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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Fri Oct 12, 2018 7:57 pm
Tadashi would be walking through Downtown Konoha, wearing his regular attire, including his Ninja Pouch and katana, strapped on his back. It would be a pretty well-weathered day, as a bunch of people consisting of workers, Jounin, Chunnin, people of his rank, and surprisingly a bunch of Academy Students, probably chatting about their school studies and other miscellaneous stuff. The crimson haired Genin would appear to have a Jutsu Encylopedia as he held it on his right hand with a bookmark in the midst of the pages. Tadashi got it from his brother Raiu due to the older brother not wanting the book anymore, so it was basically a hand-me-down. The crimson haired Genin would arrive at the destination that he wanted to go to train and to read the book because it provided valuable information, the Training Grounds. The Training Grounds was basically a requiem and a metaphor of all of Tadashi's dedication to train and become stronger to protect Konoha.

As he arrived, he would see two people grouped together, one of them apparently forming hand seals or conversing, Tadashi couldn't really tell, and the other teaching the first about the jutsu. As the crimson haired Genin walked further closer towards them, the "teacher", was someone that he met a day or two ago, Feza. The crimson haired Genin considered Feza at least an acquaintance and at most a great friend. Tadashi would kindly walk towards them while waving with his free left hand.

"Hey Feza, how have you been doing?"

After that, he would turn his eyes to the boy while offering a handshake by outstretching his hand.

"Hey, my name is Tadashi Namikaze, what's your name?"

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Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:31 pm
The childish looking boy extended his hands out of amazement of his achievement. It would take Suzume a moment to catch on that he wanted to share his excitement. Sure, it was a milestone...for an academy student. Yet, it only made sense to celebrate the tiny accomplishment. One step forward  into an unknown amount of the future. Besides, there was rarely much least for her. When it rains, it pours....and Suzume hoped the kid wouldn't end up like her would be comrade, who had hardly made it to chunin. He was far too bright of a soul for that. 

Again, with the sulking. Before she got caught in another daze, she lightly took his hands with an expression of delight. "Yeah, you got it! You must be pretty smart to be able to take in my inexperienced instruction and make something of it..." Sal's enthusiasm only increased. Now he was doing a whole different technique. Then again, it could be said that the first part to this one was what the kid had just completed, but then different - if that even made sense. 

It was a surprise that he got it on his first try, after struggling to perform a more mediocre ability. Yet, it only proved how enchantingly capable Sal was. He also had quite a colorful imagination, to come up with the image for his transformation. "Well...what a handsome fellow!" she responded to his inquiry about her thoughts on his technique. "Maybe you'll look like that when you're all grown up!" she chirped, albeit it felt awkward to say it like that as if she was so much more older than him, as she wasn't. 

Then the mysterious chakra signature spoke. A vaguely familiar voice. Who was that again? Suzume knew she came across this guy before. Turning from Sal, she curiously walked to the tree the sound emanated from. Searching though the branches, she spotted who it was. "Hey! Haven't I met you before? You're that one dude...who a bunch of other genin were trying to take down!" Was it that guy? How hilarious to find him here. Or was it? It was funny because of the memory. Did he always just lounge around and watch kids train? 

Now that she solved that mystery, another familiar presence appeared. Except, this one more memorable as she had just met Tadashi the other day. "Oh hello, Tadashi, I've" she sputtered out. Suzume didn't expect it to be a difficult question to answer, as it was only a typical way that some people greeted each other. She tried to cover up her hesitation with a smile - a cracking, twitching one that is. Maybe nobody would have noticed how sullen she was, if she threw back the question. "H-how-'ve you be-ennn?" It was getting heavier and heavier to carry on, not knowing what could unfold for her as a shinobi. It felt bleak to her. Maybe hanging around this kid she managed to help somehow could get her into higher spirit? Or would it be just another lost comrade later on... and thus, Suzume became spaced out once again, contemplating if it was worth it to be socializing like this - making friends, risking more losses. Just staring out beyond those who were right in front of her. 

