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Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Orders from on high Empty Orders from on high

Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:55 pm
Leaving his last class for the day, Ren was surprised to see one of his old students, a young Chunin, standing there waiting for him. "Aika, Congratulations on your recent promotion, although its a surprise to see you here, how can I help?" Ren asked, giving the girl a smile as he shut the door to the classroom behind him. "Actually sir, I have a message for you." The girl said, holding out a scroll sealed with the symbol of the office of the kage. "They said it was urgent sir." The girl finished, passing the parchment to Ren. "Ah I see, thank you Akia that will be all" Ren replied, breaking the seal as he spoke and scanning the parchment, internally scowling at the contents. Rolling up the parchment and placing it in his jacket pocket Ren rushed off towards his office as in a hurry to leave. In actual fact Ren was just stalling for time whilst he transmitted a message to Altar. "Altar, Xyxer's sent a summons for me; it might be pertinent to tread carefully incase he's caught on to us. I'm going to temporarily wipe all of our plans from my memory just incase, when he's done with me you'll have to get me to undo the wipe since I wont remember it myself. Just remember, it'll be inside my left arm" Ren 'said' cutting the transmission as he finished his explanation.

Ren entered his office, throwing off his coat and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt in the process, before pulling out a kunai, and placing it on his wrist Ren made a simple incision along his left arm, concentrating medical chakra there to make sure he didn't bleed too much and avoiding any arteries, before inserting a finger into the wound, right down to the bone and placing a seal there, pulling his finger out of the wound and healing it as the seal began wiping any of his memories of the conspiracy, and its members, and replacing those memories with feasible events that didn't incriminate himself or any of its members, as well as wiping Ren's memory of placing the seal. The process done Ren blinked, and walked over to the desk where he grabbed his coat and some papers he'd left here before turning to head off to the Kage's building as he'd been ordered by the Great Mizukage.

Upon reaching the Kage's offices Ren would enter and inform the Kage's secretary that he'd arrived as per the urgent summons, no doubt she would wave him through at which point Ren would enter the room, kneeling and bowing his head as per custom before waiting for the Mizukage to speak.
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Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:26 pm
Given the urgency of the situation and the sensitivity of such information, it was only fair to conclude that Xyxer would not leave a simply 'Hit me up in your own time, but asap preferably' message with a chuunin. As such, the bearers of what could be bad news came in the form of the left and right hand of the village: Jester and Wraith. Their presence alone had formed some bubble of intimidation around their person, causing anyone within the vicinity to look down in front of them to avoid the gaze of the humanoid dogs of Xyxer. They progressed through the school without much need to question anyone as the chakra signature of Ren Tsubasa stood out from most of the students inside of the school. Their steps were light on the ground, causing little sound due to their natural ANBU training which caused their distribution of weight to be second nature; ghosts on the inside of the walls.

Soon, they reached the classroom that Ren was said to be inside, with a girl who looked up from the floor outside moving towards them, her mouth opening as she started to speak, "Can I he-" however, very few words would leave her mouth as a leer from Jester cut her words off. It was clear they were not here to speak to children regarding such matters, and fortunately for the kids, class would be cut short today. Jester's hand curled around the handle of the door, pushing it open before moving inside of the room with Wraith tailing behind. Looking over the class momentarily, Jester spoke aloud to the class, "Pack up your equipment and leave. Class is dismissed for the rest of the day. Failure to comply within ten seconds will be met with disciplinary action." They weren't pleasant words, b ut they were supposed to be feared. Once the children had left, in a remarkable amount of time with the urgency the sight of ANBU provoked within them, they'd divert their attention to Ren. "Pack up your equipment, we're escorting you to visit the Lord Mizukage." The more vocal ANBU stated once more, watching the male while Wraith checked around the corners of the room for any lurking shinobi. Village security was paramount during these times, of course. Once Ren was ready, granted it was within twenty more seconds at least, they'd escort him through the village towards the Mizukage chambers, with Jester leading in front and Wraith from behind, one meter roughly in radius from the male.

