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Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

The Solution IO, Komon - Page 2 Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:34 pm
(You're welcome to pretend this post doesn't exist since I'm pretty much skipping you, but I figured I should give you something to work with other then me standing completely still and doing nothing.)

His brother took a moment to reply and it would result in a small bout of silence for about 10 seconds as he awaited a telepathic response from his twin. When he did answer it was a quick response, and to the point. His brother’s reasons were to be expected and Komon probably could have guessed them himself if he had really tried, but he supposed it was better to be sure in a situation such as this.

“Alright alright, jeez” Komon would respond before deactivating the seal. His eyes and focus would shift back towards valen, the hoshigakure ninja he had just met.

“He say’s he left two weeks ago because he was feeling a tad homesick” Komon would say before continuing. “The war kept us away from our homes and when we finally got back they pulled us here after only a few days of rest” He’d say, trying to offer some insight into why his brother would be homesick.
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Solution IO, Komon - Page 2 Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:43 am
Valen would nod his head at the white eyed teenager, writing in the dossier all the while. ‘Homesick, that’s fair of course.’ He would say as he finished writing up his report write then and there. Why not right? All the information was fresh in his mind. “I do apologize for troubling you today. I do however believe that is all I need. Your brothers timeframe matches perfectly within the range of ours and if it was a Kumogakure Shinobi you probably weren’t allowed in any of the truly restricted areas. No offense of course, every village has its secrets after all.” He would say with a small smile before clicking shut the pen and closing the folder. “Of course it might be better if he follows protocol when leaving foreign powers though, allied or not.” He would jest with a small chuckle. “I need to go report this though, I bid you good day.” He would say respectfully before bowing his head slightly and turning to head off. Once around the corner he would tap his telepathy seal on his neck to connect to the two people it was connected with. “Kyousuke-Sama, Orokana-san, I have the information regarding the man who left. It was a Kumogakure Shinobi who was home sick. The time frames match up perfectly and he contacted him in front of me with the telepathy seal, as I am for you.” He would inform them before continuing “I have the written report with me, Kyousuke-Sama, we’ll be at your office soon.” He would say before cutting the connection. After this he might finally be able to go back to training with his Curse Seal, he almost found a way to manage to sense his surroundings with the level two version with some help from Natsumi. He also managed to find a way to change how he looked in it. As it did before he looked like a cross dresser and he wasn’t interested in that kind of look. Now when he entered it he looked much more like a demonic entity hell bent on destruction. Something he could certainly get used to.

WC: 356
TWC: 1917

Claiming the same things as last. post, Curse Seal Mastery (Link is on last post) with discount
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

The Solution IO, Komon - Page 2 Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:07 pm
Komon laughed when valen apologized again, hoshigakure seemed to care deeply about manners. Every ninja he had encountered had been well versed and polite, such things weren’t taught in kumogakure. Or at least Komon didn’t think they were, his parents were killed while he was at a very young age and he never really got a chance to learn from them. “Again, it’s fine don’t worry about it”

He’d simply nod to the warning about following protocol, it made sense and he’d be sure to deliver the message to Komori. When Valen decided to leave Komon would wave goodbye before returning to the sea of gennin packing up to leave for Kumogakure. He could see the longing in their eyes, and knew that Komori wasn’t the only homesick ninja in the group. Some just lacked the power to make it home alone.

“Alright guys let’s move it” He’d say with his hands clasped over his mouth like a megaphone. He wanted to get them moving so he could make it back in record time. And immediately after they were finished lugging their gear, he the wagon and the gennin would begin to head towards the gate for departure.

WC: 973
Claiming: 970/3187 towards Palm revolving heaven (Max Stat Discount)
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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The Solution IO, Komon - Page 2 Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:39 pm
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