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Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Hikari Namikaze
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:46 am
Tamaki and his clone kept their pace, running left and right dodging the shurikens.
As the fog was perceptible for a moment he noticed Kotetsu readying projectiles, before the mist condensed once more.
The clone was still doing hand signs.
This was getting tedious and Tamaki wondered why he continued when retaliation was nigh impossible and he was running out of chakra.
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Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:28 pm
Sanae was looking face front at Kotetsu coming at her. This was it the time to proof weather her armour held up to what it promised or it did not. She smiled at she remembered sparing with her father, that had always had the same character. He seemed like an unbeatable wall she was always running against. Now she had that other Shinobi in front of her and he was well not really a wall, but more like delicate almost, but he was fast and his Jutsu were strong. Even stronger than she could ever become and somehow she needed to compensate for that. Then suddenly and idea sparked her mind so as she was running towards him she extended her palm forward to him. Chakra was flowing and by the time those two were in about twenty meters of reach witch at full speed of her and his speed should not be taking too long at their distance and then when she would point her palm at him the following would happen.

Kotetsu would then enter a realm of green plants and vibrant colours. Beautiful flowers would bloom to the sides of him and at least to him it would seem as if he sun would shin through the leaves of the trees above of him. Strange ferns would cover parts of the ground and colour fruits would hang in the trees as the paradise unfolded around him. But besides this happy and friendly surrounding he would feel his feet being sticky to the ground, kind of like soaked into it a little. When he would look down he could see the sand beneath his feet was not only wet anymore but slowly devouring him because it had turned into quicksand.

While that would happen Sanae would continue to close into him while quickly swallowing a ration Pill so he could not deny that to her. Although not included in his new world, she was still there and still close to him armed and ready for the next move.

WC:  340
TWC: 2524

Speed: 125
Strength: 43 + 30 = 73
Health: 80 + 30 = 110
RT: 125 + 60 + 10 = 195
+10 Speed and +5 Strength to Taijutsu

Sharpness: 50
Booster: 42
= 92 collectively

-24 AP for Hazy Genjutsu
Art of patience: Calm mind
- 10 AP The whte heavens
- 1 AP Surface walking

- 1 Military Ration Pill
+ 100 AP

AP (200/261)

Last edited by Sanae on Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Editing out the bonearmour cause it had run out)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:19 pm
As they closed the distance between them, Kotetsu noticed that Sanae had pointed her palm towards him. Green had started appearing, grass where there originally was none. ‘Genjutsu…’ He thought to himself as he quickly used his Genjutsu release to break free. Thanks to his reaction time of 235 he was only in the genjutsu for a few seconds at most. She was already closer than before, and had popped a pill of some kind in her mouth. Kotetsu had released his right hand from his katana, to make it appear that he was somewhat trapped in the genjutsu still. Closing the gap between them even more, Kotetsu smiled inwardly at himself as he prepared himself for what was to come. “Perfect…Now!..’ he thought as soon as she got within 5 meters of him. While he immediately sped up to his top speed of 175, his right hand would extend at the same speed. His hand, now holding what would appear to be a swirling ball of chakra, would be shoved into Sanae’s midsection (Power 120). ‘Hopefully she won’t be able to shrug that off like she did the kunai…’ He thought as he immediately spun to his left, taking his katana in both hands again in order to slash at the back of Sanae’s right calf (speed 175, sharpness 100). ‘I’m sorry Sanae…’ He thinks to himself. ‘But I want to win this fight…I hope you can understand…’

WC: 239
TWC: 2583

Techs Used: Rasengan
Wind Rejuvenation upkeep

Current Boosted stats:
Speed: 125 -> 175
Chakra: 80 -> 130
RT: 185 -> 235

AP Remaining: 257 - 40 - 20 = 197
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Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:18 pm
Not being able to see was an appreciable detriment and was becoming to wear on his sanity.
Hadn't he known this exact same technique, it was fearsome to behold when you had a means of locating someone in it.
Tamaki had only the sound of battle to orientate himself and he sped towards the scuffle.
The clone kept even pace with him 15 meters to his right and they were running serpentine patterns so as to avoid projectiles.
Tamaki had no hopes of winning anymore only thoughts for the safety of Sanae who would be trying to engage Kotetsu head on for his actions as he slowly began to realize something.
If this was the battlefield he would be hiding while his friends were getting slaughtered.
Paralyzed by fear and the inability to see, if the hidden mist came they would swallow this village.
He seemed aloof to losing life or limb as the proctors would stop the fight if anyone was to be seriously injured.
This safety net evaporated the tension he was feeling in his gut, he wove his fingers around the handle of the katana and would go right for Kotetsu as he came into view.
His back turned and his hand by his side as he wove chakra to and fro into a ball, only semi-transparent in the mist.
The clone would go first and Tamaki would attack from either side; left and right, the clone holding the stick from wood cutting { sharpness of 45}.
Moving at a collision speed of 75 each they would slide to a stand still with blades pointed towards Kotetsu.
Aiming mostly for a thrusting jab Tamaki would turn his head to notice Sanae as Kotetsu would thrust the glowing orb towards her.
The sphere distorted the smoke around it giving a relative placement for these events to occur.
The katana and wooden sword were aimed at his arms respectively.