Reaching the Mizukage Chambers, they'd walk through the hall and nod once towards the secretary who noted the event, the trio moving into the elevator before taking it up to the top floor where Xyxer resided. Any question that Ren may have asked would simply be ignored by the duo who were just following orders. Once they reached the top of the elevator shaft, the doors would open with Jester spearheading the movement towards the chambers of the Mizukage, opening it up after knocking so that he would be prepared. Three raps. Once Jester moved into the room, he'd kneel first with Xyxer nodding his head so that he could stand once more before Wraith repeated the movement, all the while they had at least one set of eyes on Ren. Once they had all done their share of kneeling, the door would close and Xyxer would take charge of the meeting while he sat on his stone throne.

"Have you ever seen the beautiful, morning dew of the grass in another village, Ren? Have you enjoyed the sensational festivals that many village host? Would you like to?" The Bloody Mizukage inquired, yet there was one detail that was missing from the post, something that was foreign with how Ren had previously saw the Mizukage.. one of his eyes bled a deep crimson, with a burning intensity that caught the eye for many who saw it, even if in their peripheral.

[Tsukuyomi is obviously being used, I doubt I need to do AP unless Ren wants to turn this into a combat topic]
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:06 pm
As the two anbu entered the classroom labeled Fuinjutsu 101, They would find Ren performing a fuinjutsu barrier technique for the class on his desk, as he finished the technique just as they entered the room, turning to face the two intruders to the classroom Ren paled. Rather oddly whilst most everyone else in the room shivered and paled at the aura of intimidation that surrounded the two, Ren paled at the sight of jester who's gaze seemed to be undressing Ren with his eyes. Were it not for this disturbing visual molestation Ren might have spoken up and demanded an explanation for the interruption to his class, as it was however he simply stood there giving Jester a disgruntled glare. Once the class had left and the two Anbu told him the reason for their presence Ren, nodded. "Certainly, I'll just release this seal and we can be on our way" He said, forming the handseals for Fuinjutsu breaking and reaching out to break the seal. As he did this however he did two things, first transmitting a message to Altar "Altar, Xyxer's sent a summons for me; it might be pertinent to tread carefully incase he's caught on to us. I'm going to temporarily wipe all of our plans from my memory just incase, when he's done with me you'll have to get me to undo the wipe since I wont remember it myself. Just remember, it'll be hidden on my left hand" He would say as he finished the transmission and cut the connection he would be performing the last of his hand seals, and at the same time he would place an integrated seal on his hand, the seal burning scars under the skin and wiping any of his memories of the conspiracy, and its members, and replacing those memories with feasible events that didn't incriminate himself or any of its members, as well as wiping Ren's memory of placing the seal. Then placing his hands on the seal Ren would release the seal he'd placed on the table. "All done, shall we go to the Lord Mizukage then?" Ren would say, striding out of the room with the two anbu.

Entering the Mizukage's chambers with the two anbu Ren would Kneel as soon as he had crossed the threshold and moved to allow the second of the anbu room to enter the room, remaining kneeling with his head bowed as he waited for the Mizukage to acknowledge him; Of course if Ren so desired this would be a perfect way to avoid eye contact with the mizukage, but for the sake of time let us assume that Ren looked up with the acknowledgement of his kage, and replied to his question. "I'm not entirely sure I understand sir..." Ren would say looking up and his eyes coming to lock with the Mizukage and becoming entranced by his technique.