[WC: 548]

Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:53 am
Sal smirked within the illusion he cast but beneath it, he was grinning like an idiot! When someone you don't know was throwing out such nice compliments, it only meant one of two things: Either they really meant it... or they wanted something! Ever the optimist, he chose to believe that Suzume was as genuine as she sounded!

"Heh. Perhaps... If I'm lucky." Saln mumbled, a slight tinge of melancholy touching his voice... almost like the man he tried to replicate. A moment later, the transformation disappeared, leaving only the little boy smiling up at his teacher... Well... until their mysterious watcher made himself known! Saln froze, caught completely off guard by the sudden appearance of Yen, the little boy whirling around... to spot him resting so casually in a tree over yonder! It was amazing because he could've SWORN he looked his way just a moment or two ago but it was only now the tree he was resting in chose to reveal him?? He wondered... if that was just him and his ninja-like stealth or was it some jutsu of his...?

Before he could ask a question, however, Suzume spoke up, identifying the wide-hatted fellow as someone some genin were trying to take out! Wow! If he was able to defeat multiple ninja on his own, he must've been strong! Sal oggled the one-eyed figure (specifically his one eye curiously), trying to calculate his strength as all children did with figures of power... Indeed, he looked tough! WAY tougher than him! ...Maybe not stronger than his father though... Saln smiled as Yen asked who he wanted to be... but before he could speak again, a NEWER new figure, this one much more confrontational than the last one. That being said, he wasn't hostile... Not in the least! If anything, he seemed friendly! ...And it looked like that friendliness was making Suzume all flustered! Instantly the childish nature of Saln came out, instantly suspecting feelings! You know the kind... The kind where one got all weird-acting, stuttering and stuff!

He gently reached out, his smaller hand gently taking Suzume's as if to help her out of the void she seemed so eager to frequent, the red-eyed boy smiling up at her gently. He wanted to encourage her to speak her feelings... if that was why she was acting so weird! Meanwhile, the newest newcomer extending his hand, introducing himself as Tadashi Namikazi!

"Hiya!" He reciprocated, using his other hand to take to one offered. "I'm Saln! Nice to meetcha!"

That only left one person unaddressed. The little boy turned back to face Yen, tucking his hands in his hoodie pockets to nestle them comfortably.

"There's more than one kind of ninja?" He asked, tilting his head. "Aren't they all supposed to do what's best for the village and stuff?"

TWC: 2,327
Alister Yama
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:31 am
The two soon became three. as he spoke a red haired boy in need of a haircut seemed to pass on through.

oh look another geninn.

Yen thought as somewhere there was a record of the boy. Perhaps he looked it over as one of the graduates in question from the academy? Regardless the boy seemed to have caught the girl off guard as she once more seemingly retreated back into her mental and protective shell. Of course all moted from the visual point of veiw. From an observer like yen.

mmmmmm she needs to maintain that assertiveness. Might do her some good

But the boy named himsel saln which yen did simply shrugged it off. He after all was a diffrent induvidual then the broken werewolf. Even with A physical resemblence and the same 3 letters of name. There are many in the world that host such similarities.

Yet yen merely awnsered the boy's question simply.

"Well there are as many kinds of ninjas. As there are people. After all just like each person being a diffrent person. Every ninja is diffrent. They work diffrently. Do things other ninjas cannot."

Yen spoke with an amused tone in his voice. The mind of a younger induvidual was always entertaining. Yen then adressed suzune and smiled.

"Well most the time i do that. Shinobi improve when tested and reach new levels of cooperation and teamwork. For most part i merely observe and guage your strengths. You are still being a nit shy, but you did excellent teachning this fine student two techniques. You will make a great instructor should you be more open. After all you are holding yourself back suzume. Take a breath and let personal thoughts come up later on at night. Today you have a duty as a geninn. You are an example."

