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Saladin Pendragon
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:30 pm

Lucian never saw the beauty in being a baker. Sure, he could appreciate any and all food someone of such a profession could make. However, there was something about waking up before the sun crests over the horizon and going to work around hot ovens. Well, that and the fact that Lucian knew next to nothing about baking itself. At best he had the ability to make eggs and toast. Bread, cookies and their ilk were far out of his depth. Yet here he was accepting a mission collecting ingredients for the kitchens of Hoshigakure. Odd that such a village had dedicated kitchens, but Hoshigakure unique among villages. Their customs were odd and foreign to Lucian, but for now he put that out of mind-he had a job to do.

Thus, it was with this mission in mind that Lucian forced himself to wake up before the sun and make his way to the kitchens. It was here that he was supposed to meet a few other people to help him shop. Sure, Lucian was physically capable of shopping by himself, but he could not carry all the ingredients he had to buy. So, with long even strides the genin navigated the maze like streets of Hoshigakure until he arrived just outside the kitchens themselves. 

Lucian would, for the first time in a long time, look like he belonged in Hoshigakure. His puppet, Delito, was not with him. He had left it back at Wuark's apartment-no reason to bring it on such a mission that had no foreseeable combat. Furthermore, Lucian's wardrobe had evolved to fit Hoshigakure. He wore a deep maroon tunic that fell to his shins paired with a mustard yellow scarf around his neck woven around his Hoshigakure headband. Around his waist he wrapped a shoddy brown leather belt and on his feet a pair of sandals. Such an outfit was warm enough for the nights, but cool enough for day. He was adapting well.

Thus started the waiting game for his companions on this mission.
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 4:52 pm
Aivas had been alerted to a mission that he was requested to complete with a fellow Genin, and stretching stood up the night had been kind of cold but he hardly noticed, stretching his stiff muscles as he stood up from the grassy field he had once again fallen asleep in, it wasn't all bad the stars were rather pretty as the first rays of sunshine began to pour in from the east, he hadn't overslept but if he didn't hurry he would be late, the man checked his tattered clothing making sure it at least hung about his person in such a way that it kept his dignity intact. The only new scrap of clothing was tied neatly around his right bicep, his Hoshigakure headband that had been awarded to him when he applied at the academy and passed the test for Genin.

Letting out a groan he would begin walking to the arranged meeting place the note had said would be the place where he would meet up with the other shinobi that would be working in tandem with him on this mission. Aivas stretched his joints as he walked turning this way and that until his joints had released the pent up stress that had developed overnight and smiled, he had just remembered they were working on something for baked goods, he loved the fresh smell of bread being baked in the morning. 

As he rounded a corner it hit him, the smell of ovens turning dough into the most soft and airy of pastries, he was on the right track to finding the place where the mission would be taking place for the morning. He wondered to himself as he walked towards the dedicated kitchens each step drawing him deeper into the heady scent of baked goodies.  A split second decision he stopped at a bakery he had noticed the other day, and stepping inside was almost completely overwhelmed by the smell of food, his mouth began to water as he walked up to the counter. 

The man working the counter in the bakery had noticed Aivas's entrance and frowned, after all he didn't look like he had all that much money to be spending. Lucky for Aivas he had a little bit of money and was able to afford a small basket full of a variety of muffins he thanked the man, bowing as he passed over the money for the delicious smelling and cute little basket, he would quickly wrap over the top of the fresh muffins with a clean cloth it would keep them warm as he began to lightly speed up his walking pace finally coming around the last corner and almost walked headlong into another shinobi, becoming slightly frantic he would bow his head, "nice to meet you my name is Aivas, are you here to help with the baking?" He would pause half a second before remembering and producing the basket he still held tightly in his right hand, "I brought muffins for breakfast, if you'd like one, of course."
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:40 am
Weekends were Akihana's baking days. During the hustle and bustle of the week, the kunoichi did not get much time to bake, and most of the servants had taken to politely shooing her out of the royal kitchens if she tried. Though whether this was because of the inherent belief that psuedo royalty had no place in the palace kitchens or because the new Royal Chef was simply envious of her prowess as a baker, the blonde coulfn't tell. Nevertheless, a deal had been made and a compromise reached. Akihana had negotiated one day of the week for herself, to bake, cook and generally do whatever she pleased in the kitchen in exchange for giving the place a wide birth the other six days.

