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Be the shoe (open, nk)

Jayden Terumi
Zim Nara
Layne Kruethdale
Alister Yama
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 8:28 am
Yen detected yes the small signatures approaching from the long way off as slow as they were they eventually came to fruition.  As such he merely knew that more would come. In that time he had simply decided to activate  his kilkikaichu chakra destruction serum technique. As it surged through his body at the ready to be at use. (Hidden jutsu: kilkikaichu chakra destrhuction serum: power:85 )

good. Now its time to amp this up. They too will learn.

Yen thought as kizaru would speak up to . He did not like,what he heard.  yen shot the boy a meanicing stare. The genin complained. Did he just get out of the academy? No this was one he saved, one that arrived,in a cart dragged by a man and was not in a ditch dead and location unknown, and yes was falling asleep under a genjutsu. It all became clear to the lord. His reply was in the instant.

"No! I too was once,weak, but i decided to either keep saying some one will do it for me. Or act l!  what determines your suscess are two factors. Yourself pushing beyond the difficult task , and breaking free of the illusion. Any allies around you you must rally. Be the voice, or fall kizaru."

Yen stated as he considered the next line.

"Some advice i have for you.  Find a way to fight. Through your allies. Make a strategy and guide them. Think back to where you were burned kizaru.  is that enough to wake you up? Think boy! Fight and survive."

Unfortunially the boy would be struggling  still. However, he had to learn it would be the hard way.  Hands stuck to a box unable to move. This was now the result of what happens. Yen would focus his attention now to the lower signatures that just watched. His insects informing him it was jayden, and zim.

"If you only watch you will not learn. Your job is to free him of the genjutsu. If i had a  clone, or there were another team they would strike. Think of your freinds and consider the losses with each second you spent staring.  Any opponent would've  just gone,for the kill, or knocked them out."

Yen gaze flickered to zim for a second as if to make a simple point. The point alone that zim would understand. What was the nara going to do? His answer was now as physical proof to yen.

alrighty lets up the difficulty.

Yen thought as it was time to amp up the challenge. He was not going to kill anyone,  but they were all going to learn today what it meant to really fight. Especially thoes of his he watched specifically.

An series of seals would be woven  at a speed of 59. (Tiger ram, ox, boar, rabbit) by the aburame as he rose up in the air 6 meters floating now 8 meters above the box at a speed of 140. To each of the genin they would at the most see his seals forming. Due to how much faster his insects were moving yen. Since jayden and zim were 25 meters away this was easy.  As he would breath out a thick white mist. His body simotaniously flowed with his kilikikaichu chakra destruction serum and mixed the serum into the mist.

The mist would spread for an exceedingly large distance of a 50 meter eadius in all directions including the air with yen at the center of it,  and the boy kizaru 8 meters from the center. All which of course played a part. As the serum filled mist filled 30 meter radius around kizaru. But the other 20 meter radius making up the extirior was normal mist. The mis would clearly overtake the boys zim, kizaru, and jayden easily as it would outspeed each of them vs their speed stats.

The mist would block all sound, scent, sight, touch and even chakra signatures from chakra sensory abilities from thoes within it  thoes within the range from detecting others within it, and prevent targets on the outside from doing the same as well. All the while since yen would be able to sense everything within the mist. So long as he is within it of course. An large area of observation all but blocked out and away. (Yin release sensory depravation mist: power:90 speed:110)

With this the challenge indeed got terribly challenging. No one able except for yen himself to know what and why things were happening. The two members of team fuku even stuck in the mist. All the while  Yen got to work. An elaborate set of seals would form as he would set another genjutsu  into the works specifically set on the position of  himself.   Utilizing his mist now formed yen would weave the seals (ox, and half rat) at the speed of 58.