AP recovery +5

WC: 319
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Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:31 am
Shrugging that off, most definitely not, but she would do something else related to her blood instead. It was composed for a blade like weapon but here she would only wanna use it to doge said almost or maybe truly lethal strike against her. With a quick stab forward with the kunai and her body moving not only her hip but her whole body sideways she turned into what she knew was the stance of her Tsubaki no mai. At least this way she could make the dangerously strike from the Rasengan go right past her but on the other end she could feel the blade ripping at her clothes, slashing her skin and the pain burning from it. With her left arm she attempted to reach for his closest arm to try grab a hold of it at the same time letting chakra flow through her right arm igniting the explosion tag she had placed on the kunai. Sure the damage would hit them both, but that had been the plan all along. She only needed to see fit, that he would not back away now. That was the only reason she had put this on hold for so long. It indeed was a shaky feeling as she could feel blood dripping down her back since this was indeed a sign that she would need so much more training before she could ever think about going up against skilled shinobi again. Her father might have said she was ready, but maybe he lied?

WC: 254
TWC: 2778

Speed: 125 + 59 = 184
Strength: 43 + 35 = 78
Health: 80 + 30 = 110
RT: 184 + 60 + 10 = 254
+10 Speed and +5 Strength to Taijutsu

Explosive Tag:
Power: 50
Speed: 50

-20 AP Dance of the Camellia
Speed: +25 (base) +25 (scale) +9 (Mastery) +10 (white heavens) = 69
Power: +25 (base) + 5 (scale) + 5 (white heavens) = 35
Art of patience: Calm mind
- 10 AP The whte heavens
- 1 AP Surface walking

AP (169/261)

Last edited by Sanae on Sat Dec 09, 2017 10:46 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Editing out the bonearmour cause it had run out)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:21 pm
Tamaki and his clone came out of the mist. Kotetsu could feel them leave. ‘He’s right near us…’ Kotetsu thought as he continued with his attack on Sanae. She had somehow managed to make herself faster. Fast enough to completely dodge his Rasengan, but apparently did not dodge his slash as her leg. Since she had turned with him, the slash hit the side of her leg as opposed to the back. And two of Tamaki were right there as well, much closer than Kotetsu felt comfortable having him. 'I need distance...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he released one hand from his Katana to make five quick hand signs, Tiger-Ox-Dog-Rabbit-Snake, at his maximum speed of 175. This created a large gust of wind at the same time as Sanae's kunai started glowing. The wall of wind was 15 meters wide, 5 meters tall, and blew right towards Sanae and Tamaki (Power 75. Speed 40). 'Oh shit...Paper bomb!..' Kotetsu though as he tried to think of a way out of this situation, not coming up with one. All he could do was try to back away and raise his arms to brace himself. 'This is going to hurt...' As he got knocked backwards by the shockwave of the tag. It sent him tumbling for a few meters where he ended up on his back, stunned briefly. 'That was unexpected...' He thought as he tried to pull himself back together, to get back on his feet. It was not going to be easy, and Kotetsu would be there for a few moments before he could even start to move, where he would eventually be able to pull himself into a sitting position, coughing up a little blood, to see what had happened.

WC:  292
TWC: 2875
Techs Used: Great Breakthrough
Wind Rejuvenation upkeep (3/6)

Current Boosted Stats
Speed: 125 -> 175
Chakra: 80 -> 130
RT: 165 -> 235

AP Remaining: 197 - 20 – 20 = 157
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Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:26 pm
The mist seemed to swell as he was hit and he was hit hard by something he couldn't see.
It was a breath of fresh air that winded him and had him sprawled across the dirt on his belly.
The concussive force made him feel sick as he gasped for air, he tapped the back of the clone prone next to him and it began to sink into the ground.
He knelt before slowly sitting back down, it did not appetize him to get back up and get hit with another one of those.
Though not particularly scathing it was a good defense that he was certain he could not breach.
"I wonder how Sanae is doing?"
Kotetsu was still somewhere in the mist and the rain was chilling Tamaki to the bone, it was wearing on his nerves to be fighting a fight he could not see.

