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Be the shoe (open, nk)

Jayden Terumi
Zim Nara
Layne Kruethdale
Alister Yama
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Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:25 am
Miz Hozuki wasn't sure if it was Yens mist still going or his mist at this point! Maybe it was both! Either way Miz had a feeling he was successful! But now what to do? He was well hidden, but if someone could sense chakra they would know he was there because his mist was covered in his chakra because he created it with chakra! If he was actually in battle he would have to have a second move planned! This was the best way to learn because Yen wouldn't do anything to hurt him! He was hoping the others besides Fuku wouldn't hurt him either. How many people were trapped in here? Yen must have dropped the genjutsu because Yen could here others talking.

"They are out to kill you boy!"
"KILL Them or they will take you out!"
"They could be in trouble like you."

Oh the voices! The wonderful voices that won't go away! And he couldn't form a puddle of water to ease the voices because he was starting to get weak and because he wasn't in a position to do it at the moment. He would have to lay low to replenish. Maybe find the others. He stood up and began to hunt for his team!

Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 13400

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:09 pm
He couldnt orchestrate a plan with those around him if he didn't know who was out there. He would have to physically meet up with one of them at least to coordinate, and from his position, doing so would probably be impossible. All he could do is try to get his bearings any way he could.

It wasnt much but he came up with something, chakra threads. He extended 10 threads, one from each finger, and began whipping them around. If they connected with something he would be able to feel it and if he were lucky he might just grab a hold of Yen.

If his threads did connect with Yen he would try to yank his arms towards him, pulling yen with a strength of 23.

(WC 128)
(TWC 1748)

92 Ap - 10 = 82 AP remaining
-5 chakra threads
-5 chakra destruction serum
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 1500

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:10 pm
The glories of effort snf hsrd work were various. The truthbeing that shile each genin was easily tested. The silence yen gavr to each one was deliberate. To see whst esch one would do. If there was a sembience of action behinf their thinking in a gough situation. What was good he could sense each of thdir movements very easily through the mist via its particles. As well ss their attempts tl use jutsu.

Each seal yes. The ever shifting particles for motion amid an area of control. There was alot of power having your own domain rven temporarily. As in order yen was still floating above the box and casualy floated back at a speed of 70. a
As zims shadow tec, and jaydens fire lash ended at the box. The box burning ablaze from the fire jutsu and the puppet within it as well. His spider thresds being much too durable for the fire however would not burn all.

The chakra threads of the boy kizaru was also easily avoided as he like the rest blindly threw attacks into the mist as yen floated to the back of the pillar and clapped his hands and touched the pillar sending it back down to the ground again with earth mobile core. Setting the ground correct(Earth release mobile core: speed:85)

With that esch of their attacks were once more seemingly useless as now kizaru with his thereads were nowhere near the puppet and couldnt see nor reslly do much vis the mist. Yens insects for short measure blew the boy another 5 meters away and took a soft bite into kizarus skin for short measure.

Still it wasnt as if yen was not impressed. Each of them were beginning to improvise as he had hoped. Learning that action was greater then sitting by passively. Now he merely needed to wait a little longer. Would kizaru be able to get his puppet? yen considered such an action as destroying it for good measure as well. The cost of being at opponents mercy of course. Snd a brutsl lesson to tesch again.

if he cannot protect his allied whst hope does he to protect his own stuff?

Yen mused as he remained floating in the air now a solid 5 meters from the box. Now wondering what the genin would come up with next. He still had given them a timelimit till the mist ending. The funny part was it will be awhile before they could even properly see. Still he waited.


-20 for sensory dampening mist
-5 for spider web area
-10 for earth mobile core.
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Tue Dec 03, 2019 10:13 pm
Akarui waited for a while watching for any change in the mist. He still couldn’t see within it nor any noise. He hesitated to make a move not knowing the situation inside the mist. Was there even anyone inside? He needed that Intel to proceed in the right direction and respond accordingly. If he went inside, what could he do? He had no means to dispel the mist or see what was in front of him. The more he waited, the more scenarios he played in his mind. He had finally decided on a course of action to follow.

Akarui started moving closer to the mist to find answers to his theories coming to within a meter of the mist to stare at it. Even close up, visibility was unexpectedly low. He couldnt see more then a meter into the mist.

“Its harder to see within than I thought. Definitely not natural.” He muttered as he ran his hand through the mist. Not knowing if anyone was inside, he decided to check. “hello? Is there anyone in there! Does anyone require help? ”

He waited for a reply but he didn’t expect an answer. Why want anyone be inside? Wouldn’t that have tried to leave? Unless.. His thoughts ran all over the place adding the new Intel to his plans. He just prepared to enter the mist putting away the tag yet keeping the Kunai knowing it will be a bad idea to be unarmed in an unknown situation.

Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:35 pm
Zim realized he hadn't caught Yens shadow. This was odd considering he swore he saw the shadows connect! oh well, on to the next jutsu! In the words of a famous 'poet' :

you feel like you wanna just give up, but you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

Now who was it said that? Nevermind. If his shadows won't work maybe something else will! He could try the air bullets Tori use to use. It seemed like a jutsu worth using! being a Nara, people expect you to only use Shadows but other jutsus are necessary at times. At least the air bullets may clear this dense fog like mist. This was worse than the hidden mist jutsu!
"Very well played Yen, you have us now, but for how long before we escape? Or you eventually have to release the jutsu?" Zim said knowing very well Yen could probably hear him. Zim wasn't going to panic, if you panic you never think clearly.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:38 am
Jayden was concerned at this point. this wasn't a genjutsu! so what was it? A mist like fog covering any and everything. Dulling the senses from what he gathered! He couldn't see or hear the others around him, despite knowing they were there!
"I get that you want us as ninja to learn how to survive using our skills we learned as Genin, and develop new skills, but if we can't see or hear the others...oh...I see what you are doing now Yen, But sadly we aren't advanced ninjas, we are still learning. " Jayden said as he began to try to create a shield around him using his fire jutsu! His father was able to hide undetected in a jutsu similar to hidden mist except using fire! And Jayden was determined to learn such jutsu! He was a fire user after all, and soon enough he would be a lava user! It was the Terumi Bloodline after all! Focusing his chakra Jayden was now kneeling down on both knees on the ground. The seals...what were the hand signs? Horse first then Ram. Taking a breathe he focused his chakra centering himself. He made the horse sign first then his hand slipped...fuck...he muttered as attempted to refocus and center his chakra again as he put his hands up and made the horse seal then the Ran seal! This jutsu was amazing! He watched as a bubble like screen of fired enveloped him. Jayden was proud of himself because for certain this was NOT easy to do in the least, but he did it he pulled it off, at this point he was hidden! He wondered if Yen could even see him! what about chakra detection? Could people still sense his chakra? He really needed to study these jutsus!

Fire lash 500/500
Hiding in Fire 1000/1000
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:17 am
Miz although working on his jutsu, and keeping the voices in his head quiet. Would soon realize that yen had surprisingly decided not to continue bothering him. No more hints, or word play. It was quite relieving to say the least. Some silence amid the mist. But then a thought crossed his mind, unlike his voices, this thought couldn't be controlled. Believe it or not, wondering why Yen had stopped harassing him struck fear in him!  Where was yen? Why did he not respond?  The fact he cast a jutsu  trapping him and the other genin in something as simple as mist that controlled all their senses, where they could neither hear, see, or even smell the others was a powerful move.
He reached out with his five senses and realized like before it would render him useless. Oh crap, fear and curiosity and anger starting getting to him. And cue the voices:

"Your not even worth the Hozuki name!"
"A simple jutsu and your stuck Miz? Worthless!"
"Kill yourself!"
"Kill Yen save the others!"

"Shut up! Shut up!" He told the voices! This time taking a different more subtle voice. He took three deep breaths in and out. The voices Fizzled out!
Now yens words made sense. Unlike practice with his team, in this instance if this was a real battle miz and his freinds wouldve been killed. There would be no witnesses, and no one would have heard them scream or even know they were dead! After all if a tree fell in a forest and no one heard it, Was it knocked down? That's what this mist was like! The very play on the idea of this made miz nervous and suddenly inferior to Yen, the head of their team! Which frustrated Miz! What the hell kind of training did Yen do to obtain such power? The questions alone were frustrating! After all what is a shinobi to do when caught in the enemies  attack?

He knew if he asked these out loud Yen may or may not respond to him. With this being Yens mist he knew what they were doing and where they were. This feeling alone was chilling because there's nothing like having eyes on you at all time! A predator in their home eviornment. Even if he wanted to hide in his puddle yen would know, but he couldn't!  Try to hide anywhere in here and Yen would be on him in a instant. The thought of Yen creating a mist instead of using the Aburame clan bugs was disturbing! He now knew to not even underestimate Yen.

