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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:52 pm
Zento would take another bite as she went on her inspiration. Zento having a soft smile on his face as she spoke. Agreeing with her statement. "It would be a smart weapon idea. I can try to come up with some kind of design for this weapon." He would take a drink from his cup. "That's why you always have to be careful with your poisons. Gotta make sure they will do what you need them to do right away. Can't make a mistake with the craft." He took another bite and paused at a moment at her statement wanting to catch up. Taking a drink and thinking for a moment. She was looking for some friends in the exams. Honestly, Zento had almost forgotten those were going on. He would need to make time to sign himself up. Being a genin was fun but, he was looking to move up a little in the rankings. Cutting another piece from his steak, he spoke softly. "Needing some friends for the exams eh? What about the rest of your squad? I have no problem making friends in the exams. It will be a fun time for everyone." He would take a the piece of meat he cut and eat it. Setting his fork and knife down.

Zento did need to to try and make time to sign up. He's been a little lazy on doing so and needs to push himself a bit harder on making those steps forward. Getting a little lost in his thoughts for a moment but his expression remaining unchanged. blinking and snapping back to reality, He would pick up his napkin and wipe his mouth. Taking another drink and filling both of the cups up again. She was an interesting one to say the least. Zento enjoyed that fact. He was always happy to meet new people . Especially ones that peak his interest.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:13 pm
She raised her eyebrow in hopeful optimism, he was interested in making the weapon, in fact he even had a respect for her own craft that most people would overlook and see as pointless when there was flashier ways to win over an opponent. Always underestimated and overlooked ... but not by the man in front of her, who not only understood her view but was sympathetic in her vision. She rolled her eyes in exasperation, "My squad is great but they aren't very pressing in the importance of the exams, except for me I think.", she closed her eyes as the thought pressed in on her conscious, her head still pressed into her palm casually. "Friends in the exams huh.", her eyes remained closed for a moment longer, the idea seeming odd to her, how are you supposed to make friends with people after they beat you into the ground? 

"Friends then.", her eyes met his, opening in a soft flutter, the sake was definitely working its way through her small frame faster than she had expected. A strong heat was running under her eyes and topping her cheek bones, suddenly straightening herself and setting the sake cup down, how had it become empty again? I don't even remember sipping it... "So, you are signing up then? What do you.. specialize in?" She had glanced over his outfit and Tea Samurai was the only thing that came to mind. Wrinkling her eyebrows in thought as she looked him over, "Master of the Tea and Sword alike?", she snickered at her own joke lamely before clearing her throat and waiting patiently.

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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:29 pm
Zento took another drink as she studied what he said to her. Her squad didn't seem to be interested in the exams. That would put her in a difficult spot with being alone in it. But, you never know. That could also be a strength for her. No one really knows how to plan for the exams. Something to always keep on your toes. Zento nodded to her responding to them being friends. Watching her movements and downing more of the sake, it was clear to him that she was starting to get drunk. Zento normally drinks a bottle or two here a day. Sharing one didn't really do anything to him at this point. Zento finished his glass and looked at the now empty bottle between the two of them. Looking back as she asked about his take on the chuunin exams and what he specialized in. Zento thought for a quick second and then came to give an honest answer. "I specialize in ninjutsu mainly." He opened his fan up showing the Yuki symbol on it to her. "I'm from the Yuki clan. To the best of my knowledge, only one in this village."

Zento closed his fan up and put his arm up. His sleeve falling down on his right arm. Revealing small bands along the sleeve holding a kunai and three senbon with one band with nothing in it. Showing her how the trick was done. His arm looking burned and scars from blades covering the upper part of his arm and appearing to extend more up his arm. Putting a finger to his lips. "The secret to my sleeve just for you. Don't tell anyone ok?" He laughed lifting his sleeve back up to cover his arm and hide everything again. He rested his arms down on the table and listened to her talk about masters of tea and swordsman. Laughing a little with her at the odd statement and gave a gentle smile.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:19 pm
Her eyebrow arched curiously as she registered his answer - her thoughts becoming more jumbled than normal - Ninjutsu. She had noted the symbol on his fan from earlier but it made more sense now that she didn't recognize it - it must be lonely being alone. Even though her father had passed not long ago she still had her mother - people she could probably claim as friends as well - but there was something about his tone that made it sound final, so she didn't pry, for now. Her next question was halted on her lips as his sleeve fell down to the table, revealing how he kept all of his seemingly endless objects on his person. Of course. Internally kicking herself at how obvious it was now that she saw it - like a magician revealing the secrets of a trick. 

