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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty The Show Must Go On (Open)

Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:13 pm
It would be just another day for the boy, but a potential nightmare for everyone else. With his chakra suppressed, the boy was caring his saxophone as he was heading to this place called "City Square." It sounded like a place for good entertainment. So he thought, this would be the perfect place for people to witness his art. Besides, his entertainment would be much more soothing. In his suit, he approached the place casually and just looking at all the stores and markets. The boy would smile, seeing people go about their day. But he wanted to make the world smile too... so he took out the saxophone.

The moment he took it out.. everything stopped. It was like the world had stopped spinning. Heads slowly turned to look at the Hozuki. And before he knew, all eyes were on him. Then he heard a voice coming from the crowd. "Dear mother of God... I-It's him..." The crowd look like they were facing a huge amount of suspense. Kyson used that to his advantage. Has slowly slowly slowly moved the saxophone to his mouth to begin playing. The slightest movement made the entire crowd gasp.

"Son, get back in the house..." The father said to his boy. But the boy was curious to see what was going on. "But daddy I wanna-"

"I SAID GET BACK IN THE HOUSE!! If I don't make it back inside.. J-Just know I love you my boy." The man said as he was scared to death. They wasn't sure what was about to happen next. They were coming up with ideas to get out of this situation. "Maybe if we don't move... he'll just turn back... I mean.. I hate shinobi.. but this guy is a whole different ball game." The man said.

Kyson gazed at the crowd, as show time was now ready to begin. As the saxophone was finally at his mouth and ready to be played. The worst sound imaginable was coming out of the Saxophone. The boy was off key and it sounded like two bricks were rubbing against each other. Sounds that no one knew were even possible coming out of a saxophone.

"SAVE YOURSELVES!!! IT'S TOO LATE FOR US!! HE'S ALREADY STARTED!!" The crowd said as they began to ran. People tripping over each other. Running for their lives to avoid the sound. But Kyson just kept playing and playing so the world could listen to his art. Children crying and adults screaming for help. The boy almost shredded a tear.. from his perspective. The crowd loved him. So began to bow to show his appreciation for letting him perform. And because of that.. he would play 1 hours worth of songs from his music catalog.
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:36 pm
What. The. Shit.

The day had started out normal, Akemi had been sitting in the town square on quite a quaint little bench, enjoying his coffee and foot-long sandwich. He had to admit, the sandwich was probably one of the best things he had ever eaten. He would HAVE to go back to the cafe again, there was no point even thinking about it. That wasn't the point of this story though, as our main protagonist, Akemi, would suddenly see fear creep into the auras of everyone around him. It was as if the devil as arriving in Hoshi, this made our cute Hiyu quite worried, his baby-like features were creased with worry. What sort of thing could illicit such a response in the civilians?

That was when he heard it... The sound of a whale dying, the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard, the sound of... Akemi couldn't think of any more suitable metaphors to describe whatever was currently destroying his ears. Seriously, any more and his and his brain would probably burst. It was if the player was charming the crowd with a sound-genjutsu to make the crowd cower in fear. And to be honest... It was working... Big time.

So, Akemi quickly crept into a back alley and used his advanced transformation to look like an average civilian. Short and stocky, freckles, ginger hair, and a red beard. His clothes stayed the same, and the sudden size difference meant that half of his new hairy belly was currently in the open-air.

Then, Akemi walked out in front of the saxophone player, took one look at his delicious sandwich, and chucked it so that it would land in the hole which the sound came out of. He would throw it with enough force, that the sandwich would impact the interior and knock it back slightly, hopefully bringing the player to his senses. And also leaving Akemi rather sad that he had lost his sandwich, oh well, at least he had the motive to go get another one now.

With the sandwich now lodged into the hole, Akemi dusted his hands and walked off, performing his advanced transformation to return to his normal appearance once he was far from sight.

What a strange day....

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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:57 pm
As he was playing greatness through his new toy. It seemed the crowd was loving, they were all running to find others to come join them. This made Kyson smile as he continued to play his saxophone. Even one guy decided to come greet him. The boy looked him in the eyes as he was playing, his clothes looked a little small. Probably had a bad laundry day. But nonetheless, he was the first person to actually approach his art. So the boy had to play 2x harder. But he noticed that the guy had a sandwich with him. From all of this performing it looked pretty good.

And just when Kyson thought things couldn't get any better. The man through the sandwich at him. The people were actually nicer than he expected. Kyson would move the saxophone from his mouth.. and catch the sandwich with his mouth. The force would knock his neck back a bit and causing his body to fall backwards. But Kyson caught himself and was able to keep his balance. He would quickly chomp on it with no hands and leaving his mouth full. "Mhhfgdfgg.. dsffdfdf" Kyson said with his mouth full. Trying to ask the man if he had anymore. But the words didn't really come out that way.

