing closer and closer. She felt calm in the mind about the closing in of this event, yet still her fingers seemed to slightly tighten against the book that was hugged to her chest.

Then Aroma instinctively returned to the conversation. The shifting of her attention happened smoothly, to the point that it was indistinctive to both herself and the others around her. Her fingers loosened their grip upon her leather book. She was able to briefly capture Ichigo’s introduction towards the Jounin that stood in their presence. He introduced both the hot headed Ikari and Aroma. His mention of her being the pretty face girl did not go unnoticed, as she displayed a simple arch of an eyebrow. “There is a lot I still need to accomplish, I’m nowhere near close to what I’m looking for.” These words were directed towards Ichigo’s question on what she believed was missing for her to feel worthy.

Aroma moved the hand in which grasped her journal to the small of her back, while her other free hand brushed down the length of her dress. She softly bent at the waist, presenting a simple polite bow to the three. “Everyone has their own path, and their way of achieving that desired path. There is no right or wrong way.” Her voice spoke softly with a slight purr, “Though I will admit I am taking action, which is why I must leave so soon. I apologize for cutting our time short but I have some important events approaching close to time.” Her soft pink lips curved into a gentle smile. The serpent’s display of kindness. As she turned her back to the three, preparing herself to soon head home and prepare herself for the coming exams. “Nice to meet the three of you, I hope we can encounter again. I hope you don’t hold it against me Kusari, for not allowing you to experience a display of my prowess. But you may at the exams if you desire~” There was a hint of seduction slurring within her words. “I don’t consider myself a hero in this story.”   |EXIT|
{WC: 440}
{TWC: 3,138

{Thread Claims}
+ 4 Health | 4 Strength | 10 Stamina | 13 Speed = 31 Stats

Stormy Blockage (1,500/1,500)  -498 here
Lightning Release (2,640/4,000)

(Changing Lightning Release claims to something else. New claim below)

Familiar (140/2,000)
Temporary paralysis and mastery for half handseals (1,000/1,000)
Poison Clone (1,500/1,5000

Last edited by Aroma Viperis on Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:55 am
As the newcomer spoke, Ikari already knew that he didn't like him. The tone of his voice seemed pompous and that of an arrogant prick. Ikari listened to the words of 'wisdom' from the Jounin of the village, speaking of something that Ikari already knew, something that was common knowledge. Ikari simply nodded his head, not wanting to deal with the babblings from a man such as him. "I do understand how to get noticed. One doesn't get noticed if one blends in with the crowd. As for your "words of wisdom", if one is asked what their goals are. You answer the question. Answering someone's question would not be considered shouting it all over and repeating oneself like you seemed to categorize it. But the remainder of what you said I do agree with. A good citizen helps those who need it and challenges others when they need it. So tell me then Kusari, what exactly are your goals?" Ikari would speak with a tone of minor disdain. While Ikari knew that this individual was far more powerful than he was, he didn't like the attitude that he carried and felt that his respect was sometehing to be earned, just like Kusari's was.

He was unsure how the Jounin of the village was going to respond. He could either respond with a reaction of anger and resentment towards Ikari's lack of acceptance to the Jounin's attitude, or he would respect the question that Ikari asked, albeit with his disdained tone. But he did know that only time would tell when it comes to people's reactions.


+28 stats
+2000 towards One-Handed Handseals (Completed)
+820 towards Hiding in the Rain (820/1500)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:30 pm
Ichigo was listening to the Jounin as he explained his reason for being out. It seemed that the redhead had taken it upon himself to study up on the different genin of the village and possibly help out organizing ninja cells. "How admirable" he would praise Kusari. With the Raikage out of the village it was up to those with higher rank, like the Jounin, to take over the administration. With the upcoming Chuunin exams and the change in leadership Ichigo could only imagine how busy they were. It made him wonder about the direction Kumogakure was in. Hopefully forward, too many times did they have to look back and start over. It was about time that the future of their village finally could begin.

The Drunk would continue to listen as Kusari was done reflecting on his earlier question about purpose, dreams and goals. Even though he had already reached the rank of Jounin he would still have his own thoughts on these matters. He might as well still be pursuing one of his own. Maybe the redhead was already dreaming about what could be next for him. "Wise words indeed" he'd agree with Kusari. In the meantime Ichigo had noticed that the red haired Jounin had directed his attention towards Ikari and Aroma to give each of them some separate advice. 