Looking closer though she awed at the many scars that littered up his arm - some thin and light while others thick with an angry pink hue. Her eyes flashed back up to meet his, a lip now pressed to his lips in a silencing motion. She had kept her face passive as he covered his arms up again - not wanting to offend him. She had decided in those few moments that she was truly glad she had followed the apple thief today - as he was becoming a very interesting subject. "Well, if you ever wanted to practice, maybe even help me create those poisons I was talking about, I would be game. Either way it seems I did indeed leave the market today with the best deal." he probably wouldn't understand her inside joke, but she still smiled to herself enjoying it all the same.

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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:12 am
Zento smiled softly. She was good company and Zento was enjoying his time. Zento looked to see the food and drinks now finished. He popped his neck and thought for a moment on her comment. Nodding in agreement. "Yeah that would be lovely to work together on. I know a few components we can use that dissolve at the temperature of a human body. Make it very easy to keep the poison you build safe and won't get out until they are in your opponent." Zento would watch as the waiter from before came back with the bill. Zento looking at it and pulling out his wallet. Putting enough cash for the bill and tip. Handing it back to the waiter. Looking back over at her. Knowing that their time in the dinner would be wrapping up shortly. He was having a good time though. He was a little sad to think about how after this he would go back to entertaining himself for most days. But, he was sure this wouldn't be their last encounter.

Zento spoke. "How about I walk you home from here? You seem a little out there from the drink." He laughed shaking the empty bottle. Getting to his feet from his chair and holding his hand out for her to help her off her seat as well. Zento's eyes having a gentle look in them. A soft friendly smile as he then wondered what his day might have been if he didn't steal an apple. Zento enjoyed that factor of life more than anything. How any small choices someone makes can effect the whole day. The man would wait for her to get out of seat when she was ready and to lead the way to their walk.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:53 pm
Her face flushed slightly - from the drink or from his eagerness to join her and work with her - it was hard to tell but it could be argued it was a 50/50 at this point. She couldn't remember the last time she had drank and it was obvious she wasn't going to be a steady walker - especially with the fact it was hard to stop from swaying slightly in her seat; side to side. She was so small that the drink had worked its way through her system far faster than she had anticipated. Mumbling something along the lines of agreement to his idea her voice suddenly trailed off as she watched him pull out his wallet and easily pay for their meal. Suddenly she was gawking at him incredulously - he had money this whole time and he stole an apple! She was gearing up to argue this very point when she was cut short - 

 "How about I walk you home from here? You seem a little out there from the drink."

His laugh rang through her ears - which seemed to be going in and out of focus, sometimes hearing as though she was submerged in water. In an instant he was on his feet offering his hand, not really much of a choice to her as she was definitely not fit to walk home and make it all the way home. She glanced down at his extended hand - palm up to her - before cautiously sliding her own over his; unlike her small petite frame her hands were of a tougher variety given her years with hands in soil and countless knife throwing they had a slight roughness. Gripping it tighter she used his weight to hoist herself up out of the booth - with a bit to much vigor - and ended up flinging herself into his side. Righting herself she would wrap her arm around his re-gripping his hand for stability - her small frame coming in handy as she was easy to support. 

"I live on the east side of the market place - Ooooh my mom is going to be worried sick - and I didn't even buy anything at the market!", her voice was animated as her thoughts came spilling out disjointed as they were. "Oh Zento, what am I going to tell her? She doesn't approve of drinking-", a short stifled giggle was followed by a small 'oops' muttered to herself before she continued with her sentence, "-though she would probably approve of you, all gentlemanly walking her daughter home. Oh man, I hope I don't get hungover, I have to train before the sun is up." Iki winced internally at the thought of training under those conditions. She continued to cling to his arm as they made their way back to her home.