People running away to get their friends to watch the boy and a man even fed him. So the show must go on! Kyson saw the man run to go tell his friends as well. But Kyson was impatient... SO HE RAN TOO. "DDfjnkgn ddgfd dsff" Kyson said with his mouth still full. Trying to ask the man where they were heading too. And after he finally swallowed the sandwich. The boy would continue playing his instrument as he was running.
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:04 pm
(Voidin' mah exit for... Reasons)

Akemi stood, eyes wide, mouth agape, as this person just caught the sandwich in his mouth. Akemi's face looked angry for the briefest of seconds. That was his sandwich! He had purposely wasted the delicious food to silence the trumpet player, and the player had just eaten it! Bloody hell, if Akemi wasn't shy as hell, he probably would have punched the player in the face as hard as he could. But alas, all the people crowding around were making him start to feel weak at the knees. Heck, Akemi was even beginning to regret his poor choice for transformation.

So, Akemi quickly pushed his hands together into a single hand seal, then body-flickered at a speed of 157 into an alley way. All the civilians were left confused, they had just seen a fat, ginger dwarf disappear. Why wouldn't they be confused? Anyway, once Akemi was behind cover, he released the advanced transformation and allowed himself to become his usual self. Short, scrawny, beautiful raven hair, with pale skin which would make a model seeth in absolute jealousy.

Akemi had a mission, whoever this man was, he was terrorizing the poor civilians' minds, as a ninja, Akemi felt like it was his duty to prevent this ear-rape from happening any longer. This was disgraceful, in fact, he needed back-up. So, Akemi quickly pressed the star on his headband, signaling any nearby Hoshi ninjas for help. Then, Akemi stepped out and walked back up to the trumpet player.

"S-s-s-sir, I'm afraid I'm g-g-going to have to ask you to stop. Don't you see the poor f-f-faces of the civilians?" He stuttered. Trying to sound like a responsible adult, but ending up sounding like a 4-year-old with a stuttering problem. This was what being in the social spotlight did to him, disastrous. But hey, at least he looked adorable.
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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:30 pm
He continued to chase the man until he made a handseal and bodyflicked. Kyson stopped running as he saw the man disappear. The boy was a bit confused.. he just wanted to thank him. But Kyson was feeling a bit satisfied, he gave a good performance and got a free meal. He's starting to like this place a little. As he attempted to play his instrument again, he saw a little kid approach him. The kid seemed a bit nervous, he looked like he was about 9 years old. 

"Listen kid, if you saw a man with a red beard, red hair, freckles, wearing clothes that was too small for him and throws food. You'd start running too. To me.. he looked like someone who snuck into people's house to steal little kids clothes. I'd be more scared of him more than anything." Kyson would say in response to the kid.

"Though.. I gotta thank him. He gave me a sandwich. It was probably the best sandwich I ever had. I gotta go look for him. You can help me find him if you want.. but don't expect me to buy you no little toy or anything." Kyson would say to the bout as he continued to play his instrument and searching for the guy. Heading down the street in search for the man he just saw.
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:04 am
... Was this man insane?

Akemi watched in absolute bewilderment, as the man continued to defend his case. This man was either incredibly delusional, or he was under some kind of genjutsu. Akemi absolutely refused to believe that anyone could actually be this... He didn't even know how to explain what was currently happening, the man was messed up. There was absolutely no way that he wasn't under some kind of genjutsu, there was no other possibility.

"Umm, H-h-have you b-been near any illusionist recently? I'm-m not asking for any r-reason, j-just curious..." He stuttered. Generally concerned for the well-being of whoever this man was. "Oh yeah, w-whats your name?" He asked, intending to put this man's name and face on the authorities' "Watch-List". For safety reasons, of course, this man was weird, weird was dangerous. Akemi feared for the future of Hoshi.
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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:27 pm
As the crowd has just about disappeared, it seemed there was no one else around this small section of the City Square. Hearing this kid speak to Kyson, he thought he was going crazy. When he said 'illusionist,' genjutsu was the first thing that came to his mind. but he didn't bother to mention or even bring it up. Since that wasn't his specialty and he only basic knowledge of it."Illusionist? I'm just playing an instrument. Maybe a could just a tiny little bit of practice. But nothing too crazy.." The boy would say with a slight chuckle. He would finally put his saxophone in a case on his back and begin to walk further.

"My name? I'm just the 'Saxophone Guy' or musical genius. Whatever works for you kid." Kyson would say as he was walking to another area of the City Square. This was a pretty huge place, so there was much to explore.
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:06 pm
Akemi decided to follow this guy for a bit, as a shinobi of Hoshigakure, he had to make sure that no loonies were running around terrorizing the citizens. Well, Akemi had tried to fabricate a story that this man had perhaps been acting under some sort of genjutsu, but the man had pretty much denied that fact. This man was either lying... Or he really was just the craziest person in Hoshi. And Akemi was currently in his company...

