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Madrigal Kaguya
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The Solution IO, Komon Empty The Solution IO, Komon

Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:58 am
Valen moved through the village looking for a very specific person. He had a picture out as he moved through the crowd searching for them. It would’ve made things easier if he had the person’s chakra signature memorized of course, but not everything in life could be easy, See, Valen had just been given a mission by Kyousuke with a young man by the name of Orokana. They were tasked with tracking down a person who left their gates without following proper procedure. They didn’t need anything from them, but they did need to find out who it was to confirm it wasn’t one of their shinobi leaving, or an already registered missing shinobi stealing valuable information. If it was either of those two he was to track them and bring them a swift end. Such was the duty of a shinobi for the safety of his or her village after all.

Of course the person could have been one of the visiting Kumogakure shinobi leaving to go home. But they more or less arrived together, so that was a tad suspicious, and also worth investigating. Which brings us to where we are now. With the sun high in the sky Valen would move through the city searching for a certain Kumo nin. He had a photocopied picture of the fellow teen’s I.D. and was searching for him now. He went by the name ‘Komon Hyuuga’. Valen was simply looking for him to ask him if he knew if anyone of his comrades left to go home earlier, and if so when he left and why. If the time matched up, then it would be simply over and Valen would activate his Telepathy Seal to contact both Kyousuke and Orokana to tell them the mission was finished. If it turned out to be more complicated however than Valen would have to prepare to travel for awhile, something he wasn’t looking forward to doing. So he hoped it wouldn’t be difficult.

As he moved he’d take a moment to wipe the sweat off his brow. The high afternoon sun was bearing down on the village hardcore. Everything would seem bright to a normal person but his eyes would be unaffected due to the unique physiology of his body. Eventually he’d step around a corner and accidentally bump into someone. “Oh! I’m sorry.” He’d say politely with a slightly widened eye. He’d proceed to make sure the person didn’t need help, before nodding his head. “I apologize again, I didn’t intend to bump into you.” He would say with a bow of his head.

WC: 432
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
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The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:11 pm
As sweat dripped down his forehead Komon would use his hand to wipe it away, the hoshigakure heat was new to him, and much different from kumogakure’s icy mountain tops. Of course his attire probably didn’t help either, the leather jacket was hardly desert weather and his father’s old jounin vest was old and thick.

Nonetheless he had work to do, as a new found jounin he was responsible for making sure the genin were ready to go when it was their turn to leave. Right now he was walking on the streets, walking from slum to slum that the gennin under his command were stationed at, helping them lug their packs onto wagon’s in the desert heat.

He was in the middle of helping an obvious fresh out of the academy genin when he turned the corner of a building, and bumped into a stranger. The man was slightly shorter than him, and very polite about the whole incident, when the man apologized Komon would shake his head before saying “Don’t even worry about it, I probably should have been watching where I was going”

As he said this the gennin he had been helping would turn the corner as well, “Komon Sensei, Are you coming?” The child would ask clearly waiting from a response from the jounin, Komon would wait for valen to react however before he addressed the kid.
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:07 pm
As Valen would look up to meet the eyes of the man he bumped into. He would apologize and get a response before Valen’s own eyes would widen a bit. This couldn’t be that easy..could it? Apparently it was, as there in front of him was the very Kumogakure Shinobi he was searching for. A quick respectful bow as he said the next words were in order, so the man would hopefully realize he meant no harm. “Koman Hyuuga, of Kumogakure yes?” He would start before bringing his head back up and showing him the picture he was holding, which was a picture of himself of course. “My name is Valen Akari, and I’ve actually been searching for you. Well not you in particularly really. I simply picked a name out of the Kumogakure Roster that checked into the village and started searching. That name happened to be yours.” He would explain before tucking the photo away into his cloak. “I’ve been tasked with finding information about a person who left the gates a couple of weeks back. They left at about sundown when traffic in and out of the village was slowing down. But didn’t check out in the usual manner. The gate guard at the time was a fairly fresh genin, who honestly probably shouldn’t have been alone at the gates. His supervisor has already been...disciplined.” He would continue before taking a breath before continuing.

“I’ve been tasked with finding out who that person leaving was, just to make sure they weren’t some Hoshigakure shinobi leaving or a missing shinobi who snuck in to steal secrets and successfully escaped. At the mission briefing I was told of your villages visit to our village, and while I hope your stay in our village was a pleasant one I also thought maybe I could ask you if any of you happened to know if any of your shinobi went home earlier than the rest? If so, who was it and did they leave at the time specified. They aren’t in any trouble, but we need to make sure our village is secure.” He’d request before holding pulling out a manilla envelope from beneath his cloak. The envelope consisted of a roster of all of the Kumogakure shinobi when they entered, obtained from their village entrance records. As well as a detailed date and time of the person leaving. “I would appreciate any help in the matter that you might be able to give Komon-San.” He would say with another small nod of his head.

WC: 424
TWC: 856
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:15 pm
After listening to Valens situation Komon was left slightly intrigued, It seemed someone had left the village without following the proper path. Remembering that his brother had left around the same time he’d let out a sigh, before pulling out an empty scroll “I think I may know who it was” Komon was a skilled painter, and he’d begin to scribble out his brothers face with his shinobi painter set’s brush.

