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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:20 am
Saln had expected some kind of praise from his sensei, a smile or a pat on the head, but no. Yen was quite a bit harsher than that, not at all satisfied with the boy's time. He remarked that the two minutes it took for the child to navigate the dreamscape and find the hidden mcguffin wasn't nearly quick enough... because that was enough time for the enemy to do whatever they wanted to him in the mean time... Saln frowned softly as the illusion around them ended, the deer fading into nothingness before him as well as the rot that coagulated around it... In fact, the whole landscape changed as if Saln hadn't moved at all... the whole sensation of shifting positions... False!

...He wasn't wrong, obviously. Ninja fight in matters of seconds, not minutes! In one second, maybe two if they were slow, someone could take off your arms, legs, and head, then burn your body to a crisp! He'd seem some of those weaponry fellers to the same to tree-stumps and limbs so... perhaps the same thing could be said for full ninja! The child sighed heavily, his shoulders slumped... realizing that he should also be dissatisfied with these results... Yeah... He was much too slow...

The boy sighed and nodded, Yen coming around to place a hand on his back... possibly to comfort him, possibly to emphasize where the blade he referred to would bury. Again, he was right... Confusing maybe, but he wasn't wrong.

...As Yen said, the world of Illusion was as insidious as it was helpful, able to trick and carry powerful forces for MILES away from their intended destinations. Sometimes, it didn't have to be as powerful as an entire dreamworld like how Saln had experienced! It could be a fake man.... a noise, maybe even a feeling of a blade being buried in their back, tricking them into thinking they've taken a fatal blow... All these things could be at the child's fingertips... or just as easily used upon him as Yen had demonstrated.

It was scary, really... Finding out that you were but an ant before a mere TASTE of a Genjutsu's true power... He knew he was inexperienced and young... But lets just say Saln's world had just gotten a bit bigger this day...

"H-how do you think that far ahead...?" Saln asked, looking back over his shoulder towards Yen-sama! "I... I understand making illusions to get them to go or do what you want... but is Genjutsu truly at it's most effective with great preparation for a battle to come...? Or... do you plan in the middle of things?"
Alister Yama
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:52 pm
Salns question was the first misconception to break of any student of yen. The question was never how. But what should i do next? What now? Where is the next link to break? When should i use this. And how i intend to follow up next?

Yen shook his head and looked very serious now at saln. This was important to know and understand immediatly.

"If you ask "how do i plan ahead?" You will immediatly lose. You are already ahead. You know if it didnt work you have other senses to target. It is impossible to function as a ninja without at least one of your five senses.  You cannot ask yourself ever. "What do i do next?" When it hits, or misses you are in the next step."

Yen stated firmly, but not meanly. It was the point to drill it into a genjutsu student. As this was how it is.

"Genjutsu hit upon a seal being finished, a word, or a person stepping into an area. Perhaps a sweet fragrence will emerge. Its the trigger, and when it hits you know. Your opponent may release. But that is the important thing they had to release. They can be in that minute. You will not stand there, but you must act..... you must remember this lesson. There are three rules to this."

Yen stated as he pointed to where the dead deer was.

"Number one do not ever assume that you are clear of genjutsu. Especially an unknown adversary. That simple illusion anyone can learn. So you must stay on alert. Strange sound? Might be an illusion. Unusual scent? Probberly a genjutsu. Even what is familiar may be an illusion. And as i said its better to be safe. Be ready to release on an instant. I have my methods. You must develope yours."

Yen stated as he took a breath and smiled a little, but he was lecturing.

"Rule 2. Do not trust what you see or hear. If it sounds too good. Check with release. If it looks too good check via release. Understand enemies can create nightmeres, and peace. Just like yourself."

Yen stated this important rule as it was important to remember.

"Finally #3. If you have suscessfully have someone in a genjutsu, you must prepare another one. In case they release. Target a seperate sense as well. If sight was used. Use touch, or sound. Even set a fragrence. This is staying ahead. If you fall behind trust me. You can suffer or your team. Genjutsu hits hard, deft, and is often taking advantage of what is,already there. This is why it is important that you do not ask "how do i stay forward?, but instead ask "how do i hit them again"

Yen finished  and he stared at saln with his single eye and smiled slightly.

"This is not easy. But if you do it you shall become great. But there is a reason why genjutsu is rarely specialized. You must think like this constantly. And be at the ready."

Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:50 am
Saln nodded slowly as Yen sternly and firmly stated the RULES for engaging with and against genjutsu, the child doing his best to understand the way Yen explained it... So... He shouldn't spend too much time thinking ahead because Genjutsu already put him there... What he needed to do was assume the opponent has him in a genjutsu CONSTANTLY, checking every moment of the entire fight for something that would indicate reality wasn't... well reality!

He also had to keep working the Genjutsu, making it an infinitely complex layer of illusions that target each and every sense in the human body one by one per layer. The boy tilted his head, confused at this, wondering JUST HOW MUCH CHAKRA Yen was expecting him to expend here! He kind had an idea that senpai Yen was a massive barrel of the stuff, what with the advice he was being given. He had to hit them from every angle he could think of and some new ones that were unconventional, anything to keep his targets trapped in the illusion!

...It made sense when it was laid out that way... But that didn't make the desired outcome any less difficult to pull off!

"...I... Think I understand..."
Saln mused quietly, smiling back up at Yen, his eyes drawn over to the patch that covered half of Yen's face... Why was it there...? What did he do to himself....? "...H-hey... Yen-senpai.... Wanna come home for lunch...? I could introduce to mom and dad!"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:12 pm
With a small smile on his face yen noted that the boy saln understood that there was a level of serious proportions to the art of genjutsu. It was important as it was nesscary. To understand that one must always be that step ahead, or otherwise fall behind and become yesterday's news.

The world was ruthless, and by that nature it fully existed. Nothing more, or less in that matter either. Saln's following response was a bit of Shock. Food with his family. But yen felt the cold shard of sadness in his heart. It was thevfirst time in nearly a year he would've eaten properly with another induvidual. And it was as such something he had to turn down. It was not easy. Yet yen managed to smile a bit as he ruffled salns hair a bit.

"Saln i most defintley would love to. But  next time buddy you learned alot and i want you to be near your father. Besides i gotta write my bits on how you have improved. Im proud of your improvements. Very good saln so another day i will eat with you and your family. Your father i will be most glad to meet bud."

Yen said with a kind smile as hegave a thumbs up as he turned away.

"But for now hug and cherish them. Family is important to have. You must remember they will give you strength in your time of need. But off i must go."

Yen stated as he headed off towards the kage office.




-25% from max stats to wc (3k/3k was 4k but -25% wc) (3k/3k was 4k but -25%)

+6 ap for final 400 wc due to max stats.

Last edited by Yensung Aburame on Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:44 pm
Approved (he meant 6 ap for the remaining 700 ish wc, not 400, and does have that).
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:04 pm
Also would like to use wc for Chakra Sensory
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:13 pm
Yea, alright
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