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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:06 pm
Zento smiled handing the cash. Noticing that she had a look on her face while he was paying. It wasn't hard to guess what she was thinking. "It's for sport." Zento said. Making a comment about stealing his apple if she caught it. Zento watched the intoxicated woman put her hand into his. A lot rougher than you would expect. Mainly from hard work and constant use of her hands. Zento helped her to her feet watching her fall into his side. His arm wrapped around her side to help her up as he started to walk out of the place. Hearing where she lived and about her mother. Zento Heard her mother doesn't like people who drink. Zento thought for a moment and pointed the opposite direction. "I live to the west. I'll take you back to my place.You'll be able to get some good rest without having to face your mother." Zento spoke heading in that direction with her. In truth he didn't mind the company. But also didn't want to handle parents. It would be weird for him.

Zento began walking. Keeping both of them off to the side and away from super crowded areas of the market Keeping her from bumping into people or throwing up on anyone. Zento then in his focus of making sure she didn't get hurt, He pushed his leg into a cart as a couple apples fell off the cart. Zentos free arm reaching out and grabbing the apple and placing it on the cart. Apologizing to the man who we stole from earlier. Keeping them both walking and smiling. Looking back over at her after some distance and shaking his free arm. An apple falling out from his sleeve and into his hand. He would lift it up and bring it in front of Iki. Presenting another free apple just for her.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:00 pm
A small scowl slowly spread over her small face, warping her eyebrows in the process - it was rare to see her frustrated but the dilemma of his offer was something to bring worry. On one hand she barely knew him and was about to let him to take her, not home, but to his house in the opposite direction. Or on the other hand was she thinking about the more sleep she could get since the training grounds were to the west…. Extra sleep won out and her features smoothed out again. Unfortunately her decision to go along with Zento had another downside, they had to walk through the now further crowded market - though she wasn’t jostled once.

Though he was graceful, he was not infallible, and as expected in his haste to manage her safety he forgot about his own footing. In a few deft movements Zento was catching things mid-air, Iki couldn’t tell what though, everything was jumbling together. A few short words to a man - and suddenly an apple. Her eyes focused on it resting in his hands, for her, a slow smile formed on her lips. “Of course.”, was all she had to say. Reaching both her hands up she gripped it gingerly in her fingertips - as if in reverence. Apples. There was some idea forming in her mind, like a brewing storm waiting for lightning to strike. Her mind felt clearer as she continued to stare at the gift, her footsteps increasing as her thoughts sped on. Apples have … Cyanide.” She spoke the word aloud, in an awed tone of voice. Lightning strike. Her sudden avenue of ideas opening up to her - and the familiar itch to write in her journals creeped into her consciousness. She stared up at him, enthusiasm breaking through the haze - “You are GOLD, two ideas in a matter of hours, best Tea Samurai ever.”

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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:10 pm
Zento smiled as the two of them kept their walk going. He would watch her take his apple and study it. Her steps increasing and Zento keeping up to make sure she didn't fall. His hand resting on her back. Cyanide? Zento thought for a moment. His knowledge of that poison was a little limited on how it was made but he supposed maybe that the apples had something to do with it? Did she think he was trying to drug her or something. Then she called him a genius. Zento looked at her still confused a bit. "Tea Samurai?" He said with a laugh. Zento looked seeing his house now just a few feet away. On the outer parts of the market. He opened his mail box to check for it. Still empty. No letter from his team leader to meet somewhere. Zento opened the wooden fence and walked into his front yard with his friend still next to him. A garden on both sides of them. One full of flowers and a cherry blossom tree appearing from behind the house and with a garden carrying different fruits and vegetables in them. 

His house being just one floor but a bit bigger than a normal house. Something that was easily out of just a genin's pay check. Guess it helps having some money in the past with his families blacksmith work. Sadly didn't have the money now. It was only enough to really cover the house. Zento opened the door showing hard wood floors and the living room holding books packed on a shelf and a coffee table in front of a couch. His kitchen was also spotless. At first glance you would assume it was a showing for a house on sale.  Zento would take his shoes off leaving them next to the door. Zento then grabbed her leg. Knowing she was still drunk, getting shoes off is always a problem. He would help her out. Lifting one leg to slide off her shoes one at a time. He then guided her down the hall way.  Leading her to his bathroom and opening the door. "Here. Go ahead and wash up. I'll have a clean set of clothes for you out here when you're done." He spoke. It was the same treatment he got with workers in his old house. Nothing he didn't know how to do by watching.

