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Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:20 am
After Damon had disappeared, Yurei sat with Esu for a moment in thought. Everything he had built his life around had now been called into question. The pain was inconceivable. It was utter betrayal.

Instead of anger, however, Yurei found sadness. Sorrow. He wiped his eyes and stroked Esu, pursing his lips as the voice in the back of his throat subsided. Esu embodied Akio’s memory, and having the dog beside him felt as if Akio were there.

The Uchiha remembered the last conversation he had with Akio. The two were alone together, discussing the future. Damon was wrong. Yurei could have done something. But instead he sat idly by and watched Akio slip from his grip. Forever. There was pain it that. Pain Yurei hadn’t felt since his father died. The Uchiha wondered if all of these tragedies were centered around him, as if he were the one doing all the wrongs in this world.

No. I can’t be. Please.

Guilt… Yurei knew the word well. He felt it every moment, every waking hour. His father died because of his genjutsu. His mother and home were attacked because he was a shinobi. And now Akio was died because Yurei failed to bring back someone so far gone.

Damon appeared from the building. And, following, the pair left for the village, Esu trailing comfortably behind.

Yurei’s clansman would ask of him a favor - a place to stay. The alabaster Uchiha thought for a moment before nodding. “My mom should be fine with it. Just… well, try not to be noticable. She’s been upset lately.”

The Chuunin’s eyes trailed off, looking to the ground as he walked. Esu’s nose pressed up against his hand, inciting a stroke over the head. “Let’s go,” Yurei said, sniffing. The three would maneuver through the village, walking together. Without Akio, it just didn’t feel the same. Without Akio, Yurei found himself utterly hopeless. And, for the first time in his life, Yurei found himself without something precious. Purpose.

WC: 3000


Claiming: Mangekyo Sharingan, 3000 words to mastering Arcing Lightning

Stat Page : The Tengu
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Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:21 am
Damon was glad that he was able to have somewhere… tangible to sleep. Somewhere he could rest without needing to be on his guard. After the day that he has had, he needed a break. It would not be surprising if he slept throughout the morning. It had been getting rather late. Damon and Yurei walked towards the setting sun.

Life without Akio would be a difficult one that would take some getting used to. He had never had to experience the death of a friend before today. Today marked a new beginning for the two Uchiha. Their bond had been solidified and their paths had become intertwined.


WC: 3000
Claiming: Mangekyo Sharingan, using 3000 WC towards Uchiha Flame Formation
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Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:40 am
"Kenshin!" The silver haired Jounin would hear, causing him to release a sigh of annoyance as he looked back towards where the voice had come from. The voice belonged to one Lilith Uzumaki, a particularly annoying redhead that seemed to have an obsession with him, at least if her habit of tracking him down at random locations was anything to go by. She even tracked him to his house once... but that was a story for another time.

"What do you want Lilith, as you can see I am in the middle of something." Kenshin would say as he held up his shopping basket, revealing that it was filled to the brim with foodstuffs. Yes, even he still had to eat, shocker right.

"It's important. Two kids were at the gates not long ago, asking about who was on guard duty ten days ago. You were on duty that night with Roka-" the girl would say, causing Kenshin's single visible eye to narrow in thought. He wasnt paying attention as Lilith continued to yammer on... no, he was more concerned about the fact that the night in question was the night he killed one Akio Inuzuka. To make matters worse he wasn't sure if Roka knew that the boys death had been classified by the Snow, and those damned kids were no doubt his friends... fuck.

"-ey left I tore into Shinzo, giving out info like that to two kids with hdeadbands, I mean what if they were Ge-" The girl would say, Kenshin having obviously missed key parts before he held his hand up, causing her to cut herself off mid word.

"Lilith, enough. Thank you for bringing this to my attention." The scar faced Jounin would say, causing the redhead Uzumaki to smile brightly. It seemed that bringing this to Kenshin really was the right choice, that was the nicest thing he had ever said to her.

"You're welcome Ke-" she would say, before noticing that the Uzumaki had seemingly vanished, his shopping basket sitting on the ground in front of her, causing her to blink once in shock. In reality Kenshin had simply cast a minor Genjutsu on the girl, causing her to lose focus for a few seconds as he simply put his basket down and walked out of the store, heading towards the house of one Roka Yagami. He knew the man through his 'friend' Han, who in turn knew him through Gin. He had once been invited to the mans house for a party, the mans birthday if he recalled, but he simply didn't show up. He did however remember the adress, and it looked like that would come in handy. 

