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Madrigal Kaguya
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The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:18 am
The constant patter of rain fell upon the ears of Valen as he slowly awoke to on odd sight. He sat himself up slowly only to look around and see himself in a wooden home lit by candlelight. Crimson eyes scoured the area for an detail as to where he was as a lightning strike and the accompanying thunder clap struck outside. He couldn’t figure out where in the hell he was, but he was going to find out. ‘The last thing I remember is being sealed into Hikari..But..this couldn’t be the inside of the seal could it?’ He’d ask himself as he stood up to his full height. He had half a mind to summon Natsumi, but he quickly pushed that thought from his mind because if this was the seal then that could put unnecessary strain on her, possibly even kill her. If it were even possible to begin with. He worked his shoulders a little bit as he observed the home before him, great works of metal were strewn across the area. Beautiful blades with razor sharp edges that reflected the candlelight and lightning beautiful. The craftsmanship of the blades surrounding him was no less than perfection. He’d move toward the door, opening it, his shinobi instincts keeping him from calling out to anyone. Who knew where this was or who was around? Could someone have knocked them out somehow before the sealing finished? If so than he needed to find Hikari, and quickly.

He’d silently move out of the house and into the rain, instantly becoming soaked only to hear a dark chuckle resonate through the area around him. ‘You’re finally awake..’ A dark voice that Valen knew entirely too well would say. A chill would rush down his spine as he realized his sword was no longer at his waist where it should have been. He turned around, searching around him for the source of the voice before he heard it again. “I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t fall unconscious when she sealed us in here. So I ‘changed’ things up a bit. Welcome to my home Valen Akari.” He would say, a taunting lilt to his voice as it seemingly came from everywhere at once. The Dark Prince would raise an eyebrow at this before activating his chakra sensory. Intending to track down the source of the voice and the being that was in here with him. He’d slowly kneel down, grasping the hilt of a katana much like Crimson End. The balance was perfect and it felt as if he’d been wielding it for years. Suddenly the dark chuckle returned and Valen felt the location immediately, spinning around and bringing up the blade to block a swipe from an extremely familiar black and red katana.

“I picked that one for you by the way, but it won’t matter. This was the best sword I ever created. Nothing here can compare to it, they’ll all shatter under its might.” The voiced, whose appearance was housed in the shadows at this point would say. Valen would furrow a brow in confusion. “Why not kill me while I was unconscious? You would have won immediately and been able to leave.” He would ask, trying to figure out why the sentience had let him live. At that moment the lightning would flash again, illuminating his face for a moment and Valen could see him. He was tall, sturdy, like you’re imagine an experienced blacksmith to be. He had neatly cut and trimmed brown hair and a beard and goatee. His arms were powerfully built, and he held the sword with an experienced hand. Obviously from practicing with his own weapon, why wouldn’t he after all? The trick is his eyes would be a bright crimson, like a demon’s peering at you through the night. His mouth would be turned into a evil grin before he spoke. “Because that would be absolutely no fun. I want to hear your screams of agony. Also, in that case that the girl that sealed us into her can hear everything in here. I want her to hear your screams of agony as I cut you to pieces, bit, by little bit. Before I finally kill you. I want her to know I’m going to find a way out of here with your own body and your techniques and abilities, and butcher them all like cattle. Starting with the brown haired little bitch who actually agreed to do this for you.” He would say with the same dark grin coming to his lips afterwards.

Valen didn’t appreciate the slight to his friend and interest, but he couldn’t let it get under his skin. He very much needed to focus here. He would be in the process of thinking this through when the voice would speak again. “I am Calin Yamato, and I am the original creator of this blade, and I will kill you and take control of you young swordsman.” Valen would narrow his eyes at the form of Calin before suppressing the odd desire to say ‘Hn..’ while looking apathetic as fuck. They’d swing their blades at one another, the clashing of the blades resounding with the metallic clangs that went along with it. The grin on Calins would be yet to drop off as he immediately followed up the clash with a brutal counter to the blade of Valen’s weapon. The blade, shattering into chakra and fading instantly. The crimson garbed warrior would back away, picking up another weapon to defend himself with. This one was a pike, not exactly something he was familiar with, but he could work with it. Valen would proceed to use the weapon to try to assault the shade with a flurry of attacks. The spinning motion of the pike in the dark would make it difficult for the bloodthirsty manifestation to defend against it. Especially when the lightning flashed, illuminating the blade for but a moment before plunging it again into the darkness.