Using Memory Rewrite

Base power 60 + 20(scaling) = 80 +10 from Advanced Fuin +20 from Searing Seals Technique undetectable without tenketsu vision due to Integrated Sealing Total Power = 110
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Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:25 pm
With the crimson bearing into the mind of Ren, it'd serve the purpose of pilfering through his memories so that he could see how much of a shinobi of Kirigakure he truly was. From his appearance, it initially appeared that he had very few qualities that allowed him the honour of being called one of his shinobi. Regardless, his memories were not very intriguing to the male other his history in Old Kirigakure. He continued to pilfer through the rather mundane memories of the shinobi, learning about his jutsu as he did so. However, as he was not versed in fuinjutsu, nor did he truly care, he didn't bother to wonder about the usage of those techniques. Instead, he'd simply go about filtering his memories as it was, slowly altering any trace of Kirigakure to Tengakure while adjusting the memory to go with it. "The village's have the most beautiful sunrise. They say it stretches over the entire continent to bask the sturdy earth in it's warm embrace. I'll allow you to experience that, Kenjiro." Xyxer stated once more as his will on the male's memories started to take hold, altering them in their entirety to change any current memory into an artificial one with no trace being left in the neuron pathways as he continued to systematically alter the male into his own design.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:35 pm
As Ren... no Kenjiro, strange that he had forgotten his own name there for a moment, as Kenjiro sat there staring into the man's Crimson eyes he let his thoughts drift to his village, beloved tengakure, as he waited for the man in front of him to speak... who was he again, oh right the tenkage. "Yes my lord kage, the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen has always been in our village..." Kenji paused "is there a reason you bring up the sunrise?" Kenji asked, attentively awaiting his kage's reply.
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Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:43 pm
As Xyxer continued to sift through the memories, many imperfections were erased that would lead to Ren having only a shoddy gimmick. This wasn't WWE, gimmicks had to be good out here. As such, during the time of Tengakure's destruction, any following memories would be diverted into the path of what would have happened if Ren had become a lone shinobi during the entirety of that time, fending for himself with no true village. Xyxer was no longer the leader of his village, but a person from the past who had no bearing on his present. He'd add in a various number of unimpressive events, yet all of them had been laced with kindness to give a new variable to the boy. "I want you to experience the sunrise inside a beautiful village, to soak in all of the details and it's culture. Have you heard of Konohagakure No Sato, Kenjiro?"
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:12 am
"Konoha, yes I vaguely remember the name, one of the great ninja villages correct my friend, perhaps I should travel there some time, they would no doubt have much knowledge on Fuinjutsu, perhaps I could acquire some of it..." Kenji spoke aloud to his old friend. "I'm sure they would not turn down a fuinjutsu expert looking to share some of his knowledge with them..." He would say, his mind drifting along as his mind was overwritten with new memories.
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Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:05 pm
"I'm sure they'd love to add your expertise to the team." Xyxer spoke once more, his words mingling with the genjutsu while Xyxer stood up from the chair he was in. "Let's go for a walk, Kenjiro." It was around about now that Xyxer started to interlace a trigger should anyone else attempt to sift through the memories of the boy, one that would cause him to act out as if he was having a major PTSD attack, one that could potentially shut his body down entirely from the stress it'd exude over him. Yet, he started to walk from the building towards the village gates, with the boy likely in tow.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:29 pm
Kenji followed the man, still completely under his power as he followed towards the village gates, not really taking any of it in as he was still enamoured by that burning crimson circle that echoed in his mind.
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Orders from on high Empty Re: Orders from on high

Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:37 pm
However, once they reached the gates Xyxer would continue on further, out towards the vast expanse of ocean, while commanding the boy to activate chakra walking in his feet otherwise he'd be drowning behind him like a complete tool. Once they reached the stormy barrier, he formed a single barrier and sent a message to him to walk through and carry on through until he reached the land, with Konoha the primary destination in his mind. As Kenji walked away from the barrier, if he was to check his ninja pouch, he'd soon find a headband that had been taken from Tengakure's vast stocks prior to the destruction. The crimson eye would stated to fade and melt in his mind before the memory of the journey to and from the storm would be erased alongside the meeting, replaced with a visit to a separate village entirely. The boy was alone now, ready to be #TRIGGERED. When enough information was gathered, the boy would have an urge.. an urge to revisit Tengakure, where multiple cloaked communication squads would be patrolling around from here on out.

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