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Edward Willow
Edward Willow
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The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk) Empty The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk)

Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:56 pm
Edward was woken up by his younger brother, who was jumping on him, yelling, "I want breakfast and I want it now!"
"Let me sleep."
"Now! Now! Now!"
"FINE! Give me five minutes."
"I want it now!"
"Hmph. I'm telling Daddy when he gets home."
"Do you want breakfast?" said Edward, with a devious glint in his eye.
"Then you won't tell Dad?"
"Thank goodness. I'll make you breakfast in five minutes."
Edward slowly crawled out of bed, wishing his brother wouldn't wake him up at this time. He felt the clock on his wall. It was 5:30. Such early mornings. He got up and made his brother his rice. He made himself some beans and rice because he would have a hard day of training. Edward shouted to his brother, "Hey! Akito! I'm going to the training grounds before school!"
"Whatever. Is it so you can finally learn clone jutsu?"
"Shut up! I've just been procrastinating it! I'm not bad at it or anything."
"Totally," his brother said sarcastically.
Edward slid the door to his house shut, and walked off to the training grounds. Once he got there he took his backpack off and before he started practicing his justu, he remembered, breathe in, breathe out. He immediately started practicing his jutsu. He could do it, just not every time. He was hoping to master it by the end of the week.

238 wc
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk) Empty Re: The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk)

Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:04 pm
The wavy day it was. Cirrus clouds circulated the high sky, only to blend in with the saturated blue. Sunlight was cast downwards, melting the white globs of frozen water. As a result, the number of wet dew levels was increased in Konoha, creating a mud effect. It was almost perfect for Earth release users who really want to pull typical pranks with their Mud Swamp Jutsu. It didn't stop a particular crimson haired Genin. The "Tracer" of Konoha, training on his Archery techniques, particularly, Kyudo, in the midst of the Training Grounds. His vibrant golden eyes were focused at a training log, about 10 meters away from him, yet in front of the clear blue shallow lake of the Training Grounds, dividing it into two sections. In a salient breath, he would begin, he hoped his Kyudo classes from when he was 9 would help him.

"Trace, On." A brilliant flash of turquoise light would appear instantly, outlining a bow. A moment passed, and it was finished. A traditional recurve bow with a metallic piece of string, with an arrow already nocked to the weapon. Held comfortable on the young Namikaze's left hand, as he would begin.


Feet shoulder width apart, the legs facing towards the log, but sideways in that sense. The bow and arrow would remain in Tadashi's grip.


The crimson haired Genin would relax his tense, well-formed muscles, and straighten his back, it was imperative in Kyudo to never be tense, furthermore, to be calm, like the Wind. Ironic as the boy had never gotten Wind Release before.


The young Namikaze would grip the metallic bowstring with his right hand, only for the left hand to hold the real bow, both positioned to shoot, as he turned his head resolutely to the target.

                                                         Uchiokoshi, Hikawake

In one fluid motion, the crimson haired Genin would raise the bow upwards, head level, drawing the bowstring along with the nocked arrow in the process, about a few inches away from its initial area. Performing two steps in the process.


Pulling the bowstring further, Tadashi would stop pulling, until the string was just below his cheekbone. It was time, for the finale, Zanshin would clear his thoughts, for only one idea. Hit the target.


He let go of the arrow. It zoomed towards the target at unimaginable speeds, producing a woosh sound effect, as it would slam into the training log, piercing it.


Lowering the bow, he kept his cool, as he took a deep breath. The existence of the weapons was meaningless now, fading in sparkling dust. "I still got it." The crimson haired Genin would keep his dauntless look on his expression.

With the help with his Chakra Sensory skill, he felt a Chakra Signature that was similar to something he felt, years ago, as if he hadn't met it in a long time. A reconciliation to be exact... He turned to the area emitting the chakra, looking at a familiar boy, who seemed to be practicing something. Oh god, how long had it been, since their last meet?! 

"EDWARRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE WERE YOU FOR THE PAST 5 YEARRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSS!!!!" Tears rushing down his face, creating a trail of tears, rushing towards the blonde at a Speed, way higher than the blonde's reaction time. Now, standing 2 inches apart from each other, waiting for a big hug, anime tears still rushing down his face in a comedic fashion. 

WC: 677
Edward Willow
Edward Willow
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The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk) Empty Re: The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk)

Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:55 pm
He felt the slight movement in the air long before he saw the boy. He heard the footsteps long before he saw the boy. He smelled the salt of the tears long before he saw the boy. He knew it was a person long before he knew who it was. He identified the gender before he knew who it was. And before all of this, he heard the twang of the bow.

The footsteps were fast. Faster than any academy student. He didn't know anyone that fast, with such an unfamiliar scent. They must have recognized Edward's jacket. He wore it everywhere. It was waterproof. It broke the wind. It kept him warm. And the hood, the hood, it kept him isolated.

The boy entered his field of vision. They had yelled out his name. And who would he know from five years ago? Whatever, he would just ignore them. People were problems. Connections were worse. Why make friends when they will only turn on you? They bring pain and suffering. The boy approaching finally stopped, a mere two inches from Edward. Luckily, Edward could see clearly at this range. He was crimsoned haired. It still didn't ring a bell. He decided to stop trying to put together the pieces and asked, "Who are you exactly?"

wc 216
total wc 454
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk) Empty Re: The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk)

Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:22 pm
Tadashi's eyes widened, there were not in shock, not anger... Yet, disappointment. The blond hadn't changed, emotionless, unfeeling, detached from morality. The crimson haired Genin now understood, he didn't mean anything to Edward, just a normal person. Sad it was. The tracer would wipe the over-exaggerated tears on his face, now calmer, and less emotional.

"Tadashi Namikaze, remember from when we were 8 and we used to play all the time at our houses? You used to play as the Anbu, and I would play as the criminal?"

Continuing on, the crimson haired Genin would try to rid himself of the sense of worthlessness he felt, closing on him as if it were a parasite. Striking up a conversation, Tadashi would look at Edward's hands, as if they were trying to perform hand seals.

"So whatcha doing in the Training Grounds, practicing something? I can help."

WC: 150
TWC: 827
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk) Empty Re: The First Jutsu (IO, Tadashi, Nk)

Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:27 pm
Tadashi checked his watch, realizing that his training session took longer than he had intended, walking away, he waved at the blond,

"Bye Edward. See you soon."


WC: 27
TWC: 854

4 Stats
657 WC Towards This (3000/3000), Previous Training is here
197 WC Towards This (595/2000)
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