Calin himself would be on the defensive at this point, his eyes narrowed angrily. Yet that infernal grin was still plastered on his face. Suddenly,a blast of chakra would fling out of Calin’s blade, smashing into the pike and shattering it instantly. Valen would back up immediately, keeping distance away from the spirit as it moved forward like a juggernaut. “You forget this sword has abilities you moron? I can use them too..” He’d say with a manic gleam to his eye as he began swinging at Valen like a butcher. His ‘victim’ however was far too fast to fall prey to such things, priding himself on his speed. He kept his distance from the blacksmith constantly Avoiding slashes, and swings, and thrusts, he wouldn’t allow the man to hit him. Eventually Calin became annoyed at his constant dodging and stopped. Deciding he’d assault him in a different manner, he walked back toward the foot of the house. Valen, with a raised eyebrow would slowly follow him. Making sure to keep some distance to avoid the being, lest he be cut down. “I’m going to teach you about me young swordsman. I’m going to show you what became of me, how I came to be this thing before you.” He would say as he manipulated the area around them to show a new scene, the same location, but a different time.

Blood stained the floor of the home as he moved into the doorway. It took but a moment to realize he was watching this from Calins perspective. The naked body of what would have been a beautiful woman lay dead on the floor, her throat slashed open with blood flowing out of it freely. He felt the despair and anger well up within him. Could feel the deep seeded hatred for whoever did this take form. Then a moment of panic, as he searched around for the ‘kids’ to find them gone. After a few minutes of searching a note would be found. Detailing their capture at the hands of local bandits and how they ‘used’ his wife and murdered her. It would tell him to make weapons for them, or his children would be killed in cold blood before the bandits come to kill him. Suddenly in the depths of despair a small light of hope was born. He may have lost his dear wife, but he could still save their kids.

Calin worked tirelessly through the days and nights, crafting some of the finest weaponry he had ever forged. The heat of the forge and the hammering of metal could be felt and heard tirelessly for days before he met their demands. He proceeded to pack them up, preparing them for transport. He would soon have his kids back it would seem. His heart was racing in excitement, as he traveled to the rendezvous point. The hope that he would soon have his kids back was all that kept him going at that moment. He hadn’t even had time to grieve for his wife all this time. His focus was solely on the kids. They were all he would have left after all. At this point the man would be arriving at the cave system they told him to meet them at. He was tired at this point, pulling the wagon with so many weapons tired him out excessively but it would all be worth it to see his kids again.

The bandits all came out, carrying smirks on their faces at the prospect of new arms for themselves. They should be excited for them. Calin made the finest weapons in the land, he actually wondered if that was the point of their attack on their home. He didn’t care though, so long as he got his kids. The leader brought them out, all three of them. They were lined up before him, they’re fearful eyes alight with hope as they saw him. Once the last of the weapons had been unloaded and brought into the caves a bandit walked up to each one of them. Calin saw the daggers come out and froze. He couldn’t believe he was seeing this. He was frozen in shock as they cut each of their throats simultaneously. He watched as the light within their eyes faded while their bodies fell to the cold earth. His blood ran cold as the horror of what happened set in as the bandits went into the caves, laughing. They had the weapons after all, how could he stop them?

Valen was pulled back into his body in an instant, the lifelike experience fading as the dark chuckle returned. “You see what I’ve been through?” He would ask tauntingly. Valen would dash off, attempting to find a weapon of some kind to defend against the bloodthirsty spiritual swordsmith. A wave of crimson energy flew passed him, as Calin attempted to kill him with a ranged attack. The blast missed as Valen turned a corner, swords continued to fade out of existence as he tried to arm himself with something, anything at all that could defend against the cursed blade.

“I control the chakra in here, I’ve become quite attuned to your light chakra little Akari. When you were unconscious I tuned this place to my own little place of control. I can make the swords disappear, reappear, shatter. You name it, you have no chance in here with me you weak little fool. I will have your body, and I will kill everyone around you. Including that girl you like so very much. The one who gave you the seal you’re making such a potent part of your kit.” He would say with a dark chuckle “She’ll be first, we’re sealed in her you know. I’ll have to be around her, and I’ll cut her down.” He would taunt with a much more manic laugh.

At this Valen’s eyes would widen. ‘The seal...Of course!’ he would think before stopping and turning toward Calin. “You’re right you know..She did give me this seal. Which houses a separate kind of chakra within it..One you can’t control.” He would say before placing a hand on the seal, which was directly over his heart (Insert cheese). He would proceed to channel the curse seal and take control of it’s chakra. Harnessing its power to shape it into a blade. Then suddenly he’d draw the blade from the seal, seemingly coming out of Valen himself. The black form of chakra maintaining shape as the grin that had constantly adorned Calin’s face fell. Valen would make to  strike Calin would dodge the swipe quickly, narrowly avoiding the blade. ‘It seems he’s right, I can’t manipulate that sword in here..’ Calin himself thought before the two began to clash once more. The constant clashing of blades echoed throughout this chakra based world. This time however, Valen’s sword would not break.

