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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:23 pm
The other kid asked Kyson how long he had been playing the instrument. It seemed he was really interested in his performance. His second fan of the day. "Actually.. today was the first time I ever played it. Guess I'm a natural" Kyson would say as he shrugged his shoulders. The boy said as he was showing off his skills.

"Well. I actually had a choice to choose a violin. But I was feeling the saxophone." Kyson responded. Still has no idea what this had to do with his training. But he was having a good time playing it. Then Akemi started talking about how this wasn't his real form and that he was getting ready to transform into his real self. The boy chuckled just hearing him speak. Everything he says never sounds believable. As he began to perform into a much older guy. Kyson just looked at him as saw he was taller. Kyson observed his new look and the first thing that came to his mind was...

"You look like you kidnap children.." Then boy said with a straight face.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:54 am
As the bard, Kyson spoke about him just picking the instrument up that day and just playing it made Miyamoto nearly fall back in his chair. It was hard to believe that someone that had picked up the instrument that day could do what he did...then again it was the world of shinobi, nothing was impossible right?

“I guess the natural talent you have must translate into you being someone quite strong in other areas.” Miyamoto said as Akemi touted how he was going to show his real form.
“This should be good…” Miyamoto said as he ate a bite of his sandwich.

Akemi then began to change then in the midst of all the onlookers, it was as if he ate some sort of...devil fruit, unseen to the human eye that was allowing him to do this sort of thing. Standing now six feet tall, looking like that of a porcelain statue...all good looks, but a tad dry on the side of personality. It was as though he was toying with the pair, it did make for a good joke however as Kyson quipped about him being a child snatcher.

“You know I would agree with you, but in reality he actually just looks like he had all brawn and no brains...a child if you will. With the imagination of a monkey, and disillusioned trait that makes him want to show off...” Miyamoto said as he took another bite from his sandwich as he watched the crowd gather.

Nova Tsuba
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:07 pm
He looked like a what? Akemi's eyes widened, this man was possibly the most vulgar thing he had ever met! "I look like someone who kidnaps kids? Well, at least I don't pick on the people who are vertically challenged!" Akemi retorted, mock horror dripping through his tone. Then the OTHER kid joined it, what was this? Two people were ganging up on him, this was disgraceful! He needed to come-up with some kind of comeback to both of them at the same time. For now, at least, he would try and take them on one-on-one.

"Me? Showing off? What do you mean?" Akemi asked. He was quite confused, for all he had done, in their eyes at least, was just revert back into his 'True' form. Whoa, could there of been some kind of secret conspiracy that Akemi didn't know about? He briefly wondered what that was, could these two already of met?

"Why are you picking on me? Just because I don't like your ear-destroying music? Or do you just have something against short people? Because I think that being a short person for a while really helped me understand the pain they go through every day. Bathing? Hah, that's a danger every time. Meeting people? Well, you saw first-hand what happened, they just get picked on all the time. You guys must be small-people racists!" Akemi inhaled deeply after going on his mini-rant. Hah! That sure showed them! He internally laughed evilly, suck on that, you small-person racists!
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:53 pm
After the other guy spoke about Kyson's talents, he would reply. "Yeah, I guess you can say that." The boy was very talented since he was able to play a masterpiece after his first day of playing an instrument. 

"We're not picking on you. You don't see us transforming into weird guys with red hair and grown men that looks like a kidnapper. And you called us the crazy one." Kyson would say with a slight laugh. Seem like this kid was really getting into it. But it was just hard to take him serious when he looks like he's 9 and they are the same age.

"Well, its not the fact that your short.. Its the fact your short and look like your 9. And your about to be an adult. If you were to go to a bar, they probably wouldn't even want to see your ID even if you had one." The boy would say in response. As he finished his last few sips of water. He would simply toss the water bottle in a can that was next to them.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:22 pm
Miyamoto looked visibly confused when called a racist towards small people, it was not that he was racist, but the fact that the referred to himself as a small person race. Last Miyamoto checked, dwarves lived in fairy tales and books, not in hoshi...sure there were midgets, but none that he personally knew of in the village. Regardless when Kyson replied to him it was obvious that there was nothing about to happen, all seemed well here. Miyamoto just finished his food and drink in silence, not wanting to give the loudmouth more ammo to continue the absurd argument. After a few moments he did look to Kyson.

