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Jiro Uchiha
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Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:30 pm
Training something that Kyousuke hasn’t done very recently. Yet somehow, he still was learning new techniques a bit at a time. Perhaps, all the knowledge from reading was being absorbed inside his head. Finally, something other than punching and kicking. To help him he asked Hikari to join him, her shadow clone jutsu would be helpful as he could throw a single shuriken with enough force to cut through a log. With thousands perhaps, more logs or something even greater.

Kyousuke would enter the training grounds wearing a black tank top, a pair of denim pants, his kage hat and cloak. On his pants were a leather belt and two pouches for holding weapons. The mans back held a folded fuma shuriken attached to a leather strap. He would remove the hat upon entering and wave to the people that had stopped their training to look at him. Once, he was a good distance away from others he would find a tree. Not only did it provide shade, but a place to hang his cloak and hat upon. Which is what he would do, while taking out the brass knuckles stored in his pocket and putting them on his fists.

He would activate their effect of damaging atoms, causing the weapon to glow green. He had gotten the trainings grounds a little earlier than he had told Hikari to meet him. This way he would have time to train the kage would punch the air quickly, his stance like that of a boxer. He would then raise his leg kicking, before doing a handstand and performing a kick reminiscent of a windmill as he spun. With the hand not touching the ground he would take out a cigarette and placing one in his mouth, before returning the pack to his pocket. After that he would return to his fight and light the cigarette with a match.

WC: 316
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Tue Dec 19, 2017 8:15 pm
After purchasing some cookies from the nearby store, the Jounin would make her way to the training ground of Hoshigakure. Today, she had a strange request.... a request from the third Hogokage himself. That was strange.... it was rare that she got orders directly from the Queens gaurd. Either way though, this was still an order so the Jounin would still do as she was told and head toward the training ground.

Once she arrived, (Which she did about 10 minutes early the Jounin saw Kyousuke (wearing a complete outfit for once, which was unique.) The Jounin would watch as the Kage shadowboxed, even from 20 meters away, Hikari could feel the air pass as he through his weight into his punches.

Hikari would smile and wave at the man as she approached him, stopping a few meters out of his reach as to not stop his warm ups. "Hello, Lord Hogokage, you called for me?"
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:56 am
“I did. But it was more of an invitation, you could have said no.” He would say placing a hand behind his head. “I have a request, if you wouldn’t mind could you teach me how to make shadow clones and clone weapons?” He would ask rather calmly of the jounin who was only about three years younger than he was, but much shorter. “When you used it (to beat the ever living shit out of me.) against me in the jounin exams it got me wondering. I’m not particularly great at ninjutsu, but maybe with some help I can be better.”

Taking out a kunai he would say 7th gate open. Before throwing the object with incredible speed 260 at a tree to the right of the girl that his things were hung on. The shuriken would go through the bark not touching his things. The angle of the throw would leave the object several feet in the dirt even after passing through the thick bark. The man’s sweat poured causing a green aura to appear around him. The aura was not chakra as it was undetectable by chakra sensory, but sight would let you know it was there.

The man’s red skin would then return to normal and the aura fade. “I figure if I can do that, but with thousands of blades it would be a great help in battle. I’ve also thought of combining it with the lightning element to make the blades sharper.” 

WC: 248
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:12 pm
As the Hogokage entered into the 7th gate, Hikari would activate her golden eyes, And because of that was only barely able to keep up with the impressive throwing power of the Hogokage as the weapon went flying through the air and cut right through the bark of the tree almost like it was butter.

"Yeah...." The Jounin would say.... honestly very impressed. Was this as strong as Hikari's throws? No, but of course, Hikari had have a lot of set up in order to throw her Kunai, and had to use a good bit of energy to do this, where as Kyousuke just checked it. "Making a thousand of those would be very threatening."

"But yes... I can teach you, the first big thing you have to do in order to learn the Kunai replication technique is to learn the shadow clone technique. I know you probably already know the basic clone technique..... heck, you even tested me on it back when I was in the academy. However, these clones need to be solid rather than an illusion. So you will need to make your clones much more powerful. With that, Hikari would make her hands into the hand sign needed to make clones, it should be noted that this hand sign isn't the same as any that was taught in the books of the Hoshigakure academy, but was actually a unique sign that looked like Hikari was making the sign of the cross with her pointer and middle finger. Once that was done, another clone would pop into existence besides her. "As you can see, this jutsu requires its own unique hand sign, but since it is just one, it should be easy to figure out. Go ahead and try it out."

With that, the Jounin would give a little bit of space for Kyousuke to control his chakra.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:20 pm
“My thoughts exactly and I was like who is the prettiest most wonderful jounin I know that can show me how to make thousands of these.” He would add to butter her up into saying yes. But luckily, she was already going to say yes. Well good for him, he was going to learn how to do the thing. She is a good ninja, better than the other Akari who made it a point to always flash me…With light.

