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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:23 pm
Kamari Uchiha
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:02 pm
Claim: put the 966 words in this thread that weren’t used for body flicker towards Ephemeral
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:57 pm
Kamari Uchiha
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Fri Jan 03, 2020 1:12 pm
Disregard this post sorry

Last edited by Kamari Uchiha on Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Fri Jan 03, 2020 8:33 pm
“Why not use the False Surroundings Technique? It seems to be much more versatile and has some pretty neat uses.”
Kamari knew about that technique but preferred Ephemeral. Whereas the False Surroundings Technique only affected sight and hearing, Ephemeral affected all five senses. It could even simulate force. There was one advantage though. The False Surroundings Technique worked on everybody nearby as opposed to a single target.
“I’ll think about it, Yoi,” Kamari said. “It’s not as powerful but it seems to be easier to pull off in the thick of battle.”
“Also, I have a technique that you would be great at,” Yoi added. “It’s called Genjutsu Release. If you could use a Genjutsu on me, I could show you how it works.”
Kamari thought this over and couldn’t really believe what he was saying. This guy had never been under the influence of Genjutsu and now he was asking for a Genjutsu specialist of all people to put one on him to get the experience. He hadn’t performed Genjutsu in a very long time, but he was willing to give it a shot, so he pulled out his most powerful illusion. He could do some pretty nasty stuff with Ephemeral. He could put Yoi through a literal living hell if he wanted to, but Kamari didn’t want to burn any bridges, so he settled for something funny.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Yoi!,” Kamari affirmed as he made the hand sign and placed Yoi under Ephemeral, showing him the quite unusual image of a group of Anbu operatives dancing in uniform, complete with Konoha’s latest hit pop song.
Kamari laughed to himself, only wondering how Yoi would react.
WC 281
Yoi Yuki
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:44 am
"I’ll think about it, Yoi. It’s not as powerful but it seems to be easier to pull off in the thick of battle." Yoi did understand where Kamari was coming from. Yoi, when he saw the Ram seal being formed, he usually mistook it as Body Flicker. And with Freezing Aura, Yoi would have to get inside the range of the False Surroundings Technique. But Kamari was right, its uses were more limited.

"Yeah. It would seem pretty hard to pull off. Maybe you can trick someone into looking at your finger by forming handseals. I've watched people form handseals before to try and anticipate their jutsu, and disguising the trigger for Ephemeral would be quite effective."

"Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Yoi!" Yoi then looked at Kamari's fingers, and suddenly, all Yoi saw was a group of ANBU dancing, to Konoha's latest pop song. Yoi wasn't that into pop, but he laughed at the genjutsu. After a few seconds, Yoi formed the Tiger handseal and released the Genjutsu.

Yoi said, "Wow. I've never expected to see that in my life." Yoi had to admire this kid. He had a great sense of humor, which Yoi knew from first-hand experience could help a team through rough situations. And Genjutsu was an interesting asset. The Chunnin Exams had been going pretty well for Yoi right now, so maybe... Yoi got rid of that thought. He shouldn't assume things would go his way in the Chunnin Exams. Yoi said, "Well, there's a really useful thing I can teach you. It's how to sense chakra. It's very," Yoi hesitated for a second, trying to think of the right words to us, "umm, vague. You're just able to sense chakra is there, and you can't really tell where it's coming from." Yoi had been interested in Mind's Eye of the Kagura, so he had stopped using Chakra Sensory as much.

WC: 317
TWC: 2489

Teaching Kamari Chakra Sensory
Kamari Uchiha
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:35 pm
“I’ve watched people form handseals to try and anticipate their jutsu, and disguising the trigger for Ephemeral with hand seals could be pretty effective.”
That was the only thing Yoi could get out before he was surrounded by the illusion of dancing ANBU. Kamari could see Yoi’s face contort, trying to hold back laughter. Yoi has managed to concentrate enough to dispel the Genjutsu before making a remark on the nature of what he had just seen.
“Wow, I’ve never expected to see that in my life,” Yoi remarked.
“I get that a lot,” Kamari replied. “Used it on my sensei in the Academy once while he was teaching and he got to experience 1,000 Years of Death with a Chidori without having to worry about the aftereffects. My mom was the only thing keeping me from getting suspended that day. She took the blame for teaching me the technique.”
Kamari remembered that day fondly. Okami-sensei had screamed in pain and collapsed grabbing his butt in front of the entire class. An illusion like that, complete with pain, would be extremely effective in combat almost to the degree of Tsukuyomi.
Kamari saw Yoi pause to clear his head of the image now forever burned into his brain.
“Well there’s a really useful thing I can teach you. It’s how to sense chakra. It’s very umm... vague.”
Kamari has never understood chakra sensory in the slightest. Whereas jutsu and chakra control came easily for him due to the ease with which they could be analyzed, dissected, and reverse-engineered, there was no way to really learn how to sense chakra.
“Well then,” Kamari said, spinning a kunai to vent his frustration with the technique. “I’ve never understood how that works. Maybe you could show me how it’s done.”
WC 296
Yoi Yuki
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:12 pm
Yoi heard the boy say, “I get that a lot. Used it on my sensei in the Academy once while he was teaching and he got to experience 1,000 Years of Death with a Chidori without having to worry about the aftereffects. My mom was the only thing keeping me from getting suspended that day. She took the blame for teaching me the technique.” Yoi winced and took a sharp intake of breath. One Thousand Years of Death was painful and smacking a Chidori on top of that. Yoi knew that didn’t compare to Calin, but boy would that hurt. Yoi thought back to all the painful memories. He made sure not to let it show on his face, but it hurt Yoi internally. The flash of his own blade being used against him and it’s dull red color as it was heated with Calin’s Fire Release. He remembered the injuries that caused no bleeding but burned with the force of hell’s flames. He remembered the sickening feeling of a body that could not see, and he remembered the roughness of the blanket that had been so kindly laid upon him. Yoi remembered his own screams, and the dust he felt that had been stirred up by his fall to the ground. Yoi internally shook it off, as he realized he had left the pair in awkward silence for several seconds. 

