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Training the Noobie (P) Empty Training the Noobie (P)

Mon Jul 10, 2017 1:09 pm
It was early in the morning so that the sun was still behind the horizon and the moon was high in the sky, just past it's 12:00 positon. It was one of the drawbacks that came with napping so often, always waking up around this time. He decided he'd take a walk to his second most-hated place in the village, his hands down by his sides as he snapped his fingers to a tune he had long since forgotten.

The lycan made it to the training grounds, the bane of his existence, within a few minutes of walking, having stopped snapping after replaying the song over and over in his mind. He let out a sigh, disappointed this place wasn't burning to ash this night, running a hand through his hair to express his exasperation. Ah... the training grounds... So lush... so familiar... so CONTEMPTABLE. Familiarity did often breed contempt and Salzem was as familiar with this place as a person could be.

The place seemed to spite him with it's never changing nature, the only differences being the ratio of rotting-to-fresh fallen leaves or the time of day the lycan chose to come here. Against his desires, Salzem walked in, deciding to dig up this festering memory for no other reason than to pass the time.

If it wasn't already clear, Sal hated this place. Too many memories here either bad, or good memories corrupted by the rotting corpse beneath the earth that once participated in the memory's making. In fact, his curse began here with the "accidental" death of his best friend Isshin, his body shattered and stolen while Sal looked on, unable to help with a kunai dagger in his spine. Suddenly uncomfortable, the lycan tugged at his headband that hung around his neck, his glances becoming quicker, less focused as if scanning the grounds for something... or someone.

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Mon Jul 10, 2017 1:56 pm
Puma stirs from his goody dream and a short time later heads to the lavatory to do his average step by step things. He by then surges initially floor and eats his most cherished breakfast. Puma wears his extraordinary ninja dress sorts and goes out. He went out with a smile everywhere. He inferred that it would be a wonderful time to scramble toward the field. It felt mind blowing today get ready was his need and his objective. What else would he have the capacity to do? 

He wishes to get more grounded and take in essentially more about juJutsuHe slender towards not to be forsaken and get ready with some person. "I figure this is the thing that a ninja should do remembering the ultimate objective to live." he groans. Also, a short time later heads to the field with no deferral. In the wake of scrambling toward his objective, he would sit and ruminate for quite a while. He by then tirelessly stands up and This tall figure of the tree was fitting in front him.

He took a position lifting both of his arms and took a truly direct ninja position. " I should beat you." his tone was stacked with energized, flooding with excitement, he by then sends a flying punch towards the tree hitting it distinctive conditions. 

400...450...500. " I should hit faster… "

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Mon Jul 10, 2017 2:39 pm
"I should beat you." Was what the lycan heard, his eyes falling on a tall figure in the distance. Instead of practicing on a tougher Konoha patented training dummy, the figure began slamming his fists into the tough bark of the tree, seemingly ignorant to the training equipment around him. This was the training grounds after all, and yet this guy seemed completely oblivious to his resources. Curious enough to spend more time here than he needed to, Salzem stepped forward, closing the distance enough to now hear the guy beginning to count in increments of 50 for each punch he delivered onto the trunk.

"What a weird guy..." Salzem muttered, squinting is eyes and paying more attention with his ears to make sure this was really happening. It would be easy to let this kid... behemoth of a ninja continue on with his unique training style but the lycan was simply too curious to pass this up. This guy was new and he had nowhere else to go at this time of night so why not drop by to say hello?

"I believe a single punch counts as one." Salzem noted, crossing his arms as he stood a few meters behind the training kid. Geez... he really WAS tall, wasn't he...? He was a little taller than Sal and Sal was taller than most ninja around here. His face seemed more full however, less tempered... more young. It was probably because he really WAS younger but his height didn't contribute to that hypothesis. maybe this guy's face was just weird... Who knew?

"My name is Salzem. What're you doing out here so late?"

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:01 pm
He was preparing hard not until the point that he handled a punch all of a sudden, a cut was opened. "I figure this is to indicate how hard am functioning." he murmurs. " A genuine ninja doesn't stop he really feels free to lets the torment simmer for a while." he at that point would proceed with his ninja kicking on the tree. Not until the point when somebody moved toward him. He began to address Puma saying he trust a solitary punch consider one. 

Who gives him the privilege to come in my preparation and aggravate me. No, he has no privilege. Be that as it may, he at that point recalls these ninjas are your confidants. A snappy idea flashed him up when the exam defender got some information about the will of flame. He comprehended the inquiry. Yet, why not presently? He let these malevolent considerations go and begun to take a gander at him with a delicate grin. He didn't anticipate that this person will be one of those randomers. He was cool a kind of fellow who was chilled. 

At the point when the young fellow presented himself, it was icy and delicate. My name is Salzem. What're you doing over here so late? Salzem was his name a cool and a delicate name. It matches him. Continuing at that point asking him for what good reason he was here so late..he had no answer as a top priority. In any case, he had a target. What is it? He answered. " I wish to get stronger Salzem… they call me Puma." he at that point holds up his hand while blood was dribbling little from his hand. The cut was not overwhelming as he sits tight for a reaction from Salzelm.


Last edited by Tobi <3 on Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Mon Jul 10, 2017 5:39 pm
Salzem looked at the taller male somewhat strangely, caught off guard by the way he spoke. It was so ridged so... formal... Who did he think he was talking to, the man who would forever have a hold on his life? It was like Salzem was someone important to him like his boss or something... After getting over his initial displacement, the boys stated that he was here to get stronger. Well... that he could understand and unfortunately, he got why he had to do it here. This was the place where you were supposed to get training done after all. The lycan raised an eyebrow as the boy spoke his name, Puma of all things. What... like the cat.

