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substitution for exams... (solo) Empty substitution for exams... (solo)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 6:18 am
At some point, Matteo would realize that he already did enough practicing with that one. He decided, instead to try the substitution one. It apparently involved this Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake hand seal. It was funny because considering the technique required someone to quickly switch places with another object, it was kind of weird that he did need to do all those hand seals. He knew he had to do it tho.

He decided to start by at least trying to remember the hand seals. He repeated to himself, “Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake” It was never really clear why these rather arbitrarily determined hand seals would ever be important. It must be some sort of method to psyche up the user in order to then gain the courage and gusto to switch with some object? Well, that was what Matteo guessed, because the hand seals could not really be explained for any other reason. At least this stupid genin exam did not require knowledge of the reasoning behind the hand seals. It would not be good anyway because few ever really understood why hand seals were ever needed. Perhaps the writer of this story may have decided that this was a good flashy and showy way of casting cool things?

He would try practicing the hand seals, and after a few minutes, he figured out how to do the hand seals. Soon, he would realize he needed to think about what he was really trying to switch with. He managed to switch with the china cabinet, and that was on its side, and forunately, only about 3 dishes fell out and broke. Matteo spent the next half hour cleaning up broken porcelain and putting all the stuff back.

Eventually after finishing this, he would go back to his training. Ok, he thought about what he should substitute with. He looked around and saw the filing cabinet. At least if he broke that, it would not be possible because of how sturdy it was. Not only that, the files can be cleaned up without porcelain shattering all over the place. There was one concern, and that was that the filing cabinet weighed more than 200 pounds, so it could potentially be unmovable.

Mattteo would try again, and the problem this time, was that since he was physically unable to move this huge cabinet, he only ended up right next to this cabinet. Eventually, he was smart enough to realize that he should switch to maybe the lamp, a thing that a normal person can actually pick up. He would try again, and this time, he would finally manage to correctly do this technique. Matteo would practice with the lamp, and would get good, although at the cost of the lamp. Matteo at least knew that he could come up with many kinds of excuse to avoid getting punished, not that he would have. At least this time, he might be able to pass the genin exams.

After this, he decided he needed to figure out what else he might want to try next, make sure that he would get passed this genin exams. Fortunately, it did not look like he had to learn much else, but at least before he would sign up for these exams, he would eventually need to do a review session or so. He would wonder what genin actually do for that matter. It was always unclear what they really did, especially the chunnin instructor really seemed to forget what he did as a gennin. Obviously this was weird.
(600 words, learning, 3 stats as well, exit)
Yamato Tanaka
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substitution for exams... (solo) Empty Re: substitution for exams... (solo)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:24 am
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