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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Sat Aug 08, 2015 8:40 am
Mako had been training very hard for a very long time he had done some of the most intense trainings of his life the last few weeks and realized he had much more to learn.  He sat up, today he would receive weapon training,  he would focus as much power and potential as he could into unlocking several kenjutsu abilities that he had been working on.  Mako stood from his bed and grabbed a cigarette and lit it, he took a large drag and walked through his small apartment.  He lifted up his tanto that was sitting on a night stand and flicked it around in his right hand.  He had spent countless time mastering chakra infusion and the technique is great for attacking but he needed to be able to hold the chakra in his weapons as if enhancing them externally, additionally he knew that he needed to work on techniques that could be used in close combat.  Up until now he had very little combat experience relying entirely upon his wit to succeed mission, but he wanted to succeed and become a chuunin and to do that he needed more training.   He jumped in the shower and got dressed, he strapped a tanto around each leg and set the summoning scroll for the Monkey Sages in the corner, he would summon Sushma for help but had decided that he didnt need the entire scroll.  He grabbed his tools and some food because after training with Cole he knew that having some food on hand isnt a terrible idea.

He stepped out the door locking it behind him and took a couple steps away from the door, he bit his thumb drawing a small amount of blood and summoned Sushma, a small spider monkey with red fur and a headband a scar over his right eye.
"Heya kiddo what kinda training we doin today?" the monkey asked as it had been summoned, while climbing up his pants and back to sit on his shoulder.  "Weapons," Mako replied. "I'm going to the training grounds and im going to find someone willing to fight, I'm tired of fighting training dummies."  Mako had meant what he said he needed a true challenge, he longed for the heat of battle and wasnt ready to fight enemy ninja without a boost in power and capability.

He walked offthe monky sitting on his shoulder had already snuck a cigarette out of his pouch and lit it, now it was laid back with its tail using his arm for balance.  Stern faced as ever before Mako's muscles bulged from anticipation he had every intention of finding a leaf ninja and fighting them today, or possibly more than one that would be fine too, and winning.  He walked sternly toward the training grounds all the while pondering the type of ninja he might encounter today and whether he actually stood a chance.  Either way the tougher the battle the harder he would push himself.  He looked at the Monkey Sage on his shoulder and knew that he had an ace in the hole with him.

-30 ap  Mako 120/150  Sushma 50/50
518 WC {working toward flying swallow 1160/3000  and cloud style reverse beheading 0/2000)
Ichiro Akari
Ichiro Akari
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:18 pm
It had been a long day for Ichiro as the requiem of frequency faded from his arm.  Small static surges pulsated along his flesh causing the muscles to twitch uncontrollably.  His breathing was a bit rough and uneven; learning the Lightning Release: Lightning Javelin had become an even bigger feat than he had first realised.  This jutsu not only demanded that he take the reigns of his chakra and learn to tame it, but also maintain the strength and endurance required of manifesting his chakra into the shape of the javelin.  He absolutely relished the challenge before him.

"Right.  Again," he drove himself to attempt it once again, demonstrating extraordinary discipline, or perhaps even obstination.  He concentrated his energy once again, feeling a reverberating force trickling into his arm and pooling into his hand.  The accumulation of power in his hand was tremendous which caused the anxious appendage to shake with expectation.  He watched in amazement as electricity erupted from his digits, arcing and slinking their way down into his palm and ultimately creating a pleasant numbing feeling in his hand.  He was making progress, there was no doubt about that.  In his palm was an exemplary cohesion of polarity, starting as a small orb.  As more and more chakra billowed from his fingertips, the mass began to take shape.  For a very brief and shining moment, an ethereal pole breathed into existence, small and writhing at first, but slowly elongating.  While others might have had to look away from the intense light pouring into his face, he was able to look at it in awe.  Instantly, the forumulation became extremely unstable and imploded upon itself, discharging into the air.