Today, the young woman had gotten up long before the light of a new dawn chased away the darkness, a thick tome on the many uses if wood release in her hands. Being busy with the Queen, the people, her sons and her training, the only time the blonde had to spare for studying were the hours she spent sleeping - and she supposed she could do without a few extra hours of rest. That morning, Akihana found herself sitting in the kitchens reading until it was time to meet her genin helpers for the day.

Marking the page on her book, the blonde held out a hand, trying to direct chakra to a wooden ladle that she used for practicing both jutsu and cake mix folding. Obediantly, the ladle rolled over, her chakra nudging the object slowly. She was getting better at channeling chakra through wooden things, just not from them. Still, she had to keep trying.

A glance out the high window showed the sun begining to rise. Her shoppers for the day were probably outside, she supposed. Picking up her book, the kunoichi stowed it away in her picnic basket. Dressed in her usual shopping ensemble, the blonde had on a dark blue dress borrowed from a servant and a light cape that served to hide the gold of her hair more than keep her warm. The healer made her way outside only to be pleasantly surprised by familiar faces.

"Lucian, Aivas, good morning," she greeted cheerily despite the lack of sleep. If allowed, the kunoichi would lean over and give each ninja a hug. "How are you two? Lucian, you must be settling in well. And Aivas, we should really pick up some new clothes for you. "
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:25 pm
With his gaze cast upwards at the ever brightening sky Lucian felt the first waves of morning heat wash over him. Just like every day in Hoshigakure it was looking to be another scorching one. It was indeed fortunate that the Funkagakure native was so used to the heat. No doubt one from a cooler climate would find them out of their element. However, Lucian was not such a person, here in Hoshigakure he was right at home. Such a feeling he had only felt back among the crags of lava rock, a home away from home. 

Thankfully Lucian was saved from his introspection by an unfamiliar voice. Shifting his gaze to the newcomer Lucian was quite taken aback, not that he would show it. The man who identified himself as Aivas looked much like a beggar one would find near the gates of Hoshigakure. Save for the thin smile on his face Lucian's demeanor did not betray the fact that he felt almost sorry for the man. No one should have to look to be at the bottom of humanity. Honestly it was quite odd that someone would look so out of sorts in Hoshigakure considering the village and various religious groups seemed fairly charitable.

"No thank you, today is my fasting day," Lucian replied to Aivas' generous offer of a muffin. Truly it was the day he fasted and the genin did not want to take food from someone who looked as if they needed it more than himself. "All the same it is pleasant to meet you Aivas," Lucian said with a shallow bow before continuing, "My name is Lucian Nazar. Would you happ---" 

No sooner had he begun to ask who the other member in their mission group would be then he heard a vaguely familiar feminine voice pipe up behind them. Turning to towards the source of the voice Lucian squinted ever so slightly and raised an eyebrow at the second newcomer. However, the surprise that graced the genin's face was quickly replaced with recognition and the same pleasant smile he had shown Aivas. 

"I am indeed, thank you." Lucian said pausing for only the slightest second before smirking wrily, "Akihana who works in the palace." 