“Does this man match your description?” He’d ask, holding the scroll up to valen. If valen looked at it he’d see a sketch of the man he was looking for, and a near Identical face to Komon’s. “If it is his name is Komori, he’s my brother and a Kumogakure Jounin like me, He has a habit of doing things without thinking, and left around the same day you’re talking about.”

Komon would then turn to the gennin he had been helping move, “I think I’ve gotta work this out with Valen here, go on ahead, I’ll catch up later”
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:35 pm
Valen would watch intrigued as Komon sighed and painted a sketch with a brush set. ‘Painting, interesting..’ Valen would think for a moment as the man drew a picture and showed it to him. “Looks exactly like you, twins?” He’d ask for a moment before glancing at the picture a little more intently “You’re the better looking one aren’t you?” He’d ask before pulling out the dossier on the kumo shinobi currently visiting their village. He’d scroll through it to find one Komori Hozuki. They had him listed as a chunin at village entry but he noticed right after that Komon was listed as the same? Could they have been promoted while here? Why exactly?..Valen began to get a little concerned and decided to ask a clarifying question. “You’ll have to forgive me Komon-San..but my dossier here lists you and your brother as being Chunin when you entered our village. But you said you’re both Jonin. I’m not trying to antagonize anyone, but it’s rather odd that a promotion would happen in a foreign village like this unless something happened to deserve it. Would you clarify why you two were promoted here instead of at home? As well as your initial reason for visiting? I’m afraid I wasn’t informed as to why your village was gracing us with it’s shinobi’s presence.” While none of those words were said with the slightest bit of accusation the question was clear. A possible ally sabotaging their village? Valen’s eyes would light up golden at this point, activating his bloodline. “Pay no mind to the eyes Lord Komon, they increase my perception by quite a bit. They should allow me to notice traits of lying, even in a skilled shinobi. It’s not a threat, but the security of my home is my most tantamount concern..” He would say to the man before him, he’d watch for any traces of lying, carefully making sure that what the man before him said was true.

Of course this could all be a gigantic misunderstanding, Valen couldn’t believe he had all of the facts. That’s why he was clarifying after all, but he needed to ensure the safety of his home, and if he saw traits of lying about the reason for their visit he might have to take action. A ‘Jonin’ would have information about what kind of sabotage took place, meaning he would be good to capture. Luckily in his home village he could flare his chakra to call for help. But he didn’t want to to do that. He just needed clarification on what was going on here. “Can you contact your brother by chance? I think that might help clear this up a bit more..” He’d ask in curiosity. He just had a telepathy seal placed on him to connect between Kyousuke and Orokana. What are the chances the painter was a seal user and had a similar seal on his own brother?

WC: 489
TWC: 1345
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:50 pm
Golden eyes. Odd. Komon would think to himself before shrugging it off, Dojutsu where weird like that, and a shinobi should suspect to run into one every once in awhile. “I think the Raikage was rather up front about what we were doing here, it was for an event to honor our fallen, and our achievements on the battlefield” he’d pause as he began to roll up the scroll, valen seemed to be done with it after all.

Whether the answer would suffice or not was up to Valen, but the Hyuuga would continue to touch the back of his left ear, which was where the telepathy seal senshi had placed. “Yeah, we’ve got a telepathy seal, brothers a fuinjutsu user”

“What do you want me to ask him?”
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:00 pm
Valen would note that there wasn’t a trace of a lie in his words and deactivate the eyes immediately. “I have not read the scroll, nor was I told of the reasons. Achievements on the battlefield would be a good reason to receive promotions at a foreign village. Especially if they’re allied at all.” He would say, noting that in the dossier. The young man would reach up to his ear and touch a part of it. It would appear his shot in the dark was true after all. “I suppose just the reason for the early departure unless you know it” He would say as he was writing in the dossier to make sure he caught everything. “I do apologize for holding you up Lord Komon.” He would say, giving a small grimace at that. “If you can clarify he did indeed go home and did leave at the time and why he left that should be all I need. He would say with a confident not. His mission was simply to track down who the hell had left after all, if the man was this Komori Hozuki and he had simply gone home early than he wouldn’t need to waste his time traveling around to find him and drag him back kicking and screaming.

WC: 216
TWC: 1561
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:07 pm
Being called lord was new to the Hyuuga, and he wasn’t quite sure he was comfortable with it, but he’d make no indication of the thought. “It’s no problem at all, I’ll talk to him real quick” He’d say as he activated the seal. Addressing his brother Komori he’d ask “Hey, Komori. Hoshigakure ninja are trying to find out why you left early? Oh They also wanna know what time you left.” He’d think as he projected his thoughts to kumogakure.

(Alex will respond in a bit if that's all good with you)
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:11 am
That's fine of course, but I am gonna do a midthread claim

Claiming 1500/1500 words due to the Max Stat Discount for Curse Seal Mastery
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The Solution IO, Komon Empty Re: The Solution IO, Komon

Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:07 pm
Komori received a telepathic phone call while he was walking around or something. "I was bored and homesick. So I went home a little bit ago." Whenever the time in question as, as Komori was much too lazy to bother to remember how long ago it was. "I guess it was like two weeks ago."

"Now stop bugging me, I'm hitting on a girl."

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