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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty War Council (Kyousuke)

Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:31 am
Akihana returned to the palace pale and silent as a ghost, bypassing all the night guards due to her disperse technique and heading straight for the Queensguards' sleeping quarters. Under less dire circumstances, the kunoichi may have though better of wondering into the sleeping barracks of the guards and how it might seem to anyone on the palace staff but in that moment, the though did not cross her mind.

This was an emergency and for once, formality could be done without. Arriving at Ser Kyousuke's door, the blonde stopped, thought better of entering unannounced and instead held up a pale and shaking arm to knock upon the wooden barrier. Her knuckles rapped softly against the door, making her try one again, hopefully loud enough to wake the knight.

Should the door open, she would wait to be asked in before entering the room. In all her time of having knows the Jugo priest, Akihana had never had cause to visit his private rooms within the palace ground so the medic had no idea what she would be confronted with. however if non of it was more distracting than the matter at hand, she would sit or stand where gestured to and begin.

"Ser Kyousuke, I believe Hoshigakure's security has been breached." The preface of the statement would be a grave expression on her face and the still frightened look of just having seen a ghost in her bright golden eyes.

"Do you believe in ghosts, Ser? Because I think I've just met one."
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:42 pm
Awoken, by the soft taps against his door the man would look at the clock next to him. Who could it be at such an early hour? I swear if it’s the maintenance people again at this hour. The man’s bare feet would scrape against the concrete floor, with each step one could discern the man was mildly upset. From the rapidity of the steps and the strength at which they hit the floor. Creating a low banging sound. The steps would stop as the closed in on the door and he opened the door quickly in towards himself about halfway. Where he would see the queen.

Had he known who was coming he would have made some attempt to put clothes on. At the present, all he wore was boxers. “Well, this is awkward.” Oh, crap did I say that out loud. “Come on in your majesty, I’ll put some clothes on and make us some tea.” The jugo would fully open the door toward himself to allow the lady to enter. Inside the room was a large bed, alarm clock, a few dressers, and some exercise equipment. There was a table in the center of the room with a few chairs around it. On the table was an opened book with a pen on it. The page the book was on was about the third gate and from its headline it was called the gate of life. There was a diagram drawn about the increase in blood flow causing the users skin to turn red.

Opening one of his dresser drawers he would remove a pair of pants and then opening his other drawers he would pull out a black beater. He would quickly throw on the clothing, quickly stopping the downward movement of putting on his beater at the mention of an intruder. Like someone got through the gates? The look Akihana gave said the situation was serious, but her next statement was wildly off track for that.

“Did, you say ghosts?” Aww, she missed me and just wanted to see me. If I’d have known that I’d have just kept my clothes off. The question was asked as if he was unsure of what she was talking about. “I don’t believe in ghosts, but I do think demons can influence us to see things and these things we call “ghosts”.” 

This is probably a side-effect of stress from kumo. “Since, you brought it up, have you been seeing or hearing things others could not hear or see? 
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:18 pm
The medic's gaze barely swept the sparsely furnished room, not even stopping to take into account the state of the knight's dressing, instead taking her place at the table she was directed to. When the Queensguard was clothed and joined her, Akihana began once more, trying to keep the fear from her voice. She hadn't exactly remained composed in front of the ghost but she had at least not broken down. Now, it was hard to remember why since he was very much real, very much here and very uninterested in her as a whole.

"Over a year ago, I received what you would call absolutely proof of a man's death. His name was Maku Jemuzu, and his death prompted my journey to Kumogakure in the first place. I thought he was long buried beneath the sands but tonight..." she paused, taking a deep breathe to ensure that she wasn't sounding insane, the reassurance more for herself than the redhead opposite her. "Tonight I ran into him at the Water Gardens while I was out praying. He... Is very much alive and within the city. What's more, he appears to have taken leadership of the Kumogakure armies and has come into possession of what I fully expect is a beast of legend, the nine tailed fox."

