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Aki's Helpers! Empty Aki's Helpers!

Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:31 am

Valen walked down the street, mission scroll attached to his belt as he quietly strode down the road thinking to himself. ‘I want to train, but I need money for things before I can..’ He would think as he moved with a decent gait through the city square. He was tasked with a couple of other people to obtain ingredients that Akihana might need to bake for all of the children in Hoshi. He shrugged, at least the mission result would bring smiles to all of the kids in the village. He was to meet his two partners in the middle of the square and then they were to split up the list and get a few ingredients each before meeting at the end location. The end result should be some easy money and some happy kids. Which was always good in his opinion. As he moved about the village toward the meeting place he’d pass all manners of shops and stalls, kids running around and playing and all kinds of sights that would bring a small smile to anyone’s face. Valen however was rather..cold and distant. So he settled for looking..well..apathetic. After a few minutes of walking he’d note he was getting close to the to meeting point and he’d pull out the list he had on him with the necessities. Flour, vanilla extract, cream, assorted berries, cinnamon, chocolate chips, sugar, and various other items that one would normally find in a bakery. He checked each one off in his list and noted where the shops were that had those items in good quality. He knew of a few that had flour, fresh berries, and sugar. He’d probably take those and let the other two split up the rest. Thinking this through he went ahead and split the ingredients on the list. He would get the flour, sugar, berries and anything else he could find that would go well in sweets. He’d give one the list with the cinnamon, and chocolate chips, and add in the note to grab anything else they can find that would go well as well. Finally the last list would have the extract, and cream, and of course anything else that they could find that would go well. He quickly wrote out these lists as he walked, putting his in his pocket before continuing on.

As soon as these thoughts came across his mind he’d arrive to find a guy just an inch or two shorter than him, with a slightly muscular build, he was wearing a bright shirt with an apathetic expression just like him. Next to him stood a man also about an inch or two shorter than himself with dark skin, golden eyes, a scar across his face, wearing black armor with a sectioned pauldron. These two must be his mission mates, seeing as they were looking around looking for someone. He walked up to them with purpose, a different list in each hand and held them out to each other. “Valen Akari..” He would say simply before turning and moving toward the shops with his items on it. He didn’t care if they introduced themselves when he handed them their lists or not. They just needed to get the mission done so they could go on with their lives that day. Valen moved toward the first shop and browsed around before picking up a few bags of flour. He wasn’t sure how many kids were in Hoshi but when he told the shop keep what he was there for so that they could put it on the tab they just grabbed a few bags of the stuff and packaged it for him, ‘I suppose that makes sense, people come do this mission one a week so they would know how much that  was needed each time. He would heft the bags of flour and nod his head in thanks before moving on toward the other few things he had. He soon has accumulated his items and was going toward the kitchens to drop them off with Lady Akihana. He had never met the woman himself, but you couldn’t walk a block in the city without hearing something about her. When he arrived at the kitchen he found the door open waiting. He stepped in, announcing his presence politely in the process, before putting the items down on a large wooden bakers bench for her to use them later. She herself wasn’t there yet, they were just getting the ingredients after all. She wouldn’t have been able to start. But the head chef was there to give him his payment. If they other two members of the mission where there then he would nod his head in farewell and leave to go train.

WC: 792

claiming 1000 ryo, and 3 ap
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Aki's Helpers! Empty Re: Aki's Helpers!

Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:53 pm
Jeisuta hummed as he walked down the street to the meeting place. Simple mission today. A certain someone needed some help acquiring baking goods, and Jeisuta was sharing the mission with some others, due to the size of the city, and the time required to haggle prices, the few times the palace disagreed with the set pricing. Even if one could travel quickly, speed had little to do with how good one's selections of purchases were. Experience did, and this kind of mission was good for that, where applicable. Unless you were awful at cooking, like Jeisuta, but then any amount of experience would prove unhelpful. Not that that would stop him from trying.

He arrived at the meeting place early, by about thirty seconds, and was soon handed a list from another person without so much as a word. Obviously, this fellow was organized, and not a talker either. It seemed that if one asked nicely, they could get descriptions of their mission partners, before meeting them, from the mission assignment desk. That must be how everyone on his missions knew who he was. He had to do it the hard way, with guess work.

He couldn't help but struggle to suppress a laugh though, when a dude in what could only be some what flashy looking armor, was given a shopping list as well. Jeisuta checked his list. Cinnamon? Chocolate chips? And anything else that went well with it in cookies. Alright. He barely knew what cinnamon was, though. He managed to catch a glimpse of the other one - extract, and cream? Probably vanilla extract, if he had to guess, though he was not sure at this point. Honestly, it did not matter for his purposes.

Cinnamon, and chocolate chips. Baking supplies. Grocery stores were likely his best bet here - places that sold food wholesale. So he went to one. Only to get lost in a myriad of shoppers scrambling around the mall, apparently he had chosen a bad time to come here. Oh well.

