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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Tue Jan 21, 2020 1:18 pm
It was a pretty average day. Zento had nothing really to do. A peaceful day. He was happy to have this kind of day. No missions or anyone needing anything from him. He would be at his old house working at the forge. Creating new weapons to be added to his collection. He thought of the day he had enough money to open up a shop to sell all of these toys. But, that would probably be a while off into the future. Zento put the finishing touches on a blade he had made. putting it in its sheath and walking into his weapons vault. Placing the sword with the rest of the weapons his family had created. Walking out of the giant vault in the basement, he locked the door behind him and started walking out of his old house. Jumping into the trees and jumping from branch to branch carefully. Making sure there was no evidence that anyone had come this way at all. Keeping the house to look abandoned along with the very long trail that once lead to this house. Leaving it lost to time for everyone else. Zento Yawned as he landed on the ground in front of his village. Rubbing his neck and walking back into his village. He would walk along the streets Running into a fruit cart and grabbing an apple. Checking a few of them out before deciding on a nice green apple. Zento Started chatting with the salesman. Asking for a price on apples.

"The hell do you mean it's gonna be fifty ryo? What kind of scam are you trying to run here?!" Zento said holding the apple up in front of him. The man wouldn't budge on the price as Zento gave him a death glare. Tossing the apple back on his cart. Pointing quickly with his other arm. "This is a scam!" He said walking away with a smile. before the apple landed with the rest of the apples, Zento's point let the apple land in his sleeve. Taking a few steps away and making some distance between them before pulling out the apple from his sleeve taking a bite. Nodding to himself and looking at the apple. It was worth the price he was putting for them. Damn good apple he got. Taking another bite as he walked along the streets of his village.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:34 pm
The market had been a popular spot this morning and it seemed to only increase in popularity as the sun rose higher - Iki was one of the many people shuffling from stall to stall, getting a feeling for the products of the day before making any final decisions. Knowing all your options before decision making was the only logical way to shop and get the best deal - it was a sentiment she would recite to her mother every time she would come home from an all day market affair. In fact it had been her second time past so she was pretty familiar with the salesmen and women of the day and in what order - which is why she knew exactly what 50 ryo scam the man was exclaiming about. 

Glancing over immediately but without an obvious signs she was watching - luckily he was only a few paces away from her at the next cart. Had he not been such an interesting sight she too would have been fooled when he pointed with his left hand again to make his point clear - but in the motion she watched with a now raised eyebrow as the apple he had picked was silently slipping down his sleeve. Her eyes flickered instantly back down to the rice vinegar she had been examining - he had turned in her direction and was walking away in the opposite direction of his thievery. 

She wasn't a sour puss so she wasn't going to snitch on him - besides where is the fun in that? She waited a moment before setting the bottle down and thanking the woman who had been helping her before the purple haired apple thief had taken her attention. Turning on her heel she too followed in the same direction as the man - if she thought having purple hair was the most peculiar thing about him she was wrong, tall and slim, with a white robe. Keeping up with him would have been hard enough without being detected but she had had an idea - while she was impressed at his superb stealing skills he didn't go completely unnoticed and that deserved compensation. In a few fast strides she caught up to him, deftly taking the twice bitten apple from his hand and swinging around in front of him, now wiggling the apple in front of him. "Very swift switch there." She wasn't being too loud so as to give him away but it was definitely said in a playful tone. Looking down at the apple she twisted it in her fingers until the unbitten part was showing, "Though it might help if you didn't dress in such eye catching fashion." Taking a bite of her eyes would close as it was indeed well worth the 50 ryo he was selling them for.

[WC 467]
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:49 pm
Zento smiled holding the apple in his hand. Stealing was some what of a hobby of his and the first thing about stealing was to always keep an eye out for other thieves. He would walk keep walking and reach into his sleeve. Slicing part of the apple and pulling the slice away on his kunai back into his sleeve as he could tell he was being followed. As his hand was now empty of an apple, he saw a woman standing there in front of him calling him out playfully on his theft. Zento laughed and pulled up his kunai with the apple slice on it. Taking it off with his now empty hand and eating it. Speaking softly to her. "Says you." To her remark about not going unnoticed. "I find the best way to blend in is to catch some attention. Blend in too much is something that you do when you want to do something bad. Have fun with it." Laughing a bit to himself and then reaching into his sleeve. Pulling out a fan with the symbol for his clan Yuki on it when he opened it up.