“So what brings you out this way bard? Are you just passing through or just trying to make a bit of ryo before heading back home?” He attempted to make some small talk before having to continue his shopping for the coming journey.

Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:29 pm
Akemi realized that this was going to get nowhere. He was being insulted left and right, as if he was some person who was lower than them! Seriously, the gall of some people! These two just liked to insult people to try and make themselves feel better about their downfalls. What were those downfalls? Well, Akemi was not sure. But he was 100% sure that they had them, he just didn't know what.

Akemi's face would be one of indignation and scorn as both of his hands came together, forming a hand seal and allowing his advanced transformation to drop. Revealing to the world his original form. With how short he was and how tall he had been just a few moments ago, Akemi felt a moment of disorientation as he suddenly saw the world from a much lower perspective, making himself incredibly dizzy.

Akemi nodded, closing his eyes for a second. This day had been fun, well, not exactly fun... But it had been an eye-opener at least, he now knew all about how mean certain people could be. And also how many people had the tendency to immediately ask his age and call him height upon seeing him for the first time. It was no wonder that Kyson had mistaken him for a kid, as much as he didn't want to admit it, he was definitely correct. Akemi looked like a small child, clean and simple. Now he just needed to find a way to show the world how powerful he is! However, after the recent chuunin exams... He was definitely going to be the laughing-stock of Hoshigakure.

With that thought, Akemi decided that the rest of the day would best be spent training himself up for... Whatever problems may arise in the future. He had an idea. A rare thing to happen, but it was clever, at least in his eyes. Akemi wanted to fight Kyson to show him that small people had the power to destroy. Akemi had a small grin picturing Kyson's face as he realized he would get his ass handed to him by a midget.

"W-well then, It's been fun, but I want to t-try and become as strong as p-possible, as soon as possible. Kyson, m-meet me at the Water Gardens in a week, I want to show you t-that us small people have power too. Oh yeah, and-d YOU!" Akemi turned to face Miyamoto "I don't know w-who you are, but I don't like you all that much. In fact, I do like you, I just can't respect someone who l-likes to insult people!" Akemi nodded, all his previous confidence gone. Then he simply turned around and walked away, turning the corner and disappearing from sight. 

(The rest of this post is basically just a solo training, you don't have to read all of this)

With the two idiots gone from his life temporarily, Akemi would walk through the streets of Hoshigakure, his stupid mind whirring for all the techniques he wanted to spend this 3.3k WC on. After wondering a bit more, Akemi came to the conclusion that he was going to just learn a bunch of low-ranked techniques. After all, D-Ranks only required 1k words, but with all this WC stacked up, he only needed 500!

He brought out a scroll from his storage dimension, unfurling it and reading the contents as he walked. The technique was a simple one, it was duly labeled "Leaf Gale" and was basically just a simpler version of the other technique he had learned. The "Leaf Rising Wind" technique. Both were similar in nature, it was just that the D-Ranked version was a more accessible version. Something which the stupid teen was quite a big fan of.

Right, as Akemi walked he started to visualize the technique in his brain. He pictured an opponent opposite him in an arena, the opponent starting to charge at him. In his mind, the Hiyu would spin around and deliver a fatal low kick to the opponent's legs. Feeling the crack as it broke them, he watched the opponent go flying, probably terminally injured. At least, that's how it would've worked, well, only if this wasn't in his brain.

He continued this mind-training exercise all the way to the training grounds. So that by the time he had arrived, the moves were already seared into his memory. So embedded in fact, that he had the move down within the first couple of tries, fitting the spinning lower kick into his style within a few minutes. However, even after he had done this, he still felt like it was an incomplete technique, like if he used it, his hand would probably be the one taking the most damage.