The two would clash for what seemed like hours, the chakra of the curse seal powering the blade Valen wielded. The fight lasted for longer and longer before finally the sound of a shattering blade echoed across the world. Calin’s sword shattering into a thousand particles of chakra before Valen’s counter swing swept across the throat of the being, killing him instantly. Calen’s chakra silhouette screamed in agony before exploding into a mass of chakra. The scene around him faded as he was suddenly surrounded in a field of pure white. He seemed to be floating randomly in the space within the seal. A flash of light that suddenly caused Valen to squint flashed before him before a sword formed from the purified essence of Crimson End. The two forms of chakra used the most within the seal, Valen’s light release chakra, and the curse seal chakra, forming into a singular blade. Twilight, Valen would grasp the blade tightly, with the consciousness gone it’s full potential was now unleashed. “Hikari...Let me out..” He would say, calmly. An air of relief was in his voice as he was finally free of the constant bloodlust that barraged him while being in contact with the old blade. For the first time in months his thoughts were fully his own. It was refreshing, and he was happier than he’d been in a very long time.  

TWC: 2380

Claiming 1000 words toward Twlight fully unlocking it.
Also claiming 1380/6000 towards Light's Reach
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Fri Nov 03, 2017 1:17 am
(Responding to alot of topics tonight. So sorry this one is kind of short)

The Chestnut haired Fuinjutsu specialist would waiting outside Shiroi's house. She wasn't sure if her fellow Jounin was home yet or not from her mission, but either way, she needed to be at least a little bit close by in case something happened with Vallen.

It had been a little bit of time, what was going on with the dark haired Chunin? It was making the Jounin a bit nervous....

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hikari heard a voice in her head. "Hikari.... let me out...."

Sounded like Val... and it didn't sound like he was evilly possessed or something. So with making the sign of confrontation, Hikari would allow Valen to leave the seal and form about two meters from her.

[cololr=pink] "So.... how did it go? Are.... are you still you?" [/color] Hikari would ask, Valen's chakra seemed normal.... so everything appeared to be fine.
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:07 am
Valen’s words would be met by a strange feeling. Sort of like he was being..pulled out of something. Soon a bright light would envelop him again and he’d suddenly be standing outside next to the girl that had made this possible. His vision was blurry and he was fairly disorientated due to the unsealing when she spoke. “Nope, I’m just working on getting my bearings before going on a murderous rampage.” He’d jest with a small wave of his hand. The sarcastic comment could easily be seen for what it is. A joke, something Valen didn’t do too often if he recalled. “It seems the swords influence is truly gone, I’m me again.” He would say, looking down at his hands as his unmuddled thoughts ran through his mind at a mile per minutes. He would turn to look at the woman who helped him and smile, a full smile. Not a smirk, or a grin, but a smile. “It seems I have much to thank you for. It also seems that you’ll be able to meet the REAL Valen. One whose thoughts are fully his own. It occurs to me you met me after I obtained that sword after all.” He would say as he would let out a hand for what would seem like a handshake.

If she did the same instead of shaking her hand however the crimson garbed male would take her hand and kiss it. “I owe you more than I can repay Hikari..If there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate.” He would say before something else caught his eye. He’d reach down to his waist where his sword was. Where once a pitch black blade with stained crimson rose petals on the edge of said blade once hung. Now a new blade hung. The Akari would draw the new weapon curiously, intent on looking at the changes. For one, the blade was an actual metallic colour, the gleam of the light reflecting of the wickedly sharp edge. The Tsuba was a coiled snake, and the wrappings were black and gold. He sheathed the blade after a moment or two of observation before turning to the chestnut haired Jonin that may have very well saved him. As this happened a thought occurred to him. If she had heard everything in the seal then she would know how he truly felt about her. That could be problematic. Well, as problematic as a girl finding out you like her could be anyway.

“Y-You didn’t hear anything of what went on in the seal did you?..” He asked nervously, a light blush adorning his features as he asked. He didn’t know why he asked, why did something so emotionally masochistic to oneself after all? But people were odd creatures. He would wait, nervously for her response. Granted even if she said no he’d probably ask her to dinner afterwards as a thank you. He didn’t really know what else she might want, a sparring sesson? Was she that type of girl? A good book? She might like that, he’d have to play it by ear. As he thought this he would fail to notice a tiny amount of his light release chakra being absorbed by a small chain around his neck. One he had found a while back but was unsure of what it was for. The chakra drain was miniscule yet constant. Not even to harm his reserves, so it was unnoticeable to the male. But slowly yet surely the charm would gain more and more power before it would transform.

