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Be the shoe (open, nk)

Jayden Terumi
Zim Nara
Layne Kruethdale
Alister Yama
8 posters
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Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:57 pm
Jayden finally saw his team mates at long last! Zim and Miz were in the mist! Along with a couple of kids he had never seen. “An awkward way to meet most definitely.” He said as he nodded towards the two of them. Yensung’s question was one that requires little thought.  Even To the most untrained ninja it was obvious! “The answer is, to see what we would do if we were to lose all our senses and how we would handle ourselves in such a situation.” Jayden answered after Zim who seemed to stumble on his answer ever so slightly. But Jayden was a man of few words, though he did not spare a detail. He did however wonder hoe Miz would answer that question. 

Jayden however decided to follow Miz’s lead out of the area so he could make sure he was ok. He seemed slightly shook up. Either from using up so much Chakra or because he felt he lost the battle. Either way as a good friend and brother, he must follow him home. Home was Yensung Aburame’s house obviously! “I am heading home as well.” Jayden replied as he followed Zim out of the area.


Word Count is 1709
+8 Stats
500/500 Fire Lash
1000/1000 Hiding in Fire
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:28 am
Miz finally knew it was over when he saw Yen and his team mates and a couple of other people. He could finally hear and see and smell like normal again! He didn’t know the other two people in there besides his teammates but apparently they had gotten caught in the jutsu t. A powerful technique no doubt. 

“This was a learning experience you used to show what the world is like outside the village, the kind of things we could run into if we aren’t trained. And what they said.” Miz said making reference to Zim and Jayden whom he noticed were leaving. “I’m going home for now, I need a drink.” Miz said feeling rather dry, which isn’t good for a Hozuki.

2244 words = 11 stats
500/500 for Hidden Mist Technique
1000/1000 for Water Whip
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:07 pm

((Not offended at all, it's your/not my thread after all))

Before Akarui could step foot inside the mist, it started to thin right in front of his eyes making him step back instead and fall into his will honed battle stance. The mist faded to reveal the situation within surprising Akarui. He didn’t expect to see Lord Aburame whom he had only heard about before. He stood in the middle with bugs around him denoting his identity as a Aburame Clan member. Before him were three mist Shinobi as well as a leaf Shinobi Akarui didn’t know.

What surprised Akarui was the Mist Shinobi as well as the Leaf Genin were seemingly being taught by the Lord Aburame, and overpowered to say the least. It wasn’t an attack on the village like he had thought. While taking in the scene before him, he relaxed his guard by half. He never liked to be unprepared so he kept his hands really.

Lord Aburame addressed the four genin he was training with them giving an answer before retreating. Knowing the situation was under control Akarui was about to leave when the Lord turned his eyes to him clearly expecting an answer from him as well. Quickly thinking back to the question, why did he use the mist? For cover maybe? He began to think about what he himself would use such a Jutsu for.

“To divide and conquer, cut off their senses and move unimpeded making the battle field advantage lay in your hands. That way you can attack and or retreat at will, Sir.” Akarui replied with a salute after some consideration on the question. He knew he would had been in trouble if he can head long into the mist. And he had nearly done so. This showed him that he needed to find a way to get better Intel before he ran into something he couldn’t handle. This pointed out a major flaw in himself that could get him killed due to not knowing what’s on the other side of the mist so to speak.

“Thank you Lord Aburame for showing me my inadequacies. I will train harder.” Akarui bowed to Yen before he too, retreated to his home. Training had been interrupted today by the right of the mist so he decided to go back and think over today’s events to hopefully think of ways to mitigate his now obvious weakness.
(WC 397)
(TWC 1142)
+5 Strength 1000/1000
Hidden mist Jutsu 500/500
Dynamic Entry 500/500
Fuinjutsu Breaking 6 + 244= 250/250
Chakra Body Clean 136/250

Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13400

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:38 pm
Kizaru was placed on the ground by the bugs that were carrying him. The mist faded little by little until it was totally clear again. The ground was a bit messed up from Yens techniques and Rakes box was still burning, if only slightly.

With his senses returned to him and a clear sightline on all involved parties, Kizaru began to feel a little more in control. There were several other young shinobi caught up in the whole mess. Kiz had known there were others but hadn't gotten a look at any of them before the chaos started. Most of them seemed to know and even respect Yen. They thanked him for his lesson and departed, leaving Kizaru still standing facing Yen about 10 meters away. The aburame was standing in front of Rakes box.