With this in mind, Akemi walked up to a nearby tree and got into a stance, kicking it multiple times in quick succession. Using his maximum speed of 125 but nowhere near his maximum strength. His maximum strength would probably have the ability to smash down the entirety of Hoshi if he placed it right. Anyway, with the tree begging for his mercy after he had just shown it who was boss. He then started doing the actual technique. He spun around and kicked it with an almighty rear kick. The kick going straight through the tree with little resistance as the tree fell down. Th splinters not embedding themselves in his skin due to... Metaing.

He straightened up, admiring the work he had done to the tree. He had cleanly kicked straight through, allowing the tree to fall down to the ground with an almighty thud. Akemi thankfully dodging out of the way before he was crushed. Thank the lord for his beautiful foresight. He continued doing the quick at the air, fine-tuning what each and every single muscle in his body did to make it move until the technique was perfect in every single possible way. Truly, Akemi was something that no one would want to mess with, especially at the rate he was growing at! MAX STATS, I' M COMING!

With the first technique out of the way, Akemi started properly warming up. Jogging around the grounds at a solid speed of 30, marveling as the world was a blur as he jogged. Once the running was over, Akemi started with some basic stretches. He stood up, reaching his hands above his head as far as they could go, and then bent down and let them touch his toes, not bending his knees of course. He did several more stretches after this, increasing the intensity of them each time until he was doing feats which Olympic gymnasts would be proud of. What a work of art this kid was!

Akemi jumped up, feeling pumped and rearing to go!

The hardest part about this was trying to come up with techniques to learn, but he eventually found one. And when he did.. Oh boy was he in for a shock! You see, Akemi had learned the lightning element a couple of months ago from possibly the coolest guy he had ever met in his life, Damon. However, even after he had pretty much forced Damon to teach him, Akemi had immediately forgotten about it and not learned any techniques to do with it! The shame, thankfully, he would never have to tell Damon about this disgusting act of dishonor.

Anyway, so the technique he was going to learn was a simple one, a taijutsu technique which incorporated lightning into its strikes to make them much faster than normal. Similar to the other wind one. In fact, it was almost as if they were the same technique but made by different techniques... Peculiar right? Maybe it was just the hand of fate guiding the technique creator, maybe it was just a coincidence. It mattered little, all that he needed was to figure out how to do this technique, as fast as possible.

From his experience learning the Wind Release counterpart to this technique, Akemi knew that it was best to start learning by just running through the motions until he had them down before even beginning to add chakra into it. So, that's what the adorable Hiyu teen did. Doing a quick Upper cut, before chaining it together with a quick jab towards someone's midsection. He did this multiple times, but always aiming for a different area during the second strike. After all, the technique hadn't exactly specified where it had to be aimed. So the idiot (Akemi) had decided to fill in the blanks with his own style. I.E: Bad.

He stopped doing the kata after several minutes, his shoulders rising and falling periodically with every breath, sweat running down the end of his nose and dripping off on to the floor underneath him. He breathed out slowly, savoring the way his lungs burned, their demands for more oxygen not going unnoticed. It was proof that his strength was growing steadily, evidence that he would soon reach the peak of his power. He couldn't wait, this was going to be the best day of his life!

Now that he had the motions down, all that was left was the hard part... Adding the chakra to the attack. How hard could it be? All it required was two hand seals, a teeny bit of chakra, then a bit of know-how. To quote a certain meerkat: "Simplez!". With these optimistic thoughts running through his slow head, Akemi positioned his feet into a stance, something he had come to find that it was much more familiar to him, allowing him to learn chakra-based and body-based techniques with much more practiced ease.

He blinked slowly, letting out a breath. Then, his hands smashed together and quickly formed two hand seals at a speed of 125. With this done, he allowed lightning-based chakra to course through his tenketsu into his fist, he then did a quick uppercut, the speed moving much faster than normal. 155 speed to be exact. And then he continued the combo and jabbed toward and imaginary opponent's neck at 155 speed and 110 strength. Likely instantly disabling anyone it would come into contact with, assuming that they allowed him to attack that is.