Yen spoke while seemingly relaxed, but it was words of pure observation of her moments of split second detatchments. But he did not adress the boy in need of a hair cut, but his inital thought of amusement was to gen the boy and take a chakra scapel to his hair.

Yet this,was merely thoughts nothing tbat would be revealed in his kind glint of his single eye and an amused voice.

"Whats your name young man with the red hair?"

Wc: 391

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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:16 pm
The crimson haired Genin would be in a pleasant surprise when he meets Feza. It wasn't every day when Tadashi met another friend, especially since the few friends that he had, namely Yuya Uzumaki and Renso Nara moved to Hoshigakure no Sato and Kumogakure no Sato. Also, the new friends that he had, Nekrun, Fuyo, Shino, and Allegro rarely went to the Training Grounds, at least when Tadashi was there. The crimson haired Genin would chuckle a little bit, amused at Feza's socially awkwardness, but he would masquerade the chuckle in being as a regular laugh due to his blatant joy. 

"Yeah, I've been fine, just training here and there, I'm preparing for a huge battle though. I'm glad that you're ok!" He would smile whilst saying, as he turned to the most likely Academy Student due to the lack of a headband. To Tadashi's surprise, the boy actually accepted his handshake, most people Tadashi met would... More or less, be... Turned off by his joyful behavior, the kid introduced himself as Saln. The crimson haired Genin would know that they would get along well.

"Saln, huh? That's a really cool name! I don't know that much people whose names are interesting as yours! Are you native here in Konoha, or are you from somewhere else?" 

After Saln's answer, Tadashi would relieve his hand from the warm handshake as he turned to the conversation with the older man. The crimson haired Genin would try not to be interested in the conversation by turning his head away from the 3, but in reality, he would be eavesdropping in on some parts, but not intently. The man seemed like a nice person due to his kind word choice and nice words, so he couldn't be a bad person right?

The older man would ask of Tadashi's hair to which the teen would turn towards the man, giving a bow of respect.

"My name is Tadashi Namikaze, sir! I'm not actually born with red hair, it was more of two foreign genetics mixing with my original blonde hair to create it. But, what about you sir? Do you mind if I ask you about your name?"

WC: 476
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:46 pm
Of course, Suzume was being genuine. Lying wasn't something she did often, at worse she might twist some words around to persuade someone - but at the end of the day she would be truthful. Being honest yourself was the only way to know who to trust, after all. As Yen spoke to Saln, she kept quiet so they wouldn't be interrupted. Though, it did feel a bit misplacing to be standing there while the others conversed. Then would have been a better time to go into zoned out mode. Somehow, she managed not to...and somehow still was caught off guard when Yen began to talk to her. Even flinching at his first few words. 

She giggled at the thought of her ever being an instructor. And being more open? What a ridiculous suggestion. If anyone read her so easily, she would find it problematic. Maybe, on one hand, it could be nice to have a companion...but again. She wasn't about to have anyone get to know her more than what they already did know. Suzume thought of it as risky...being taken advantage of was not something she wanted to allow. Though, the elder shinobi did have a point when he said about her holding herself back. She chuckled once more, "Maybe. There are all kinds of paths I can chose to go...and that one has to be the most utterly preposterous. I only helped out because I was around, and it would've been a shame if Saln her kept struggling the way he why not? But to be an instructor..." she shook her head at the idea. "There's no way I'd be adept enough at what is required to be an instructor." Suzume had her arms crossed. 

After a moment of apprehension, Suzume loosened up, placing one hand on her waist and letting her other arm dangle in a more relaxed form. "Tell me about this huge battle, Tadashi," she said. Sure did sound intriguing. Possibly, she could pick up on some tips, as Tadashi did mention he was in the process of preparing for it... Suzume hadn't yet had her first real match yet, but it would come sooner than later. 