Perhaps Akihana would understand that such was the title she had introduced herself to Lucian with. Though, in his time living in Hoshigakure he had heard tell of a blonde working in the palace. From what he had gleaned from local gossip there was more to Akihana than met the eye. What that was? Time would tell no doubt.
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:03 pm
Aivas would shrug thoughtfully before selecting a muffin and stuffing it into his mouth, chewing quickly as he looked around, he hadn't been to this part of his home yet, he made a mental note to pick up new clothing at some point his current attire was bringing too much attention to his presence. Aivas pushed the thoughts of personal appearance aside as he bit through a quite substantial blueberry in the muffin, he let a small smile dance about his features as he turned, Lucian had just been introducing himself and in the middle of posing a question when none other than Akihana herself stepped into the open, Aivas quickly finished off the muffin he had been eating and smiled, a slightly blue toothed smile thanks to the blueberries but a happy smile. "Good morning Akihana," Aivas would crow before scooping the blonde up in a giant bear hug, she was rather nice and he was glad that she was the third for their mission, that Lucian guy kind of creeps him out, who turns down good food. Carefully setting the Akihana down Aivas would look down at his appearance at her comment, "what you don't think I can pull this disheveled look off?" He would pout playfully while offering Akihana the muffin basket, "I brought some breakfast if you like." He would turn his eyes once more on Lucian the man was rather stoic and it was highly annoying, what was wrong with just being happy doing whatever it is you were doing. Aivas would politely push the basket into Akihana's free hand before stretching comically, first pulling one arm across his chest and then the other, touching his toes before flipping into a handstand and stretching up all the way on his fingertips, his joints released loud cracks. Aivas would flash another giant goofy grin before rolling forward, touching down with the tips of his toes before righting himself to walk along with the temporary shopping companions, "sooooo where to first?"  

He would sneak a second muffin from the basket and digging in would frown for a second taking a second to chew again, ah thats what it was banana nut. He would smile darting about the other two ninja like a puppy, constantly bouncing from handstands and walking on his hands to actually walking on his feet, leaning in close to Akihana and poking her side as she walked, he was having fun just hanging out with other ninja. Aivas would stop and contemplate before deciding that no stealing Lucian's scarf would be a bad idea, he hardly knew the other man. Aivas would stretch as he walked a few paces behind the two and wait, it was nice being around others but he didn't see why Akihana would need ninja to help carry ingredients Hoshigakure was a nice enough place to live.  Aivas would shrug to himself, above his pay grade, besides it gave him an excuse to spend a morning pestering Akihana, and hey it was fun just hanging around not expected to murder things.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:47 pm
The kunoichi let out a soft smile at the address. She doubted Lucian believed her to be a simple cook or baker at the palace but she did work there. The nature of her work though was a topic for another day. Today was for baking. "Indeed," she responded kindly, the smile accompanied by a glint of amusement. "Palace work keeps me rather busy," she managed before Aivas scooped her up in a big hug, making the smile blossom into a full fledged grin. It was wonderful to see both young men so at home in Hoshi.

"Ooh thanks" the blonde murmured gratefully as the immortal ninja handed her the basket, the fresh smell of assorted baked goods lingering around the basket. Switching it to her other hand so that now two baskets hung from one arm, Akihana withdrew a scone, popping a small bit into her mouth and chewing thoughtfully before turning to both young men once again. "Well, shall we? I'll mostly need help varying things since using sealing scrolls in crowded places isn't...  wise," The blonde had no need to explain Hoshigakure's general distrust of ninjas, one she had no plans to worsen further by sealing the shopping items into scrolls or lifting sacks of flour someone of her stature couldn't possibly do naturally.

Chatting amicably with the two and getting repeatedly poked and badgered by Aivas, the trio made their way to the town square, arriving just as the morning market was being set up. No stores or aisles graced this city square, an open market with different colored tents selling fresh wares dominated the scene instead. The chirping of morning birds mixed with calls of welcome and exclamation of cheap bargains permeated the air marking a typical Hoshigakure morning.

"Okay so here's the list," Akihana instructed as they reached the center of the open air market. "I need a fifteen kilogram bag of flour, five kilogram bags of sugar and salt, a hundred eggs and the garnishing I'll pick out myself. We'll be faster if we split up and get things done before the crowds get here. You don't have to pay for anything, every merchant has a standing account with the palace." Once she was done, the blonde waited for any questions the ninja might have. Once those were addressed, she waved to them both before setting off for the for off discreet tent that she knew from experience sold one of the rarest treats on Hoshi - rainbow colored sprinkles.
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:56 pm
Lucian was not much of a touchy feely person, thus when Aivas greeted Akihana with a vigorous he could not help but tilt his head ever so slightly. Aivas was indeed a curious one and clearly much less reserved than the Funkagakure native. Watching people be eaten alive will do that to a person, make them less open.