Zento walked over to his room. Grabbing a white robe with light blue on the bottom of it and on the sleeves. Looking like it was covered in ice. Folding it up with a pair of socks. Walking over to the bathroom and setting it on a table next to the door to not bother her. Zento walked back to the kitchen. Making a drink to help her with when she wakes up. An old hangover cure he supposed. By now she should be done. Grabbing a small place to put the cup on. Walking over to where she should still be. To guide her to the guest room. Right across from his own room. A simple one with just a bed and more books with some candles. the sent said to help with meditation. Zento didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with everything. He was going to be a good host. His personality not really changing. Just being more proper. Zento handed her the drink, bowing his head down. "If you need anything I will just be across the hall. Yell or come by if you need something." He spoke as he closed the door between then. Walking to his room.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:33 pm
She was still clinging to his side, the apple clutched tightly in her free hand - if it were possible to get her mind right she could fully voice her ideas as enthusiastically as possible. He was laughing at her nickname for him - suppose it was a nickname at this point - and suddenly she was in a lavish garden. Gardens. Her eyes grew wide as she took in either side, it was like a painting and a chef's dream rolled into one. If she was impressed by the exterior she was blown away by the interior - her home wasn’t unpleasant but it wasn’t as grand this was. Her gaze lingered on the book shelf - wondering instinctively what books those were, she was an avid reader.  She was so focused on the books while maintaining her grip on the apple she was taken by surprise when, foot by foot, Zento was removing her shoes for her. She felt her cheeks grow red in embarrassment. He then led her to the bathroom, offering her clothes - she eyed him wistfully, their size difference a bit obvious. She didn’t address it though, opting to keep the thought to herself instead. She nodded at him, a small smile playing on her lips, “Thank you, for your hospitality.”, and turning to close the bathroom door.

She stared into the mirror for a few moments - her blonde ruffled hair going every which way as usual - and her face was positively pink. Great, okay it’s time to get it together, open those pores with a hot shower. As the inner monologue concluded she set to work - figuring out the faucet at a different home was always the hardest - but once it was managed the room began to fill with steam. After showering for nearly 20 minutes her skin felt rejuvenated - she couldn’t remember her shower ever getting that hot before, it was a treat. She felt more alert than before, but definitely not back to normal - wrapping a towel around her head and body she peeked out the door, quickly snatching the clothes he had left for her. Wrapping the robe tightly around her waist, she looked down, the bottom just grazed the floor - the beautiful ice blue seeming to seep up from the ground it touched. Though the sleeves were almost comically long on her - in some ways she looked like a Zento impersonator - but the blue seemed to warm up on her. Tanned skin , bright honey eyes and sandy hair. Gave the impression of the season summer. Ruffling her still damp hair a few more times she would then rake her fingers through til it was a scruffy mess again - but artfully done. 
She padded out of the bathroom, her footsteps muffled by the socks on the hard wood, having folded her clothes she came in with and setting them in the spot she had grabbed the new set - suddenly shocked to see him approaching her, drink in hand, to guide her to her room. He placed the cup in her hands and bowed to her, and bade her goodnight - closing the door on his way out. She stared at the closed door for a few moments, stunned, before turning around to look at the room she was in. A simple bed, a couple candles and… books. She approached warily, picking up the candle and sniffing the different ones to determine their scents.- Patchouli and Myrrh were among the mix. She subconsciously set the drink down on a side table as her fingers grazed the spines of the books - classics of heroes read back to her and she smirked to herself. Her father used to read stories about heroes to her - she found it funny to have them be here as if watching over her. Sighing she attempted sleep - crawling under the covers and trying for several minutes to find a comfortable spot - before giving up. Sitting up she threw the covers off herself and padded to the door quickly - her mind had calmed down long enough to give thought to the cyanide comment from earlier and she needed to talk to Zento. Opening her door she peeked around the corner, eyes narrowing in the darkness of the hallway, before taking the couple steps to knock gently on his door. She didn’t want to bother her if he was asleep, she whispered through the door loud enough for him to hear if he were awake, “I wanted to talk, I can’t really sleep yet, are you up?”

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