Should the Jugo have knowledge of the demon fox belonging to the former Kazekage, this information would reveal a lot more than it would appear to at first glance, if not, Akihana would simply continue. "He claims that the current Raikage is... indisposed. He has also ordered Kumogakure's forces Haven-wards, on a diplomatic tour in his own words but I of course have very little faith in that promise." The fear was obvious on her pale, trembling features as she spoke.

"He claims to have no ill intentions towards our country, perhaps because... The Hogokage is his biological brother. But he does insist that we house and feed his ninja while he speaks to the village higher ups about where we can go from here. Kumogakure's strength is mighty if he and the Raikage have decided to operate against Hoshigakure. Do you think we can meet them in the field of battle if it comes to that?"
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:09 pm
“So, a man you believed had died is alive?” He would ask pausing to get the story straight. “He has become the leader of Kumo’s forces and has the nine tails?” It was a lot to swallow and adding the fact that he is within the city walls, one would wonder why this visit had been her first thought and not sounding the alarms.

“Well that isn’t the only bijuu that they possess.” It was said kind of plainly as it seemed most of the people in power had some type of demon nested within them. So, it was no real surprise that he possessed the nine tails. Good, I don’t like that guy he’s pretty sick in the head. The jugo would think as Akihana mentioned him being indisposed. As the women added that she didn’t truly believe the diplomatic tale, he would add his own statement. “You know people from kumo can’t keep a promise.” The queen before him should know that better than anyone.

“Den is his brother? I’d say let’s use that connection to our advantage, but these days seeing him around is like spotting a big foot.” Kyousuke would stand walking over to his dresser and pull out a pack of cigarettes and some matches. He would place one in his mouth and sit back down. “You mind?” The man would ask before lighting the end and taking a breath in.

“I am not completely certain we could win no. Maybe, if my research was complete on this technique we’d fare far better.” He would push the book on the table towards the woman. “I’ve only been able to open the first three gates, so far. But I’ve dreamt about what the eighth can do and it is terrifying.”

“So, maybe we can’t win today. But, if I could figure this out and train some of our ninja. I think we can do almost anything.” He would shrug thinking about what that would mean and how to accomplish it. “If you expect they are lying to us, maybe we should lie right back.”
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:23 pm
His mention of Kumogakure possessing multiple bijuu now had not escaped Akihana, but it was overshadowed by his next words of the village unable to keep a promise. A visible blanch tore across her features, the fear in her eyes replaced for a moment with anguish as she bit her tongue, refusing to admit that it was she who had failed to keep a promise. Something she would probably never stop paying for, just as she deserved.

"Yes, the Hogokage is his brother though they remained estranged for most of their lives. It was just before the founding of Hoshigakure as a ninja village that they discovered their bond, and with what I personally know about Denkiteki, he would likely lend little assistance in the coming war should there be one." If she was being honest with the knight about everything else, she may as well disclose who much Denkiteki disliked his position. "The Hogokage is away, he has long since left matters of the village to me, he has even offered to name me the Kage but I have no desire for the position and until now, there was no need for it either."

Another pause before she continued. "We cannot look weak to the incoming Kumo delegation, we must show them the full might of our military even if at rest. I considered a war and came to the same conclusion as you just did. Our ninja are capable but Hoshi will not recover from its land turned into the battlegrounds." When Kyousuke offered the alternative, a book he was reading on a jutsu, her golden eyes looked upon the text with interest. She had never heard of this gate technique, never having much interest in taijutsu or any exposure to the specialty. The results as stated in the text were indeed akin to miraculous.

"How long would it take you to master this technique?" she asked, noting all the effects of the seventh and eight stages. The final peak appeared to be a double edged sword, death in exchange for a few moments of ultimate glory. And death was not nearly as permanent as most people believed. Her own abilities as well as the ghost's appearance had proved that much.