"Do they really?" He remarked, looking the boy up and down, seemingly unimpressed. His name was pretentious enough, what being named after a great cat but he also spoke strangely and that only contrasted with his average appearance. 2/3 doesn't make for a good mix. 


Salzem proposed this question, one that doesn't get asked enough around Konoha. "What does strength matter? Yeah, yeah there's this slogan about protecting friends and family and such. What about you? What are your little selfish reasons to punch trees until... uh..." He glanced down, his bleeding fingers obvious in both smell and in the light "Until your knuckles bleed...?"

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:41 pm
Words go into the shinobi life where it turns one feeling and considerations to negative creative ability. He didn't comprehend for what Sal was attempting to endorse? Essentially, overlook your family and companions and stress over your quality, first. Possibly he was correct. Perhaps he was attempting to demonstrate a point. In any case, what precisely is he attempting to state? To take away where it will lead him to underhanded disorder. Life was a choice...Puma knew it. Be that as it may, these words hit him hard...he was puzzled for a spell. The words were capable. He closes his eyes and reacted. " Maybe you are correct… I shouldn't stress over my family nor my companions." he opened his eyes while Sal completed his sentence. "What I seek is power and the ability to defend my nation. " he pauses. 

"But what I also seek is for you to fight me or train me." 

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:12 pm
Salzem seemed somewhat underwhelmed by the boy's response, especially since he asked him to discard all notions of selflessness and tell him what he wanted on a personal level. He was hoping for something darker, something that demanded real integral painful events like vengeance or... personal strength... or something that wasn't the propaganda of the leaf and yet... it seemed that was his only reason for doing this. Bah... So many people wanted to do this purely for the sake of the village nowadays, machines programmed to do battle for a collective and for no other reason. The boy stated he wanted power AND to protect the village and maybe that could be drawn out into something worth fighting for later...

Puma stated that he was looking for a fight, apparently asking for training from a guy he didn't even know until a few moments ago. Salzem squinted his eyes in suspicion at the boy, trying to discern just how desperate he must be for power to request training from a guy he was merely having a conversation with. The lycan looked the boy over, not too impressed with his physique or how he carried himself but that somewhat influenced his decision to take this boy up on his offer. Looks were deceiving enough...

"Sure. I could use some exercise." He responded, taking a few steps back. "Go ahead, come at me. We'll see how much you want that power."

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:55 pm
The six-foot shinobi weighing around 70 kg looking enormous and keen. Puma wearing his dark vest with dark shorts. His cap on the floor he gradually lifted it up. At that point, set it on his head. This was it for Puma. he hauled out his Kunai and gave it a quick turn at that point holding it easily. Puma's pocket was with Kunai, Shurikens and Smoke Bombs.He at that point bowed his knees grinning at Sal. He had it arranged. The separation between them was few meters. 

He ran as quick as he can and would then be able to toss his smoke bombs when he was in short proximity. The territory was filled a purple smoke screen. It happened rapidly. The youthful shinobi was in the smoke bombs prepared to assault his adversary. He at that point would toss a shuriken that would be going for Sal. The speed was unbelievable yet he knew it wouldn't do much. What's more, if Sal made a couple of strides back he would surge at him with extraordinary speed getting a substantial punch which just had 7 seconds to achieve Sal.


Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 1:58 pm
Salzem glanced around as the area filled up with purple smoke, obscuring his vision and to some extent his ability to smell, but did nothing on his hearing. He could pick up the boy's shoes crushing the grass underfoot, attempting to run at him at a speed of 3 (Momentum rules, if running, have to run at half speed (rounded up if odd) to pick up speed before transitioning to your max next post). Wow... to Salzem, such speed was rather... slow. Pitiful even. Still, the smoke itself was giving him a headache, mainly the color and obscurity.

The lycan began backing out of the large cloud of mist (speed 5) and just as he cleared it, Puma shot out as well in front of him, his fist cocked back ready to throw. The ninja seemed rather bored with this maneuver and as Puma threw his fist ((speed 5 and strength of 10)as attacks don't have to worry about momentum), Salzem raised a hand casually, catching the boy's fist in his palm, digging his fingers into his knuckles (speed 10, strength 10). Puma would begin to suffer the pain of his hand being crushed in Salzem's grip, to the point of muscles and bones straining, burning but nothing exactly breaking yet.

Not wasting a moment, Salzem quickly 'popped' Puma in the nose with a quick jab from his free hand (speed 15, strength 9), likely leaving his head spinning somewhat. He wasn't done yet, jabbing his knee into Puma's stomach brutally (speed 10, strength 10), the blow possibly sending him to his knees. If this was so, he would let Puma fall, letting go of his hand

Training the Noobie (P) Empty Re: Training the Noobie (P)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:41 pm
The attack connected since Puma was slower. It happened quite quickly and Puma didn't know why. This person appeared to be solid and all adjusted. He had that physical energy to stop Puma. No, that didn't mean anything. The agony he gave him was only a torment which he needed to endure. Pulverizing his hands and delving his fingers into his knuckles. Who does he think he is? All of a sudden, sending a punch to his nose. Why? Puma took a couple of meters back. " Is this what you call control?" he smiles. 

He at that point drops his hand that was smashed. Utilizing his speed he would run at Sal of 5 speed. He at that point would hop high as he would then be able to send a tornado quick kick (5) towards his face ensuring it would turn his ahead for the left side. And everything you could hear was a fine superb kick arriving all over giving him a fast flashback about his past.

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