Ichiro was absolutely psyched by what he had just accomplished.  His body felt weakened by the amount of chakra he had just expended and Ichiro took this as a sign that he desperately needed a bit of a reprieve.  His eyes scanned the sky to judge where the sun was; judging by its position, he had been at this for a while.  His grey eyes darted around the training grounds and laid eyes upon a man smoking a cigarette.  "Is that...a monkey smoking too?" Ichiro asked under his breath, looking a bit perplexed by the whole situation.  An urge reared its ugly head: he really needed a cigarette.  He tried to stave off the feeling, but quickly broke.  He made his way over to Mako.  As he approached him, he instantly recognised the face, but had a hard time placing the name to him.  

"Hey.  I, uh, hate to be that guy, but...could I bum one off of you?" he pointed to the cigarette Mako was smoking, feeling a little embarrassed and awkward about the situation.  He wasn't exactly old enough to buy cigarettes himself, but Mako didn't need to know that.  Ichiro felt his grey eyes slowly sliding to the monkey and how unusual it looked.  He tried not to stare at the monkey puffing away, but his eyes were drawn by the unusual occurence.  Ichiro looked back at Mako hopefully.

514 WC [Working towards Lightning Release: Lightning Javelin 1071/3000]
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:03 pm
As he walked the grounds he noticed a younger individual attempting a lightning release jutsu not too far off, Mako looked up to his shoulder where Sushma was nonchalantly treating his shoulder and neck as a recliner.  The Monkeys smoking habits had caused him somewhat of a  dent in his wallet. the small sagewas a chainsmoking fiend.  However it was worthwhile knowing that he held the secrets to mastering many jutsu and weaponry abilities, including the mastery of nature chakra but that was another task for another day.  

The genin who had just asked for a cigarette did not look nearly old enough to smoke, but Mako figured that if you're old enough to give your life defending the village he was old enough to have a smoke.  He reached in his bag and produced one, and spun it around in his hand nimbly.  He had an idea, he knew that his new Ken jutsu abilities needed to be tested in battle before he could ever truly master them.  He would offer the kid a whole pack if the kid could beat him.  

He reached around to his back and untied the large summoning scroll he had been toting around with him, it fell to the ground with a large thud.  He stepped forward closer to the kid and offered the cigarette and a match, the matches mako used were specially made for ninja they were waterproof and could be struck on any surface, they produced white heat but minimal light.  He said " Yea I can give you one, but seeing as how you're not old enough to buy your own I could offer you a deal."

"You fight me, if you win you get a whole pack, if you lose you owe me a pack,"  Mako proposed.  The small red furred spider monkey on his shoulder laughed deviously as he climbed down Mako's arm and walked over to a tree and leapt up it grabbing a cigarette out of his pouch while he went. 

Mako backed away waiting for the answer infusing the tantos at his thighs with chakra preparing to draw them.  Sushma made its way to a branch overlooking the battlefield, Mako knew he would help but not until he was ready.

375 WC (I doubt the mods care you can use the jutsu you're learning at half effectiveness but same ap to symbolize attempting to learn whole also giving you an additional combat trick)
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:05 pm
[It's fine as long as everyone in the topic agrees to it's use.]
Ichiro Akari
Ichiro Akari
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:35 pm
Still looking hopeful, Ichiro watched Mako for any sign of approval or rejection.  He watched with intrigue as the man reached behind his back and the scroll came tumbling down to the ground.  Grey eyes locked onto the scroll and his eyebrows furrowed, intent upon the meaning of this.  As Mako stepped toward Ichiro, he had half a mind to step back; it seemed unusual behaviour to him.  Much to his delight, Ichiro took the cigarette and match with a smile, nodding his thanks.  Not the brand I normally go with, but oh well, Ichiro shrugged.  Upon inspecting the match, he identified almost immediately the special matchstick.  With a simple flick of his wrist against his thigh, the match head snapped and flickered with life.  He raised the white flame to the end of the cigarette and took a drag, discarding the match.

Ichiro snorted inaudibly.  Despite not being old enough, he had managed to purchase them.  When Mako mentioned making a deal, Ichiro's ears perked.  "I'm listening," he said quietly and surprised.  He closed his eyes, listening to the proposal with interest.  Betting was number six on his top ten favourite sins.  While he was almost certain he was outmatched by Mako, he refused to turn down the challenge.  How was he to get any better by refusing a fight?  