When the redhead suggested lying, a shiver traveled down the young woman's spine. "We need more time, time to understand what they want. While I don't believe all they are here for is a party, I don't know what it is they're here for. They could have come to our doors with battering rams, war horns and jutsu but their representative seeks peaceful negotiations. If we turn those negotiations down, then we are the starters of war and they will only retaliate. There appears to be little choice but to agree to at least talk if we want to deal with Kumogakure without any bloodshed." The blonde looked up at him hopefully, somehow wanting the tall knight to confirm her conclusions or offer a better solution to their current dilemma, without Den, Kyousuke was her only source of affirmation when it came to matters of the village.

"The time will also allow you to learn your technique and provide us with one more weapon against the coming onslaught."
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:58 pm
"Dearest queen Regent Akihanna,

It is with my humblest and most sincere regards I have writ this letter unto you.  I am hereby informing you on the calling of the alliance that exists between our villages.  

I apologize for the lateness of this letter, however in the best hopes to catch you in your good graces I thought it best to not put it off.

The forces of Kumogakure m'lady are weary.  It is through toil and perseverance of faith that they have worked to better the world through the unification of the shinobi lands.  Many villages and countries have flocked to join our call.  

The Daiymo's of all these countries have opted to retire to allow myself to lead them.  It is in this spirit that I ask for your hospitality.  

My men are wary, and I would like them to be able to rest.  While so far from home, the march back would be I'm afraid to much.

Enclosed you will find the sum of 70k ryo to accommodate this request.  They can be housed within the slums, if this is agreeable.  

I only ask they are treated as guests as will be their right, with the responsibilities and expectations that this most holy position entails.  

You can expect their arrival in the coming days, there will be a mixture of shinobi and civilian soldiers alike.  The entirety of the Kumogakure army is spread between the world, so you needn't worry about housing them all.

If I am allowed I would also be pleased if I can house a celebration within the slums for my forces as a reward to their dedication.  Unless I am mistaken, the fees of many trade goods will diminish in the coming days aiding in this undertaking.

Again my deepest apologies for the late hour of my call.  If you have any queries for me, simply close your eyes and you will know were to find me.  

Sincerely and ever at your service,

Lord Raikage, his commander General Slaanesh, the left hand of the wind God, master chef, The Lavender Peacock,

Maku Jemuzu Hayato"

The letter was written in Maku's own hand which admittedly was not very good.  He was great at a many thing however penmanship was not among these.  It did wok to help prove it was from him.

To an outsider it would resemble the pomp of the court, which Maku had had his own time to learn.  Throughout the letter small things would be hidden that anyone but Akihana would surely find to be simple mistakes.  Missed capitalization, missed spelling, and even a title.

Between his titles and the print of his name Maku had signed with a flourish.  

The letter would appear in a small golden bubble in front of Akihana, a technique that Aki would clearly recognize.  However in this case only the letter transferred.  

When Akihana had mentioned ghosts, if her focus was enough, the white noise of Maku's chakra would vanish.  It was as she mentioned a new weapon that his chakra would reemerge within the village.  Anyone with chakra sensory capabilities would be able to feel him from within the village should they but try in the slightest.  There had been days for shadow games, yet that time had passed long ago.  

His account was far from the truth, yet it wasn't the spoils of war that was the most important, rather the ability to write history.  In the coming days rumors would fly, yet as time went on it would be he who got to decide what had really happened, despite what had really happened.  

In the end he hadn't needed to enter any threats, he hadn't needed to mention his own capabilities.  He knew Akihana knew them all.  She would know that two shinobi, that had been as famous for their power as their heritage had now vanished from this world, and yet he was still standing.  That was all he needed, he was well aware her imagination could do the rest.  His own feelings on the matter........well they had to be discarded for there was only the next act.

(Enter / Exit)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:03 pm
“Well our people do need a leader. If it isn’t going to be Den or yourself, then who is left?” He would ponder the question for a few minutes thinking of the remaining Hoshi, higher ups. There is Arashi, a fellow queensguard, but Kyousuke could not confirm his combat ability as he had never witnessed it. Then there was Shiroi, she would likely say the wrong thing at the wrong time. If he was being honest though Kyousuke liked that trait about her. The little girl did not care who was around and who she was talking to. Then there was himself, thinking about it for a few moments he came to the idea that maybe he should throw his name out for the position.