WC: 148
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Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:57 pm
The close ranged wind hit her like the wall it was. It even hurt again and lifted her off the ground. If she could have still done the movements of the dance she would have made her way out, but well there was no way out of it. Even the surface walking she had held up until now did not help her anyways so she flew through the air and hit the ground again. This had hurt again quite badly and she gasped for air to fill her lunges again. Her leg hurt the cut was rather unpleasant. Her head was kind of slowing down but then clearance came back to her and she looked up. Slowly she got up to her legs clearly raising her hand above her head: "I won't continue! I have shown what I can do any further attempt could mean one of us dying, maybe even just as collateral", she would look over her shoulder towards Tamaki, "This is not what I am here for! You may judge me on that!" After that she would form the seals of the medical ninjutsu pushing her hands onto the wound on her leg at least healing it as far as she could go with what she knew and then slowly turned to walk towards Tamaki whom she thought as being damaged even more.

WC: 226
TWC: 3004

-5 AP Medical Ninjutsu

AP (164/261)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:33 pm
His gamble had worked. Sanae and Tamaki were sent away from him by the gust of air. Tamaki much more so than Sanae. He was apparently flung back into his hidden mist jutsu. ‘Well…I think it’s safe to say this fight’s over…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he spat out some blood from the explosion he just survived. It was going to be slow going for now. He wasn’t entirely sure how much damage was done internally, and he was not a skilled enough medical-nin to try fixing any of it. He slowly stood up, and took the sheath of his Katana off his back, where he put his sword away. Now he had a walking stick, to help him move towards Hikari and the judges. As he walked, he would dispel the hidden mist and the rain, since they were no longer needed. This fight was much more brutal than he had anticipated. ‘We have all shown skill here…There is no reason to keep fighting…’ Kotetsu thought as he made his way closer. Sanae said something about not fighting anymore, and Kotetsu agreed with her. In between coughs, he said to the proctors. “Hikari-Sensei, I refuse to fight my friends any further. I do not want to hurt them any more than I probably already have…” He coughs and spits out a little more semi-congealed blood “If you require more from us to determine our skill, then I will withdraw, because there is nothing more that I can do in this condition…” Kotetsu would stand there, leaning on his Katana, and waiting for Hikari’s reply.

WC: 268
TWC: 3143

Techs used: None

Wind Rejuvenation on CD: 5 posts remaining

AP Remaining: 157
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Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Chuunin Exam: Three go in... (IO)

Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:40 pm
Edging closer towards regaining his strength Tamaki managed to grab a handful of dirt and get to his feet.
The fight was over and the rain and mist dissipated.
Had  Tamaki shown what he was capable of, unintentionally running out of gas early was not his plan.
"I too give up. "
It had been a training session he wouldn't forget.
Something about being a punching bag for the better part of the match wore on Tamaki and he felt a little within the mercy of both Sanae and Kotetsu.
He wondered if Hikari had known her student would preform this stunningly in the chuunin exams, the third part of the exams felt like a far off dream to him.
He hobbled over to Sanae to see if she was okay, sheathing his katana he noticed that the destroyed clone had left seeds behind.
He wondered if some how the seeds had gotten mixed in with Kotetsu's clothing some time when he slashed through the clone.
It didn't matter now but he felt a certain eminence from the position Kotetsu was taking as the merciful victor.
Tamaki probably couldn't have survived a direct confrontation with him rounding off the past experience of fighting Sanae.
He didn't stand much of a chance against either of them, they were either to well equip or too fast and had left Tamaki behind in the smoke.
Tamaki noticed the cut on Sanae's leg, it was a laceration that was bleeding caused by the opposing katana of Kotetsu.
If he had managed to damage Sanae there must have been some force behind the blow.
Tamaki coddled Sanae by placing a hand on her face.
"You're too silly for worrying about me when you should have been worried about passing the exam... you're too kind Sanae-san, but I love you for it. "
Being open with his feelings he began to well up with the futility of the situation, he had placed a great amount of effort into something that may not return him the same satisfaction, however, he felt Sanae had done more than her fair share of proving herself to be a splendid example of a shinobi.
He felt tears stream down his face when he registered the pain she must be feeling despite having healed the wound.
Her father had been training her and he had been tough just for her to concede here on account of not wanting to display more violence towards either of them.
Tamaki also noticed the bones of her clavicle to be protruding from her skin in a grotesque display of pearl white ivory.
He silently wondered how an attack could have slipped through her defense, she was so fast it always seemed to Tamaki that her defense was impenetrable.

WC: 443
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