TWC: 2977
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:44 am
Approved @ Valen
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:25 pm
(I am sorry, Writer's block)

Hikari would be taken aback by Valen's joke. It.... seemed very much out of place for Valen to make a joke right after such a serious event. It.... seemed very much out of character for the Akari to do this....

As these thoughts went through Hikari's head, Valen would explain how ever since the two of them met that he has been effected by the blade. This Bothered Hikari, if it affected Valen that badly... perhaps it would of been better to go to Kyousuke Or the queen..... wait, no. Of course that wouldn't of been better. Everything turned out ok! Why was there even a question about that?

Either way, Hikari would say. "Oh.... I am glad to help. The thought of that monstrous blade effecting your mind, I couldn't imagine what it was doing.... I would do it again in a heart beat."

The Jounin was about to go up and hug Valen, but before she could, the young Akari would offer out his hand. It seemed a bit odd, but The Jounin would go ahead and take it, but to her surprise Valen would go down and press his lips up against her slender, fragile hand.

With that, Hikari would immediately blush. "Ummmmm..... Ummm Um...... Vallen.... what are you doing?" the girl would say completely flustered.

As Valen would explain, Hikari would continue to talk, very much flustered..... "Oh... no... please.... you really don't need to mention it, Really. I know you would do the same for me.... The chestnut haired teen would say, very much fumbling over her words.

As for whether or not Hikari heard what was going on in the seal....

"Um.... N..... No.... not at all, Maybe with some practice I can, but I can't currently unless the person inside tries real hard to let me know. Wh.... why? Was there something that I should know?"

Madrigal Kaguya
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The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:28 am
Now it was Valen’s turn to be flustered. As her request to if there was something that had happened within the seal that she should know a light blush would redden his cheeks as her tried to avoid contact. “I uh..” He would begin to say, trying to figure out how to respond to this particular question. It was honestly quite amusing to an outside perspective he assumed. After all if you were watching it would appear as if the dark haired jonin was afraid of something. A jonin of all things, afraid of a simple conversation.

He fought down the urge to run, as that would just be retarded. He began to consider things from a different perspective. ‘Even if she doesn’t feel the same way, Hikari is too caring to let it affect anything between us as friends..’ He would think to himself before he began to over analyze the situation, again. ‘She seemed extremely flustered by my kissing her hand just now..Could she just be embarrassed or could she feel the same way?..’ He would think to himself curiously. Eventually he would simply sigh, the blush, for the most part, leaving his cheeks. He would still find it difficult to meet the woman’s eyes as he said his next words of course.

“While in the seal the sentience in the sword, Calin, forced me to witness the events in life that drove him mad.” He would begin to say as he slowly began to go on a roll with the events. “I was forced to watch as he found his wife murdered and his kids kidnapped. He was told to make the kidnapping bandits multiple high quality weapons, as his skill as a blacksmith was unparalleled in the world.” He explain as he finally brought his eyes to meet hers fully. “He made the weapon, and when he delivered them they murdered his children before him, before leaving him in the rain. He returned to his home and forged a new sword, one that possessed every ounce of his hatred and chakra. That was the sword I had in my possession before. His hatred gave spawn to a sentience within the blade.”

At this point he knew he was simply stalling by giving details she didn’t exactly need, but he was nervous damnit, sue him. “Due to his influence on my mind he knew my mind on a deep level. Knew my thoughts, and feelings in regards to people as well. Which is why he found great pleasure in trying to rile me up in anger by talking about killing a girl I care for on a much deeper level than she would think..” He said as he touched the seal over his heart “The same one who gave me this seal..” He would say as he let the heavy implications linger for a moment. “As a matter of fact, this seal actually saved me. Calin had full control over every bit of chakra inside of the seal because it all light release and he was able to condition it to himself before the fight due to me not having awoken inside yet. The chakra within the curse mark was still under my control though, because it wasn’t chakra he could ‘condition’ to himself. So it was thanks to you again that I was saved.” He would tell the girl, a deep blush colouring his cheeks again as the eye contact he was doing so well in maintaining wavered.

WC: 582
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:04 pm
As Hikari would sit and listen to Valen's story hearing the story of what Valen went through in his battle for his very soul against that demonic sword.....