[WC: 363]

Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:53 am
"Oh..." Saln muttered as Yen explained the reality of the situation, how there were just as many kinds of ninja as there were people. He guessed his teacher was wrong about that then when he said a ninja's duty was only to the village. He wondered how such a thing could possibly be mixed up... Either one was a ninja or not... This revelation was... less confining in one way, seeing as he had more options to be as he grew up... but then so did everyone else. If one didn't have the choice to be evil... would that act, in it of itself be an act of evil? Even as a young boy, Saln would dwell on these questions sometimes when he had nothing to do... Sometimes when he's getting lunch, he found himself spontaniously wondering what kind of person he'd be when he got the headband...

His first thought was of Salzem... That he wanted to be like him! Strong... Tough... someone who could be looked up to! His second thought was the ninja corps in general... They were the backbone of the village in so many ways... Military, law enforcement, political leaders, wisemen... Everything but the merchants and even then, he bet there were some that had past! If what Yen said was true then... there were those odds that some of them were less perfect than the teachers would have him believe... This, coming from a ninja... that only made it more credible.

"Uh... I guess I wanna punch things hard!" Saln responded with a wide grin, as if what he'd said had answered Yen's question in every way he wanted! It was then that Tadashi would ask if this was where he came from and, to that, Saln tilted his head, confused.

"Yeah...? Where else would I be from?"
Saln asked, looking the read-head in the eye, his tone of voice questioning him as if asking if he was even real right now! "My parents just named me something weird! I dunno why!" Something he'd freely admit. It was obvious his name sounded NOTHING like his companions here so why would he bother to argue that it was? Regardless, the conversation seemed to drift away from him and between the three older guys, leaving the little boy to find himself something to keep himself preoccupied with... Well... he could try something ELSE... He'd only heard of it in class... Saw a VERY brief demonstration one time through some Genin showing off...

"Hmmm..." He mused quietly to himself, weaving his hands together in the Tiger Symbol, one most popular for it's ability to channel chakra! He let out a soft breath, letting his energy flow through him like before... but this time directly to his feet... Not to much or he'd go FLYING from the tree! Not to little or he'd just... fall off! Speaking of a tree... There were a few around here in the training grounds... like that one Yen was in! Saln looked his way, then up at Suzume... then over at Tadashi. Well, if they were talking, he could get some practice in! Walking over to Yen's tree, he would cautiously put his foot upon the vertical trunk, testing the grips of his shoes... before raising the other leg. Surprisingly, he didn't fall... Gravity meant nothing to him! HA! Feeling his heartrate pick up, Saln took another experimental step... then another... then another... Then one not so cautious... He had to think to maintain this flow of chakra BUUUUUUT.... he was walking up a treeeeeeee!