Zento began to fan himself off a bit. "The name is Zento. It's nice to meet you. Your name is?" He said in a calm manner. Zento studied the lady in front of him. Watching her every move and keeping a friendly smile as he eyed the apple he stole in her hand. He wasn't going to try and take it back. Causing too much of a scene would let it be out that he stole the apple. He could make a claim that she stole it and get her in trouble. But, she wasn't at the cart he was at. Zento closed his fan up and pointed it at the lady in front of him. "So, what brings you to these parts? Looking for some great deals like myself? A people watcher maybe? Little bit of both?" Zento put the fan back in his sleeve. Waiting to see what she was going to say or do next.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:11 pm
She watched him eat a slice he had been able to save before her approach and laughed an incredulous way - he really thought of everything didn't he? From his stance on blending in to his preparation to ditch the evidence and retain a reward for later. She shook her blonde hair in disbelief as he pulled yet another thing from inside those sleeves of his - what in the world are in those? Not being able to help it she raised on her tip toes slightly to try to catch a glimpse of what else was hidden before her view was promptly blocked by a fan. Jumping slightly at the sudden opening she eyed his face more earnestly, his calm demeanor wasn't strange but he was awfully laid back... this Zento. His eyes didn't leave her as he continued to fan himself so she was as courteous to him as he was to her, "My name is Ikigai - Iki for short if it suits you. Nice to meet you as well, must have been doing bad somethings since I don't think I've ever noticed you before today.", her tone of voice was obviously joking but her eyes bore a sterner emotion hidden behind the friendly golden hue. 

The snapping of his fan closed brought her back to attention - out of the daze of memory as she tried to place him in her past. Dramatic too as he pointed it at her firing off a few questions and returning it to his sleeve - the never ending sleeves. "No better deal than free right? Truthfully I'm a bit of both, you can learn so much by watching people when they don't think they are being watched. Everyone else can fake it so when you get in a setting like this-", she waved her arms around in a small flourish to emphasize the markets business."- where everyone thinks they are invisible, no one fakes it."  Overboard. The ever oversharer Ikigai strikes again, talking to much was a curse. Clearing her throat she would direct questioning back to him. "Any plans for the rest of the day? I was thinking of getting some lunch - half eaten apples don't really satiate. Care to join?"

[WC 368]
[TWC 835]
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Wed Jan 22, 2020 9:20 am
Zento smiled watching her and listening to what she had to say. he wondered what she wanted with him. It was something that struck him as odd. He could feel more meaning in her words. "Well Iki, I didn't always live in the village. Had a place outta town and moved here not too long ago." He looked around the market they were in yet keeping her in his peripheral vision. Zento turned his head back to face her as she spoke of plans for the rest of the day. Zento thought for a moment. He didn't really have anything planed for the day. He had no reason to not accept her offer of lunch. "Do you always ask men you just met out to lunch?" He said jokingly. "Got a place in mind?" Zento looked around for any good places to eat close by. Zento then had the idea. "I know a place. Little hole in the wall that serves pretty good food. Not expensive and the food tastes great. How about it?" Zento pointed with his thumb in the opposite direction he was facing.

Hmmm. What an odd one. Her posture seems friendly and had a playful tone in her voice. Seems to be a free spirit but something in her glare speaks something else. I don't have any reason to trust or not trust her. This lunch should be fun. I should keep an eye on her. Zento thought to himself. His face never changing from the friendly smile he had. Zento didn't really have an idea for much small talk but he would figure out what to do and say through out the time they spent together. If she agreed to the location he suggested, he would start to head that way, if she had some other spot in mind, Zento would simply follow her to the location of her choice. Zento didn't really mind where they went to eat. The only thing he knew for sure would be to get a bite to eat.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Wed Jan 22, 2020 7:49 pm
Her interest peaked once more as she learned he wasn't from around here, and was in fact a recent face in the streets. A small amount of relief overcame her as she was beginning to wonder who else might have missed her ever watchful radar. She couldn't help but laugh - a real genuine laugh-  at his questioning her asking him to lunch on a whim, "Only on Thursdays."  she shot back. Her expression fell into side tracked thought, not being able to come up with a place so on the spot and was relieved to hear Zento had an idea.

