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Be the shoe (open, nk)

Jayden Terumi
Zim Nara
Layne Kruethdale
Alister Yama
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Alister Yama
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Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Be the shoe (open, nk)

Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:04 pm
Yen ventured out amid the village. Today was unique. The choice of day was sunny and surprisingly the shops were all given a wonderful village stipend for a year of hard work and prosperity. So they were closed giving the workers a good time off for their endevors. Times were a changing, so with that change came also improvements in technology, and the new training regiments. For now it was time to field test this regimen. In it's first stage.

So he tended to field test these in the background often. By his own methods. But today as it was a bit different. For once he was upfront. In his old garb of a yellow straw hat but his cloak now donned an interesting pattern of gold, red, and silver lining it. While floating a few inches from the ground yen was kicked back mid air as his insects propelled him at a moderate speed of 50. A single straw lazily hung from his mouth as he floated down the street.
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Ryo : 13400

Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:23 pm
Kizaru and Kimchi walked down the streets of Konoha looking for a place to get a bite to eat. Though it was more like they were hobbling down the road. Kiz was still in a cast and using a crutch after his chunin exam fight. His already new leg being eviscerated by a blade from below.

For whatever reason it seemed like every shop was closed for the day. Kizaru hadnt heard of any holidays coming up, but he figured he wasn't a local really and so he just might not have heard about it. The day's weather was exceptional but it felt weird with the backdrop of an almost empty looking village. With nothing open it would seem that most people decided to stay home, probably spend time with family.

He kicked the dirt a bit and started pondering what he had at home to cook for him and Kimchi when he saw an odd site. A shinobi, in a flamboyantly colored robe and wearing a straw hat, was floating down the street in a reclined position on what looked like a sea of bugs. It took a moment for him to recognize the lounging ninja as the man who had taken care of him and the other genin when they returned to the village. Kizaru wanted to thank the man so he walked slightly in front of the path Yen was heading in.

"Uhh.. hey!" He'd call out raising his arm, "I wanted to thank you for healing us." Kimchi would let out a small yet excited yell, possibly his way of also thanking Yen.

(WC 267)
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Wed Oct 30, 2019 9:10 pm
The aburame was amid enjoying his lounging flight. Good sun and silence. But the silence was intentional. The small steps of the genin accompanied by a clank of wood.

crutches hmmm. Looks like the will have a hard time. Well guess i will begin with these ones and break them into order.

They were friendly voices and yen gazed at them under his slouched down hat as he now sat up and the insects all returned into his body and yet he still was hovering. The insects were propelling him from within his body as he smiled at the boys.

"It is only my duty to keep you safe and alive."

Yen stated with a small lazy wave, but he was not done yet as he pointed at the boys and his voice got a bit more serious as he was now in front of one of the very genin he wanted to see.

"However, you will need to improve. You were bested in a mission that you should've never been cleared to go on. And are lucky to be alive at that."

Yen spoke softly but his words did hold a weight to them as he glanced over them with his single eye. A moment of silence passed. Then as if he made a decision of a sorts. yen sighed softly and took out the straw from his mouth. Speaking as he floated back 15 meters and remained there.

"Today and for a good time the higher ups will be preparing you and as one of them we will be vetting you not in theory, but actual combative pressure. It is why the village is clear today. Your condition is yes weakened, but in the field as you learned it did not matter. A stronger foe remained and had you at their whim."

Yen stated as he folded his arms and simply sat in the air his gaze on the genin quietly studying him.

"I will be increasing the difficulty each minute that passes by. So i hope you are prepared."
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Ryo : 13400

Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:21 pm
Kizaru was not expecting a fight when he came to thank the flying man, but it looked like he was going to get one. The casual yet serious tone in Yen's voice was a little offputting.

Not expecting combat training he was dressed in his lazy day clothes. He wore a grey hoodie with holes in it and baggy black sweatpants. He only carried one puppet case on his back, the lighter of his two, Rake. His newest design would have been ideal for this situation but it had yet to be built.

He wished he had Alucard instead, he preferred to prioritize defense over offense. Rake however, was all offense. He dropped the crutch and began to put pressure on his bad leg. He winced a little from the pain but he would have to ignore it. "Kimchi bud, you run home." He'd say sending the monkey away. He then slid the case off his back and popped it open, quickly attaching the threads and yanking the puppet into action.

With Rake up Kizaru held a defensive stance. He had no idea what Yen would do next and he did not want to leave himself open.

(WC 197)
(TWC 464)
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 7:58 am
Yen offered the boy an nice moment to speak to his accomplice. But he spotted the shift  of the boys shoulders. As well as the wincing of pain.  As the crutches fell to the ground.  His chakra sensory range would extend greatly as he would activate minds eye of the kaguya. By doing so it enabled yen to know just if any one else would be within the vicinity for the exercise.  Plus of course prevent him from being blindsided in a sense.