He would watch the demonstration noting that the seal was similar to that of lightning clones, but she stated shadow clone. Did shadow clones require a shadow element if so it would prove difficult. Kyousuke would make the seal as if he had done it before. “So, this is like making lightning clones. Except, they are made of shadows do I infuse them with shadow like lightning clones are infused with… well lightning.” He would ask before attempting the technique causing a poof of smoke followed by what looked like a sleeping Kyousuke to appear out of it. Well, it looks like me.

He would quickly punch the clone in the head, but it wouldn’t disappear. “Oh, yeah my skin is tougher than most.” His hand would turn gray and large before it struck the clone causing it to disappear. So, what went wrong. The clone was knocked out. It still had my durability and appearance. “Thank you for taking the time to teach me Hikari. I won’t mess up this next time.”

He would then wait to here if Hikari could give any more pointers based on how his chakra felt when he had done it. Perhaps, there was a point where he accidentally infused a bit of lightning or he hadn’t added enough chakra to the mix. Whatever the criticism he would attempt to fix the error on his next try.  

WC: 312
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:19 pm
The Jounin would blush slightly at Kyousuke's comments as she activated her golden eyes, embarrassed by them. "Oh, you don't need to say such things! I am sure there are many Kunochi in the village much more beautiful than I."

Hikari would explain, "One has the ability to use Yin style of chakra to allow them to be formed. That being said.... I guess you could say Shadow's, since it is the darker side of the element less chakra that makes them.

Anyways, all of us shinobi have Yin chakra, so it should take that long to figure out, you just need to practice it a few more times. Once again, just imagine it like making a basic clone, but pour more chakra, namely the Yin chakra, into it and it should eventually solidify."

As Kyousuke attempted the techinque, Hikari noticed that he was using way to much lightning chakra and not enough yin chakra, and as such the Jutsu didn't work out to well.

Kyousuke would take multiple tries to destroy his failed Clone attempt, before he would explain to Hikari about his skin. "I am aware, don't forget, I did alot of research on your ability to gather Natural chakra for help with developing my Holy seals. Once again, thank you for that. I have already placed those seals on a good majority of our Shinobi, and a few of them have already shown the ability to master the seal so that they can activate the second stage of the seal."

"Oh, no problem, Lord Kyousuke, I don't have anything else to do today besides help you learn this, so take all the time you need. However.... if I may offer a bit of advice, I think you are pouring in to much lightning chakra into the mix, is that your preferred element? Try to just use your Yin type of chakra instead of lightning, It should produce better results."

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Ryo : 92350

Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:16 pm
“You give yourself too little credit.” He would only say to Hikari’s statement of not being the most beautiful. “Trust me you are pretty, but I am sure you’ve heard that before. What you probably haven’t heard is that you are also strong as a ninja and that is independent of your looks.” Kyousuke wasn’t a great looker, but he had a good sense of people. Hikari was a good person and that made her great in his books. Kind, informative, strong. Those were words he would use to describe the girl before her appearance came into play. Its about what someone does, not how they look doing it.

“Makes, sense I need to add more Yin to begin.” He would raise an eyebrow hoping for at least a pity laugh from the girl. Since he had failed the clone he took Hikari’s advice on the subject. As he had thought he had added to much lightning to the mix and the combination with Yin gave him a clone, but not a good one.

“My skin is thick without the natural energy.” He would say holding up his arm. “I can make it like stone with nature energy though. There are two stages? I remember when I was young it only covered half of my body and as I started to work on it, it covered everything. I am glad I was able to aid you in your research.”

“So, you are free all day. How about we have lunch together then, I would like to get to know you a little better and today is as good a time as any.” He would make the seal once more flowing the yin chakra into the clone. He would release the energy and a second him would appear this time conscious. “So, if this is like a lightning clone damage will cause it to disappear. I wonder what would happen if it opens the inner gates.”

The clone would open the sixth gate the skin turning red and the eyes becoming pupil-less. He would then plunge his foot into the ground. “Okay, so if I make this one go away does it explode like the lightning ones?” The real kage would ask as the clone easily removed its own foot from the ground.

If Hikari said no, he would disperse the clone and his knees would buckle a bit as the shock of the gates would hit him. “Hmm, so the damage is transferred to me when a clone uses the gates. Good to know not to double up on them then. Three of me throwing stuff… scary.” He would comment before doing the seal once more, this time producing enough energy for two clones.

WC: 454
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:55 pm
"I'm not that strong. Hikari would explain.... "I am more fit for behind the lines.... Even if I personally would prefer to be on the battle field saving lives. Honestly.... I don't have that many useful offensive jutsu... You saw me throw the kunai thing... with all honesty, anyone could really do..."