"Then the hole in the wall it shall be! Taste is what matters anyways, fancy exteriors are all fluff.", decisive in her choice she headed in the direction he had pointed to moments before. She bounded ahead of him before glancing over her shoulder expectantly before falling into step with him. Full of energy and interest she was like lighting a sparkler in a pitch black room - and next to the smooth and almost reserved manner only put her odd behavior in higher contrast. "When we get inside do you mind ordering whatever you would get times two? I'll get a spot, should make it easier to judge your taste in food as well as in character.", flashing him a side long glance before switching conversation gears completely, "I've been pondering a few things in my studies lately and I was curious for a third-party opinion - in making throwing knives which is the best metal or can that factor be overshadowed by excellent throwing technique. " She was biting her lip with a thoughtful expression, her question while completely from left field, was an honest one. "Mind over Matter kind of deal. Thoughts?"

[WC 292]
[TWC 1127]
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:49 am
Zento laughed about the only on Thursdays comment. Watching Enjoying the walk and listening to her agree to the place of his choice. Hearing her ask him to do two of whatever he orders. Zento agreed to the request and kept walking. Hearing her ask him a question. One a bit out of the blue. A question on throwing knives? An odd question to be asked. Considering Zento's background in blacksmith work. He would keep a note on that question. Thinking on how he should answer it. He could give an honest answer of his. He could give wrong information and see if she calls him out on it being wrong. Or give an answer that really doesn't give a direct answer to the question. But, he figured it wouldn't hurt to give an honest answer. "Steel is good to use pretty much for any throwing knife. But it all comes down to two things, the person using it, and the craftsmanship of the blade itself." Zento said. Looking to be more focused on the conversation.

"If the blade as a whole is not made to the weight not being distributed evenly can throw it off. The shape needs to be aerodynamic. How sharp the blade itself is. All things that play a factor, in my opinion, far more important than the material it is made out of." Zento pointed to their left. "We're here." He said started to walk to the door and open it. Holding it open for Iki and letting her in first. He would find the two of them a booth and sit on the opposite end. Quickly being greeted by a waiter. "Hello. I'd like a bottle of sake heated up with two cups. Two steaks. Medium rare. Both with a side salad." He spoke handing over the menu. Thanking the waiter and reaching into his sleeve and pulling out his fan. Spinning it around in his hand and then just holding it in his hand. Looking back over at Iki. "So, what's the interest in what to make a throwing knife out of? Are you a blacksmith?" Zento asked. Seeing what kind of information he could get.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:39 pm
She had become engrossed by his explanation, noting his increased concentration as he got down to the details and his opinion. She was taken aback a bit, he had had as much thought of the question as she did but it was from a different perspective. He was considering it from a... blacksmiths mind. Bowing her head slightly in appreciation she would glide through the door, foot steps like a dancer poised and alert - as were her eyes as she scanned the room as quickly as possible, she wasn't familiar with this place either but none the less she would follow Zento to a booth opposite the entrance. Sliding in on the opposite side as him she clasp her hands calmly on the table top, gazing around in interest as she listened to their lunch being ordered.

As the waiter turned to leave, their order taken swiftly Iki would return her golden gaze back to her companion. Not being able to stop the smirk appear on her lips as he pulled out his fan again - she was picking up a pattern of behavior. This time though he refrained from opening it, reserving himself to spinning it in his hand and returning her blunt question with one of his own. "At least you aren't into niceties, they exhaust me.", her fingers began to drum on the table in a slow rhythm, a decision to be open and direct or be dishonest to allude to her outward innocence. Admittance of the truth would surely bring up a more interesting conversation. Settled then. Her fingers never stopped drumming but now it was a much calmer motion like she was in a creative trance - "A blacksmith I am not, unfortunately I don't have the patience and eye for that sort of craft, though I do have enough patience for the craft of poison making.", pausing in her explanation to smile up at the approaching waiter, the warmed sake and two cup balanced on a large platter. Thanking the waiter she would proceed to pour their glasses half full each- leaning over to slide his cup in front of him. The irony in immediately offering him a drink after explaining her interest in poisons was not missed by Iki. 