Eventually, Valen would what he was forced to witness... and the fact that the girl Valen loved was the one who placed the holy mark that was on the boys chest.

The Jounin was about to cut Valen off and remind him that Hikari was the one who placed the seal on his chest, not the girl he loved..... but as she started to open her mouth, the jounin realized what Valen was saying.

"Oh......." She would say, as her face started to turn a deep red. From that point.... Hikari.... well... was only half listening to the Chunin/Jounin at this point. In her mind..... Hikari was to flustered and confused to really pay much attention to Valen. The Jounin had always thought of her fellow light user as a friend.... and not really anything more, but now that the option came up, could she think  of Val as more than a friend?

As soon as Valen finished His thought, Hikari would take a few moments to respond.
"I.... I....." The Fuinjutsu mistress of Hoshi would stumble over her words. At this point she would start speaking very quickly. "IamgladIwasabletohelpyou!Pleaseletmeknowificanhelpyoumoreinthefuture.Thatbeingsaid,Ihavealotofworkineedtodo,paperworkforchuninexamsandsuch,youknow.WellIwillseeyouaround!"

With that, in her very confused state, Hikari's form would slowly start to dissolve, as what was once the being of her body to dissolve, turning into dozens of golden butterflies, as Hikari manipulated the world around her in order to move her entire being from this realm to the next. She.... She needed time to think. And.... even if it wasn't complete yet.... there was the only place she could think of that she could get enough space or time to to be able to think of what she wanted to do.

[Possible exit, but if Val wants to timeline this exit, the teleportation happens at a speed of 70, so he could]

TWC: 838

All words towards with 25 percent off of max stats.
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:42 pm
Valen would be watching her facial expressions through his explanation. Her blushing face as the implications of what he had said slowly dawning onto the girl who was about his own age. The objects of The Dark Prince of Hoshi’s affections would suddenly stutter out a couple of times. Which was something the jonin couldn’t quite remember ever happening. The next thing out of her mouth would be extremely quick. Almost too fast for Valen to hear as he hadn’t been prepared for it. Which he basically translated to ‘Glad I could help, lemme know if you need anything, I got too much stuff to do though so I’ll see you later.’ The girl would then use a technique that Valen could honestly say took the teenager by surprise. The chestnut haired girl would suddenly dissolve into dozens of golden butterflies. The speed in which it occurred would of course be well within Valen’s ability to keep track of it and he took in every detail. Finding the technique to be positively astounding. ‘She appeared to become pure light release particles and disappeared somewhere. I’ll have to find a way to do something similar myself..’ He thought.

He considered stopping her as she dissolved. But a few things kept him from doing so. The first is the girl obviously needed time. He just not so subtly told her that he loved her. While he would be the first to admit that the action of her leaving had hurt him he knew she wouldn’t have if she had an answer. That meant he threw her an astounding curve ball and she needed time to consider her own thoughts. He couldn’t blame her for that. After all how many dark haired sword wielding guys do you have flashing out of a seal on your body and telling you they love you? None? I figured as much. He worked through her actions in his head slowly. She had been taken aback by his feelings. That was obvious based on how she initially reacted. The fact that someone felt that strongly toward her seemingly overloaded her. Hence the crimson coloured hue that appeared on her face. Finally, she ran. But she wasn’t overly rude, nor did she outright reject him. At this point the best thing for him to do. For both their friendship, and any chance of a possible romantic relationship with the most well known seal user in Hoshi. Would be to give her space and let her come to him on her own time. So that was what he’d do.

Of course that was only one reason why he didn’t try to stop the off technique. He.. simply didn’t know what would happen if he did. He didn’t want to risk hurting the girl after all. So he had simply watching the technique and taken in every detail about it. It was after all the safer option. At this point the young man would glance down at his new sword and draw it slowly. He’d carefully examine the blade for any kind of impurities or irregularities. Finding none, he’d channel some chakra into the blade and it would easily become coated in a light based shroud. He’d examine the shroud, noting that it was in fact bright enough to cause blindness in those without his bloodline. As well as the fact that it seemed to augment the sharpness of the blade significantly. Smirking in satisfaction, he’d dismiss the blades light shroud and sheathe the newest addition to his arsenal of weapons. It was time to go try this baby out. Maybe a new mission? He could certainly relieve some stress in one after what just happened after all.

WC: 617
TWC: 1796

All toward Light's Path which with this and this finishes off the 3750 WC requirement thanks to the lovely lovely discount.
4016/3750 for the record
discarding extra words. 
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK) Empty Re: The Cheesiest Damn Thing You'll Ever Read (P, NK)

Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:18 pm
Approved for both of you
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