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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

In search of bacon Empty In search of bacon

Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:48 pm
It was around mid-day that he arrived on the outskirts of the island. The village had been quite busy, as per usual around that time of day. It was a cloudy day. The area of the island Takeo stood on blanketed by shade. It was a good thing as well as the man was currently wrapped in a black thick coat. A gift from his youngest sister given to him earlier today. She had given it to him when he had attempted to leave the Tadashi complex before first light. Looking back upon the memory now a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"You're leaving again." She had coldly accused him. Despite the scowl on her face Takeo could see the pain that flashed through her eyes.

He couldn't deny it. For one Takeo wore the tight white shirt and black trousers he often wore on his travels. That and he was adorned with all of his equipment worn during his time as a shinobi. The most telling sign was the bag slung across his back, filled with rations and other valuables he would need for the trip.

Takeo couldn't meet her gaze as he replied softly. "There's someone very dear to me that I left behind." He made his way slowly toward the youngest of the Tadashi siblings. Placing a hand on her shoulder he smiled. "I'll be bac-" He had been interrupted by a sharp punch to the gut. Doubling over the man wheezed as the air had been taken from him.

"Don't say it again." She spoke brushing past the recovering Takeo. "Just keep safe." Before disappearing out of the building.

In the minutes it took Takeo to recover from the blow he examined the cloth object that had been thrust, along with the fist of course, into his gut.

Takeo winced as he rubbed his abdomen. The youngest had always been the strongest physically, not as skilled as either of the twins but she could likely brute force her way to a win in close quarters. It was definitely going to bruise later.

The white haired man crossed the water. The storm wall that lay in the horizon grew closer. How many times had he walked through the very storm itself? Not to be this time. The man granted the rank of ANBU operative by his younger brother performed the hand seal and at that nature itself parted for him. Travelling through the parted storm the man ventured out into the world once more.

There was someone he needed to see.

[Village Exit]
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

In search of bacon Empty Re: In search of bacon

Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:07 pm
[The time has passed, topic closed.]
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