As Hikari would talk about this, she would hold out her hand and using the Holy blades of Hoshigakure a 60 CM long Katana would form into the girl's delicate hand.  However, this wasn't just any weapon, this was Twilight, the weapon given to Valen Akari after he slayed his demons. "I can create weapons such as this, they are sharp, yes...." Which if Kyousuke would look closely, he would see the weapon had a sharpness of 221. "and they can also do this..." Without moving her hand slightly, the blade would turn toward a dirction that wasn't facing Hikari or Kyousuke (and not spin in a way that would cut off her hand), before blasting off at a speed and power of 187 and fly off toward the training feild where it would land harmlessly a little bit over 90 meters away. "Besides that.... I have a magnificent light that I can fire... however that takes so long to charge it is almost not combat useable. No, I'm not that strong of a ninja, I just have one or two good tricks."  

"Wait, you are that thick even without nature energy? Hikari would say, honestly surprised, but it made sense, his skin looked a lot more human right now rather then when nature energy was in it.

"Yes, there are two stages of each seal, the first level the body is covered more in Fuinjutsu markings, Imagine it more like having your body covered in tatoos. The second state is very similar to your own form, usualy tinted another color rather then just straight gray though. I wrote a little pamphlet of it and left it in the Hoshigakure shinobi only area of the library, so people have a basic understanding about it. Don't worry though,  I didn't explain enough about it that they would know anything about your abilities though."

"Sure, I don't see why not, I could take you back to my place and cook you up something, or we could go to restaurant, whatever you would prefer sir."

As for the quesiton of the clone explosion, Hikari would respond, "I don't know about the lightning clones, but this one will only make smoke when it explodes. That being said, you can spend more time practicing and learn how to make the clones explode. That might take more than a day though sir, seeing even more so since we are trying to teach you how to clone weapons."

"That would be scary, however, it would be really hard to have all of your clones at the same time concentrate their chakra in the same way to form the Kunai replication jutsu, so probably only one of you three could do it at the same time.

But anyways... do you want to practice clones a few more times? Or move on to the cloning of weapons?"
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Ryo : 92350

Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:52 am
“That light is… Beautiful.” He would say taking the time to admire the blade as Hikari sent it away from them. It reminds me of Akihana’s light. The man would stop his reminiscing and get back into things. “No one can be good at everything. I’m not, far from it. When it comes to ninjutsu almost everyone in the village beats me, when it comes to my effectiveness as a medical ninja Akihana beats me. What I know is how to use my fists.” He would say holding up his hands, that had been balled into fists. “You understand seals, can travel through space, and are an expert in ninjutsu. Trust me you are wonderful as a ninja, don’t worry about it.”

“Yeah, I also never get sick. Strong constitution, I guess.” He would say looking at his arms. “I did slam myself off a lot of walls and people too… But that was a while ago.”

“I will have to give it a read sometime. It sounds interesting,” He would say noting to give it a read once he went to the library. “Might teach me a little about fuinjutsu. Well other than they are pretty much permanent. I hear some go away once used, do the seals you give go away?”

The man would think briefly on the idea of talking at her house. It would be more comfortable if we talked in a place she was familiar and home cooked meal that I didn’t make. “Your place, sounds great. I hope I wouldn’t be imposing.” He would say taking the brass knuckles off and putting them into his back pocket.

Hmm, shadow clones can explode but these ones don’t. “I will definitely try the exploding thing some other time.” He would say after Hikari mentioned that it would take a bit of time to learn.

“Okay, so it does function like shadow clones. I find it difficult doubling up on jutsu sometimes.” I wonder if I can open the gates if I am using clones with them open at the same time. I’ll try it later. “I think I get shadow clones, master.” He would say with a bow smiling a bit.

WC: 365
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Magical Girl and not so Magical Man Empty Re: Magical Girl and not so Magical Man

Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:42 pm
Hikari would be... well... a little bit surprised by the fact that Kyousuke thought that he was below average when it came to the use of ninjutsu. Sure, the Giant's strength came from his physical Tai-jutsu attacks, but that couldn't mean that his Ninjutsu was bad, could it? "Oh, don't worry, I feel confident in your ninjutsu abilities, and prehaps you might not be as good as Akihana, but I am sure your medical abilities has to be good. Hikari would point at Kyousuke as she said this. "After all, with how many muscles, you would need to know how the body works to be able stay that fit!"

"Well, different seals have different durations. The Holy marks I lay are permanent. Honestly? Even I can't remove them if I wanted to. However, I will admit, I am working on a way to start, if need be."

Hikari would chuckle as the Hogokage called he master, before continuing. Pulling out one of her Kunai, Hikari would continue "So.... to learn the Kunai replication technique is the same as the shadow clone technique, but cloneing weapons instead of yourself. Since you are only doing it to small weapons, you can multiply it many more times, since it isn't taking as much energy to make one. The handsigns required to do the jutsu are Ram → Rat → Bird → Boar → Tiger, so go ahead and try it out!"
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