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Jakku Uchiha
Jakku Uchiha
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The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:55 pm
Jakku sat in the corner of his cell. He guessed he was only in here for a day. He had had some kidney beans, bread and water for his meals. Honestly, the kidney beans were AWESOME. Jakku had once eaten a whole can of kidney beans when he was a young boy and it was exquisite.

Jakku was laying in his cell, annoyed. But to be fair, it was nicer than last time. He had had his wrist broken, starved and dehydrated for 2 days, with no human contact. He was laying on his bed, taking deep breaths. Jakku really hoped that... woman... wouldn't be seeing him again. As a teenager, Jakku started to develop clear goals. And he had a goal to stay away from her. He really hoped it would be easier this time than last time.

WC: 139
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:08 pm
24 Hours. Days after his first mission back in Konoha, the Ace would be assigned with another tasked ordered directly from the Konoha government, assume the role of an interrogator to question criminal and teenager Jakku Uchiha before going proceeding a fair trial in a court of law. All methods of interrogation were allowed, even the most extreme "enhanced interrogation methods." The original interrogator, Lachesis Onomori had not been seen for a while, so the teen had to fill in for her. From what he would have gathered from the recent talk on the streets, a massive fire had ensued in an Uchiha district household, killing 4 family members. The ginger had connected the dots immediately, but he would be rather disgruntled at how the boy who was still an Academy Student, still had the balls to kill his parents.

"Arson? A bold move indeed..." He pondered momentarily before raising his head to look up towards a dark hallway. Tadashi had arrived at the Konoha Prison, holding a few papers on Jakku Uchiha's background, cell number, etc. The lights were extremely dim since it was about 7:00 PM and most prisoners had a curfew around 9-10:00 PM he had heard. Pungent smells of urine, feces, decaying rats, normal rats that scurried down the hallways, and the suffocating odor of perspiring humans all combined in one disgusting smell that persisted throughout the prison. Tadashi wanted to gag on reflex, barely able to suppress the feeling of vomiting; his throat was burning the rest of that day. Prisoners would shake on the bars repeatedly, threatening to pull them off easily whilst yelling and screaming like deranged baboons. "Heya pretty boy! Wanna come in our cell, we'll show you a good time!" A middle-aged man mockingly jeered. "Donkey." The ginger spat back in contempt. 

Guards weren't doing their job since most of them were gone for the day which angered Tadashi even more. It seemed that Jakku had a private room and cell since there was another door for him. The ginger would open the door to the Uchiha's room, locking the entrance immediately. The interrogation roomed revealed a bed, a rectangular table with two chairs placed opposite of each other on different sides, and the young criminal. 

"Jakku Uchiha, correct?" The teen politely asked, giving him a neutral expression, not wanting to seem aggressive to Jakku. Regardless if he answered, Tadashi would motion him to a seat. "Have a seat, please." Then, the teen would proceed to sit in the other seat, holding his papers in his hands.

"So, how has your day been?"

WC: 534
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:11 pm
Jakku was laying in bed as he heard his cell door open. He sat up and faced the boy who walked in. The Uchiha took note of his appearance. Jakku sat down in the other chair and said, “Hey, I’ve been doing good. How ‘bout you?”

“Before you do whatever you wanna do, I just wanna let you know something. Basically, I was thrown in prison around a month ago. And the woman who interrogated me did some shit to me.”

Jakku put his bandages wrist on the table. “She broke this, so I just wanna say, I don’t want that to happen again. Cuz you know, it hurt hella bad, so you know, I’ll talk. I just wanna say, if I answer your questions, can I get one thing?”

WC: 130
TWC: 269
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:54 pm
Tadashi would keep his same impassive expression. He was highly suspicious of the boy in question, especially since he had just tried to bullshit his way through escaping Konoha. He would respond to Tadashi, trying to coerce the slightly older teen to sympathize what the government was doing. Then, he blatantly sought to strike a deal with Tadashi despite him having the power in this conversation. This wasn't going to fly. But to be honest the ginger could somewhat empathize with him, getting beaten up and starved was the norm when Tadashi was a child living in the Uchiha District without attaining the bloodline. This didn't however, excuse Jakku's actions, not in the slightest. The Ace was going to make sure that Jakku will understand the consequences of his litigations by the end of this interrogation. An air of tension would soon surround the area as Tadashi's chakra would begin to rise as an aura of turquoise-like chakra would coat the ginger's body, showing Jakku who truly was stronger between the both of them. His Mind's eye would open fully.

"We'll see Jakku. The only thing that matters now is that you answer my questions, do you understand?"

A pregnant pause would occur as he waited for the criminal's response.

"Let's begin, where were you on exactly midnight of the twenty-four hours that the fire erupted?" Tadashi could sense the fluctuations of chakra from Jakku, so he could feel if he was lying or not.

