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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:53 pm

Some sort of fog blankets the ground upon which Shiro walks. There is an eerie air about it, as if the formation were some malicious jutsu made to fill the target with dread. An atmosphere builds steadily, one of fear and uncertainty. Sporadic and thrashing is Shiro’s heart for but a moment. His mind feels as though it is drowning in some pernicious chakra,a strong force of illusion. And this all that it is, an illusion. Upon realizing that these experiences are but a phantasm, Shiro’s senses return to the material world. From a level just above his feet, the fog dissipates into nothing and leaves no trace as though it were never in existence to begin with. This is something foreign…

But it is put out of his mind in favor of paying full attention to this mission that he is in charge of coordinating. As a chuunin, Shiro has been tasked with leading a group of three genin to complete this evacuation task. The focus of this evacuation is one man, a priest of controversial nature. Having dealt with a disagreement between ninja and religious peoples within this village before, Shiro believes himself to be well informed of this man’s dissenting voice and message.

He stands before the village’s main church. Within are multiple bedrooms, one of them containing the religious leader whom Shiro and his team of genin must safely escort out of the village’s borders.

As for positioning, Shiro stands leaning against the side wall of the large cathedral. It is night and street lamps light the roads in front of him. Aside from these light sources, the half-full moon and the stars scattered across the sky provide some added natural light. And the air is cool with a slight breeze. The short sleeves of Shiro’s gray shirt waver to his left every so often when a gust picks up.

“I notified the three of them pertaining to the time at which we should meet in this location.” Shiro turns to see these very three individuals making their way towards him in whatever fashion they choose to do so. Once the three of them are before Shiro, he will begin to brief them on the details of their mission.

(374/1,500 towards Mission Completion)
Stat Page : The Tengu
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:58 pm
Well this was unexpected to say the least. Damon had just graduated from the academy just the other day, and now he was already assigned to be a part of a B-rank mission. And which is more, a mission that involved protecting the life of someone that he had never met. This caused him to grow rather nervous, as he was fully aware of the reality of his situation. He was not strong. He was not even as quick as the others on his team would surely be. Damon had had very little time to train in between the events of these days, as he was helping his father at the shop the two owned. He had done the work rather begrudgingly as he would rather have been out training, but he respected his father enough to put his own needs aside. Although, that training would have been helpful for tonight. He pulled a kunai out of his weapons pouch and began twirling it in his hand nonchalantly.

The half moon in the sky fascinated the boy, its faded light encompassed the area, but it was belittled by the luminescent streetlamps. The moon itself had always fascinated the boy, as he had spent countless hours stargazing during his travels. A part of him longed for that experience once more, however, he now knew that his duty was elsewhere. He had enlisted himself as a shinobi of Hoshigakure, and as such needed to stay within the city. Damon had been informed beforehand that there would be two more genin in addition to himself as well as a chuunin captain. That had allowed him to have a shred of relief, as the life of their assignment was not entirely weighted on his shoulders. The boy quickly reached into another pouch on his person and withdrew a small notepad. He had taken quick notes of desired jutsu that he wanted to learn down on individual sheets of paper, as well as any important information like handseals and whatnot. If he was going to be able to contend with his comrades for this mission, he would need to be somewhat competent. After selecting a page that had caught his eye, Damon read it over. It was relatively simple, and did not require handseals as it was a taijutsu technique, but he was determined to memorize the method of the move as he walked towards his destination. Once he arrived, he would greet the stranger who he assumed would be his teammate for the mission, by simply introducing himself. Okay what do the cool kids say? “Hey. Name’s Damon.” When he reached the boy he would hold out his hand for the other boy to shake, and expect him to respond by saying his own name without requiring Damon to ask for it. Whether or not the boy did this, Damon would simply stand adjacent to him with his hands in his pockets while waiting for the others to show up.

WC: 496
(496/1500 towards Mission Completion)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:51 pm
It was dark at night as Hikari put on her cloak in order to hide her appearance and left her appartment. This was the first time that the young Hikari was going on a mission at night, and on top of that, it was a mission where her abilities in combat might be tested. Different from her normal whit atire, she was wearing dark sweatpants and a black sleavless shirt under her dark cloak, that way, her aperence wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. She would also put her headband on under he shirt and around her waist, that way it wasn’t visible, but it was still in a position where she could show it if needed. The young woman didn’t know what her mission was tonight, but knew it was a b-rank and there might be combat involved.