Kenshin was wearing his new ring, making it impossible for one to detect his chakra signature but other than that he looked the same as normal. His left eye would be stitched closed, while his scarred right eye was open and scanning around the area for threats. From his position fifty meters away Kenshin would see the forms of two boys only two feet away from Roka's door, their backs to him as they made their way to locations unknown. Damn, it seemed that he was too late, but that didn't mean he couldn't do anything. With a quick application of the Body Flicker technique he would appear only feet behind the boys, and with one quick movement his left leg would snap out and send the door to Roka's house flying open, revealing the sight of the dead Chunin lying on the floor of his living room.

Now, the boys had only managed to take another step or two from the door by the time he reached it, so lets say they were now 4 feet from the door. There was no way that they had felt his chakra signature before now thanks to his new ring. Nor would they have been able to see or hear him due to them being to absorbed in their own grief, and the fact that he had come from directly behind them, or that he was 50 meters away before his flicker. The dog by their side would also probably not have noticed anything wrong with hearing the footsteps of a person heading in their general direction in a village the size of Hoshi, it simply wouldn't make sense for the dog to freak out at hearing footsteps. Nor would it really have made sense for the dog to have heard his extremely quiet footsteps from over fifty meters away.

With but a thought the threads holding his eye shut would detatch from the eye and slither back from whence they came, revealing the glowing red light of his Sharingan. And for further intimidation factor Kenshin would activate his Seigan, causing the right eye to start glowing blue.

"Well now... what could you two be up to at this time of night, walking away from the house of a dead Chunin... rather suspicious wouldn't you say." Kenshin would ask as he glared at the two teens. His words may have been joking, but his tone was dead serious

"I'm Kenshin Uzumaki, Jounin of Hoshigakure... start explaining, or else I may just jump to conclusions." he would say in warning, watching cautiously for any signs of attack from either of the boys. 

If they decided to attack him in any way Kenshin would write an actual combat post in response to it. If on the other hand they tried to do some timelining bullshit he would write a post explaining exactly why that does not work. 

WC: 930

[I'm gonna go ahead and call for the void of that IO tag you slapped on 2 posts before your claims Yurei. Not just because I was halfway through my post when you added it, but also because of what happened in this topic.]
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:47 am
[Gonna go ahead and elect to ignore that heavy dosage of metagaming. I'll be waiting for a moderator to step in, as this is an IO thread and you should not have responded, even if you had started a post, after seeing the tag. The rules state that an IO thread can only be invaded if something occurs to break the village laws, which have not been broken.]
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Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:49 am
Privates can be voided Damon, especially if they commit a crime such as, oh, I dunno, assaulting a Chunin. Feel free to wait for the mods though, already PM'ed Gary. Also, amusing that you say this is metagaming when this entire topic is clearly metagaming to get the MS. Lets not forget you talking Komon into killing off Aki just so you could do this. Please Damon, continue with this metagaming argument. Also, be glad it was me who invaded, as there were two others willing to straight up kill your metagaming ass.
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:57 am
I'll be waiting for the moderators, but if you could try keeping your feelings against me as a person out of this, it'd be appreciated
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 8:44 pm
Hello Hello,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful New Years Eve/Day. We talked this over as a staff group and have concluded that Kenshin's invasion is legitimate. Please continue from his first post moving forward and keep ooc jabs to a minimum.
Thank you and happy 2018!
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Oni
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Village : Missing Ninja
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Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:03 am
Yurei stopped, turning his reddened gaze to a pale man, his skin akin to that of Yurei’s. His eyes were crimson with irritation, tears still emptying from them. “…Dead?” he’d repeat. His confusion was suddenly replaced with a barrage of emotion. “Kenshin Uzumaki,” the man had said. Blood sapped from Yurei face, his body beginning to tremble. This man… was it him?
The alabaster Uchiha’s teeth clenched. He swallowed. Life had been taken from his body. The teenager glanced at Damon, trying to suppress his anger. “…What is he talking about?” The Uchiha said, desperately trying to keep his voice from rattling in distress.
Uzumaki… if this is.. if this is the man that… then I need to keep calm. Yurei slowly took a deep breath.  He kept his hands relaxed.

WC: 3131
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:18 am
Damon was caught off guard. Being completely honest, he did not expect someone else. Let alone… Kenshin. Damon’s immediate fight or flight reflexes would have kicked in, but he was emotionally drained by the day’s events. This man… killed Akio… Damon was able to remain calm and keep his voice rather steady. “We… we were talking… I came outside to check on Yurei and went back inside.” Damon pointed to his own neck. “There’s a noose around his neck. I cut him down from the ceiling but I… I was shocked. I didn’t know what to do, so I was going to report it on the way home.”

