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General Training [Solo] Empty General Training [Solo]

Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:29 pm
Today was the day that those in the academy would be given a chance to learn the 2 most basic jutsu's required to be come a fully fledged ninja of Konohagakure. Nike, being the exited person that he usually is turned up to the class half an hour earlier than what was intended. Class started at 9am and yet here he was sitting inside the classroom waiting for his sensei to come with the scrolls that contained the techniques information.

It did not take long for his sensei to enter the room with a bunch of scrolls, to the point that even a few of them were falling out of his hands as he made his was towards his desk. Setting them down he noticed a figure in the corner of his eye. Like any normal person would he diverted his attention momentarily so investigate what he had perceived in his peripheral vision.

"Nike. What are you doing here so early?" To be frank Nike's sensei did not really need to answer this question considering that it was quite obvious of what he was here for. "Actually I already no what you are here for." 

Looking at his sensei Nike could only smile and try to contain his excitement as he watch the man, pick up a scroll of the floor and toss it over to him.

"Looks like you get an early start, get practicing kiddo." 

Catching the scroll mid flight Nike, bolted from the classroom outside, not before saying "Thank you!" on his way out without even turning around. One could say that his eagerness showed no bounds.

Reaching the academies training field Nike posted himself underneath a tree with the scroll he had only just received. Opening it up Nike's eyes lit up with more excitement that before. There in his hands contain the information the he needed to prepare himself for becoming a genin. It was one step in being able to make his mother proud. The first technique on the scroll was the Clone technique, heck the person who wrote the scroll even threw in a little summary of what the jutsu is;

Clone Technique : Ram → Snake → Tiger

A simple type of ninjutsu that creates and intangible copy of ones self.

Perfect. Setting down the scroll Nike went through the hand signs that the scroll had indicated for him to do. Ram, Snake and then Tiger. Nike went through this a few times just to get the hang of it in addition to so that he does not fumble when the time comes for him to actually perform the jutsu.

Testing the waters Nike went through the hand signs imbuing each one with very minimal chakra. Finishing the hand signs a small cloud of smoke appeared next to him revealing the clone that he had just created, and this thing definitely did not represent Nike. The clone was extremely skinny, with no muscle or fat on the body, only skin and bone was present. He had succeeded in making a clone of himself but it was definitely not an exact copy of him. Dispelling the 'clone' he ran through the hand signs again.

Ram → Snake → Tiger

This time putting more chakra into is another cloud appeared next to Nike, revealing a more direct copy of himself. Wearing the exact same clothes; simply blue t-shirt with white shorts. Nike had succeeded in creating a clone of himself. Putting his hand up in celebration Nike looked on proud as the clone copied exactly what he did. Seeing this only made him laugh and causing a large smile to appear on his face. Dispelling the clone Nike, sat under the tree giving himself a small rest before continuing onto the next technique.

After taking a small break Nike stood up, once again giving himself a small pat on the back for successfully completing the clone transformation. Taking a deep breath, it was time for Nike to once again attempt the transformation jutsu. This was definitely not the first time he had attempted this jutsu, as he was one of the few out of the academy class to receive the opportunity to attempt it to show that it was fairly difficult to pull off. However this did not faze him one bit in this instance.

Taking a quick peek at the scroll again, he doubled check that the hand signs were; dog, boar, and ram. Just like the with the clone technique jutsu, Nike quickly ran through the signs to make sure that her felt comfortable in doing so.

Performing the jutsu, Nike did the necessary hand signs whilst adding chakra. A large cloud of smoke appeared around Nike however nothing happened. Looking at his hands to check whether his transformation jutsu had worked was something that he did instinctively, however after doing so, Nike recalled a piece of vital information that was given to the entire academy class about performing the jutsu, imagination or another way to put it was visualise the object or person that you wish to transform into. Now to begin with this was a fairly difficult concept for him grasp however as time went on, Nike stopped trying to transform into complex objects like shuriken and instead decided to transform into a copy of his academy teacher.

With the image of his academy teacher in his head Nike went through the hand signs at a decent rate, allowing him more time to concentrate on the minor details of his tutor. In a large puff of cloudy smoke, Nike had completed the transformation jutsu, actually creating a decent copy of his academy teacher. There were a few minor imperfections like the weapons pouch being on the right side instead of the left, however minute details come in time with practice of the technique. 

Looking at his hands, what Nike saw definitely were not his own. Seeing this he shouted as loud as possible with joy, causing a few nested birds around the area to fly away in annoyance at their peaceful environment had just been rudely disturbed. 

Transforming back to himself, Nike went and pick up the scroll that contained the information about both of the techniques and ran back to his academy teacher with what one would call good news.

WC - 1051

Claiming 5 stats, Transformation Technique and Clone Technique
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:46 pm
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