Namikaze would walk down the dark road to the village’s main church, She kept her chakra surpressed as much as possible so that no if someone was following her it would be more difficult to track her. When she was to meet up with her team. Once she arrived, she would find two people infront of the church, it looked like one was intruducing them self to the other. Hikari would approach the group and ask, “Pardon me, is this the mission meet up location?” Hikari felt comfortable talking to them about this, she could tell the older boy was a shinobi with a significant chakra level, and she saw the other boy with a Hoshi headband on.

Once she got their, and asumming the two did say they were in the same team as her, she would introduce her self. “My name Is Hikari,” She would say, specficly leaving out her last name, “It is nice to meet you,”

Once the chestnut haired girl was done with her explenation, she would await for the third person and await for the mission description.

WC: 339/1500
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Stat Page : [url=-]-/url]
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:58 pm
Ketsueki had a few missions under his belt at this point of his genin life so far, and he was being introduced to a new team, he supposed it was to see how well he could handle situational changes like this and the such, But Ketsueki did not mind, there was not many he knew, the other three he mission'd with a bit he did not talk with much, and Shiroi was a busy Jounin, so Ketsueki had to rely on these random team ups like this, oh well, such is life, but still, what a Drag.

Ketsueki arrived last in the group, he wore his normal gear when he went out on missions or did training, the black cloths with black armor pieces to guard only the most vital spots, but as also in such locations and made such a way as to not hinder his movements, he did not have much in the way of ninja tools, but he still had his skills that he was slowly learning, he sighed softly again, what a drag.

Ketsueki had no sense of Urgency, rather he was taking his own lesiurly time getting to the spot he needed to get to, he arrived just in time to hear the starting introductions and he would just wave one hand before they would go into pockets on his jacket, his headband by the way is hidden under a scarf that is seperating the piece of armor plate and his skin, he would speak with a callus voice it would seem, almost as if he was uncaring of the others "Man what a Drag, I can not believe I was teamed up with you lot, Names Ketsueki, Ketsueki Tenma" And with that all official introductions was out of the way other then the Cell's leader, and he waited for a response of a name before he would say or do anything else.

Ketsueki had his hands in his pockets still and would look over his shoulders, he always tried to keep as much of his surroundings in his mind as possible cause he never knew when one could turn into a battlefield, if someone would talk, his head would turn and look at them while his perifrials never stopped being on the lookout, even if the people to be his teammates was in the line of sight for even a little bit, he knew their looks, and what they were wearing, and he was studing finer details now as he waited for someone to speak.

TWC- 422/1500
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:23 pm
The three genin have arrived and with the team together, Shiro removes a small notepad-sized slice of paper from his back pocket. It is brought up to the front of his face to be read. On this paper are the three names of the components of his team excluding himself. As each name is read, he looks up from the paper and at the person who identified themselves with the name said. Each will nod at the mention of their names just as clarification for Shiro.

“Hikari Namikaze…” Ok, “Tenma Ketsueki…” Good, “And Damon… just Damon. So, we’ve got our team. I will clarify the details of this mission.” Shiro crumbles the paper in his hand and multiple sharp blades of bone erupt from his palm. The paper is shredded. When his hand opens up once more, the destroyed slice of paper is carried away by the wind and the bones that had dealt the damage retract into his body.

The following words are quiet, a whisper only a ninja may hear. This is so that the delicate operation is not derailed by any civilian against the actions involved in the mission. “Here’s what we’re doing, there’s a priest in this building who has recently survived two assassination attempts. He will be our charge until he is safely escorted outside of the village. This will be quick and easy until we must deal with patrols at the village’s borders. I will assign some roles right now… Hikari, you will act as a distraction for whoever we run into. As a backup distraction, Damon will assist should we come across more than two individuals at any given time. Tenma, Damon, and myself will be at the charge’s left, right, and front respectively, carrying him as we move swiftly from building top to building top… And that would be it.” Shiro pauses to allow for audible response in understanding of these arrangements. Any suggested changes are welcome and will be implemented as is the will of the genin. “So… we start now.”

A window is conveniently open on the second floor above Shiro. He leaps upward and enters through it, the genin following.

Shiro has been given a photo of the man whom himself and these three genin are to escort. Through a window in each door down this hallway, Shiro peers through into these rooms searching for the face he has in his memory. This photo is crumbled into a ball and tossed behind his back with the trust that one of his team members will receive and share it with the other two.

Among the four of these, one of them must locate the sleeping face of their charge through the glass section of these doors.