“If Den, no longer wants the title I would be willing to take over as Hogokage.” It wasn’t something he particularly wanted, but if they needed a body to defend Haven he would gladly use his own. If military might is what they need to see, perhaps my Hell’s Flash would help.

“Well each gate has its own unique toll on the body. With the proper healing technique’s and supervision likely not too long. I’ve only got five more I need to learn how to open.” He would say placing the unlit cigarette down as Aki had not responded to whether it was okay to smoke in her presence.

“I don’t see a problem with hearing them out. If we say no, though and they decide to feud with us well then that is on them.” He would move the book towards him. “Well I guess, I should move onto learning the gate of pain next.”
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:33 pm
When the Queensguard generously offered himself as the leader, the blonde shook her head sadly. "Should things go south, we will need you out on the field with the ninja, you and the other Queensguard and jounin are our first line of defense. You will make a capable Kage someday but right now we need a face that the Kumo representatives know and are used to." The blonde wouldn't elaborate but her silence would remind Ser Kyousuke that the Raikage had only stopped his attacks when he had seen Akihana appear in the battlefield. Maku too had approached Akihana and not his own brother or another higher up. As much as the kunoichi had shied away from official leadership of the village, it seemed there was little choice now.

"However, I would like you to be present in all meetings between the two villages, and for that, you will require a rank. I will act as interim Kage until this whole situation is dealt with and I would like you... to act as the Deputy Hogokage of Hoshi. I wish the circumstances under which I asked this of you were better but..." she simply let her gaze fall to her hands. No one had planned this and yet it was happening. Death and a trip through the afterlife had done little to change the ghost's personality, creating chaos wherever he went.

Just as she was thinking of him, the golden bubble appeared in the room, carrying the message and a standard storage scroll. Eyes wide open she shrank into her chair slightly before straightening her frame and reaching out for the rolled up piece of parchment. The last time Akihana had received a message in such a fashion, someone had told her he loved her, before admitting he was leaving her forever.

This missive was a lot more formally worded, yet contained the penmanship of the same author. Akihana read the letter twice, her topaz gazing taking in the errors, the misspellings, the play on titles. Reading it twice confirmed her suspicion. Handing the letter to the knight for his own perusal, the medic waited.. If they were going in to this together, then complete honesty was always the best place to start.

Kyousuke appeared to be thinking the same as he outlined how long it would take for him to learn the technique. "My own healing abilities are at your disposal," she offered. The sooner he mastered this technique, the safer she would feel going into potentially dangerous waters. As much faith as she had in the knight however, she also knew the ghost would decimate nearly any shinobi on this earth. He had even managed to incapacitate the Raikage, a formidable ninja in every way. And yet the very fact that Hoshi was not a giant crater in the sand alluded to their visitor wanting something more.

"It looks like our representative works fast," she spoke, her voice now simply grave instead of fearful. "The kumo delegation is on the way so I suppose the first thing to do is honor the request and set them in the areas specified. The talks can then begin in earnest about what they want and how much we're willing to accommodate them before we fight back."

The blonde made no comment on the cigarette, guessing that Kyousuke had more important matters at hand. If he chose to light it, she would not object however.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:09 pm
“Well our jounin and queensguard ranks are pretty bare.” He would add to the queen’s statement of how they would be on the front lines. There weren’t many that was for certain, so some of the chuunin would have to lead teams of ninja of their own rank.

 “Permission to speak freely, my queen?” He would ask before continuing with his thoughts of why they had come to her. If given permission he would continue. “They came to you because they believe you are fragile. You are a person willing to give herself in marriage to a monster, to save his people. If you are willing to do that for others, then they must surely wonder what you would do to save the people of your own country.” Kyousuke trusted that the woman would do anything to protect the people of Haven and that was the problem. She would sacrifice herself and accept things to avoid a war with the people of Kumo and sometimes war was unavoidable. “Sometimes, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the press, raikage, and the world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world. “NO, YOU move” (Captain America, Captain America Civil War)

“I will attend all of the meetings, as deputy kage.” The orange haired man would say after the queen had wished for more fortuitous circumstances. “Well I couldn’t have had a better person ask me to be her assistant.” He would say watching as a piece of paper entered the room in a shine of golden light.

