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Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Solo training in Darcania [solo training] Empty Solo training in Darcania [solo training]

Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:07 pm
Another Personality seemed to take root in Arcanis.  He never had a name.  he didn’t even speak.  All he did was cry.  It was Arcanis weakness.  His pain his suffering his emotions that he had surpressed since his parents murder.  All of them were now attacking his body crippling him with fear and lonelyness.  Arcanis didn’t care about anything but releasing this pain he felt in his chest.  Pushing out his eyes blocking his ears to anything.  “Sir are you alright?”  Kam would ask.  Arcanis had doubled over and was currently bashing his pace against the ground.  Waves upon waves of misery flowed over him.  He realized he was alone so totally and remarkably alone.  He realized that at night when everyone went home to their loved ones he walked through the cold unfeeling existence that was his pathetic life.  Night after night he would think “Why bother.  Why shouldn’t I just kill myself.  No one would notice.  Infact he knew many who would be happy he was gone.”  But every night he thought “Maybe just one more day maybe it will turn around and I will have something that I can cling to for another day.  Night after night the same thing over and over into endless oblivion.  Time would stop and Arcanis could wallow in his wretched life thinking about all the things that could have happened to prevent this out come.  Standing still Arcanis cursed his intellect.  “If I didn’t understand the world to such an extent I could find solace in some bit of ignorance.”  But he could not he knew too much the world laughed at him the sound of the rotation of the earth sounding like laughter in his mind.  The gazes of everyone walking by looking at his durled up form bloodying the streets.  Arcanis could read their minds “pathetic they’d call him.  Wretched stupid man they’d say.  He must have no sense if he’d sit on the pavement and bash his own brains in.  “come along children”  the mothers would say leading their children away by the hands looking at Arcanis from down their noses.  As if he were some animal that didn’t deserve help.  The entire world looked at him that way  “He deserves what he gets.  If he had any sense he’d just change.”  Arcanis stopped beating his head.  Warm blood trickled down his face and nose.  It tickled slightly.   Arcanis still wished to kill himself but maybe it was best to take as many of those who scoffed at him as many of those who avoided Arcanis gaze.  Those who had beaten him, those who had caused him pain and especially those who told him he was nothing who thought they were above him.  Thought that they knew better.  They were so wrong.  It was time.  He would set in motion the coming of the end.  And eventually he may die.  But not before bringing this world to it’s knees in worship of Arcanis.  He had no place on this planet with these mere mortals.  It was time to begin his long trek up mount Olympus to take his rightful seat as God over these puny bags of flesh.  He would let no one stop him.  “Wrath! Devour this weakness.  I no longer have any need for it.  And when your done.  Lend me your power we have work to do”  Kam had already begun treating his wounds.  “Thank you Kameron.  It’s time I speak with you about my plans.”  Kameron knew his master was serious.  Other than the display he had just performed Arcanis never called him Kameron.  He had always called him Kam.  Not as a term of endearment but simply because it took less time to say.  “Yes Master.”  Kam climbed back on Arcanis back and Arc teleported them back to Darcania.  Once he was back he allowed Wrath to rebuild the castle while he went about plotting his ultimate plan.  “Kam  You remember the Kage don’t you?  The ones we met?”  “of course master.”  Kameron leapt onto the table as Arcanis walked past it heading for his favorite chair.  This made no sense to the outsider looking in mainly because every chair in Darcania was an exact copy of his favorite chair.  However this is the chair that Arcanis liked the most.  “Kameron we wil be using the Kage in our grand scheme.  We will first continue by collecting more and more shinobi to my cause.  However we need to accelerate our ideals.  No longer can I have ninja who serve 2 kings.  Either they serve me or they don’t but As for right now the ones who already serve me must make a pledge of loyalty.  If they don’t they die.  If they ever betray me they die.  Just as any who mistake me for a benevolent man to be manipulated and controlled…They will all die.  I will continue my plans from here.  The cosmos already bow to my wishes why not humanity as well.”  Kameron nodded “Yes My lord as you wish I will begin preparations immediately.”  Kameron left to begin his own training and to begin the prepartations to follow arcanis’s orders.  Arcanis would find him later.  He went into another room and changed his clothes.  Removing the blood stained ones.  Moving into the batroom he stood infront of a mirror and removed the bandages from his face.  Focusing on the extra dimensional space around him  he focused it on him wound.  Ripples in time and the other demensions closed his self inflicted wound.  He then continued into his Library there.  He began extracting books from the book shelf with the simple wave of his hand.  Knowledge flowed like the passage of time, quickly and without end.  He filled him mind to the brink and then took a break for one needs to sivilize the mind but make savage the body.  Adjourning to the training Hall Arcanis withdrew two swords from the holding rack of training weapons.  Releasing his pure unadulterated anger he destroyed the entire room.  Using all of his jutsu to ruin everything in it.  Arcanis left the room as Wrath chuckled in his head.  Wrath put the room back how it was and continued constructing the castle.  The castle was beginning to grow.  Even larger than it had been ever.  The castle was now the size of a small indoor city.  His demmension obeyed his commands to the fullest as soon the rest of the world will.  He was the master of time and space  no one else.  It was his power and he would be recognized for it.  The world will bow to their new god and he would reign supreme. 