"All right," Ichiro accepted.  Unthinkingly, he reached behind to his back, grabbing at air; a chilling draft tickled his neck and his stomach dropped.  Oh yeah.  My katana's still busted... Ichiro thought.  Playing it off, he rubbed the back of his head and smiled.  He took a drag of the cigarette, spears of smoke shooting from his nostrils.  "Guess it'll have to do," he muttered with a wince.

He placed his left hand upon his shoulder, stretching for a moment before making several hand seals with precision.  He instantly felt a surging current coursing within the veins of his arm.  Chakra began reverberating, breathing into life a harmonious balance of frequency.  His arm snapped to his side, setting off a chain reaction.  The pent up energy pooling in his arm discharged into the palm of his hand faster than it had ever before.  The mass sounded as if it were chirping and sizzling as it thundered into existence with a resounding crackle.  The mass wriggled and writhed in his left hand, the chakra pulsating from blue to hot white hues and often times appearing translucent.  The tips were jagged and layered like a saw tooth formation, each like bony fingers.  For Ichiro, it was a magnificent sight to behold and the first time he had been able to produce the jutsu Chidori, though he felt as if he could do some fine tuning to the jutsu.  He lifted his arm and as he did so, the chakra nearly spilled out between nimble digits.   He took a moment trying getting a feel for the weight; it seemed quite light, but in a sense heavy.  With narrowed eyes, Ichiro looked to Mako, observing his reaction.  He wondered in what way Mako would deal with his strikes.  I wonder if he tries to parry my blows, will there be a potential for him to get shocked?  Only one way to find out, his monologue carried on seemlessly.

"Whenever you're ready," Ichiro stated, awaiting Mako to draw his sword and assume a readied stance.  Despite Ichiro's reputation as being a bit of a troublemaker, he had never lost his sense of honour in battle.  He glanced back over to the monkey with suspicion.  There's something about that monkey that I don't fully comprehend.  I'd better be careful, he thought to himself.  When he saw Mako readied, he gave a slight bow and immediately sought the initiative.  Holding his arm to the left side of his body and showing Mako his right shoulder in an attempt to make himself less of a target, he made quick thrusts in Mako's direction that were easily avoided or parried.  These actions were two fold: Ichiro wanted to get a sense of where he was most comfortable with striking and also testing Mako's reactions and speed.  Ichiro's strikes were handled beautifully, almost surgical with the pin point precision.  Regardless of the fact that he had never handled the Chidori before, it never made his wrist feel awkward or overburdened.  Ichiro took a few steps back, putting a bit of distance from himself and Mako.  He needed a game plan because he didn't know how long the lightning chakra would be sustainable.

[I'm perfectly fine with that since I don't have any other weapon. xD  I'm sure I'll make errors, just let me know if I do.]
WC: 753
TWC: 1267 [753/4000 towards Raiton: Chidori]

Last edited by Ichiro Akari on Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:59 am; edited 2 times in total
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:30 pm
Mako could see that Ichiro wasn't very certain about the intense jutsu he was channeling in the form of a spear, however Mako knew its effectiveness.  It was a physical augmentation jutsu, one that could potentially give the weilder great boosts of speed and strength but was very taxing on the body.  Mako knew he could easily win this fight with time, he knew that Ichiro would likely fight til he died, like all Konoha genin.  Mako walked back a few paces and and flipped his tantos out of their pouches and pun them around so that the one in his left faced the forward and the one in his right was back ward parallel with his forearm.  He integrated his chakra into them strengthening their properties and they shined blue.  He knew he would take no residual damage from attacking the javelin but he couldn't let it connect with him.  Mako needed this fight to master his jutsus but Ichiro was learning a very advanced ability, one that jounin use and he knew it would drain him before he learned it so he was going to have to place some pressure on him and force him to tap into its full potential.  