This illusion boasting of an incrediable visusal disruption powers as of thoes whom dare to emerge in the  vacinity of kuzaru.  And bombarding kizaru with yet another illusion. As well as zim nara and jayden, or should someone try to be cheeky and get close. Even them.

the ground would shift up to form a cathedrial of spikes and such covering the area. The mist still disrupting vision  and such would create an huge wall of  a cathidral with stairs forming to all sorts of floors. Shifting at the speed of the jutsu (60 speed) the doors would all be obstructed with mist. As the voice of kizaru would be echoing through each door. Making it impossible to tell which door his voice was comming from.  And centered around kizaru himself were a locked doors and darkness. A vision would form in front of kizarus eyes at 1 meter away. shifting as if a story being told. The single jouninn yensung himself in his blue cloak  sat before him. The first scene would show of a girl impaling herself as an curious boy with a mask stared with shock. The girl dying on his blade. All the while the boy would suddenly be struck as yensung despite his slow speed stood before an impeading fireball and sheilded the boys body. All the while protecting him.

A voice of yensung would speak in kixarus 1 meter range.

"You question what you can and cannot do. So i will tell you my story. Through failure. Through defeat and despair. I shall tell you and show you why you do not complain kizaru before you sleep. Under the effects of the other illusion.  What it means to be a konoha shinobi."
(denomic illusion steaming multistory building: power:60) (ap loss per post for thoes under the effect of this genjutsu: 60)

In reality yen would still be in control of both illusions as he kept his sensory up and obviously the other gennutsu and the rag doll technique. Capeable of sensing everyone, and everything within the mist with it's special sensory effect as well as outside with the  minds eye of kaguya. He now was curious to how everything would go. he hoped this would play an central part in the growth of each induvidual.

to grow my home the weaker must learn from the triumps and failures of themselves and the others. in kizarus case. he must learn now is not a time nor ever t be weak. always push to the future. and not give in even if immobile.

for jayden and zim they must embtace that weakness is not acting. and expecting someone to save them people pray, people hope, but the power lies in themselves to even act or fall. should they fall they at least did not stare blankly in the unknown. now outmatched they must rise to the occasion and help. but if i used lethal force they should realize this alone is the act of me being soft. if i truly wanted harm would they stand a chance. they should know their place and grow from it. especially zim. if he cannot act. he cannot save nor protect primrose. if he flees he lacks the resolve to stand and guard her. his words are empty in that case. only puffs of wind."

yen thought as he evaluated each one. their goals set in his mind. it wad not meant to be some "beat the big bad." that was childrens tales and games. the world worked on their induvidual efforts, and their ability to grow.  

lets see how they do on part one of this little test. but i will probably need more reserves. ill just borrow some from them in a little bit.

yen thought. as he now awaited to see how the genin shall squirm amid his tiny test. the very realization should dawned on them soon enough.

wc: 1,400


AP: 901/1,521

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Zim Nara
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:22 am
Zim observed the poor kid getting his rear handed to him by Yen. Apparently there was no invite to jump in and a repercussion for not trying to help! Great, day one of training and Zim Nara already screwed up! Maybe he should open up and be more social, then he would have felt obligated to have helped the stranger.  Then again the village ninja are supposed to help others.
what's this? Some kind of mist or fog? "What the-" Zim started as he looked around! He was in Konoha and now he's on some delapitated castle?  He could hear the kid Yen was messing with, but he had no idea where he was!  
"Hello?" Zim said as he began to walk around. He was debating on whether or not it was a good idea to even walk through this thing considering he had no idea what was going on or where he was.
As Zim tried to walk up the stairs he couldn't do it, something wasn't right about this place! Now, he wasn't sure what was going on but he had to stay calm! which was kind of hard considering he was also surrounded by spikes! Things weren't adding up for the Nara! And he was on high alert at this point!
"Stay calm Zim, but be prepared to fight just in case something bad happens!" Zim said to himself.

