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Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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A Flicker of Genius [Solo/Training] Empty A Flicker of Genius [Solo/Training]

Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:11 am
Satomi spent another long days studying the world in the achieves, he had taken an increasing interest in the other villages since the Kumo rumors came in. However it was time for a well deserved break as evening set in. He wouldn't return home though, at least not right away anyway. Satomi had a lot on his mind before he could go home and enjoy an evening with his father, especially since tonight they would forgo their usual game of Shogi for a cheesy low budget movie from his father's film collection: tonight's movie would feature murderous rampaging potatoes. The fact remained that he still needed something he didn't have to think about until then, something simple he could do to just let his mind relax. Perhaps a brisk jog around the city, from the archive and back should be more than enough time to allow his brain to categorize and store all the information he had obtained that day and it would do him good to stretch his legs a little more.

Like a flash of lightning Satomi was off in a flicker, almost leaving an after-image of the boy displaying the Ram hand seal as his Body Flicker technique enhanced his already incredible speed to double what it normally as he shot down the street. It was over an instant, but it was enough to give him a huge lead on his coal. Hoshigakure was still quite big however and his lead would amount to a hill of beans as he weaved through citizens and around carts and kiosks set up in the middle of the village market. The cool crisp air did wonders to clear his mind as he took in a deep breath, his stomach rumbling as he took in the delicious smells of his father's restaurant as he passed by. The image of sizzling meat on his father's flattop grill flooded the boy's mind as his brain had finally filed away the last of what he read today. It almost tempted him enough to stop for a bite, but he did promise himself that he would do a lap around the whole village and as always he was determined to do just that as he pushed himself just a little more. The faster he could complete his lap the sooner he could engorge himself on a grilled feast courtesy of Takatoshi Teppanyaki. That of course meant he would have to somehow push himself beyond his limit, something that was easier said than done as soles of his footware gripped firmly onto pavement of the main road to send him barreling towards the Academy. He would have liked to have claimed that the school was his old stomping ground, but in all actuality he was the one being stomped on most day. Those days seemed so much farther behind than they actually were, but he had come so incredibly far since his graduation that he was hardly the same child he was then and it showed as against all odds his pace began to quicken as he passed by the very pole he was tied to on more occasions than he would have liked to admit before rounding the corner towards the Water Gardens and the Training Ground.

The setting sun always managed to bring out the true beauty of the gardens, the reflection of the blue and orange sky in the central fountain gave the water a gemstone quality and today was no different as he ran by the ornamental stone monument on his way to the training ground.

Those brats... Satomi shook his head as he spotted a small mound of dirt that was once a hole that contained one of the Bento Club kids. It wasn't only a few weeks ago that they experienced the wrath of spurred Satomi who just happened to have been learning a new jutsu that day. The genin would frown for a moment however as it played out in his head, the fact that he even lost his cool to begin with was disconcerting, but he could have chosen a different method in which to handle the first year academy students.

As if trying to outrun the thought itself Satomi's feet continued to push him just a bit faster and faster still as he headed out of the grounds and down along the back wall of the village, passing one of Hoshi's impressive gates. One day, if he was lucky, he would experience what was on the outside. For now his curiosities would just have to be quelled through text and images in books and scrolls, perhaps when he reached Chuunin he'd be able to stand on the other side of the gate a confident shinobi. He was soon, however, on the final stretch approaching where he had started at the archive building as it he suddenly realized that he was noticeably faster than he remembered being. The muscles in his legs tense and working overtime to push him along the road, the realization also alerting him to his increased breath and aching knees as he huffed and puffed on his way to the finish line.

Satomi would stumble to a stop as he reached the steps to the archives, doubling over to rest his hands on his thighs as he fought for every new breath. A small bout of laughter escaped from the boy as he waited for his body to recover. If he could utilize this speed for the second exam--

His thoughts would trail off as he looked back down the street, if he could achieve the speed once he could do it again. Not just could, but would as he took off again towards his father's restaurant. It was as if time itself had slowed down just a little for the young boy as he pushed his body past it's peak in his mad dash towards a fun night of delicious delectables, and wholesome family time with goofy budget movie! Maybe if he continued to improve his speed and get faster than one day someone will make a movie about him—just as long as they don't cast him as a girl anyway.

Word Count: 1028/1028


Jutsu Claimed:
Flicker Movement 1000/1000
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

A Flicker of Genius [Solo/Training] Empty Re: A Flicker of Genius [Solo/Training]

Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:12 am
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