(Minds eye of kaguya: power: 90)

He was curious to see just how far the boy would go. Would his accomplice grab help? Would he truly stand at the challenge unwaivering? Would he rise to the occasion? By this he spoke.

"Good kizaru."

good but one must always be prepared!

In the time the boy took the simple motions to shift his shoulder.  Yen had already had his  strategy long in place. Many moves ahead of the boy to set the challenge up. So it was time to begin.  Deciding to go easy on the boy. Well by his standards. By Eliminating the boys options, and choices for offense.

yes lets break his shell first. That tool on his back. Time to learn how to survive. Young kizaru

Yen simply Molding some chakra in his stomach.  as he floated up at a speed of 85.  Hovering 5 meters above the ground in the air while  placing  a solid hieght gap between himself and the boy.  While spitting out 3 double netted webs from his moutth. This was done as the case on his back slid off the boy's back, and landed next to (kizaru) left side.

The 3 double netted webs. Each one was  about 0.5 meters in diameter  of the sticky solution  webby solution. One was aimed at kizaru's box, which it would hit unless the box was somehow moved. Covering the opening. the second web net would target at the right side of kizaru and would potentially either force the boy to move behind the box, or away from it. If he moved away it would land and cover the ground and the lower right side of the box.  The final one would be aimed towards above the box by a few inches. Which would intentionally over shoot the box.  And land 2 meters behind the box as would any of the webs should the other webs somehow miss their mark. (Spider web flower: power:49, speed: 65, health: 40. Strength to break free of webs/move something covered by webs. 49.)

In the meantime  as he spat the webs.  Yen would simply weave several hand seals at the speed of 53. As he smiled softly at the boy.   Keeping His single eye on the boy. As the boy was still in the 20 meter ange from yen. (Tiger,Ram, dog)  the genjutsu due to his skill in genjutsu however would not immediatly go off as it would simply be delayed as through his deceptive genjutsu skill. But castable if yen disired to do so. (Temple of nirvana: power:90, delayed up to 3 posts.)

These seals would be followed by a few more at the same speed of 53.  Of course should kizaru (Rabbit, hare, ram, ox,) with the chosen insect being his kilshiku. Upon completing his final seal The 60 kilshiku  would line up along his shoulders and head. Creating an nice ring. His kilshiku on the inside would take over on the flying duties being enhanced by his chakra. (Hidden jutsu Aburame rag doll technique: +50 to kilshiku speed and strength, final speed:150. Kilshiku rt: 220, kilshiku strength:129. Flight speed:140)

Now with this he simply folded his arms curious to what the boy would do as now he awaited to see how the boy would do. As his kilshiku would keep an eye out on all angles for the aburame lord.

let the games begin!



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Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Ryo : 13400

Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:50 pm
Kizaru had to l leap to his right just as he set the puppet box down. He managed to dodge the webs but not save the box. Kizaru tried to pull the web apart, but wasn't strong enough. He was without a weapon and injured. Things were not going well for the boy. Lately it seemed like everyone was trying to hurt Kizaru, and it was always for his benefit. What kind of place did he live in? The monster outside diced him and his friends up to teach him how weak he was, how would this be any different? The puppeteer didn't have time to think about the similarities in the situations.

He needed to come up with something. Without any of his puppets he had no real means of attack. He decided he had to try something, so he attached a chakra thread to his crutch he had discarded and another to a stone on the ground. With two swift finger flicks be would launch the crutch and then a moment later the stone (40 speed 20 power).

While his projectiles were in flight he would duck down the nearest alleyway (49 speed). He needed time to think about his next move.

(WC 204)
(TWC 668)
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:54 pm
Yen had a small smile as he watched the boy, but the boy was right. Still his hands had gotten caught in the webs as he attempted to pull the webs off his box. Despite dodging them from hitting him. The webs on the box were no different. So unfortunately he was stuck with his hands on the web covered box. A fruitless escape.
(Ooc: Remember ya need 49 strength to break free so your running down alley action and use of threads is unfortunately unable to occur.)

"I will tell you this. It is important to honor your craft. But to understand that in honing your craft. You must have ways to properly set your self up. Find a way to break free of entrapment is your first step young kizaru."

Yen would state as he would release the genjutsu temple of nirvana. (Activating temple of nirvana)

"Look up kizaru. This is a genjutsu you must act fast and stay alert best you can. Flow chakra through your body as best you can. To release, but now or never to remain vigilant. Your hands are covered, lets see if you can manage breaking free without use of the handseal."

Yen would state. The 20 meter radius sorrounding yen which included kizaru. Would begin to fill with beautiful white feathers that induce sleep onto anyone that observed them. The gentle graceful fall almost as if an angel was shedding feathers, or perhaps a dove. It would take a few seconds yes. But the boy would find it damming that he would be caught in such an situation.

