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Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:30 am
Lucien was preparing for another day of missioning among other things. He was given a task earlier in the day that wasn’t really from the original sender per se. His job was to collect ingredients needed for Akihana for her to bake goods for the kids of Hoshi. “Well that makes her sound like quite a nice and notable person, I’m surprised I’ve never seen her around. Or have I? It could have been the royal one from the library before but I have some doubt over that being the actual case.” While the paper with the instructions wasn’t given to him by Aki, he’d still carry out the mission regardless.

“So firstly, I need to make it to the royal kitchen to get all the ingredients in a list for me. Since this was given as an optional help flier of sorts, it doesn’t actually include all the goods required. Hmm fair enough. A little walking never hurts in a village like this one at all." Lucien was already outside his house by this point and was walking about. “If I’m currently in an outer district of the city, I need to move inwards.” Lucien thought as be started following more main roads that seemed as if I they’d lead to the area that he needed to head to. Once in a while, he’d ask a citizen but they seemed to be a bit busy as it was fairly early still. Moving about, he could smell all the various things within in the air.

“I think I’m around the place by now… But wait a moment..” Lucien paused as he started smelling fire in the air from a distance of 50ish meters, it also smelled slightly sweet. “I see, that must be where the cooking is going down. Welp, I’ve got no time to waste, keep it moving.” Lucien continued on his pacing and stopped by in the shops area, to get some free water. Oddly enough, they were handing it out for any of Aki’s helpers. “Well, I think I currently fit under that label for now. Sure, I’ll have some.”

Relaxing for a moment, Lucien leaned against the side of the shop stand and looked at the fine sky above. “Hmm, chill.” 

WC: 375
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:45 am
It was fairly early in the morning when Atem decided to get up and make enough money to get a sword, he needed to be able to learn chakra infusion before it could consider himself a worthy adversary. So he got out of his tree and went to the stream to bathe and wash his clothes. After doing so he then made his way into the village which was pretty lively for it to be so early in the morning. “I guess you could consider this place the village that never sleeps.” Atem chuckled to himself after making the bad pun.

Feeling static in growth he was eager to begin any mission that he met the requirements for because this sword would surely help him and his ninja skills. Scanning the crowd as he ran by he seen someone with green hair, “Oh, that must be Lucien. He must have something to do since he is out of the house.” Atem remarked as he began to run towards Lucien. He found it useless to sneak up on someone from his own clan since he always seemed to be ready and this was an open environment that he could easily be spotted from.

An open approach would be best, plus he was in a hurry to make some money. Finally making it to the algae-headed ninja he began to speak. “What’s up Lucien? Are you on a mission or are you just running errands. I’m trying to make some money for a sword… or more specifically a ninjato at the shop that looks really nice. They only have a few more in stock so it would be best to get them as quickly as possible.

Atem looked at Lucien hoping it would answer with a “Yes.”, life was really boring for Atem who was a weapons specialist with no weapon.

[WC 309]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:00 pm
Lucien practically just chilled there and waited for something new to happen and that's when Atem showed up from the left side. He had noticed him about 35 meters out with keen peripheral vision from earlier so it wasn't much of a surprise. It seemed Atem was really in a hurry to buy a weapon. A ninjato in specific. 

"Funny you're here, nothing much, you? I'm looking for the royal kitchen area, it should be over there." Lucien said pointing his right hand index out at 20 speed. "It's a mission for helping the gathering of ingredients needed for someone named Aki to bake a bunch of goods for the little ones of this village, should be good. In fact, I was just about to head over there. Tag along with meh." 

Lucien continued listening as he talked of the Ninjato. "Oddly enough, I was saving up for one of those too. I'm surprised I didn't get to keep my weapon from the academy but whatevs, After this mission I should have everything I need to buy one. We can head over anytime, just move and I'll follow." 

WC: 564
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:09 pm
Ah, so you do have a mission.” Atem said in a relieved manner. “Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense that they left us with nothing, but a headband but what can you do?” Atem shrugged and remembered the details to the mission. “A royal kitchen area? I’ve never heard of it but I guess we can head over there.”

Atem then turned around and began to head in the direction that Lucien had pointed at, heading there he could see that the royal kitchen was embroidered in red jewels and wrapped in gold plating. It had two dragons, one on each side climbing up red poles and kanji on a golden banner which stated the name of the building they were heading in.

Well, this place sure is fancy, be sure not to break anything. I don’t feel like washing dishes for the rest of my life.” Atem said laughing. Once in the building he could see that the carpet below him was intricately woven in red and golden patterns which seemed to be a theme for this area. And around where tables with white cloth over them, on top of the cloth he could see a variety of diverse food that looked as delicious as it was expensive. “Hm, so what are we looking for exactly.” Atem asked Lucien.

[WC 531]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:20 pm
Lucien followed after Atem once he started moving. "Agreed, the best is that actually seems realistic... washing dishes for life." 

As they both moved closer, it seemed they had found what they were in search for. To the left of all the non-deserts, there was a room door that held a sign above it saying "Aki's Helpers." 

"Ahh, it seems we need to head in there in order to gather our things." That's when Lucien noticed that there was also a window-sized opening beside the door where an accountant looking ninja stood. Lucien walked over and began a conversation.