Kam began his training with a run around the massive track in the exercise room.  Hours later he would work on his chakra control.  He would begin with focusing his chakra like Arc had showed him how.  He kept up the slow work knowing that if he did not become stonger Arcanis would have no use for him.  He needed some jutsu and he would focus all his energy on learning and progressing.  He wanted to be Arcanis most trusted tool.He continued training for hours on end while his master continued setting about crafting his future dominion.  His castle was now huge.  The size of a complete city.  Kam was upset because he was unable to move about very fast and therefore would not be able to get around as quickly with the every growing castle.  It didn’t matter however the plans were going just fine.  Kam had finished training and began collecting information for his master.  He was an incredibly intelligent animal.  On par with most humans.  He collected data on all the ninja he and his master had met already.   He analyzed the data and put it together in a quick presentation that his master would be able to glance over when he had an opportunity. 
Arcanis continued to build the dimension how he deemed it should be.  He reconstructed the Labrynth for training purposes and filled the rest of his castle with light and objects and even music and food.  He built this place for people to live a place of solitude and respite.  And soon he would shape the world just the same.  Arcanis went in to the labrynth to get alittle speed training done.  He need to pick up his speed if he was going to have a chance in any upcoming Jounin exams.  He need to progress to gain more power.  Once in the labrynth he used his powers to form a timing clock to be used in recording his speed through the maze.  He had intentionally let Wrath design the room so he wouldn’t know where any of the traps were.  His main goal was speed.  He drew his Zanpakuto.  He would crush the maze and record his time.  “Slow to a crawl Jikan Yokusei!”  Arcanis felt his body tense as even more power poured into him from his blade.  Triggering two more jutsu Arcanis eyes grew black and skin heated as Jisoku activated and his Ichimatsugan stretched his perception to the max.  Dashing forward he began tracking his time.  His eyes projected far ahead giving him ample decision making and reaction time.  Many traps and dead ends were avoided by merely seeing them before arriving.  The traps that did catch him by surprise were destroyed in the blink of an eye by the power flowing through his Zanpakuto.  His abilities were second to none.  He arrived at the end of the labrynth in just under 2 seconds.  He must have traveled over 2 km.  the labrynth was too easy.  “Do it over Wrath.  Make it bigger.”  “Heh heh yeah. That was a bit of a disappointment.”  Arcanis had finally made a connection with wrath.  They were now of one mind.  Arcanis’s wrath had finally become strong enough to house demon entirely in his heart.  His sorrow and rage and anger drove him to become the embodiment of the demon that had antagonized him for so long. 
Kam continued to to work finding more and more leads.  He started with Missing ninja that were known to hate the different villages.  They would be perfect recruits into the organization.  And eventually th village that Arcanis was designing.  And finally loyal followers that would do Arcanis bidding.  This was important.  The next ones Kam looked at were rejects or even stand alone ninja who the cities prized or hated them selves. These ninja with enough motivation would join Arcanis’ side and provide usefull information about the cities.  Finally Kam looked at potential village leaders that might be bought or won over by Arcanis’ sly tongue.  Kam’s tongue flicked out turning a page in the book.  Even Kam envied the way Arc was able to rally people to his cause.  But it was sounding like they were going to have to get serious.  Simple turns of phrase and a smile here or there wasn’t getting them far enough it was about time to start turning heads.  In the sharp twisting manner that fit an assassin.  Arcanis would be most pleased. 

“Kam it’s time to go for now.”  Arcanis went finding his Failiar in the study.  It looked like the little guy had been hard at work.  From a quick look over the materials that the guy had been going over it looked as if the Chameleon had started quite a collection he would have to look over it when he got back for now it was time to return.  A cloak appeared on his shoulders.  It was full length and completely black except for his families crest on the back.  It had a collar that stuck up around his neck.  He knew the cloak would derive some from of negative emotion from those who saw it.  Kam climbed up his back underneath the cloak.   This gave Arcanis a very disturbing hump on his back, but it didn’t matter any more.  He was in control and the rest would soon bow to him.

TWC 2009

requesting 10 stat and 20 jp for Arc and Kam.  Mastery of Shikai.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Ryo : 27500

Solo training in Darcania [solo training] Empty Re: Solo training in Darcania [solo training]

Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:08 pm
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