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Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 3:04 pm
"....What are you talking about...?" Salzem questioned, genuinely confused by his inquiry. Control...? He never made any reference to control. Was something wrong with this boy's head or something. In any case, his punch and knee both landed and the moment he let go of the boy's hand, he jumped away, putting a few meters distance between him and the lycan. "Where did control come from?" He asked. But Puma only ran straight at him, doing some flashy spinning kick at an attempt most likely to catch his opponent off guard.

Casually, the lycan raised an arm between him and Puma's foot (speed 10, strength 10), his ankle colliding with Sal's wrist, deflecting his kick with no effort. It would've been easy to break his leg right there, catching his leg between Salzem's knee and elbow, but he didn't want to be too brutal with the guy... Not while he was sure he couldn't take it.

Instead, he stepped forward as Puma was retracting his leg, raising his own and suddenly slamming his booted heel into the kid's chest (speed 10, strength 10), likely sending him back a few meters if it hit.

"Are we done fighting yet...?" Salzem asked, not even getting exercise out of this little skirmish it was more like stretching.

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 3:22 pm
At the point when the inquiry was asked he answered. "POWER." as he kept running towards him a snappy activity happened. Did he block? Puma was stunned for how he could do it. Every one of the assaults he did was halted and swing back to him. This person was uncommon… does he truly have that incredible monstrous power? At that point abruptly, a flying kick was sent towards Puma's chest. "Gaah… " the words were substantial and sufficiently boisterous. The torment was so terrible it felt like on the off chance that he was no more. He flew few meters far from Sal. The vision was hazy and afterward, inside seconds, it backpedaled to ordinary. 

"Yes...we are finished. I had enough." he at that point would set down onto the floor. The agony wasn't that huge. A cut in addition to his hand being pounded likewise a kick to the chest. He felt like a human who was a finished waste. He would set down until he heard anything from Sal.

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:26 pm
Salzem looked down at the boy as he fell back on the ground, actually kinda glad he gave up right there. It made it easier for him to end such a onesided fight, especially because he wasn't the one that had to give up. He sighed, weaving a few handsigns before his palms began to glow with a comforting blue-green light. He made his way over to Puma, squatting down beside him.

"Here, give me your hands." If he obliged, the lycan would take them in his, the green healing light of medical ninjutsu flowing over his battered knuckles and bleeding skin, closing the wound posthaste. In a few moments, the boy's hands might actually feel good rather than simply not painful anymore. However, his chest still needed healing from that kick he got smacked with, placing a hand there too once he was done with the boy's appendages. One would think one wouldn't use medical ninjutsu on every little cut and bruise one came across but Sal was always looking for a way to refine his usage of the jutsu.

"So... Training, huh....? Looks like you need it." Salzem remarked flatly, glancing up from his work. "Why ask me, a stranger though. Wouldn't a teacher from the academy serve you better?"

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:08 pm
The grin abruptly showed up from the Uchiha his palm all of a sudden swinging to green.. Was this a healer or would he go to finish him off? No.. he offered Puma to give his hands. The agony gradually was to be gone. Everything felt incredible for Puma. A Jutsu which he never anticipated that the new friend would know. All things considered, he was happy he spared a minimum. In any case, for that implies does that make him into Puma's adversary? When he specified preparing he took a gander at him and after that looked down with a face of disgrace." Yes, I comprehend I require rehearse. I neglected to give you an engaging match." and when Sal finished his sentence he went on to say.

"All am approaching is for you to train me no less than a Jutsu, Sal nothing more nor nothing else. I comprehend your point and I can see it. You don't wish to instruct prepare to a disgraceful genin…. Yet, that doesn't mean anything. The individuals who don't ask nor need direction will never be successful in this shinobi…. Life. The thing is the thing that I look for and what I just observe is the capacity to have that energy to cause monstrous mayhem… and on the off chance that you don't wish to prepare me…Be as it may be ill go on my way.”

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:26 am
Salzem stared blankly at puma as he went on this long spiel in a language he could barely understand, seemingly trying to guilt him into training him. Hokage's sake, it sounded like he was reciting some Shakespearian play with how little he made sense and possibly the tone in which he said it: Completely over-dramatic. If anything, his little attempt to persuade Salzem only pushed him further away, realizing that he hated it when people just didn't ask for things and immediately jumped to begging. This kid was practically on his hands and knees, crying out for him to be trained.

"Quit your groveling." He demanded, flicking the kid's head (strength of 6 speed 10). "THAT'S disgraceful. Listen, if you want to learn something, just ask me kid, geez. There's no need for this stuff."

"And another thing. Why do you talk like that? Can't you just... bah. Never mind... What jutsu do you want to learn? Tell me quickly before I lose my patience."