TWC: 2,920
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:06 pm
the geninn seemed to be amid a chatter which was good. Plus saln had a good head on his shoulders.  Although suzune's awnser was a bit of a stretch. It was her wish to remain more quiet. Although as long as her actions in the future were not of the questionable nature.  And if not downright encroachments to konohas laws. yen would not care much for her direction as a shinob.i So long as it was safe and kept her and the village safe. After all teaching and missions were both the duty of any shinobi of the organized village system. Just people chose to prioritized at different rates.  Easily understandable
"well i still say you did well suzune good work."
 With that he simply addressed the boy with a need of a hair cut. the one known as  tadashi. as he said something about his blonde hair being a subject of both parents. This really meant nothing to yen at all. The name would've done well. 
it's like he is willing to simply over exemplify himself with the introductions...unlike the story books galient heros of this era speak their names little, and try not to make a scene on entrance, plus make sure to keep their hair well.... ah well perhaps i will give him a tune up... perhaps in his sleep.
yen thought as considered the many possibilities, yet his thoughts wouldn't  be shown physically as he simply adressed the boy.
"you can simply call me yen. how has your training gone so far tadashi? missions going well i assume?"
yen's words were short and simple. the boy seemed to have had another thing on his mind as he was sprouting about preparing for some great battle. In which yen would merely listen. an aspiring mind of a geninn to  think that they had grand fights on the way, but it was doubtful. the challenge in combat was as hard as one made it. if he seeked victory well one merely had to grasp it, and not draw out a battle too long unless it was within their directive or otherwise strategy. 
shinobi play to their strengths while merely keeping their weaknesses unknown. A good shinobi hides both their strength and weaknesses from the prying eyes of thoes whom may be weak links. Even if they are allies.
yen thought grimly as his only name sake among the induviduals in the village was thoes whom have experienced or seen it. He was a genjutsu master that few could dare match in confrontation, however the depths of thoes abilities was only known by 1 now, and even to that one person they had no idea of his other abilities. A two front by leaving any whom dared to challenge him with knowledge of his greatest strength, merely left an blank point on any other infomation that one may gleam without extrodinary difficullty and most definite risks.
His attention tirned towards saln who's answer was funny. it was a sal like awnser, but as he would figure. The boy idolized salzem like a leader. The truth however yen would not break to an student nor doubtfully really tell the boy because it was not for the boy to know. Still yen merely was curious. As most geninn would set their goals and well not really change their views without outside aid. An student was fine time to set the road straight for them. So yen quietly stepped back and observed the boy saln utilize his chakra to used the ever useful technique tree surface walking. Smart. with chakra control it was wise to make sure your actions can be diverse, and have tools at the ready for safety.
"it is a simple technique young saln, but it will serve it's uses in due time. A good foundation that all shinobi should make strong sound use of."
yen spoke up to the boy as he observed the boy's progress.

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Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training For School! (Open, NK, Training Topic)

Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:23 pm
Before Tadashi would turn back, pretending to not give a care to the world, Feza would ask him a simple, yet convoluted question. As a response to the question, the crimson haired Genin would do the regular thinking face under his chin before answering the question after deep thought. 

"Sorry if this is a long answer Feza, but I'll try to keep it as short as possible. About two weeks ago, I left to get a Summoning Contract for 3 days for the Galeforce Falcons or something like that. During those 3 days, I came across a group of strong bandits with a leader in the middle. I beat up easily the first group of bandits, then the third one, for some reason was faster than my strongest jutsu. Not only that, but he had the nerve to knock me out, but NOT finish me off. 2 days ago when I finished a team spar with a group of friends, that bandit challenged me to fight in the Konoha Forest tomorrow. That's why I must train to apprehend and defeat that bandit!"

The crimson haired Genin explained in determination. He hoped that Feza wouldn't be bored by the explanation, but also not be laughing hysterically since he lost against a simple bandit. After, to reply to Yen, Tadashi would humbly say, not wanting to seem like an asshole.

"Training has been, here and there. I've haven't been on missions recently due to an incident... But, I hope I can get back to doing them soon."

Tadashi wouldn't want to reveal what happened with Mr. Kalix, so he would just remain anonymous. Regarding Saln, the crimson haired Genin would be surprised when he saw the Academy Student using the Surface Walking technique on the tree that Yen was closest to. He wouldn't need the Jutsu Encyclopedia, still held on his left hand to know what the technique has. The crimson haired Genin would point a thumbs-up towards the boy while smiling, 

"Good job Saln, you're doing a great job! Much better than a lot of people that I know of!"

WC: 456
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Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:12 pm
She shrugged at Yen's appraisal. So what if he thought she did well? Suzume wanted something much different. That of which was a thing she had not had a glimpse of yet, somehow. "You're after some bandit, huh? Nice. That'll be an interesting battle." she thought out loud. Maybe through what Tadashi was doing she could get a grip on what was necessary for what she wanted to accomplish. It wasn't everyday that one would run into an opportunity like that. 

Suzume was surprised with the fact she herself never ran into trouble with bandits, with all her antics in the woods and all. As she watched the kid that she just taught, who had at first struggled, walking up the tree using yet another jutsu, she asked Tadashi. "Tell me what you're gonna do. How are you gonna manage to defeat this guy?" 

[WC: 144 yeah i know very short post owo]
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