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Hanabi Yuka <3
Hanabi Yuka <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:49 pm
[[You should say what your counterattack would be. It's important to be specific when in combat, otherwise you could fall victim to the vague rule. I'm gonna wait to reply for a bit in case you'd like to edit that into your post. Otherwise I'll just start mine from your sweep kick.]]

Just as Hanabi was about to make her attack, she felt her leg slide out from under her. Her forward motion already too great to stop, she started to fall. She threw her arms forward and landed on her hands and left foot, her right leg lagging behind in the air. Not good, the shinobi thought as she caught herself, I can't just create space here or I'll be totally open. The young woman would lean outward from her opponent and attemt to turn his trip against him by kicking up with her right foot, aiming at his chest. If the attack landed, she would use the force to quickly roll herself backward. She would finish on her feet, having put some distance between them, and raise her fists into a defensive position.



Last edited by Hanabi Yuka <3 on Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:16 am
OOC: There was no counter attack, he's just trying to get a break in the fight to allow him to think of something to do. You can start from the sweep kick, that was my choice
Sinai <3
Sinai <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:45 pm
Sinai walked casually through the academy gates, the ends of his navy bandana flapping in the breeze. His polished headband was tied to his left bicep, its silver gleam contrasting with the orange shirt he was wearing, that was embroidered with tropical imagery. He took a turn to the right, heading towards the training fields. He had woken up a bit early and felt up for some shuriken practice, to sharpen up his throwing technique and aim. Unfortunately, a bit of draft was picking up; So he reckoned it was better to wait it out to avoid a wayward shuriken gouging some kid’s eye. He was going to practice some Taijutsu on the wooden dummies when something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. A Woman!

Well, a girl more accurately. She seemed to be duking it out with a kid, smaller than her and probably still an Academy Student. Well, taijutsu could wait. There weren't many female shinobi and he wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to get to know another one. He sat down on a nearby bench and decided to watch the fight. His fighting experience was practically non-existent, so he was learning how the flow of combat works. Or at least that was he told to himself, as all he was doing was admiring the physique of the girl as she grappled with the kid.

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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:34 am
As Hanabi was countering Date's counter, he realized Hanabi even though inexperienced as she was, is still better at doing fighting moves than Date, and then Date realized she was more skilled than him. There was no way to dodge the kick, he leg was coming in like a whip, so he had to embrace it, it was his only real defense. When the kick was just about to land on his chest, he opened his arms in an attempt to grab it, if he was too slow to be able to do so he'd be kicked right in a critical point since the chest is extremely sensitive. If he was able to grab it and hold tightly, he would pull her leg and twist his body spinning her body by her ankle closer to him which would cause her to be off balance and potentially fall to the floor upside down. He also thought of another option, since her foot was coming straight at him.

He figured her foot coming at him had a defined finite reach. Since he knew that to be true, he realized if he back stepped one, her accuracy would be off of where she thought he was. So adding to his idea to grab her by the ankle, he also leaned back his torso in hopes that even if impact was to happen the force of impact would be nothing more than a mere tap on his ribs. Scary enough, Date was starting to enjoy fighting a bit more than he had expected. This must be the thrill of the shinobi, that he had heard so much about, he wanted to get stronger.
Hanabi Yuka <3
Hanabi Yuka <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:18 pm
Hanabi grimaced as Date caught her kick, having flashbacks to her spar with Altar. He turned, pulling her off her hands and causing her to fall onto her back. On the bright side she had already been close to the ground, so the fall didn't really hurt. Physically, at least. Unlike her last fight, her opponent didn't turn the grapple into a throw, instead maintaining his grip.

She wasn't sure what he was planning, but whatever it was, lying on the ground with one leg immobilized was not the ideal position to receive it in. Hanabi would return the action, gripping Date's left ankle with both her hands. She would then push up with her left leg, propelling herself and Date's left ankle upward. If this would cause her younger opponent to loosen his grip on her right leg, she would pull it free in a sudden motion and jump back while Date was off balance.


Sinai <3
Sinai <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:17 am
“She has pretty good moves for a girl” Sinai remarked to himself as he watched the fight unfold. Her body showed signs of good physical strength akin to a shinobi who practices Taijutsu intently. Even the way she moved and reacted to the kid’s moves showed a good combat sense. She obviously had the upper hand in the fight by far. A chill went down his spine as a small thought popped into the back of his mind. She would probably beat him in combat. A Woman. No, not even. A Girl. Physically shuddering as he tried to push the thought away, he got up from the bench and went over to the vending machine to buy a bottle of water to refresh his mind from such horrifying thoughts. He popped a few Ryo into the machine, the water popped out and he took a long gulp. It was refreshing but that nagging thought just couldn’t go away. Even worse, he couldn’t get his eyes off her either.

