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From The Misty Isles [P] Empty From The Misty Isles [P]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:30 pm
Xyxer stood in the center of the village gates, eyeing the ferocious storm in the distance. He wondered how many careless fisherman had been pulled into that unnatural disaster, taking their last breath, unaware of what laid beyond. That wouldn't be a worry for most of the shinobi in his village anymore as they were preparing themselves for the next event, steeling themselves in case the Mizukage once more declared a war out of nowhere, yet for now they were content with their place after dominating Konohagakure in both the war and their own exams.

Wraith & Jester had been individually dispatched to inform Naoki & Aryll of Xyxer's location, informing them that he was awaiting their presence so that they could begin the journey towards the location of the summit. This time he wouldn't miss it, nor would his bodyguards. His mistake back then would not be repeated. Granted that they both came, he'd hand out a Chakra Signature Alterator to both of them, assuming they already knew how to use it given that they were both a part of Kirigakure and thus knew about the shops wares.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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From The Misty Isles [P] Empty Re: From The Misty Isles [P]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 2:47 pm
Naoki was of course aware of the impending Gokage summit and his role in it. It has been almost a day as he had returned to the village with the victorious contestants and the summit was in every talk, chat and circle in the village, including the administration building and the library - two of the places where he spent most of his time since becoming the deputy Mizukage. So yeah, I reckon he was informed that in a day or two he would have to act as the bodyguard to Xyxer in the summit. Which was something he wouldn't dream of declining - Gokage summit was an almost legendary event after all.

And so he was fully prepared when one of Xyxer's ANBU operatives appeared and informed him that the Mizukage was waiting for him and another named Aryll at the village gates to disembark on the journey. Given the timing Naoki figured it would be faster to teleport there, but as the summit was taking place in the Land of Iron, he could only take everyone part way there for he had not yet been to that corner of the world. With little delay the Uchiha man made his way to the gates. After spotting and approaching the Mizukage, he would greet him and hand him the weapon he received from Lady Risako. Spoils of war, he would joke. After receiving an interesting gadget meant to falsify one's chakra signature Naoki would suggest teleporting as close to the Iron country as he could take them before covering the rest of the way on foot. He would also take that opportunity to acquire some extra intel, which was always helpful to more to that later. Assuming Xyxer did not object, they would wait for Aryll to appear and once everyone had gathered Naoki would use Transfer through the world of emptiness to take everyone Xyxer commanded him to to the borders of the Iron country.

324 w.

[Exit, teleporting to the Borders
Gave Xyxer the Konohagakure Katana, received from Xyxer Chakra Alterator
324 w. towards learning Mental Fortress skill with max stat and Christmas 25% discounts]
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From The Misty Isles [P] Empty Re: From The Misty Isles [P]

Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:39 pm
Xyxer received the katana from Naoki, drawing it from its sheath to judge the sharpness of the blade, which unfortunately proved too dull for the Mizukage's liking. Handing the katana off to one of his on hand guards he gave them a few instructions before the soldier walked around a building with the weapon, to a blacksmith most likely, walking back around the other side of the building as if they hadn't paused at all. Yet somehow someway, when he returned the katana to Xyxer, it was improved. Amazing what the boys down in Kirigakure could do. Agreeing to the plans set by Naoki he'd wait alongside him for Aryll, although he didn't have much of a choice, before being transferred through a world oh so empty.

[Exit to the borders my boy
-2 Chakra Alterators
Gained the Konohagakure Katana, updated to the better one]
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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From The Misty Isles [P] Empty Re: From The Misty Isles [P]

Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:12 am
The last to arrive was Aryll. While she was rarely late for such affairs, especially military operations, she was understandably not all too enthusiastic about being charged with protecting the Mizukage at the summit. Still, that metal automaton still screeched out of its holding area and into the streets of Kirigakure, accompanied now by a new comrade. The first Geist clung to the side of Ludwig, just behind his arm, his expressions steeled. Haha, geddit? 

Anyways, Aryll took the alteratorinator and went poof. 

(+1 Alterator)
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From The Misty Isles [P] Empty Re: From The Misty Isles [P]

Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:13 am
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