Ookokokok, he just had to play it cool. He looked like a 5-year-old, this man was crazy, but he wasn't crazy enough to attack a 5-year-old, was he? He mildly shook his head when the man referred to himself as a musical genius. If this was the standards for what a genius was nowadays, Akemi wasn't particularly looking forward to hearing what an amateur sounded like. The thought sent a shiver down his spine, he hoped the day would never come.

"If you're a musical g-g-genius... I'm t-the Hogokage." Akemi tried to roast the man, but his squeaky voice completely failed at carrying any hurt within itself. Akemi was suddenly reminded what the man had been calling him all this time, Akemi was not a 'Kid'! Disgraceful, this man needed to be educated. "Oh y-yeah, by the way, you can stop c-calling me k-kid, I'm 17," Akemi said, looking slightly miffed at the thought of being called a kid.

Suddenly, a huge ruckus could be heard, the sound of manic shouts and feet pattering against concrete was echoing around the city square. That was when Akemi saw it. It was an incredibly old man, about 90 years old, he was rather skinny, and was wearing nothing but trousers. He had a huge gray beard, his hair was long and course, flowing behind him as he ran. He opened his mouth to speak, revealing an empty maw devoid of any teeth.

"WHAAAT WAS THAT DELIGHTFUL MUSIC I JUST HEARD, PLEASE PLAY IT AGAIN, I'VE NEVER HEARD SOMETHING SO BEAUTIFULLLLLLL!" He screamed, running from a huge crowd of people. Presumably his carers. He heard his chasers screaming something like 'Grandpa, please slow down!' and 'Jee, how can an old man run so fast'. Akemi's eyes widened for the millionth time today, it seemed he wasn't going to catch any breaks.
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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:41 pm
As Kyson began to walk away, it seemed the kid was following him. For someone who wanted him to stop, he sure looked like a fan to him. So it didn't really bother him at all. But after Kyson had made his comment about him being a musical genius. The little kid had made a smart remark about himself being the Hohokage if Kyson was telling the truth.  And Kyson would counter his response with.. "Well kid, then I guess you must be the Hogokage then." Kyson would say with a little laugh. 

Then suddenly, this kid said something that made Kyson stop walking. He said he was 17!? Kyson turned around quickly and bent his knees to reach the boys height. Looking him in the eye. "No way! We are not the same age.. You must be joking." Kyson would say with a surprise look on his face. "Do your feet touch the ground when you sit on stools, or can you swing them back and forth." Kyson would ask him. He was holding back a huge laugh after he asked his question. He wanted to hear the boy's reply. 

Shortly after, Kyson heard a loud yell. With his shinobi instincts, he quickly looked over to that direction quickly. But as he saw where it was coming from, he noticed it wasn't anything to worry about. But it was definitely music to his hears. This old man was asking where the god given sound was coming from. Kyson dropped down on both his knees. As a tear would almost come down from his face. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. the first person to ever cherish his heart.

"Old man! I don't know who the hell you are! But you just earned yourself a solo performance!" Kyson yelled as he quickly took out his saxophone. Put it to his mouth and began to play it immediately. And there it was... The beautiful sound of horses crying, elephants laughing, and chickens rapping. All were mixed in with his historical instrument Kyson was playing.
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
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The Show Must Go On (Open) Empty Re: The Show Must Go On (Open)

Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:35 pm
"S-shut up," Akemi grumbled to Kyson's jab at his height, Akemi refused to fall prey to a crazy person's insults. But he also had 1/2 a mind to to slap his stupid little face as hard as he could. Now, Akemi was a tiny dude with a muscle mass of a freaking banana. But that didn't made his punches any less powerful, they were probably enough to instantly destroy this dude if they connected. And Akemi reallly wanted to punch this guy hard enough to make his ancestors feel the pain, but he restrained himself. He was calm and collected, showing no outward sings of being angry at the man's insults.

The man... Dropped to his knees upon being called a good musician by a likely crazy person? Had 'Musical Genius'' standards really stooped so low, that he literally cried manly tears upon receiving a compliment from a crazy old man? Wow, this man just kept surprising everyone with his weirdness. Akemi still hadn't sensed any back up from his Hoshi shinobi despite pressing his headband, maybe everyone was just hiding. After all, who wanted to get roped into a conversation by a loonie?

That was when Kyson just started playing more of his disgraceful music, the sound almost making blood run down the side of his face. Mid-performance, the old-man's pursuers caught up to him, giving him a small talk about how he shouldn't run from the care home, then Akemi watched as the old-man got dragged away. Leaving Akemi and the loonie again.

Throughout all of this, Akemi's slow mind was working on a way to get this stranger back for his previous insult at his height. Eventually, an insult appeared on his mind. He grinned devilishly, as if his insult was one of the most beautiful things to ever grace the earth. "How does it feel to displace all the water in the bath the moment you get in?" He snarkly said out-of-the-blue, a maniacal grin plastered on his face. Something which looked quite strange, considering how baby-like his face was. 

Akemi considered becoming some sort of professional insulter, in his eyes, he had just roasted this loonie. And he was proud!
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