(Ooc notes with genjutsu, and the release of genjutsu: base cost will be 40 AP. Since it is sn A rank gen. Due to difference in your chakra stat and the power. Kizaru (31 chakra vs temple of nirvana 90 power) You would need to pay an additional 59 AP to release. The drain of AP per post due to the cost increases, and such. Will be 64 AP each post from kizaru. Also thanks to yen's echoes of pandeamodium if you release you will lose AP equal to half the power stat of the jutsu being 45. Since temple of nirvana is 90 power.)

In the meantime yens focus on the genjutsu his kilshiku on Telepathic Command. Flew yen closer to the boy. Flying at an astonishinng speed of 140. Till he was hovering 1 meter in front of the boy. However his wide range sensory was still active and ready he was to give further orders to his kilshiku on an approaching targets.

He hoped the boy even as he was doing his best to probbably combat the sleep inducing feathers. Would heed his warnings. And really start to take his training to the extreame. Otherwise things looked dire. The aburame indeed had many tools at his disposal and it would be a looooong training segment for the genin that were here.

gotta be the standard in the world genin. You may have only barely made it out alive but you cannot say that because of that you stay the way you are. You must give tens and hundreds of times the effort. What have you accepted that head band for? Why are you struggling? This isnt a konoha genin.

Yen thought as he observed the boy thoroughly. Up close the genin needed to be examined. Their wills pressed. The pressure mounted. And yes given the circumstances vetted. It was his duty as deputy kage. To now of course see what they needed to improve on.

are there any allies that would even come to his aid? What about any other genin that will help? Did these academy teachers really not emphisis on teamwork?

Yen mused to himself in thought.

(Wc: 636)


Ap costs

Temple of nirvana: 85.


20 for minds eye of kaguya
25 for aburame rag doll
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
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Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:19 am
Zim Nara was the first one of Team Fuku Kiri to get up that day. They had a very long night and to be honest, he hardly slept at all.  He knew this day if training was what he needed and with that on his mind, there was not going to be any sleeping!
Zim got up, put on his leather pants and combat boots. His Kiri headband was wrapped around his waist line a belt. He pulled his long sleeved fishnet shirt over his very pale torso. He put his fingerless gloves on, and looked down at the weathered old things. The Nara family crest was still visible on the fingerless gloves after all these years! Leather is definitely something to invest in if you want a fabric that will last practically forever!
Zim brushed his long dark black hair, it was shaved underneath and on the sides so mainly the top was long, down a little past his shoulders long. Since it wasn't dreaded at the moment he had it pulled back in a ponytail. 
He woke up his team mates and told them all he would meet them outside for training and left the house. He saw Yen and another young ninja training. He stood on the side line just observing as to not disrupt in case he was teaching something! He would wait until acknowledged to join in.

WC: 232

((Now I literally have nothing yet. I'm Genin rank because this was an alt and the main was Joining rank. And shortly after I did a half a topic I stopped RP so this is going to be where I learn alot. Be easy on me lol))
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
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Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:10 am
Jayden Terumi had fallen asleep and slept rather hard. He had Saya on his mind and was wondering if she was okay wherever she was at.  It was weird that exact words were 'I claim you and your mine' and then kissed him! It felt weird with Saya being Dante and Sephora's aunt, and also his Girlfriend! Jayden sighed as he sat up and decided to get dressed. he slipped on a long sleeved skin tight shirt and a pair of skinny leather pants as he headed out to find Zim Nara and Yensung Aburame, whom he figured was already outside waiting to train! He needed to practice  his elements and work on using Lava like the other Terumi's ! He looked around him to make sure the room was clean. Jayden isn't exactly messy but still, the room has to be clean before he could leave!
As soon as left the room he knocked on Miz and Akkis door to notify them he was leaving. The simple phrase "See you out there" was all He needed to say! Jayden is a man of few words much like Zim and Miz. He headed out to find Yen and Zim, who were not hard to find at all! He stood by Zim as he watched Yen train with another young man, figuring they would eventually get invited in to join.

Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Be the shoe (open, nk) Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:27 pm
Kizaru stupidly stuck his hands directly in Yen's webs and got himself stuck. He needed to be more careful with his own body. Puppets were expendable but he needed to stay safe if he wanted to stay alive.

He saw two people show up and stand off to the side to watch. Some help they were. Was there anyone he could count on here in the village? He would have to do this himself. Somehow...

He could feel his mind slipping into fuzziness as he struggled to break free. This was his first experience with Genjutsu and this particular Technique was nothing to laugh at. He tried to focus chakra but couldn't manage enough. He could see Yen floating closer to him. He was within arms reach and yet Kizaru couldn't move to attack him. It was all he could do to keep his eyes open.

"Damn....Damn it!" He yelled in frustration. He hated being shown how weak he was and yet everything in life seemed to be making it blatantly obvious. Be could not keep going on like this. He needed to be strong enough to not struggle like this. He needed to be strong enough to make others struggle. He needed to improve himself. Like a new model of puppet he needed to upgrade his own skills.

He looked up at Yen who was floating right in front of him. "What do you get from beating on a kid like me?" He'd ask.

(WC 245)
(TWC 913)

280 ap - 64 = 216 AP remaining
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