Raising her own glass to her lips in a dramatic fashion to show it was safe to drink - switching back into her explanation once the drinks burn passed, "The reason I;m curious about throwing knives is because I want to create a blade that is best suited for throwing and abortion of poisons, if that is even possible everything is all still in the hypothetical stages."

[WC 440]
[TWC 1567]
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:29 pm
Zento would set his folded up fan down on the table next to him.  Nodding in her speak of poison making. "Oh? That sounds like it requires some good patience. I'm sure you must have your fun making those." Zento said smiling. Seeing as the bottle reached the two of them. Smiling at the idea that someone who makes poisons would be pouring his drink. "My family owned a forge and we all worked there. It's a nice hobby to have for me." Zento spoke as he  took his cup and drinking it at the same time as her. Hearing her talk about how she wants an easier time to inject poison into her opponents from the blade. "Well, coating it is always a go to way but I take it you're wanting to be a bit more sneaky than that." He spoke taking another sip from his cup. Pausing for a moment to think. "I would think maybe a hollowed out blade might be a good place to start. Have the poison inside the blade and have the tip of the blade crafted with a material along the tip of the blade. So we can keep a bit of a sharp point. Just good enough to get through the skin. Then where we build the material to desolve on contact with the warm liquid of blood, have the poison be released from that. I  could come up with a few designs on such an item." He spoke with a smile. 

Zento grabbed the bottle and refilled both the cups half full. Putting his elbows on the table and folding his hands onto each other and resting his chin on his hands. A calm expression on his face as he sat in silence. Thinking about this random encounter and enjoying his time. Thinking to himself how life can always keep someone entertained if you give it a chance. Looking over as the two side salads showed up. Picking up a fork and taking a bite out of his. A nice fresh salad. He enjoyed the food and grabbed his napkin. Wiping off the corner of his mouth and watching as quickly followed out where the two steaks. Zento thanking the man handing the food and setting the plates down in front of them. Grabbing his knife and cutting off a small piece from his steak and taking a bit. Enjoying the medium rare steak. Having some salt, pepper, and a nice soft garlic taste to it. Zento always enjoyed a little garlic in his meals. Becoming more at ease as he took another bite.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai) Empty Re: Meeting new people. (Zento meets Ikigai)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:16 pm
She had been listening intently, emptying her cup of sake sooner than normal - engrossed in his idea. Nodding in agreement, silently setting her cup on the table as she composed her jumbled thoughts - the possibility of injecting poisons in this manner opened the plants and poisons possible to use. Snapping her fingers lightly a few times as if the two pieces of her idea were sealed together by the noise - excitedly she leaned forward, her eyes alight with creativity. 

The arrival of the food, salad first then glorious steak moments later, were put on hold in Iki's mind - and she launched into an excited and jumbled explanation of her thoughts, "If you had the ability to make a blade like this.. maybe even enhanced versions that have slow release abilities.", she bit her lip at the new door that opened in her mind, "You could essentially by pass every poisons potency, if they don't have to ingest it orally the effects are sped up exponentially. Days would become hours, and the side affects would be near immediate, depending on the dose size, too much and you would fatally kill."realizing finally that she had been ignoring the food in front of her she jumped slightly - how far down the rabbit hole had she gone that time? 

Hurriedly she picked up her utensils to take a few bites of salad, cutting the meat and popping a piece in her mouth - how in the world were people vegetarians? Taking a few more bites, savoring the flavor of well prepared food, before continuing her thought, "To be completely open with you Zento, I am trying to find any and all way to catch up to the others who entered the exams, they are coming up quickly and I'm so behind. Gotta get an edge somehow." She leaned back a little, taking another bite of salad before leaning her head on her hand, the sake in her free hand again. "What do you say?"

[WC 329]
[TWC 1896]
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