Of course when Aivas turned his gaze back to Lucian the genin's head would no longer be tilted. Rather a slim half smile would be present on his face, which could be construed as a smirk. Curious was not the right word for Aivas, no Lucian had been mistaken. The correct word was amusing. Then, as if to lend credence to the genin's conclusion, Aivas jumped into a full on handstand. If Aivas' life as shinobi fell through he could most certainly have a position in a circus.

Instead of spending his time contemplating where Aivas' endless well of energy came from, Lucian followed Akihana into the heart of the market district. Now, it was still early, so most of citizens of Hoshigakure were still in the throes of struggling out of bed. However, looking at the market district one would never be able to tell such a fact. The streets were packed and the stores were buzzing. This was the hour of the chef.

The chefs of Hoshigakure descended on the market district before the crowds of commoners. After all, they had businesses to run and could not afford to let their competitors get higher quality ingredients than themselves. Such was the nature of business, always striving to best the man above and below you. Perhaps that could be said of most of life's challenges. Though today it was true of food, Akihana, Avias and Lucian were about to enter a cutthroat world of bargaining and bartering.

"I'll pick up the eggs and sugar. Meet you two back at the kitchens." Lucian replied matter of factly to Akihana's ingredient list. There was no question to ask nor comment required. In fact, such a mission might turn out to be fun. The genin did enjoy chatting with the vendors. Though he was certain his endless prattle could get a bit annoying, especially considering he rarely bought anything. Perhaps this would be his chance to bring his business to some of the less trafficked vendors of Hoshigakure. Avoid the crowds and bring business to those who lacked it. Twas a win-win in Lucian's book.

Thus, he managed a half bow to both Aivas and Akihana before turning into the stream of bodies that was the main avenue of the market district. In an instant Lucian would disappear from sight, not by work of a jutsu, but by the sheer mass of the crowd. For a while he allowed himself to be whisked away until he came to the outskirts of the market district. It was here where Lucian stopped outside an unassuming little store that looked more rundown than the rest.

"Luci! Luci! Luci! What did you bring me today?" Pushing open the surprisingly heavy door, Lucian was greeted by the chirp of a child.

"K-kasumi---" Lucian stuttered before being cut off by a crackling voice deeper in the store.

"Kasumi, Kasumi, stop bugging the poor boy. He brought you that pendant last time." Chided Nori before shifting her tone slightly and addressing Lucian who had walked deeper into the store at this point. "So, what brings you to my humble shop this time Lucian? Here to talk my ear off again? I hope you have money in those pockets of yours."

"Me? Money? Never. Though, I do currently have a running credit with the palace that you can charge." Lucian said smoothly before continuing. "Naturally, I'll take your 100 finest eggs and five bags of the top shelf sugar."

The request was met with a sly smile from Nori who sent off Kasumi to collect the ingredients from around the store. This, of course, left Lucian and Nori to chat away about the happens of Hoshigakure. Granted, very little of consequence happened at all, it was mostly gossip held up by the ever vigilant Nori.

A bit extravagant you say? Taking advantage of a mission to help a friend? Perhaps, but Lucian had come to know Nori and her granddaughter, Kasumi. The pair had little. They made enough from their small storehouse to keep the place running and put food on the table, but beyond that not much could be said. The two were stuck in a business as the result of Kasumi's mother and father both passing away from a bandit ambush on the village borders. Lucian often came here for any and all food he could possibly want. Suffice it to say the three had become rather close. Hell, Lucian made it a habit to bring little trinkets he made to the young girl Kasumi. A family away from family.

Over the course of the next fifteen minutes Nori and Lucian chatted until Kasumi had queued up all ingredients. Thanking the two and reminding them to redeem the credit with the palace, Lucian slipped out with his arms full. Bracing himself he braved the stream of people once more. More than a few times he almost dropped everything he was carrying, almost. Luckily, he made it back to the kitchens without incident: each egg intact and sugar bag unscathed. Mission accomplished.