He did it again, then again, then once more. Doing it a total of six times until he had it completely nailed: Stance | Handseals | Uppercut | Any other type of fist-based attack. Once he was done, he felt a sense of pride welling up within himself, he rarely learned new things. Whenever he did, the Hiyu always felt good about himself, almost as if he wasn't the worthless sack of shit that he, and others, believed him to be.

Right, that was two techniques out of the way, what options did he have remaining now?

Well, using his totally-legit OOC knowledge, Akemi knew that he had one C-Rank technique slot remaining under his belt. Having taken 3 out of 5 slots with stuff which weren't even taijutsu techniques. Something Akemi had generated great annoyance too after realizing that his spaces were important. Why tf had he not filled them with actually USEFUL STUFF WHICH HE COULD USE TO THEIR MAXIMUM POTENTIAL. Yeah, as you could see from the face that he had typed in all caps, Akemi was very salty about this eye-opening ordeal.

Right then, ignoring his salt, Akemi had a technique to train. What kind of technique do you ask? Well, Akemi simply answers with 'Taijutsu'. You see my dear reader, Akemi had recently come into contact with a beautiful, beautiful scroll detailing a C-Ranked taijutsu technique which looked beautiful indeed. One could tell how beautiful Akemi thought it was, by inferring the use of the word 'Beautiful' several times in two sentences. Anyway, enough of the stupid filler stuff, this was what he needed to become as strong as Den! The Hogokage if you were wondering.

Right, the technique was one with a peculiar name called 'Meia Lua' and its main focus-point seemed to be the need for flexibility, a thing that Akemi was most acquainted with. What, with his whole training session which had previously focused on getting his flexibility up when he had been learning the Hiyu technique which was increasingly becoming one of his most favorite techniques in his arsenal. The ability to stretch and bend oneself with more efficiency than normal could be quite useful if you were a taijutsu specialist.

With these filler-like thoughts heavily polluting his mind, Akemi started working on the technique. The basis of it was a sort of cartwheel kick, mixed with a teeny bit of flexibility of course. Using his gymnastic-like qualities, Akemi started cartwheeling around the entire training grounds, stopping every so often to allow the blood to not pollute his brain and make him faint. Like that one time, he had managed to faint by breathing too hard. Ahh, good times, amirite?

Without ever slowing down his cartwheels, Akemi started incorporating kicks into the cartwheels. Eventually making the kicks into fluid motions which could barely be seen due to how quick they were. He truly was... A genius. A genius of cartwheels, what a title to be proud of. He made sure to tell every single person in Hoshi about that, they would truly be in awe of someone know as the genius of cartwheels.

He sighed, it was all well and good learning the movements for a technique. But if he didn't learn how to actually damage someone with it, then he would eventually be in deep-crap. He almost laughed at the thought of completely failing to do a technique due to learning HOW to do it, but how WHEN to do it. He was quite a character, quite a dumb one to be more precise. But alas, this was something that had to be done. Otherwise, how would he even HOPE to pass these dumb chuunin exams. Well, he had already failed one, but if he were to do another and fail that? Dear god, how embarrassing would that be?

So, Akemi ceased the cartwheel-kicks and walked up to a nearby training dummy. It was old, it looked more like an old stuffed bag with a stick going through the middle to make it look like a person. But hey, at least it was about 6 Foot tall, the average height for most of the opponents he would end up facing. Seriously, why did everyone in this god-forsaken world look like they were beautiful gods and goddesses who were sent down from heaven all the time. It was quite annoying, and Akemi wasn't exactly very happy with this thought.

He ran up to the training dummy as fast as he could, the main focus of his vision always the dummy. He didn't want to let it out of his sight, not even once. In a fight, being distracted could be the death of a person, or just the loss of a fight. And Akemi was going to fight Kyson soon, he hoped to not be caught out by silly things such as that. How could he become a top-dog ninja if anyone could defeat him by vaguing him to hell? Exactly, there was no place for him in such a world.