It wasn't an idle threat either. This kid's actions already frayed Salzem's nerves. While this anger wouldn't last the day, if this kid kept pushing him, he might find that he would be learning nothing from this encounter.

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:09 pm
This was the manner by which Puma needed… he ensured these words would backpedal comfortable. The flick on his head was delicate and furthermore smiled at him while he was talking revealing to him why does he talk that way. He simply let him talk and talk until the point that he came to a point where he needed to recognize what Jutsu Puma needed to learn. The man was somewhat off in a state of mind where he was going to lose control. All things considered, Puma couldn't have cared less as he needed was him to train him.

He answered. "Well,  I truly might want to learn Leaf Whirlwind." he at that point sits tight quietly for Sal to give him a response.


Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:45 pm
Salzem looked at the kid strangely after hearing his request. All this crap for that technique....? It wasn't even that good! Somehow, that frustrated Salzem to the point of letting out a soft chuckle, his anger breaking at the peak of his control rather than merely pushing through. This kid was an idiot... Perhaps it was uncouth to think so, but at least he was funny... Sal could tolerate that...

"That's it...? Okay... I'll give you tips but you have to do it. The leaf whirlwind is a combination of a high roundhouse kick and a low straight kick, each in one fluid motion." Salzem crossed his arms, looking to see if the kid was going to get to his feet and begin practicing the move by himself as his superior instructed him.

"The high kick is meant to be something of a faint, leaving a little room for dodging to tempt the opponent into ducking out of the way. The moment they do, it leaves them vulnerable to the low kick and that's your main weapon. Keep the majority of your power focused in that low kick and just enough in your roundhouse to tempt the opponent into dodging."

Sal glanced around, spotting a training dummy not too far away He nodded at it. "Go there and try out what I said at the dummy. Since it can't duck, throw your kick a little higher than it's head. It'll serve the same purpose."

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:23 pm
Yes, that was it possibly more he will ask for Puma is a voracious ninja and he knew it. Devoted to learning one Jutsu after another slipping the rival in basic simple moderate Mo talks. He began to tune in to what Sal was stating… it was superb information for Puma to take. So eminent and excellent. Puma was advised to make a beeline for the closest dummy and practice his method there. He answered before he cleared out. "Got it." He recalledSince it can't duck, throw your kick a little higher than it's head.

He got the thought and proceeded with it. The dummy stood in that spot. He took his ninja position and lift his right leg and kicked at the dummy with full power. (5 Strength + 5 Stamina) he continued onward and going until the point that he achieved his head as before he was getting the legs not the head. He continued going until his sensei Sal instructs him to stop."I will do...this." his words were strong and hard. His heart thumping as though it was his last day on earth.

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:11 am
Salzem watched from a little distance away, observing the guy rather than the technique he was throwing.

"What's got him all excited...?" He quietly mused to himself. "its not like I'm teaching him anything that's especially useful." Yes, Puma's drive was clearly obvious in the way he moved and how much power he put into the kick... too much.

"Relax and do it again." Salzem instructed as the boy attempted his first leaf-whirlwind. "You're not trying to kill the dummy so there's no need to put all your strength into the kick. We are just practicing so conserve your energy. Also, aim higher. Your leg struck the Dummy's head. While that's not unwelcome in a fight, it won't do quite as much as the second one considering it's supposed to be a faint. It's okay, just give it another go."

Should the boy do as he was told, Salzem would stop him right there by walking up behind him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He wasn't smiling but there was a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. At least he's got enough sense to follow instructions.

"Keep practicing those movements and you'll be able to use it on a real opponent, Puma. Perhaps in a few days it may even come in handy to you. Is there anything else you'd like to learn or are we done here?"

Training the Noobie (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:58 am
The day was really a cool and quiet. The Uchiha would basically release it and calmly inhale. Hitting it hard was his wishes however it got him tired a bit. He at that point would stand up and keep on starting kicking. It felt so bravo. Things were going admirably. After, a while he began to dream while kicking the dummy. A fantasy which he was in for about a sec. He began to think and begun to fall as he was his sensei reminded him about him not kicking sufficiently high.

He would do what he was told kicking the dummy simple and gradually. He did what he was told.."I will concentrate it on each day...I will ensure to put more work on it." when he was advised to go and continue rehearsing he continued going until the point when he began to sweat and after that, a hand was addressed his shoulder. It felt incredible for Puma he thought he would be recognized however then he would shake his head until the point that he began to ask what Jutsu he needed to learn. “ I wish to learn the leaf-gale, Sal.” he at that point takes a gander at him to sit tight for an answer.

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