WC: 301
TWC: 835

-40 AP From Mind's eye of the Kagura if it really does matter
634/674 AP Remaining.
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:06 pm
Jakku sighed as his request wasn't to be confirmed. "Fine, I get it."

"Well, I entered the house a minute or two before midnight. The fire started three minutes after midnight. I was sitting in a chair, in my house, at midnight. Is that satisfactory?"

WC: 45
TWC: 314
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:28 am
Well, he wasn't lying, but the ginger knew he was trying to skimp the answers. Tadashi would sigh, before giving a glare; an involuntary hint of Dragon Blood would flow into his eyes from anger, Dracosight Lv2 was near awakening. The eyes turned slit and scarlet red before shapeshifting back into his regular sapphire eyes, unbeknownst to Tadashi. "No, it is not satisfactory. You either give me everything in HARD details, or you get punished for life in prison, rotting to death on these prison walls that your fellow inmates are suffering in for arguably less bad crimes than you did." For the first time in a while, malice was oozing out of the ginger's words. Any sane person would whimper in fear.

"So, you were on your chair at Midnight. What happened between the intervals of 12:00 - 12:03? Forensics came in, there was no one outside of the house between that time to start the fire. Your father and mother couldn't possibly do it because your brothers were still there during that time. Your brothers didn't show any symptoms of being pyromaniacs nor even know how to start a fire. All of the evidence points towards you, Jakku. What happened?" Minds Eye of the Kagura was still active, so Tadashi would know if Jakku was lying or even altering the truth.

WC: 221
TWC: 1056
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:43 am
“From 12:00 to 12:01 I was sitting in a chair, in the kitchen of my family’s residence. At 12:02 my father entered the house, then me and my father had a brief discussion on religion. And at 12:03, he attempted to kill me, so I ran out of the house. It was then in which the fire was started.”

If this boy across from him was making an attempt at intimidation, Jakku remained calm. He had lost everything already. There was nothing left to be scared of.

And those eyes the boy had. It would be oh so fun to rip them from his skull. Just thinking of it made Jakku licked his lips.
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:06 pm
Everything the boy had said was, in fact, somewhat true. However, there was a small miscalculation in what the Uchiha had said. "Again Jakku, forensics say that there was no miscalculation in electricity nor was there anyone in the vicinity at that time to use a Fire Release jutsu or explosive tag to set the house on fire. By process of elimination, you or one of your brothers who could have awakened from sleep used gasoline in the house to set it on fire. Did you set the house on fire? You can always make it... difficult to answer this question, but I guarantee you I will find the truth no matter how much you resist."

There was a pause, an eerie smirk would begin to form on his face as if challenging the arrogant Uchiha. "Perhaps if you answer this question correctly, you can beg forgiveness for your crimes and maybe get a lesser sentence. Even if your arrogant self can fight back, it will be futile as many trained people in T&I can use 'advanced interrogation methods' to violate your mind. On top of that, lying to the authorities can probably send you to solitary confinement or maybe death. I'll give you one chance, choose wisely."

WC: 208
TWC: 1264

Last edited by Tadashi Namikaze on Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jakku Uchiha
Jakku Uchiha
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The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:01 pm
"Well, let me tell you the full story."

"11:58 - I entered the house and killed my mother with a kunai thrown, slitting her throat. My older brother came out to investigate and saw what was going on. I choked him until he fell unconscious, then locked him in his room."

"11:59 - I soaked the house in gasoline then sat down after I finished."

"12:00 - I sat in a chair."

"12:01 - I sat in a chair."

"12:02 - As stated earlier, my father entered the room and we had a discussion about religion."

"12:03 - My father got mad at me about breaking the rules of our religion and attempted to kill me. I ran out of the house. I then threw a match into the house, lighting it on fire."

"All events after this should be recorded by an individual in T&I." Jakku described her appearance. "This is all the truth as I best remember it."

Last edited by Jakku Uchiha on Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar fix)
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK) Empty Re: The Second Time (IO, Tadashi, NK)

Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:24 pm
The boy was not lying once more, which started to irritate the teen. Why did he even use Minds Eye of the Kagura if Jakku wasn't going to lie? With a sigh, he would scribble down rough sketches of what Jakku had said while deactivating the lie detector. Now the real problem would be finding a public lawyer who would want to defend a boy who even admitted to killing his family without remorse. This would be annoying at a minimum. Tadashi would rub his forehead in exasperation. Jakku had been cooperative at least so it could have been worse. There was no point whining about it now, especially since he was the one who asked for this task to make up for his absent time during the Invasion. "Thank you, I will take my leave. You have been very helpful." He would turn to Jakku and say solemnly. Closing the door, Tadashi would not know that Jakku ripped his eyes out since the room was soundproof.

The Uchiha's cries would fall on deaf ears.


WC: 177
TWC: 1441

611 WC To finish off Dracosight Lv2, previous WC is here
830 WC towards Sphere of Lightning (1123/1213), previous WC is here
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