WC: 3108
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Revelation [IO] [NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:33 pm
The first of the two to turn and face him was the one with skin as pale as his own. The boys eyes were almost completely red and silent tears were still flowing freely down his face, a telling sign of what they may have learnt from man who lay dead on the flor of his living room. 

"Dead...?" the teen would parrot in obvious confusion, apparently not having known that the man they had been talking to was now dead. Kenshin of course had his Minds Eye open and was monitering the chakra signatures of the boys for any dishonest emotions, but so far it seemed that this one truly had not known that the man was dead. This could mean one of two things, either the other had worked alone in killing him, or the two had nothing to do with his death, but based on what little he had actually seen inside Roka's house he was leaning more towards the latter.

As Kenshin gave his name his mismatched eyes would narrow slightly as noticed the pale skinned teen begin to tremble. His Sharingan was easily able to spot other signs that he may have missed had he been looking with the Seigan alone, such as the tightening of his law as his teeth clenched. Based on that reaction alone he had a good idea of what the two may have learnt from Roka before his demise, after-all, why else would this get so furious, or perhaps terrified at the mere mention of his name.  

"...What is he talking about?" the pale one would ask as he glanced at the dark haired one, his voice a little strained in an attempt to keep himself from choking up as he spoke. Good, at least he was trying to keep his emotions in check as he spoke, but he really needed to learn how to hide his emotions better. He would continue to watch silently as the white haired young man took a deep breath in an attempt to centre himself, and based on the fact that his hands stopped trembling, he would hazard a guess that it had worked. Although, it didn't exactly stop the rest of his body from trembling lightly, but at least he was putting in some effort. The other one had turned around to face him by this point, and despite the fact that he looked extremely drained he had managed to keep his emotions in check, unlike his friend.

"We...we were talking... I came outside to check on Yurei and went back inside." the young man would say. The stitched and scarred Jounin would take note of the name Yurei, as it was obviously the name of the alabaster skinned teen. It was then that Damon would gesture towards his own neck.

"There's a noose around his neck. I cut him down from the ceiling but I... I was shocked. I didn't know what to do, so I was going to report it on the way home." he would explain, once more doing a good job of keeping his voice free of emotion as he spoke. From what Kenshin could feel of his chakra through his Minds Eye the young man was being truthful in his explanation, and with a quick glance to the left his Sharingan picked up certain things that he had missed before, such as the cut rope hanging from the ceiling. It seemed that Roka had indeed gone so far as to kill himself, although why he had done it was a mystery to Kenshin... but in his mind if someone were weak enough to take their own life then good riddence. His fathers own suicide had cut him deeper than he would ever admit, and he downright despised anyone that was weak and selfish enough to take their own lives. 

"You were talking about the death of Akio Inuzuka were you not?" Kenshin would ask with a dark yet small smirk on his scarred visage. That slight smirk combined with the eerie glow of both the Sharingan and the Seigan would paint Kenshin in a rather intimidating light, which was exactly what he was going for right now. People tended to talk more when their emotions were running wild, and that was exactly why he was striking while the iron was still hot. He wanted to see whether or not these two were angry enough to try to kill him, and if they were then he would douse that anger with pure cold logic.

"Don't try to act surprised, at the mere mention of my name Yurei here looked ready to either strangle me or curl up into a ball and start crying. You did a much better job at concealing your emotions, but you need to learn how to better hide your fatigue, as it's rather obvious that you're both physically and emotionally drained." the cold and calculating Jounin would explain as if it were the simplest thing in the world, his voice completely devoid of emtion as he spoke. 

"It also explains why you were at the gates earlier, trying to figure out who was on duty that night... which led you here, to the house of one Roka Yagami... one of the two people on guard duty that night. And no doubt the cowardly fool explained to you exactly what transpire that night, before he took his miserable life. He did the village a favour if you ask me, anyone as weak willed as he has no place as a Shinobi..." the half-blood Uzumaki would say in the same tone as he had been using before, completely devoid of any emotion. But either of the two would be able to pick up on his anger merely by looking at his eyes, which almost seemed to be glowing more intensely than they usually would due to the fire of rage that was burning within them.

"So yes... it was I that killed Akio Inuzuka."

WC: 1000
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