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Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:22 pm
Senshi stretched slowly, he was currently in the slums of the village and he knew that he needed to get down to training in some other techniques. He had let his training fall to the way side while they were at war in Kumo due to the massive amount of paperwork and other administrative duties that he had been required to do it. He viewed this as more of an excuse than anything else, due to the fact that he simply felt he could have worked harder in order to ensure that he was constantly progressing. Instead, he had not, and now he felt like he was falling behind those who were his peers. Even though he had been promoted ahead of the other shinobi he had regularly trained with as  Genin, he still viewed them as his peers.


As such, their successes during the war, was considered a huge progress by Senshi. Something that he had felt denied due to being stuck in the village rather than on the front lines. Though he understood why it happened, this did not mean that he enjoyed the fact. Now it was time to show not only Lord Raikage that he was still a competitive shinobi and deserved his rank, but also Lord Maku. The man was the General in charge of organizing Kumo’s forces, and Senshi respected that title and the mans strength. He felt like he needed to return to his training and progression in order to do so. The best thing that he could do was have a versatile amount of techniques that he could then use to throw at an opponent.


Thus, brought him to the training he was going to conduct now. While he did not intend to do much physical movement, it was a long ingrained habit to stretch himself out fully for any training that he did. His intended technique to learn was the chakra scalpel technique. While he had his wind chakra to sharpen his body and cause external damage without the use of weapons, he knew that the ability to use a chakra scalpel would allow him to cause internal damage. Plus it would also have the added benefit of progressing his skills in the medical field so that should he need to do so he could perform surgeries in the field without tools.


He had read indepth about the technique while they had still been in Kumo, but it was now time for him to really put the information he had gained from the books to the test. Before him, on a rickety wooden table, lay several rats that he had caught. He had tied them down to the table so that he could work on cutting into them with the chakra scalpel technique. He needed a live subject to ensure that he was performing the technique correctly. He’d caught several rats simply because he was worried he was probably going to kill one of them on accident. Though he would do his best to ensure that he didn’t, simply because he needed to keep his test subjects alive so that he could practice longer. It would also be good practice for the rest of his medical skills, to save their lives should he accidentally cause lethal damage.


He was sure that he was probably going to nick arteries and be unable to heal them quickly enough, which is why he had five rats. With a final sigh he stepped forwards concentrating on his chakra as he loomed over the first of his test subjects. His grayish chakra burst forth covering his hands before he brought his hands up and slowly formed the hand seals, tiger, horse, rabbit, rat, and finally dog. His chakra took on a wobbly edge to it forming a fine point on his hands. Before he could reach forwards he ended the chakra flow with a slight sight. It had not felt right when he had performed it, not to mention he felt that it had formed far too slow for his liking.


This was a technique that needed to be performed quickly in combat, but also quickly in a surgical setting as he may not have the time to let it form so slowly. His hands moved through the hand seals again as he pulled on his chakra drawing it forth, and allowing it to cover his hands again. It formed only marginally faster than the previous time, but this was to be expected considering that Senshi was fairly new to the technique. He knew that the adage of slow is smooth and smooth is fast would come into play here. Rushing the technique would only be dangerous especially as it was a rather difficult technique to perform. He had no wish to rush it, and cause some sort of accident and thus he continued to form the hand seals and practice forming the scalpels on his hands for several minutes.


After several more minutes of practice, Senshi finally felt that the technique was forming at a decently adequate speed. While it had started out taking more then forty five seconds for the technique to appear on his hands, he now had it down to a measly nine seconds. While still unacceptable for use in combat or in surgery, Senshi knew that the practice he was about to have on these little test subjects was more than likely going to allow him to speed the technique up. Plus he needed to practice keeping the technique active longer. Surgeries routinely took a long time, and it was likely that if he used the technique in combat he would need to keep the technique active for a long time.


He reached forwards after having formed the hand seals again, the technique lighting his hands up with his chakra. He focused on the rat before him and lightly brought his hand across the rats front leg focusing on the need to cut its muscle, but leave the veins and arteries along. A loud squeling of pain from the rat issue as it began to struggle with the bindings that held it down. Senshi ignored this pulling his hands back to watch the rat quietly for several moments. He wasn’t sure if he had done it right, and he was quickly proven correct when blood came out of the rats mouth. He had probably knicked the artery in its foreleg and his hands flashed quickly changing from the dangerous chakra scalpels to a true healing medical jutsu.


His hands came over the rats leg and he held them still for several seconds as he waited for the rat to recover from the damage he had caused it. After a few moments he lifted his hands, the rat still struggling in vain the escape, but he felt sure that he had healed the knicked artery. He did know, however, that if he made the same mistake again the rat would likely bleed out before he could heal it. The darn thing had probably lost a lot of blood while Senshi had watched it struggle waiting to see how his technique had been. But that really wasn’t a problem, he had three more test subjects should he need them.


With a light sign his hands performed the hand signs of the chakra scalpel technique, and the light of his chakra formed marginally faster than it had the previous times. He moved his hands forwards, deciding that he would continue to focus on accuracy before going for duration. He slid his pointer finger across the back leg of the rat this time, and instead of deactivating the technique when he drew his hands back he watched the struggling, screaming rat again began to cough blood. A look of irritation flashed across his face for a moment before he reached out to cut the rat again before it could die, but three quarters through his hand drawing across the rats back the technique petered out.


His inexperience causing him to lose focus and drop the cutting edge of the chakra scalpels. He frowned, but quickly formed the hand signs to check the damage he had caused the rat. He focused on it and found where he had just slightly hit the artery in the leg and then as he checked the back, he found that while he had also caused damage to some of the organs with the technique, his use of it was clearly superior to the past two times he had used it. At least this meant that he was making decent progress with the technique. Stepping to the side he put himself before the next rat in the line his hands forming the hand signs quickly, his muscles beginning to remember the sequence more and more so that it was becoming faster as it became more natural.


Reaching out he slide his hand along the second rats right foreleg, before drawing back, and a slightly pleased smile stretched acrossed his burned face. The rat was screaming in pain and struggling but then at the same time it wasn’t coughing blood up as the previous had. He reached out but just as he was about to touch the animal the technique petered out. He formed the hand seals again and then sliced the animal twice, quickly, using the same focus as before. He reached back and watched quietly before smiling in approval as the animal had yet to show any signs of a nicked artery. He continued to fuel the technique as he reached out but then it waved as he was cutting and the animal’s screams increased for a moment. Its thrashing becoming worse before it stilled quickly.


Blinking in surprise Senshi realized that the technique had fluctuated as he was drawing his had too near its heart. Using the medical technique to heal again he noted that it had nicked the aorta of the heart, there was nothing he could have done to preserve the animal with that kind of injury. Shrugging he moved to the next animal in line and forming the hand seals he reached out this time making four quick cuts on the legs, the rats screaming and struggling started immediately. His technique petered out and he smirked slightly, he had managed to keep the animal alive with several cuts. Forming the hand seals, he cut the artery in the animals neck before moving to his fourth test subject.


He had not yet finished the technique, keeping it up as he created several cuts on the fourth rat, before also cutting the main artery in the neck. He stepped over to the fifth and final animal and simply used the technique to cut its neck again. There really was little point in continuing to practice on these animals. He had it down so that the technique appeared in just under two seconds, he could hold the technique up for several minutes now, and he had the precision to hit what he wanted to. He had completed all he could do for now, the only way to better improve was to work on the technique while sparring. Something he would need to arrange with some of his fellow shinobi.

TWC: 1870

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