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Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Snack Time Empty Snack Time

Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:52 pm
“Ryu gonna win these exams, Reinhard cuz its what the village demands. Reinhard Ryu he can see through all of you. R-E-E-U think of what he’ll do to you. ” The chuunin just sang this little tune as he skipped down the street on his way to the bakery to get some sweets. Of, course people looked at him and told them he wasn’t spelling his name correctly, but he wouldn’t fall for their tricks he had been spelling his name for years. He would just continue his journey, until he came to a direct stop inside of the bakery.

The clerk greeted the boy, as he came here nearly once a week. He even already had the boy’s purchase ready to go. All Ryu had to do was pay for it, the chuunin put a few coins onto the table. ”Ryu you know that’s too much.” The chuunin would look at the amount and take away a few pieces of the coin. To which the man would shake his head. “Thank you!” With that the ki would return to skipping with his box of sweets in hand. He was headed to the training grounds maybe he could find Salzem too, it was starting to look like he wouldn’t be able to show off his new jutsu in the exams against him. His next fight was against Yensung, Orokana, and Nobu. The only one Ryu wasn’t sure of was Yensung.

As Ryu entered the training grounds he would stop and form a cone with his hands. “Salzem, are you around here I got food and want to show you that jutsu I’ve been made!” People looked at him oddly, but then figured out who it was and decided it wasn’t anything out of the usual for who it was and went about their business.

WC: 304

Snack Time Empty Re: Snack Time

Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:28 pm
Salzem spent his time now simply napping and for some reason, the sounds of ridiculous noises and over-the-top technique shouting was somewhat soothing to the wolf. It was like how some people kept the fan running at night or how people find the sound of running water or the flushing or a toilet soothing. It was a way to signify that the lycan wasn't alone in some abyss of darkness, that there was something else going on here... For his sake and theirs, thank the Hokage that the training ninja kept their distance, avoiding any residual splash-damage or any kicked-up sand. All was going well and he was even having a good dream too boot.

It was cool in Sunagakure... The air was sweet and crisp, the sun wasn't nearly as harsh, and everyone was happy... There was no training grounds or even a graveyard, and as he stood there, standing among the smiling, laughing crowd, he knew that nobody had died... Sure, he couldn't recognize any of the faces that surrounded him as they conversed with each-other and went on their merry day, but he just knew it... Everyone was here, as if they had escaped some great crisis... Somehow, he just knew he was responsible for their joy and it made him smile along with them... It was the sappiest, corniest dream ever conceived, but even as he slept, Salzem's mouth curled into a smile... that was until a voice from the heavens tore it all asunder.

Salzem groaned in protest and opened one eye as Ryu came sauntering into the training ground, calling his name. Slowly, shakily, the lycan sat up in the sand, running his fingers through his dark, spiky hair as the other boy approached, a box of sweets in one hand, a cocky look about him as he recited some rhyme misspelling his name and such (unless Reeo is how he spelled it...).

"Alright... Alright... ALRIGHT!" Salzem yawned, stretching an arm and giving Ryu an indication of where he is. "I'm up.... stop shouting..."
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Snack Time Empty Re: Snack Time

Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:32 am
Seeing his friend yawning and telling him to be quiet, Ryu would walk over and hold out the baked goods. “Here, a nice healthy breakfast.” He would hold out the box of donuts, muffins, and cupcakes for his friend from the leaf. After Salzem chose what he wanted, Ryu would pick one out at random and bite in. “So, how do you like being back in the leaf?” The blonde haired, tan kid would ask while wearing his chuunin jacket. The last time he and Salzem had seen each other he hadn’t been wearing it, but he used it during his first match of the jounin exams and was currently a big topic of discussion in the village. The first genin, made chuunin in Suna for some time. “I kind of want to go there when all of you go back, you know just see what its like.”