Stepping into the kitchen, Lucian did indeed find it empty, Akihana had indeed blocked the place out for cooking. Placing the ingredients on the table, Lucian went off to find the quartermaster. After all, he needed to make sure they knew who to compensate. The quartermaster's desk sat right by the main entrance to the kitchens, so Lucian would see both Akihana and Aivas entering while filling out the necessary paperwork.
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:10 pm
Aivas frowned at Lucian as he walked off into a seemingly random section of the market, he would sigh to himself looking after as Aki split off from the group, he looked down at his hands before nervously stepping into the market alone, his list was simple at least flour and salt, well as good a time as any to get lost in the bustle of early morning folk. Aivas had no trouble clearing his path through the bustle of chefs, they generally gave the younger man a wide berth on account of his disheveled appearance, but he didn't really mind. Finally he found a stall with a rather drab appearance but high quality flour he would smile at the man working behind the small counter and making a peaceful gesture with his hand would then place it on the counter, leaning slightly. "Look I'd like a fifteen kilogram bag of your finest flour, if you're wondering about payment its part of some agreement, with the palace." He would smile winningly, despite his outfit, the man would reluctantly hand over the goods, Aivas easily hefting it up over one shoulder with his left arm, he would wave as he trudged off in search of salt. Finally after much searching he finally stepped into a strange smelling tent, mingling spices crowded the space, he barely managed to find the counter it was so full. A small old lady sat behind the counter, looking over the top of very thick glasses, he would smile as he gestured around, "I'd like five kilogram bags of salt please, ma'am." She would nod before extending a hand obviously wanting payment, he would bow slightly, "its per the agreement with the palace ma'am." She would nod then point him over to a rather dark section of the tent, he found the five bags and put them first on the counter, she would nod checking the bags before gesturing for him to leave. Without any hesitation Aivas would stack the bags in his right hand before heading back towards the palace. 

The walk back to the palace was rather uneventful with his hands full he would just walk normally, his eyes mostly glazing over as he wandered the streets, until he stepped over the threshold into the kitchens of the palace, he would walk quietly over and set his goods on the table next to the items Lucian had brought, he would nod once to the other ninja before trudging off to get the requisite forms from the quartermaster, he would wander back to the table setting them down as he started filling the form out with a borrowed pen.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Akihana's Helpers [IO] Empty Re: Akihana's Helpers [IO]

Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:04 pm
Akihana's search for sprinkles, chocolate chips, icing sugar and shortening turned out to be far more productive than she could have imagined. For one, she got everything easily and quickly, not having the need to lift the hood of her cape to let the merchants see her golden hair. People were nicer anyways without the threat of appearing rude towards Hoshi royalty. As she shopped, Akihana remembered to ask of the senders children, sickly aunts and even numerous side businesses they had, keeping an ear for for anyone she could help. These people weren't simply vendors, cogs in the great economic machine. They were hardworking, proud and kind individuals doing their best to get by and Akihana thrived among such people, lending a hand there, a listening ear here, an encouraging word there. It didn't take spies to get to know a city, it took an understanding heart.

Once she was done, the kunoichi made her way to the palace but not alone. A trail of children had formed behind her, some chattering to her happily about their plans for the day, others simply waiting shyly for the dessert about to be made. Every one of the dozen children would get a decent meal in the palace kitchens cooked by the blonde herself. When she entered the kitchen with the children, Akihana was surprised to find Aivas and Lucian already there.

"I see you got the relevant forms to the quarter master, thank you," she smiled, sending her own receipts with one of the boys who had followed her home.

"I know you'll get rewards for the mission, but I was just about to whip up some food for the kids, please feel free to stay and hang out with us." And with a grin, she turned to the stove, raising her hand slightly to the iron for it to catch fire, the small flame twinkling merrily in the kitchen. Akihana always loved Sundays, and she hoped both Aivas and Lucian would come to appreciate it in time too.


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Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:01 am
Aki is making me do things ;-; Senju roll inc...
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