He would remain silent as the queen read, only taking the paper once it had been handed to him. The man would read over each word and from its almost instantaneous appearance he already had their plan running through his head. “I believe this letter is supposed to confuse us, with its rapid appearance. They aren’t giving us time to delegate and decide. The leader of kumo only visited a couple of minutes ago correct? This letter I feel is a tactic they will continue with. They will only make time for on the fly decisions and that is something we must end now. I say, allow them to have the party but further stunts as this will be denied?” He asked the last sentence as a sort of question hoping that the queenkage would agree.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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War Council (Kyousuke) Empty Re: War Council (Kyousuke)

Sat Jul 08, 2017 2:54 pm
When the knight requested permission to speak freely, Akihana consented with a nod. She hooped he would always speak freely to her regardless of what their status was but she also understood the need for tradition in a country like Haven. As he offered his own speculations about how and why Kumo chose to deal with her, the kunoichi was taken aback for a moment. There were many things she knew a lot of people thought of her, but fragile was no one of them, at least not to her. But perhaps that was the way of the world, a woman like her would seem fragile to everyone outside, yet a fragility that benefited innocent people was one she was willing to embrace.

"If I acted alone, they might gain the upper hand, but if we act together, they might find it a little harder to get their way," she offered, not going into the debate that neither of them had time for. But when the Queensguard spoke of standing by he truth, she lifted ehr gaze to his, a sheen of determination clear in the golden orbs. "What is the truth right now, Ser Kyouske? Because to me, the truth is our people and their safety. They are a greater truth to me than my own life. Her Grace the late Queen Shiera once told me that a Queen is of and for her people. No truth tops that, no truth ever will."

When he agreed to accepting the position of Deputy, for the first time, a warm look blossomed across her features that night, the sole silver lining of today's events. At least she would not be doing this alone. " I thank you, Ser," she replied, as ceremonious as she could get given the circumstances. "There really should be some kind of an officiation service, and you deserve more fanfare and ceremony then this. Unfortunately, we have our work cut out for us. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive the informality."

Once he had finished reading the letter and announced his own views on the limited time frame, she nodded. The redhead was probably right. In giving them little time to act, perhaps they wanted Hoshi to make a mistake. And even if that went against everything she personally knew of both Youka and the ghost, it was a possibility. She would need o speak to Ser Kyousuke at length about how well she knew these men, of their personalities and their past actions, but not tonight.

"The missive will go out today at dawn of the change in leadership. our shinobi need to be informed of who their new Kage and Deputy are. Cite the reason for Denkiteki's abdication as his continual absence from the city. Also include a note about us expecting guests of a diplomatic nature from Kumogakure. Send word to the gate guards so they know not to cause a scene."

All of this would be uttered in a soft but firm tone, making Ser Kyousuke see beyond a doubt that he would not be getting any more sleep tonight. Rising to her feet, the kunoichi would move towards the door, her own work was waiting. Letters to write to the University about the change of command, clearances granted to the ninja that would need them in the coming months and taking stock of which shinobi and kunoichi were up for promotion. If they were about to go into talks with Kumogakure no Sato, they might as well look their best.

"The next meeting they request, we will both be present to hear their terms and present our own," she decided, making ehr way tot eh door. Should the knight have something else to add, she would listen before bidding him farewell.

"War is coming to Haven, Ser Kyousuke, and if I know anything about war, nobody ever wins it." With that, she would exit, the wooden door snapping shut softly behind her narrow frame.

(Exit Akihana)

Claiming Hogokage
Appointing Kyousuke as Deputy Hogokage

ETA: Also claiming the 70K Ryo from Maku

Last edited by Akihana Akari on Sat Jul 08, 2017 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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