Snack Time Empty Re: Snack Time

Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:08 am
Salzem stared at the box of cupcakes, muffins and doughnuts presented to him as a "Healthy breakfast", looking at Ryu oddly before picking out a blueberry muffin and began nibbling on it, As he enjoyed this oh-so healthy breakfast, the lycan began eyeing up his old friend, noticing there was something different about him.... His eyes completely glossed over Ryu's jacket, still half asleep and barely even able to remember what his name was, so tired was he. When his deliverer-of-pastries asked what it was like in Konoha, the lycan didn't say anything for several moments. It wasn't because he was ignoring his friend or that he was thinking on something else, but his mind was only just now booting up... It was like an ancient computer with dust all within the central processor or in the disk drive but eventually, even that dust was cleared.

"Hm...?" He asked, before his eyes widened, the blonde-ninja's question finally making it through. "OH! Uh... It's a lot less hot than here, I'll tell you that. Wetter too... You can wake up in the morning and find the grass all around you covered with the coolest water, or the streets wet with rain that comes much more often. There's much more plant and animal life over there... so filled with green..." He let out a sigh, clearly lamenting that he wasn't there and still here. Don't get him wrong... Sunagakure was a nice place and he loved the people here. They were all so nice and he'd protect them with his life but he just liked his village a little bit more... Still, If he had to live here, if he was forced to plant his flag here, he simply wouldn't complain (at least, not openly). His girl-friend lived here... most of his living friends lived here in Suna... and they were people he wanted desperately to never let go. Ryu was at the top of that iceberg. He was his first friend here ever, thought, back when he'd given up his home and family to protect them. This kid came and offered his friendship when he didn't have too and because of that, they might as well have been the best of friends. In fact... in some ways, Salzem considered him his brother. When Ryu commented how he might want to tag along when the leaf ninja returned to their village, Salzem smiled lightly, wrapping an am around his friend's shoulders, pulling him into a side-hug.

"You should come! It'd be fun! I'll show you where everything is, I'll introduce you to people... It'll be great..." Salzem would then shift his position so that he wrapped his other arm around his friend, pulling him into a full-hug, careful to mind the pastries.

"I missed you Ryu." He sighed. "I'm glad I got to see you again."
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Snack Time Empty Re: Snack Time

Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:11 am
“What’s grass?” He would ask as if it were a word entirely foreign to him. Ryu liked the idea that it was a place a lot more cool and wet than he was used too, the chuunin enjoyed the cold desert nights more than the hot days. “We have animal life, lizards and scorpions everywhere.” He would say brushing his hand lightly against the sand. “It sounds different though, a land full of green.” All Ryu could see when he looked around was the light tan sand all around.

When Sal insisted Ryu come back to Konoha with him, he smiled. “I’ll talk to uncle Koroshi, see if I can.” He was then hugged while thinking of all of the good places to find food. “I missed you too buddy.” He would say not resisting the hug. The boy would sit like that for a few seconds before speaking again.

“Oh, yeah that jutsu I made.” Ryu would make three seals, after finishing the last his chakra would spike to (190). That wasn’t the only change though as the boy’s body temperature increased, and steam started coming out of his body. “It makes me really hungry though, after I stop.” The jutsu did burn excess energy quickly which is why he needed the box of sweets to keep him going. “So, what do you think?”

Snack Time Empty Re: Snack Time

Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:02 am
Salzem's eyes widened when Ryou asked the simple question what grass was. SURELY he had seen some desert grasses out there, long shrubbery almost prickly to the touch. If he hadn't the lycan wasn't sure he blamed him. Plant life out here was few and far between and green plants were even rarer.

"Grass is like... long green hairs almost that stick up from the ground." He explained, if a bit clunckily. Ryu remarked that he had created a jutsu and with just three seals, his body temperature spiked, becoming even hotter than the sand they were sitting on now, steam starting to rise from his body. Salzem's first thought upon seeing this was "WHAT HAD HE DONE TO HIMSELF!?" The second thing he thought was "THAT'S SO COOL!" In his awe, the lycan barely caught Ryu's question as to what he thought of this new jutsu and he had to say... he was nothing short of impressed.

"It looks.... unorthodox..." Salzem commented a bit harshly before a small smile crept up on his lips. "But it's really cool... What does it do?"
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Click for nudes!
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Snack Time Empty Re: Snack Time

Tue May 23, 2017 1:22 am
With all of the stuff happening around this most people left the village, so could I ask this thread be voided?
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