WC: 464
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:18 am
Jayden felt bad for the poor kid! was there leader really a dangerous person? He couldn't be. Prim wouldn't have left Yen in charge if he was dangerous person because Prim actually cared about her team! If Yen was in charge them Prim put them in capable hands and he had to trust that! But why in the world was he treating this kid like that? The kid looked upset and defeated! Unless of course Yen felt the kid needed training Because he was weak! Jayden could understand if that was the case, after all Yen was good at doing what he could to help others!
Suddenly a weird mist began to cover them and this strange area appeared! He was in a hallway with several doors and Now he could hear the kid screaming! This made Jayden feel bad! He wanted to find him and help him but he could figure out how to open the doors or which one he was in! Jayden had to be careful there were spikes everywhere! Maybe he should climb the stairs! 
As he ran toward the stairs he ran into some kind of wall! But there wasn't a wall that he could see! It was a barrier because he couldn't get to the steps! Jayden's nose was bleeding from the impact, but he had to keep going! He had to do something! Hey where was Zim? Things weren't adding up!

Total Words: 466
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:28 am
Miz Hozuki's first night with Akki had a rough start. Because of the incident with Zim Nara the voices had started up and he had to meditate for a few minutes to get them to stop. Luckily Akki understood and was compassionate towards him. She was the calm that hushed his voices normally but sometimes they were ao powerful that he had to actually meditate to calm them!  Last night he was able to calm them and sleep beside her without any problems.
 When he woke up he let her sleep and got up and dressed in his leather pants, long sleeved fishnet shirt and then pulled a regular black shirt over his fishnet shirt. He  pulled his dreads back into a ponytail and they still hung down past his shoulders. He leaned over Akki and kisses her goodbye as he headed out to find the team.
Strange, a huge cloud of Mist covered the area, no ow this would be normal of he was in Kirigakure but he is in Konoha! This mist wasn't normal, but for some reason he felt the urge to check it out! Dangerous? Yes, but none the less he knew he had to do it! 
Walking into it, he heard a kid screaming and could see a hallway full of doors.
"What the hell is this?" He wondered as he froze up and just stood there! Something was off! You don't go from open areas of a community and roads and buildings to a tile floor and doors randomly like this! what was going on? Miz walked to the stairs and noticed he couldn't climb them! He had to be careful because this is the stuff that triggers his voices! He didn't need that on top of not knowing what was going on! Being a ninja you have to think quickly!

Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:12 pm
Kizaru saw the mist beginning to form as he struggled to maintain consciousness. He quickly yelled out, "Don't just stand there!" to the onlookers who were about to get dragged into this mess.

In what felt like an instant Kizaru was no longer sitting in the middle of the road. He was in a strange place. It was all dark yet he could hear Yen's voice. A vision of a grim scene. A girl impaling herself on a blade in the midst of chaotic battle. A fireball comes in to strike down the horrified wielder of said blade, only to be stopped by Yen. He took the blast directly to protect others. Yen's voice would break through the illusion, chastising Kizaru for complaining. He was right. Complaining would get the boy nowhere. He needed to think of something. He struggled to free his hands from the webs again but it was futile. He wasn't strong enough, especially not with his mind being wracked by genjutsu. He had to rely on the others around him. After all Yen said this was training, teamwork was all part of the job. He couldnt see or hear anyone else, but they might be able to see him. He had to take a chance.

"If you can hear me, this is genjutsu! If you can break it, we have a chance!" He would yell out, in Hope's that the others could hear him. He could not last much longer. His body was feeling drained and his mind was slipping to blackness.

(WC 256)
(TWC 1169)

216 AP - 124 from genjutsu = 92 AP remaining

Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:47 pm
The aburame lord smiled as while yes thevteam fuku members indeed joined the mist. Including miz whom blindly ran in. At least they blindly ran into the mist and tried. The poor genin, confused and lost were about to catch an no mercy dose of reality from the scheming yensung. Untill he heard kizaru. The boy had heeded his warning and for the life of him tried.

good good. Call out. They cannot hear you, but you are trying. And i can.

He thought as he ended the extreamly steamong multi story building genjutsu. (Multi story genjutsu ended and on cooldown)

The thunk of jayeden hitting a house wall and miz falling flat on his back for trying to climb a wall. The unfortunate truth was that the genin were all in the mist stumbling around. No idea to where they were going. Zim staring around as he was stationary. But nothing could escape the aburame in his domain. But for this he decided to play more treacherous  games.  As kizaru now was wondering what was the purpose  of an illusion.