(830/1,500 towards mission completion)
Stat Page : The Tengu
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:06 pm
After the other two had arrived, Damon had given the suggested nod at the mention of his name, which was the last on the sheet of paper. That is, until what looked like… bones, appeared from the boy’s body and shredded the former list of their names. After getting over the initial shock of seeing someone use their skeletal structure in such a violent manner, which sounds weird to say aloud, Damon realized that he would have to try to recall their names for certain during the mission, or at least resort to nicknames. Not that he was any good at giving aliases.

For a reason that the inexperienced genin did not know at the time, their apparent mission leader whispered to them, so Damon approached closer for the purpose of being able to hear Shiro more clearly. Awesome. I’m a distraction. Damon was neither happy nor upset about this, as he was probably the least experienced here, so it was not like he should expect a major role. As the chuunin continued, Damon realized that he would be in the front leading the charge. A small smile cracked as the right side of his mouth turned upwards in a smirk. He was not going to speak up at all in objection, as he was simply willing to accept what he had been assigned. The boy respected the chain of command, even if he was at the very bottom. Damon’s time exploring the various countries of the world had made him realize just how small he is in the grand scheme of things, which led him to develop a rather humble attitude growing up. Damon was the second to follow Shiro into the window, as he was supposed to be in front and felt as though he was supposed to be the second genin to enter. Upon picking up a wadded up paper ball that Shiro had just thrown, the curious genin unraveled it, trying his best to smooth out the cracks in the paper. The face of the man that they are supposed to escort outside of the building. Damon turned around to the two behind him and handed the nearest one, who would probably be Hikari, the uncrumpled paper so that she may see for herself.

WC: 874/1500
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:28 pm
Hikari would lose a little bit of her excitement from going on her first big deal mission, she had gone out of her way to hide her name, and now the leader just kind of gave it out to everyone. Well, it could be worst, at least it is just fellow shinobi that are aware of who she was.

When the chuunin commander would suddenly out of nowhere shredded her paper apart, she would almost jump! What was that? She had read somewhere about a clan using bones as a way to preform offense, but seriously? That was creepy! But at the same time, that was definitely a good thing. She was glad to have the creepy bone wielding power on her side rather than having to fight against it!

The leader would then give his orders, A distraction? Not only that, but the main distraction? Well, while Namikaze wasn't the biggest fan of that idea, it sort of made sense since she most likely had the techniques that was the most flashiest and made the most noise. As such, she was probably the best person to be the distraction.

The shinobi leader would then go up and climb into a window, which the genin would follow him as well. Hikari went in second, behind Damon and before Tenma. After a bit, Damon would pass a piece of paper back to Hikari, who would look at it, there was a picture of a man, most likely, the man they were supposed to be escorting. Easy enough, she would hand the picture to the boy behind her. Once the company made its into the hallway, they would make their way down the corridor, looking for their target. After a short period of time, the group came across of a room with the door open, Hikari would silently move over to it and peer in, it appeared to be a bed room for monks, and there were 6 beds, with sleeping bodies in them. Hikari would silently signal for her team to stop, this would be a good opportunity to collect info. She would peer into the room and see that the person sleeping had his hand out from underneath his covers, Hikari would look at the hand, and activate her Eye Mind Reading technique. She would veer into the man's mind, and see what he saw.

During her time in the man's head, she saw various things, she saw her target making speeches during mass defending shinobi, she saw the anger of some of the church goers as he spouted this, 'Heresy.' She would fast forward though, and find that the man slept in a room, by himself, up on the south end of the 4th Floor. Hikari would put up 2 fingers, and then point up, hoping her team would realize what was she was saying.

Word count: 477

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze <3 on Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:32 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added word count and a little bit about the bone thing, Wow, Can't beleve I forgot to mention that! Also, speling erorrs.)
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Stat Page : [url=-]-/url]
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:20 pm
Tenma was to pretty much stick with the leader to help protect the mark, got it, he would nod in acceptance to his role, he knew people had certain peculiarities, so the Bone thing earlier did not phase him, however he did think it was interesting, he pushed it out of his mind however with only the Mission on the mind. Tenma was in the rear at the moment, in most missions this was the most important position, but at this moment not so much, he would climb through the window just in time to get the picture to see who they had to find, after he saw it he tucked the photo away in a place he would not lose it, under his foot in his shoe.