Kizaru knew he didn't have a chance against Yen, but after all of that humiliation he couldn't simply bow his head and quit. One last ditch effort was all he had left in him.

The young shinobi would once again reach out his chakra threads, though this time attempting to connect them to take through the burn holes in his carrying case. Should the threads connect Kizaru would make the puppets violently rotate inside the box, using its claws(75 sharpness) to shred both the container and Yens web.

In the event that Rake is freed from the box Kizaru would immediately activate Oozing tar pointed at Yen. From point blank it would coat the aburame should he be hit by it.

(WC 255)
(TWC 2163)

All actions done at top speed/power
Techs used:

Chakra threads -5 AP
Oozing tar (Rake puppet mechanism) -40 AP

82 AP-45=37 AP remaining
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:01 am
Each of their answers were acceptable by yen with an smile and an final dismessed by yen as kizaru finally getting his bearings from the last jutsu. With yen standing between the boy and the box carrying the puppet it seemed as if it would be acceptable to let him off the hook. But instead of answering kizaru decided to continue to act. The motion deciding to continue to reach his box with chakra theeads
All visible to the aburame as he sighed a little under his breath. His insects lifted him and the aburame went airborne at an speed of once more at a speed of 85. As the threads barely travled 1 meter from kizaru.

With that yen once more flew now 10 meters into the air and kept the boy and the box in view at the speed of 85 and simply spoke up as the puppet broke free of its box prision. Unfortunately for the boy his idea of using tar on yen was just not going to happen.

(Tar simply timelined)

"Well i still did not hear your reply kizaru. It is understandable if frustrated,but you should always turn the emotions into motivation. Find a way to cover your weak points. These all together will supply you with the tools to improve you see."

Yens words were soft as he knew the taste of defeat and embarrassment, but it was not the time to let ones emotions and pide just blind them.

"Tell me now. If i was the enemy. What could i have cone while all of that was going on? You had a taste of illusions, and things blocking your senses. Now you must find an answer to thoes things. What is your solution kizaru?"
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13400

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:28 am
Kizarus attempt at an attack failed miserably. Rake was indeed freed and in Kiz's control, but to what effect? Before the thing had even had the strings attached Yen was already out of the way, and out of reach. It was over. He had no more tricks up his sleeves.

"If this were actual combat we all would have been wiped out. Up against such overwhelming force none of us could handle you on our own." He would say, letting the strings attached to Rake disconnect and disappear. "With none of our senses finding each other was also impossible. Someone of your calibur should know that. So what was this? A test of our abilities, or a test of your own?" He would say harshly. He respected the aburame's abilities but his demeanor was cold. Kiz felt a little uneasy in his presence but was unsure why. He would finish with, "That was the second time in the past few days I've been beaten down by mist. I'm severely lacking in sensory capabilities. Your lesson made that more clear than ever."

With that he would begin to limp around looking for the crutch he threw at Yen earlier. When he couldn't find it he would lift himself onto the back of Rake and have the puppet carry him home. Better it carry him than the other way around. Having only one puppet on him like this was a huge safety hazard. Maybe when he got home it would finally be time to build his storage idea. That was just one thing he would need to improve on after this encounter.

He stopped the puppets walking and turned to face Yen again. "Thank you for showing me where I am lacking. But maybe think about toning down the intensity of your lessons. Just a suggestion." He would say before carrying himself home.

(WC 311)
(TWC 2474)

+12 speed

+1350 words to finish Incomplete performance of 100

(650 + 1350 = 2000)


1000 words to make 2 Beast puppets.

Rest to the void.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:24 am
So with his awnser it made yen smile only to frown at his rebuttal.

"Tone it down? Your results would be significantly worse if i was softer. The important thing is you are thinking. But perhaps i could be easier."

Yen stated as he floated down and  out of kindness simply gave the boy his crutches to save him the trouble. Still in the depths of yens mind he chuckled.

Right and have these genin and chunin go in battle thinking that an opponent wont kill them? Unfortunately no i will onky be much harder on them.

Yen thought as he flew off toward the kage building work had to be done.


Twc: 6,987

3.9k towards Zubbi the commander

1.5k to

Using additional 1.5k to master it power increase.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Be the shoe (open, nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: Be the shoe (open, nk)

Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:54 pm
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