He can't use any jutsu or create a place to hide using jutsu, without Yen knowing what he was doing! Being at Yens mercy and unable to do anything was. eyond disturbing! Yen could have thrown Kumai at them  Expecting them to dodge... just target dummies. Or used other jutsu or equal or greater power! And to think that their are missing ninja or others like Yen out there, the thought was intimidating and yet humbling at the same time!

Miz thought as the reality him him. The team was nothing more than toys at this point. But yet they were a team of powerful bloodlines who had developed close bonds with each other. Yet They were no diffrent then people meeting at some resturant eating food. The nature of yen showing using this jutsu helped Miz come to this reality. Even together team fuku had no chance to even hold a candle against Yen using such a jutsu. He held them down with but tiny bugs moving faster then they could blink the night before. And they spoke highly of their potential. No potential if you are not alive to live another day. So yen sike the truth to them.  Zim wanted to save Prim when he wasn't even half strong enough, made it but a dream in Yens eyes.

"How can  we save anyone  if we as a team cannot defeat one ninja?  Everyone is weak. I am weak. At this point I don't even know where I am ! I could even protect Akki! even though yen is just playing around, Here we all are struggling while he just floats around in the Mist. Because he is right. Zim would simply waste his life trying to save prim.... he and all of us must be able to stand toe to toe with yen himself in order to survive. We haven't defeated him yet, we as a team have a lot to work on, as well as individually!" Miz thought as he stood up and headed out to explore the mist to try to figure out what to do! This was a jutsu that would drive a person mad! Yen knew what he was doing!

Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 13400

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Dec 14, 2019 2:18 pm
Kizarus threads flapped uselessly in the wind as they reached for Yen. Not making a connection, Kiz would end the Technique and try to think of something else. He was still being lifted in the air by Yen's bugs and he was stuck like that. Their bites on his skin just a reminder of his powerless state. He needed to get a weapon in his hands as soon as possible. He felt so vulnerable without his puppets. If only he had gotten Rake out of its case.

No point getting worked up right now. It was clear Yen wasn't going to kill him and the mist wouldnt last forever. If he waited it out he would be in a better position to react. Maybe he could even get Rake out of the box once he could see where it was. It was built sturdy so he doubted anything around right now would break it, save an attack from Yen himself.

(WC 160)
(TWC 1908)
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:37 am
The mist continued to thin as now curious to the results. Floated by the behind the box. An simple telepathic command from him had the insects carry kizaru lower the boy to the ground before buzzing off towards yens position. Still he was not quiet done yet as he awaited to see how the boy would now get up. Perhaps the other genin in question were ready to call it quits. But all in all he was not pleased.

Adaptability in ever changing circumstances, and figuring a way to glean even a foothold in daunting positions. That was what separated victory, from defeat. And life from death in all encounters. Although it was important that each one was at hand ready to face danger the training exercise proved that when danger emerges even in front of them. Too much reliance on tools was like relying on another person to follow direct orders. There is a chance of compromising factors,and less one knows. The more of an disadvantage each person relying on them has, and the more weight that had to be carried.

By now the mist fully cleared and yen could be seen clearly as he tapped the box for a few seconds and glanced at each person. Spotting the boy that had been showing wisdom and waited at the edge out of range. Perhaps the wisest one as it seemed. There were many acceptable answers. They could've just detached and waited, or even split in an more predetermined plan and used allies as probbable bait. But in all decisions were an necessity in the fullest. Less questions and wandering, and more thinking like the opponent, and figuring why they do their actions.

"For each of you i have an simple question. Do you know why i used the mist just now? Why did i choose such an jutsu to use?"

Yen asked as he expected each one to answer in turn.
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:29 pm
((I'm calling it, cause we all want this topic to be over. Skipping that one kid. If he sees this, we just are trying to end the topic, please don't be offended.))

He was right, this had been the work of their team leader Yensung Aburame. Zim knew he was weak, but Yen showed him how weak he really was. At least he learned a few new jutsu's in this training. He had forgotten the Aburame knew genjutsu. The saddest part was Zim knew the mist wasn't Genjutsu but yet somehow he had become trapped in it anyways.
"Because if you render us completely incapable we have to reach inside ourselves and pull out all stops and force ourselves to be able to survive. Losing all our senses will email there drive us mad or force ourselves to find ways of survival. Primal instinct. It's an insane idea but brilliant. Now we all know our weakest points." Zim said as he stood up. "I'm heading back to the house I need to get a drink." Zim was exhausted at just a couple of hours of training, but he needed this training to become stronger. Now though, it was this Nara's naptime.

TWC: 1603
1,000/1,000 shadow imitation jutsu
603/1000 towards air bullets
8 stats

Last edited by Zim Nara on Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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