Mako stood solemnly for a second he saw Sushma in a tree branch above Ichiro blowing smoke rings as if his summoner was not about to get in a fight with a lightning user.  It did not necessarily threaten him with fire being his core chakra but it would render his earth jutsu pointless.  His opponent shuddered with electricity but the enhancement of his flying swallow would provide adequate protection from the possibility of being shocked.  He took a long drag finishing his cigarette and it fell from his mouth and hit the ground in a flash of red.

 Suddenly,Mako dipped low leading off with his right leg and sped ahead at him low to the ground, Mako read Ichiros moves and this is what made him a great ninja, Ichiros assumption that Mako wasn't always in a combat ready stance would hurt him in the future.  Mako blazed in pumping his feet below him and when he had closed the gap (spd 40) he dropped to a crouch and spun swinging for Ichiros legs with his right leg similar to an attack he had used on him in an attempt to trip him. Mako knew this fight had to be good to unlock the abilities he was here to learn but he also knew he wanted those smokes.   He brought his blades up in front of him as he finished the spin kick.

Wc 438 TWC 1331 (Additionally you should look at lightning javelin, its different than how its portrayed but i have a nother jutsu to learn if you want to keep this thread open long enough.  Lets target 10000 words for a huge stat bonus and fill it out with jutsus you want, try to keep each post around 500 sound good? This may be more what youre shooting for.  We can cover it but you may have to put javelin off to get all of them.)
Ichiro Akari
Ichiro Akari
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:55 am
Before Ichiro knew it, Mako was upon him.  His eyes widened with surprise at how fast this other shinobi could move.  With just enough time to react, Ichiro had stepped in with his left leg and was about to strike Mako until his eyes noticed Mako's right leg sweeping forward to try to trip Ichiro.  I don't have enough time to strike him, he's too fast!  If I brace and time it just right, he thought.  Ichiro spent what little time he had straightening out his spine and posture as best he could.  Mako's leg connected with Ichiro's tensed calves; it hurt, but a lot less than it would have had he hit him in his shins.  The blow sent Ichiro into the air.  In the instant that he was up in the air, Ichiro managed to tuck into his abdomen and bring his legs up in order to do a rather ungraceful back flip.  

As he plummeted to the ground, he determined that this would not be enough and extended his right palm out toward the ground.  He managed to put some chakra into his right hand and sent it cascading into the terrain, springing himself further from Mako.  He landed upon his toes with bent knees absorbing the shock and recoil of the manoeuvre.  With the same movement, he brought himself into a squatting low position, the lightning chakra reverberating against the ground, sending out shrapnel as it burrowed and dented into the ground.  It was quite evident Mako was a great swordsman just by the way he carried himself and it was blatantly obvious to Ichiro that jabs and stabs with the Chidori would not avail him.  He swept his left arm so that the back of his hand was pressed against his right shoulder.  His digits drummed swiftly against the lightning energy pulsating in his hand, causing a disruption in the frequency that made fingers of lightning lick and gnash.

"You're pretty agile," he remarked over the humming symphony of the Chidori.  He looked down and noticed he had dropped his cigarette.  Quickly grabbing it and putting it back into his lips, he took a quick drag and analysed the situation.  Despite being outmatched by Mako, Ichiro refused to accept the fact that he would owe Mako a pack of cigarettes.  Ichiro darted forth with as much speed as he could muster, leading with his left shoulder.  He knew if he wanted to defeat his opponent, he had to use this swords to his advantage.  He was using lightning jutsu and Mako's swords were two metal conductors.  He needed to for one little strand  of his chakra to land and arc betwixt the blades, which would in turn course through Mako and leave him open to Ichiro's follow-up attack.  As he came into contact with him, Ichiro would make a horizontal slash at Mako's blades and also drumming his fingers against the chakra at the precise moment, attempting to make some kind of contact.  The Chidori would sing as the altered frequency would ramp to compensate for the change and try to stabilise once again.  As his hand would finish making the arc, he would bring it back around, this time trying to make Mako's blades a conduit for electricity and render him dazed.