Once he reached a 2-Meter range from the dummy, the Hiyu would suddenly reach his hands above him, skip, and shift his weight onto his hands. Allowing the lower half of his body to continue on with the momentum as his legs spun around and kicked the dummy. What he saw next was a work of art. You see, Akemi had been a bit of a knob, and had managed to obliterate the dummy. It had been uprooted from the ground, sending splinters and dirt everywhere, and then it had been flung back far, far away. He watched, mid technique, as the dummy had quite literally disintegrated as it flew through the air, the dummy being nothing more than a few dust particles by the time it had landed.

He landed on his feet, his eyes wide and his mouth open at the beautiful sight. He didn't know his own strength! He shook his head, looking around for any more training dummies. When he saw them, Akemi grinned, running up to them as fast as his little legs could carry him as approached the stupid dummy which was about to be destroyed. He cartwheeled, kicked it in the chest, and sent it flying again. This time, the kick was much more controlled, there was less energy being wasted in the movements. He did it again on another dummy, then another, then one more. He continued until there was no more dummies left in the training grounds, feeling very satisfied with the training had been.

He eventually stopped, resting for a bit. At this point, he was incredibly tired, panting like a dog in fact. Thank god this wasn't in his early genin days where he couldn't train for more than 5 minutes without collapsing of exhaustion. Now, he could train for more than 10 minutes! He truly was making exponential progress on his shinobi path. Now all that was left was to become chuunin and get max stats... 

It was going to be a looong journey indeed, my homies!


(Whole thread Word Count: About 6K)

This post was about 2500 words long I believe, so i am claiming 25 stats (5000/200=25)
Raiton: Jordan Uppercut 1200/1200
Leaf Gale 1000/1000
Meia Lua 2000/2000

Last edited by Akemi Hiyu <3 on Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:54 pm
The other kid was curious as to what Kyson was doing around these parts. Wouldn't be wise to tell him his true intentions. So he planned on giving an easy response. "Who me? Just going for a bit of a stroll around the village. Wanted to take my new toy out for a spin then just head back home." Kyson would say in response.

After that, Akemi mentioned that he was going to get stronger fast. It made Kyson smirk, reminded him of how he used to be. Though deep down, he still feels that way now. "Well, I'm not really into the whole ninja thing. But I know I won't lose to a person your size. What could you really do at your size?" Kyson would say as he begins to walk away slowly. He was aware Akemi was a shinobi and he had a pretty strong chakra signature. But Kyson still played the non-ninja role just to keep a low profile for a minute. Wasn't like he was scared to show he was a shinobi. He just didn't think it was smart to show it so soon. Seems like it was about that time to head back and get some work down. There was much to be done in a short period of time. As he walks away, he put  his hand up and waved to the boys slowly.

"I'll catch you kids around." He would say to them. Not sure how old the other guy was but he looked like a kid. And he still called Akemi a kid due to his height and looks. He would now be leaving the city square and head back to the slums. It was a pretty refreshing day, it was good to get his mind off things for a while.

Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:36 pm
Approved @ Kyson
@ Akemi I only see about 1582 wc in actual training, so you can double that amount and use it towards techs. The rest would just be unused.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:48 pm
Miyamoto watched as the two seemed to be done with their business at the location.  He was already finished with his food as the kid, Akemi transformed to a short kid that looked younger than he did as he did not smile or flinch.  His head just admired the fact that even as the boy talked that he was just enjoying himself...something that Miyamoto found increasingly hard to do day by day.  When Kyson stood up and excused himself as well and negated to giving a rather convincing story Miyamoto just nodded.  

The pair went their separate way as Miyamoto was left as business around the area returned to the norm.  People would come and go, shinobi patrolling the village streets, and the constant motion and sounds making him breathe a sigh of resignation.

“Maybe I should go and see my mother…”  He said to himself aloud before excusing himself, grabbing the provisions and disappearing from his current position using the Body Flicker technique to cross his route back to his current place of stay.

TWC: 1,255
[Claiming CD]
Nova Tsuba
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The Show Must Go On (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:54 am
Ryu Reinhard wrote:Approved @ Kyson
@ Akemi I only see about 1582 wc in actual training, so you can double that amount and use it towards techs. The rest would just be unused.
(Added 1k more words of training towards the post)
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