Once the lavender haired woman was done answering the questions she explained she had to take her leave. From what she was saying and the way she spoke Ichigo could safely assume it had something to do with the upcoming Chuunin exams. He was almost certain Aroma was one of the participants. Maybe he would have to check it out to see just how strong she was. "Likewise Aroma, I'll see you around." The Drunk noticed Ikari getting annoyed by the company of Kusari. For some reason he didn't appreciate what the Jounin said. Maybe he missed something while he wasn't paying attention, but he would probably find out soon enough if something was amiss.

Ichigo might have been the complete opposite as he always remained calm. Not getting frustrated by someone's tone or way of speaking. He decided not to think too much about the strange atmosphere as he had to answer his own question as well. "You're right, but don't worry. I'm an open book." Did he have any goals? He wasn't too sure. Sure, everyone has something they want to achieve, but to call it a goal? He'd ponder for a moment, carefully weighing his words. "What I want is far less noble than most people. I guess you could say my goals are like me, simple. I don't want to conquer or rule over anything or anyone. All I want is being able to help wherever I can, whenever I can. And if I can make those I care about proud in the process, I'll gladly take it." 

He knew all too well it wasn't anything grand or special, but it was the truth.

(WC: 501, TWC: 3464)
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:23 am
Kusari had listened to each as they spoke and retorted , and even asked questions of their own. Then he was rather saddened to hear Aroma was departing the group, he rather wished to see her in action to judge a good placement for her. Seems she would be participating in the upcoming Chuunin exams however with her comments she made. Although one he thought might have been inappropiete but he did not get a good look at her, as he was not looking at her in such a way. The last words as she walked away sticking with Kusari. She did not feel like a hero in her own story? That must be a sad exsistance indeed, he would do nothing to stop her or gain her attention, letting her go.

Instead he looked to the disrespectful little brat who seemed to think that Kusari was speaking with some sort of aire about him, that was far from the case, however this was one of his pet peeves. He worked hard to be where he was at today, and this kid seemed to think obtaining the rank he did was by some sort of spontanous event or something. Kusari Listened to the question and he would smirk softly before replying "My Goals are simple, I wish to be the pinnacle of Kumogakure Shinobi, representing our grandiose village in all I do, including when I fight, rather especially while fighting. I wish for all who lose to me to know, they lost to not just a single person, but to an Entirety of a village, ones who i carry their hopes and dreams with me. There are techniques each village has, that only the kage can grant one access too, I hope to prove myself worthy of learning such techniques and truly be Kumogakure itself." Now he already knew that it was not the moves that made him a Shinobi of the village. But the moves was a milestone to him of his achivements.

Then when he heard Ichigo speak of his dreams and goals, this made Kusari smile, the kid was after his own heart, for it was a more elegent way of saying what he himself had previous said about helping one another out. This one seemed like he would make a good Jounin teacher one day, or maybe a Chuunin teaching at the Academy, But that was in the distant future, as for now He would nod "That is a fine and noble cause in my own opinion, that is something to live for and up to indeed." was his words that he spoke to Ichigo. He would then look around and then shrug .

He spoke up to the pair of them "Well Unless either of you would require my help with anything, I suppose I should head of and read those reports, as much as I would love to stay around and watch first hand. At this point it seems less of a possible training exercise and more so like maybe it should just be the pair of you doing this together." and unless stopped Kusari would give a wave over his shoulder as he turned and walked away, headed in the direction he had walked away from earlier to come check out the gathering of Genin.

[Exit, Will claim if not stopped]
Kizmaru Senju
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Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:21 am
Approved @Ikari and Aroma
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:27 pm
Ikari listened as the Jounin would speak on his goals briefly. Ikari nodded his head, acknowledging the man's goals and he nodded at Ichigo. He then walked out of the training grounds and he went home.

Just using Midthread claims as my claims.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:48 pm
Ichigo could respect the goals of the red haired Jounin as they were similar to his. "That's fine. I wouldn't want to keep you from doing your work. It was nice meeting you, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again." And with that they would each go their own way. 


(TWC: 3515)
- 35 stats to strength
- 1500/1500 Nukite, The Spear Hand
- 1500/1500 Taijutsu Style: Block
- 500/500 Throat Chop
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:01 pm
(Claims twc 1474- 14 stats (11 strength, 3 Stamina), 2 posts outta 15 i believe for 500 wc a post for the month, Wc towards Adamantine Sealing Chains Once its approved? As it should/hopefully be soon, and Im just trying to put the wc towards something and have work to head off too, also thus why i didnt switch over to Kusari to make this post.)
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Lacuna (Open - Page 3 Empty Re: Lacuna (Open

Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:41 am
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