Now it was simple yen was playing with all of their heads as now he desired to draw more of their fears and worries. As none of the members in this exam knew where anyone was. This alone played pivitol as they now were effectively seperated and out of any sound, visual, scent, touch, and even taste range thanks to the mist.  They could all stumble about in the mist confused and lost for a good while. But yen alone would begin his mind games a bit further.

Flying at a speed of 140 yen instructed his insects to have him hover 1 meter behind kizaru  as he would float behind the boy and smileresting his hand on the small of his back and out crawled 5 kikaichu from yens hand while before the boy knew it yen was gone.

As yen now flew 2 meters to kizarus right and clapped his hands softly before placing them on the ground. Raising kizaru 10  meters in the air with the mobile earth platform. Higher Into the mist. And well out of range from the other genin. (Doton earth mobile core: speed:35, health: 20)

Leaving the  boy isolated and alone in the mist. Truly making it harder on him. To test his limits as the edge of his box would be teetering over the sudden edge of the platform he was raised on.

Yen smiled as he knew the webs would keep the box in position and as such ended the temple of nirvana genjutsu on the boy too. A soft smile. Kizaru needed conciousness here after all. To see what it was like to now wonder amid the alien environment.

Now yen would begin the mind games as the 5 insects were there incase the boy would fall. Instructed by yen to pick the boy up and keep him mid air in that position. While two if the boy was moved would pick up and drop anyone off the edge that tried to bring the boy to safety. If they could fing him that is.

In the meantime while the bugs travled down kizarus back poised to bite him if he would make a motion. Yen would float over to jayeden and speak in his ear.

"That is a house wall"

Before the terumi could even turn yen at 140 flight speed would fly 5 meters behind the terumi to zim and whisper in his ear.

"Feeling ready to take the world yet?"

His hand would brush over zims shoulder sending 10 kikaichu onto his clothing,  and  they would begin to crawl down his shirt and back taking a single bite from each one and they would patrol at a,speed of 100 all over the naras body.

In this time yen would make it 7 meters to zims right and  miz and he would give him two options.

"To your left zim will be there 13 meters. And to your front the boy will be there. Both are in some trouble. Which will you choose?"

Yen asked as before the hozuki could even blink yen wouldve flown  up into the mist. He mislead the hozuki slightly. As the boy never did really take true charge. Both options were wrong as kizaru was 14 meters to miz's left, and to boot 10 meters in the air. While zim in reality was 5 meters to his right. In front of him would be a brick wall. And if he walked left the hozuki would find nothing.

Now yen simply awaited to see what these genin would do. Being mislead. Tormented. Broken and mentally  toyed with by the aburame lord. Fears of bugs. Being bitten and alone in the mist. The mind games  of wills and what lies behind them. Only to see the aburame lord show them their true worth. How do they find answers when there are none? How do you open a box with no openings with a peice of grass? Impossible? Perhaps. But ninjas neeed answers to the impossible. Otherwise they do not answer the actual questions.

the mind must actually be ready. But now truth obscured. How does one who has no voice speak? How do grunts with no direction find their way home? All weaknesses that must be figured out. All that must be found.

Yen thought as his minds eye of kaguya remained active, and of course the mist.

wc: 918


(temple of nirvana and denomic illusion steaming multi story building cancled by yen.)


kilkikaichu chakra destruction serum: 50
sensory dampening mist:20
aburame rag doll: 25
minds eye of kaguya:20
Zim Nara
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:42 pm
Zim was extremely confused at this point and had quit walking! Something was not right at all. Was he still asleep in his bed at home? Well his temporary home which is Yens place. This had to be a dream of some sort, things felt real but sure as hell didn't look real. And usually if this is the case, your dreaming! Zim began pinching himself. All of a sudden the place disappeared! okay, buildings don't vanish in thin air! What was really happening here? Unless you use jutsu or it's air lifted or destroyed and then a huge cloud of smoke covers it. Oh and sinkholes! But this wasn't the case as far as he knew. Suddenly he began to itch a little, and he heard Yens voice.