He began trawling the isles, but there were so many products, he was getting a little confused. And besides, he was not totally sure how he applied for the discount, err, put it on the Palace's tab, at Stuff Mart. Was this as simple as doing an IOU?

The natural thing of course, was to go to customer service. After a significant waiting period, in which one customer returned their pet kennel - the pet inside, a second tried to trade in their kunai sharpener for the latest model, and a person who wanted to complain that his food was too cheap. Not as in, that it costed too much and was too expensive. Not that it did not fill hhim up. Rather, this was the first person Jeisuta had seen who actually preferred cheap tasting food. Not sure why, honestly. It was a very strange preference.

Finally, Jeisuta was at the front of the line. Whew. He explained his business, and was immensely relieved to know that he just had to show the receipt checker at the door a simple ticket, that the manager was in the process of writing out.

Ticket in hand, Jeisuta walked over to the supplies being sold. Checking the note, it seemed he would be getting a lot of exercise, there were many bags of chocolate chips and jars of cinnamon seasoning that he needed to haul back. Urk. He began loading a cart with the large bags required to contain the cinnamon containers. The chocolate chips already came in their own large bags, it was a decent guess to assume that other large bakeries sourced from here as well. Actually, he was a little surprised to not see the other two here, as well, but they might have found better places. If he were to help with this again, he would ask them.

Loaded up from the shop with cinnamon and chocolate chips ahoy! He began walking back, step by step. Man, he would be surprised if this didn't make him stronger. Upon arrival, it seemed that he would be but the second to arrive. When the third arrived as well, he would collect his payment and make his exit.

(ttl wc: 703)
(exit, claiming mission rewards when Fenn is done as well)
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Aki's Helpers! Empty Re: Aki's Helpers!

Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:08 am
Tenma had gotten a message about a mission, and was told where to meet up at, so he went to that very location and waited, shortly after he saw the man he has worked with a few times before, but they never really introduced themselves to each other, but he knew he could at least count on this one to get his part of the job done, And shortly after that a new guy walked up with a list, Tenma took the list and then looked down at it and a dawning hit over him.....

This was a Shopping list, Tenma stared at if for a moment in utter shock and awe, Someone hired three ninja to go Shopping for them, Tenma's Face would reflect the annoyance of this, and he would let out a sigh, what a drag, someone was to lazy to do this shopping themselves and so they had to do it, he folded the list up and put it in his pocket, he went to a different store then the others to make sure he could get everything on his list without it being sold out or grabbed by the others.

The Shop he went to was on the other side of town, this way to make sure he could get everything he needed, as he entered he looked to the shop helper, thankfully no one much was in this shop, so there was plenty of help, and he would look at the shop helper as he pulled out the list and went over the list with the helper, who gave him a look of shock and disdain, seems this might have been a little much for the Helper to even help with, oh well, Tenma could use this as a training exercise, Endurance , Strength, great chance indeed.

So he went around the store collecting the big bags of the things listed for him to get, and jugs to, and after going to the check out, and getting the ingredients scanned and paid for, he loaded the bags over his shoulders, and under his arms, he carried the jugs in his hands and he would take them to the drop off point, of course it was across town, so this was going to take him awhile and he was already working up a sweat from the load he was carrying. Now when I say big bags I mean at least twenty five to fifty pound bags, and when i say jugs I mean more like five gallon buckets, this stuff was bulk buy and was not to be taken lightly in their weight .It reminded him of the time he spent on the farm in his village.

Once Tenma arrived at the drop off point he dropped everything into a nice neat pile, and collapsed exsausted, he had pushed himself to get this completed, and as such he had to lay there for a bit to get enough energy back to get up and head back home, he was tired of this already, at least he got paid for his troubles though.
After getting his Energy back, and before he went home however, he would look around to see if the others returned yet with their supplies as well as to see if any other help was needed. If the others had arrived and no help was needed then he would head home. other wise he would either go looking for the other to see if they needed any help, or if help was needed there help them out, if not both in that same order, finding the others and seeing if they needed help and then helping around there more. And finally after whichever path was taken THEN he would head home, after collecting his pay of course.

He took the payment graciously and when he got home stashed it with the rest, he was saving up a small nest egg already. But he was saving up for something special, Never know when it could come in handy.

TWC -672 , Exit Claiming Missions Rewards

Last edited by Tenma Ketsueki on Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:37 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Aki's Helpers! Empty Re: Aki's Helpers!

Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:11 am

All members need to do thier share of the wc, which in this case is 667 words. So in short, Tenma needs to add 167 words for this mission to be completed. <3
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Aki's Helpers! Empty Re: Aki's Helpers!

Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:38 am
Edited, Added more words, Sorry about that Dunno why, i thought it was a 1k Wc Mission xD
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Aki's Helpers! Empty Re: Aki's Helpers!

Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:07 am

Approved <3
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