WC: 549 TWC: 1816
[1302/4000 towards Raiton: Chidori]
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:19 am
Mako had connected when he had dropped low and delivered a spinning kick to Ichiro,  Ichiro landed as gracefully as Mako had expected,  In the moment in which the chidori spiraled through the ground and left a crater where Ichiro had been Mako was up from his crouch and moving back placing a gap between the chidori wielding ninja and himself.  Mako's blades glistened blue with intense chakra and he had a feint that he was preparing to set up.  He saw the young genin standing about 10 feet away, he had dropped the cigarette Mako gave him.   As he went down to retrieve it Mako did the hand signs necessary for his next jutsu.  He couldnt allow a connection between that chidori and himself. Mako stood his muscles bulging and sweat dripped from his brow the half smoked cigarette dangled from his mouth,  he saw ichiro lift his arm up and re energize the chidori.  The young kid had a very try hard spirit, he would not give up and Mako appreciated it. 

Ichiro charged in moving very quickly enhanced by the crackling lightning flowing through out him =,  it flowed up his arm and made loud chirping noises, it was truly a frightening attack to behold, especially for Mako who had Earth element chakra nature.  Mako thought about the attack and weighed every possibility, he knew that if it connected he would be incapacitated, he also knew that he could block it with his blades off setting some of the damage that he might take from the attack, but he would assuredly still be shocked.  Mako knew he still had Sushma waiting up in a nearby tree awaiting his word, as well he had just prepared a jutsu that although would help him he didnt want to waste at this moment in time.   Ichiro approached he moved in a straight line, which Mako knew was the only direction he could go.  Chidori was a powerful jutsu but limited due to that strength.  Ichiro was upon him and Mako came in with a slash screaming "Iado beheading" both blades now forward in his arms he brought them down at an angled slash from the upper right hand parth of Ichiros person.  Mako knew the chidori would connect, Ichiro brought the crackling energy up and connected with his chest the energy causing a hole in his body the remaining chidori energy dispersing throughout his body causing him to slump, then a puff of smoke erupted from Mako as a medium sized log blasted away back toward the edge of the nearby woods. 

When all of a sudden behind Ichiro mako came finishing his feinted weapon attack having used the substitution to draw off Ichiros attention.  Mako was in midair about 4 feet above Ichiros crouched form, currently reeling from the great amount of chakra he had used, he countinued the slash he had started "Iado Beheading!".  He had both blades facing forward with his thumbs against the backs of the short blades and as the attack came closer at a spd of 50 Ichiro was currently helpless.  Just before connecting Mako turned his wrists forcing the handles to connect with the back of Ichiros head with an impact force of 10 with the pommels of his blades.  Seemingly knocking Ichiro out.

Mako knew that the fight was over the moment Ichiro used the chidori on his substitution due to the fact that Ichiro still could not manifest more chidoris for a while.  He picked the young genin up and carried him over to a nearby tree.  And rested him up against it.  Mako knew he would come to eventually and part of training is learning how and when to use your new jutsus in combat.  When Ichiro awoke, Mako knew they would give it another go.  For now however Mako sat down beside his current training partner and lit a cigarette resting his own body as well.  Mako's speed was much greater than Ichiros which is what saved him in the battle but if ichiro ever got faster that would be an absolutely fatal technique.

Mako sat for a while waiting for Ichiro to awaken.  When he didnt He searched through Ichiro's pouches hoping to find his address.  He searched for a moment and found it,  he knew that the kid didnt have it in him to fight again today,but Mako wouldnt hold that against him.  Mako smiled and lifted the kid up and hefted him over hsi shoulder.  He carried the newest genin over to his house, and opened it letting him sleep.  He left a note on the genins table informing him that they would fight the battle once again later.  The note reading "We arent done with this fight, you gotta earn that pack.      Mako"  And left to go back home.
804 words 2135 TWC
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:36 pm
Claiming 10 stats and 1840/ 3000 going to flying swallow completing it. 295 going toward sword mastery
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training) Empty Re: Weaponry Training!! FIGHT! (Open, training)

Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:02 pm
Approved @ Mako <3
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