"Excuse me, I was given the mission for Aki's Helpers early and would like to participate along with my friend here. Could we have the paper listing all the ingredients we need to return here with?" 

"Sure, luckily you two are the first here." The female ninja handed Lucien a paper with a bunch of ingredients listed down it. "Alright, thank you." Lucien then turned around to Atem to show him the paper at the speed of 20 in his left hand. 

"Looks like we need a variety of chocolates, breads, dough, cinnamon, peppermint, cream, sugar, etc." 

WC: 760
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:37 pm
Walking towards the door that was labeled “Aki’s Helper’s” Atem would watch Lucien speak to the woman who was behind the window. “Hm, so we are the first to arrive. Will there be more?” Atem thought to himself. After speaking with the woman Lucien would raise his hand up at him unnecessarily fast and showed in the ingredients.

Chocolates, breads, dough, cinnamon, peppermint, cream, and sugar. Seems easy enough. So do we just walk through this door and grab what we can?” Atem asked the lady through the window. She replied by shaking her head yes and that was the signal that led Lucien and Atem to enter the room. Once they had opened the door they could see a variety of ingredients for pastries and desserts strewn about the room. They all contained labels and were placed in order of sub categories. “Well, we’ll split up. I’ll look for the first half and you look for the latter.” Atem had said while making a left towards the chocolate.

Once there he seen they had milk chocolate, white chocolate, and dark chocolate. Not knowing which one was needed he took a portion of all of them and put it into one of the conveniently placed paper bags next to every station containing ingredients. After that he then made his way to the bread station where they had dough and whole breads. Atem picked up the pastry dough and wrapped it in a saran wrap and then placing it in the paper bag along with the chocolate. After he would then take the wheat bread because in his head it was the healthiest type of bread.

Lastly, he went for the cinnamon, he could smell that ingredient specifically throughout the whole place and was easily guided to it by his nose. Grabbing about 4 or 5 sticks of cinnamon he would inhale the scent just so he can get an up close smell of the musty and sweet scent. “Okay, I’m finished. Now time to see if Lucien has finished his ‘shopping’.

[WC 874]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:51 pm
Lucien moved into the room and placed his eyes upon the large massing of all those ingredients. 

"Alright, splitting up sounds like a plan." He said as he already darted off at 20 speed stepping forward first with his left foot. Lucien looked about and tried to find the area where the peppermint would be at. It was rather specialized in comparison to all the other ingredients that they were listed to find but in due time, he thought, in due time. Lucien continued around until reaching the near back of the room where specific candies were located. He found a good sized package of pure peppermint ingredients along with some peppermint candies. This would be exactly what he was looking for. "There we go. Onto the next one which is.... cream. That would be in the colder section."

Lucien got back to moving again starting at 20 speed and going around until he reached the area where colder items were stored for this event. "Alrighty... that's ice cream... that some sort of fudge thing.... and cream, got it." Lucien thrusted his hand out at 20 speed and grabbed the cream package and was ready to move onto the next item that he would need. 
"Now it's onto the final thing, sugar." 

Lucien moved back to where the dry goods were and began looking in the larger package section. "I presume sugar would come in a much larger package after all." First, he encountered the storing of flour, cinnamon, and other stuff. Though, sugar was the goal. That's when he noticed it was high up near the ceiling, Lucien would have to jump for it but that would be no problem. Once he found everything, he returned to the center of the room where Atem and he had split up to find the ingredients. "By the time I get back, he should have all his stuff as well." 

WC: 955
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:00 pm
With Atem finished with the gathering of the ingredients he began to go back to where they had met, the center of the room. When he got there of course Lucien was already there and he could be seen with all of the ingredients. “So, where do we take these things and receive our rewards. Those ninjato won’t last long.” Atem said impatiently.

He then asked the lady the same question in which she said the palace. “Okay, and do you know where that might be, I’m pretty knew to the area.” Atem said smiling. The lady then gave Atem directions to the palace and him and Lucien set off. After a few minutes of walking they had finally reached the palace and were ushered in when the guards seen that they had the ingredients this Akihana person needed.

Inside it looked as though a rich overlord splurged and bought everything in sight, it reeked of gold and gemstones. Hurrying inside Atem gave half of the ingredients to what seemed to be the chef of the palace and Lucien gave the other half. After doing this they were then compensated. 1000 ryo each. Had Lucien saved his money since last time they should have enough for the ninjato. With enough money now in his pocket Atem took off to the shop to buy his ninjato.

[WC 1106]
[Exit, claiming 3 AP, 1000 Ryo]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:06 pm
Lucien would return to see Atem with all his ingredients ready. While Atem asked around for directions, Lucien sat and chilled with his things against one of the walls without anything on them for once. Once he had the directions, they both left to get to the place in time. Once there, he'd hand the guards everything that they needed for the kid's party and with that, their mission would be completed. Lucien watched as Atem rushed away to make it to the ninja shop in time. "Alright, cya later. Thanks for the assistance." Lucien said waving at his departure. 
"I'll surely stop by and buy one at some point."

WC: 1065
Claim: 3 AP, 1000 Ryo
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Helpers of Aki [NK,IO] Empty Re: Helpers of Aki [NK,IO]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:38 pm

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