Yoi said, “That must have been quite the fall your mom took from that. It’s amazing what mothers will do to protect their children, isn’t it? I’ve never understood their ability to just be willing to put themselves in harm’s way over putting their children in harm’s way. Obviously, that harm isn’t always physical. In your case, it was suspension. That kind of selflessness is extremely unusual. Sorry for rambling on though.” Yoi, nearing the end of his almost mini-monologue had realized how he rambled on there. Sometimes, the Yuki got lost in the things he was doing. It could be anything. Training, speaking, recalling memories. The Yuki needed to get out of that habit, but that was something for a later date.

“Well then. I’ve never understood how that works. Maybe you could show me how it’s done.” This was, obviously, in reference to chakra sensory techniques and abilities. Yoi could tell where this boy was coming from. Chakra Sensory was the ability to reach out for other’s chakra, and that was more than complicated. It was like telling someone, based off some stranger’s face, to tell them their name. Teaching it was well, complicated. However, after one learned the basics, they could do almost anything with it. Most chakra sensory techniques after that were simply just being able to sense chakra more finely and with more precision.

Yoi said, “It’s kinda hard how to describe how to do it, but I might be able to explain. I want you to stand next to me and put your hand on my shoulder. Now, I’m going to project my chakra signature. This will allow you to experience what feeling someone’s chakra signature is like, and that can be the first step in the process. Next, we can move to sensing someone’s chakra signature without contact. Remember, if you spend enough time with someone, you can eventually memorize their chakra signature.”

If Kamari places his hand on Yoi’s shoulder, Yoi will project his chakra signature (not an actual jutsu but I’m just doing this to teach Kamari) and Kamari will be able to feel the chakra.

WC: 587

TWC: 3076
Kamari Uchiha
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:12 pm
Kamari noticed Yoi wince at the mention of the illusion Okami-sensei had suffered through at his hand. He wondered what Yoi had been through. It was obvious that Kamari had triggered something in Yoi’s psyche, making him remember something tragic and painful, not unlike the death of Kamari’s parents. Kamari was about to break the awkward silence with an apology, but Yoi continued the conversation.
“That must have been quite the fall your mom took from that. It’s amazing what mothers will do to protect their children, isn’t it?”
Kamari understood Yoi’s words perfectly. He had always shared a deep bond with his mother. His father... not so much. He continued listening as Yoi gave his thoughts on the matter.
“I’ve never understood their ability to just be willing to put themselves in harm’s way over putting their children in harm’s way. Obviously, that harm isn’t always physical. In your case, it was suspension. That kind of selflessness is extremely unusual. Sorry for rambling on though.”
“It’s fine,” Kamari replied. “Sometimes you just have to have a little off-topic conversation to lighten the mood a bit.”
At his mention of chakra sensory, Yoi appeared to wholeheartedly agree on the difficulty of the matter.
“It’s kinda hard how to describe how to do it, but I might be able to explain. I want you to stand next to me and put your hand on my shoulder.”
Well that sounded kind of suspect, but Kamari knew this was supposed to be training. He chuckled internally at the though of him touching the shoulder of a person he had just met.
Now, I’m going to project my chakra signature. This will allow you to experience what feeling someone’s chakra signature is like, and that can be the first step in the process. Next, we can move to sensing someone’s chakra signature without contact. Remember, if you spend enough time with someone, you can eventually memorize their chakra signature.”
Kamari listened intently before finally placing his hand on Yoi’s shoulder.
“Okay, now what?”
WC 339

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Genjutsu teacher (Open)

Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:57 pm
Kamari placed his hand on Yoi's right shoulder and said, "Okay, now what?" Yoi then projected his chakra signature onto Kamari. This would allow Kamari to know what it feels like to feel someone else's chakra signature. Yoi would make sure his chakra was toned down, as to not make it overwhelming (as stated before, this is not a jutsu). Yoi would then say, "Did you feel some of my chakra signature there?" Yoi hoped the boy said yes because Yoi didn't really know any other ways to teach this. If the boy does understand, Yoi will walk a few meters, away, and project his chakra signature without Kamari touching him. Hopefully, Kamari would be able to start getting the hang of this.

WC: 123
TWC: 2199
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