After putting the picture away in the safe place he looked up and went to looking like the others, he was looking in the room opposite of Hikari when he happened to see the signal of hers from her reflection, Seems she found some bit of information to let her know, the man was higher up, so he started heading to the door at this time for the stairs, as Hikari and himself had passed the other two as to do a divide and conqour sort of search, so Hikari and himself was closer to the door for the stairs and the other two was closer to window. When he noticed not only two fingers, but also her pointing up and jabbing the air twice to confirm, it was two levels up, Tenma took off at his fastest and quietest pace.

Taking the stairs up three at a time, he raced up them one floor then the next, and when he got to the door to the next level he jumped to the other side and prepared a kunai, cause one can never know, when he passed the window of the door he made sure to be under it, and he turned around and waited for a partner to come up the stairs with him, he then would hold up a Kunai to whoever came up.

He did this as a Sign to tell them to prepare, and then gestured that he would be the one to move to open the door and they would enter low , and to keep their eyes open and be ready for anything, Hopefully it was Hikari and the other two was taking the window on the fourth floor to make a pincer tactic, but for now he had to wait to see exactly the plan before acting on his own volition.

TWC- 857/1500
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:54 pm
Shiro has been walking in a nonchalant manner since entering the building while keeping the noise he makes will doing so to a minimum. When Hikari grabs the attention of the genin, Shiro notices that they have ceased to move and turns around to see the motion of two fingers pointing upward. He figures their meaning to be that their charge is located two floors about the team’s current floor. A thumb is erected from a fist which Shiro raises after understanding Hikari’s motion. Acting in accordance with his team, Shiro continues in his original direction as he has made it closer to the staircase at the end of the hall.

Ideally, Shiro expects one other genin to follow behind him while another trails Tenma.

Upon ascending to the designated floor, Shiro notes Tenma’s body language. The danger of assault from some force attempting to interrupt their mission is naturally uncertain. Because of this, Shiro does put up his guard and minds his environment diligently. After nodding to Tenma in understanding of his concern, Shiro speeds up his stride to quickly reach the door. By this time, his team will likely have convened behind this one door.

Shiro takes it upon himself to slowly open the door and listen intently so as to scan for movement. With there being no cause for suspicion, he swiftly steps into the room. Surely enough, the priest, their sleeping beauty, lies resting silently in the only bed in the room.

“Quite convenient” Shiro thinks, putting his hand out of the door to wave the rest of his team to enter. Following this, he kneels before the bed and quickly removes a second slice of paper as well as a pen from his back pocket. Upon the paper, Shiro writes a message which reads “Hi, there, myself and the three genin behind me are here to safely evacuate you, as per our orders. We will exit through the window at the end of the hallway”. Shiro places one hand upon the priest’s shoulder and shakes him slightly. With him frightenedly awoken, Shiro proceeds to remove hand and raise it up to be next to the written message. It erects a thumb, one that is mean to convey a friendly feeling.

The priest will understand and the five of them will exit the room. The window at the end of the hallway will be their exit. When leaping out of it, two of the genin will carry him between them on their shoulders so as to soften his landing with their own landing ability.

Finally, the group proceeds to a section of forest but from a distance they spot two patrol units who just happen to be in the same area at the same time.

In response, Shiro raises his hand and waves for the designated distraction to run ahead.

(1,304/1,500 towards mission completion)
Stat Page : The Tengu
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P] Empty Re: You Will Be Safely Evacuated, As Per My Orders [P]

Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:12 pm
Damon seemed to be the last to pick up on the location of the man that they were supposed to protect, as Hikari had somehow managed to locate him, despite being on the same floor as them. However, she made it clear that she believed that she was right, and since she had probably been doing this whole shinobi thing longer than the boy himself, he decided that he would simply trust in her abilities and began to head towards the upstairs. Damon decided to follow Shiro, as it would make sense for the female genin to accompany the other boy… Tenma was his name. Sensing the air of potential danger that everyone else seemed to be emanating, Damon took his role as the most inexperienced of the bunch to simply follow what his comrades were doing. He waited outside of the door, behind the chuunin, until their squad leader entered the room and signaled them inside. The other two genin would surely fall in behind Damon as he observed Shiro write something down on a piece of paper and awaken the man that they were supposed to protect and show it to him. It must have been something good, as the priest seemed to understand and decide to accompany them as the squad headed towards the window. Damon and either Hikari or Tenma would take the queue to exit the building carrying the priest, as the man would have been inexperienced in regards to leaping out of buildings and whatnot. Upon their landing, Damon would channel the surface walking technique for a moment, allowing the extra chakra funneled beneath his feet to cushion his fall. Shiro then signaled for them to all stop and waved his hand, presumably for Hikari to do her thing.

WC: 1169/1500
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