...ready to take on the world...

Or something to that effect, is what was said. Deep question, to be quite honest.  How does one perceive bekng ready to take on such a venture? There's mentally, physically and emotionally, when it comes to readying someone's self do such things! Zim was maybe twenty five percent ready to take on the world! Hey aait a minute...He heard Yen but where did he go?
"Yen? where are you?" Zim questioned looking around himself! It was still quite foggy in here! Weren't they outside? Had they ended up inside? Why did he feel like he was on the set of some cheesy scene out of a book? Or even an anime? 
"What is going on? this is bizarre!" Zim said as he decided to move forward! He was starting to itch, but he couldn't see anything on him but he sure felt something! where are Miz and Jayden? Surely they are here somewhere! Zim was completely lost this was just put of the ordinary!

Total WC: 764
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:43 am
Jayden Terumi was in pain! He was a good ninja and he could tolerate pain, but the pain of literally running into a wall and busting your nose, it's pretty painful! A few unmentionable words were muttered and Jayden saw blood in his hands! Then he could taste it! Oh well! 

"That is a house wall."

"No shit, really?" Jayden muttered back to Yen angrily!  As though he hadn't figured that out already. In a rather harsh way, by running into it himself! 
Maybe he should put his hands out front of him as he walks! That way he won't run into things.
Suddenly everything just faded, sorta like melting away into nothing! Now he was just in a mist and he couldn't see anything! where were Miz and Zim? Was this ine of those Genjutsus? It couldn't be a dream because he knows he woke up and everything was normal until he stepped into this mist? He would keep going along with it! There is usually a purpose for everything. If it's a Genjutsu he could easily release it's affect on him but even though he busted his nose, he wanted to keep playing along, just to see what happens next.

Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Nov 09, 2019 2:49 am
Miz was getting beyond frustrated. He was in a castle with stairs he couldn't climb and doors that wouldn't open! And the Spike's...who lives in a castle with spikes? Either someone put something on his drink this morning or he fell down the white rabbits hole! All he did was go outside and walk into some kind of mist!  
After getting up from his fall backwards he suddenly hears Yens voice!
"To your left zim will be there 13 meters. And to your front the boy will be there. Both are in some trouble. Which will you choose?"

"What? I- what boy? What just happened?" Miz asked a extremely confused!  He looked around, and couldn't see Jayden or Zim and what boy is he talking about? 
"Yen where are you?" He asked looking around and up! This really seemed like a Genjutsu but he couldn't be certain because he still want sure what was happening! He needed to figure this out because if a member of his team was injured he had to help them.
And cue the voices...

"Mizuki it's a trap!"
"Break the Genjutsu!"
"Your weak minded."

He couldn't turn into his puddle, he used that jutsu to often he had to find other ways to handle these voices. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and continued to move forward.

Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Nov 09, 2019 11:06 am
What was Yen trying to show him? Was he trying to say that he should have fought to protect his comrades from Calin? It would have been suicide for all three of them. That monster was so strong that his mere presence froze Kizaru in place. Just thinking about him made the boy's spine shiver.

Kizaru was still wondering about the significance of Yen showing him that scene from the past was when the illusion around him stopped and his consciousness began to return to him. Yen had ended the onslaught of genjutsu only to leave the boy stranded in mist with no sense of direction. He had no idea what was around him or if he had even moved at all from the middle of the street. He knew he was still stuck to Rake's box, as he still could not move his hands. It was clear to the boy that Yen was trying to teach him a lesson, a harsh one. He wondered what the state was of the others who had come by. They must have been within range of the mist and Yen could be torturing them just the same.

He would attempt to call out again, "If anyone is out there make yourself heard! I can't help if I don't know where you are!" In his current state all he could do was rely on others and help however he could. He was in a pathetic position at the moment. Completely at Yen's mercy, not a position he liked to be in.

(WC 257)
(TWC 1426)
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