Seeing as the draft had died down, he resolved to keep his mind busy with the training he initially came to do. He stood about 20 meters away from the target dummies, the average range of an encounter as far as he knew. He had once heard of a cool little trick one could do with shuriken; you would throw two at the same time, one over the other and so the bottom one would be disguised with the shadow of the one over it and fooling the enemy to only trying to dodge the top shuriken and decreasing the window of time they have to dodge the second. It seemed easy on paper but to execute one had to simultaneously throw the shuriken and give the lower one a high enough angle to not get stuck on some rock but neither too high to collide with the upper shuriken.

Still, He tried to focus on the task at hand and took out two shuriken from the weapon pouch placing them between his forefingers of his right hand. Taking a moment to aim, his eyes slipped to the left in the general direction of the fight, more specifically towards that girl’s posterior as it came into the corner of his eyes. This caused his aim to drift, one thunking dully into the dummy at an odd angle, its blade hitting the right flank barely whilst the other one crashing down into the ground. This was going to be harder than he initially thought.

[230 + 420] = [BLAZE IT 650]
Sinai <3
Sinai <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:54 pm
[Seeing as no one posted and Date went AWOL, I'm gonna just double down on my post]

Sinai stood resolutely and kept trying to hit that damn target whilst trying to keep the ogling at the minimal. Trying. The results improved a bit, with now the shuriken both hitting the wooden dummy albeit still not the angle was good enough and nor were the accuracy of the projectiles. As if to aid him, the fight between the small kid and the girl seemed to be waning into a grappling deadlock between them making it an extremely boring sight for the ones who were watching. To make things worse, they had shifted in a position where the kid’s back was facing towards Sinai now, so he couldn’t even enjoy the nice view of the girl’s behind At least I can focus on my training now. Silvering lining, I guess.” he thought to himself as he pulled out the shuriken from the training dummy and retraced back his steps. Throwing two shuriken with one hand was one thing but doing it simultaneously while trying to give them an angle was another feat in of itself. The repetitive thunk that came with each shot set the timing of his throws.

Gradually, his shots were becoming more and more accurate; the two shuriken landing both on the target wooden dummy and with each shot he was managing to get them closer and closer to each other amidst a couple of clashes in between them mid-flight. Yet, the angle was still wrong; They were still hitting at seemingly random angles, with the lower shuriken would either trailing behind or diverting its course and misaligning with the path of its twin’s shadow. He tried throwing the lower shuriken from between his ring and little finger albeit all he got was a nasty cut in between them, forcing him to shift back to holding it between the middle and ring finger. At this stage, he was starting to believe that this trick was either some kind of hoax or was probably done by using some kind of chakra manipulation, probably fuuton, an element he didn’t possess the affinity to.

Not wanting to have wasted all this time on an impossible trick, He set down and thought of some modification he could try to maybe make the shot work. After a while, an idea slid into the back of his mind and his set himself to give it one last shot (or should I say...THROW). Instead of throwing both shuriken at the same time, he threw the first shuriken and a split second later, threw the second one with a bit of a low arc. The throw showed promise albeit the angle caused the lower shuriken to bite za dusto. Motivated by the newly made progress, he tried it again; this time giving the second shuriken less of angle, just lowering his hand slightly. This seemed to work much better, with the second shuriken following just behind the top. He nearly got it, he just had to get the timing right.

As he took out the shuriken from the wooden target and made his way back, His mind was set on a clear objective. He had to throw the second shuriken as close to when the first one takes flight with as much speed as possible. Putting all his focus onto this task, he took a deep breath, took out another two shuriken from his weapon pouch and aimed at the wooden dummy. He stood still, treating the shuriken as separate pieces instead of one single projectile, feeling the cold steel that lay between his fingers. In a snap movement, He threw them with amazing dexterity, both flying as if they were a single being and landed parallel to each other. A Perfect shot. He had a couple of shuriken left in his weapon pouch and not wanting to lose his feel for the trick, he decided to practice with them first before picking them all up again from the target dummy.

He repeated the technique till he ran out of shuriken. He had aced the timing and wrist manoeuvre to the point where he even managed to do a curved throw and still managed to hide the lower shuriken in the shadow of the top one. Satisfied with his training, he walked up to collect the shuriken and maybe refine the trick a bit more. As he went to pull out the last shuriken from the target, a jolt passed through his hand; burn marks littered the target; The result of him subconsciously channelling chakra into the shuriken.  “Raiton enhanced shuriken? Now that’s a good jutsu.” he said to himself with a grin. Now this has gotten really interesting.

[650 + 785] = [1435]
Sinai <3
Sinai <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:18 pm
[Everyone went inactive so I'm bailing and claiming]

Sinai definitely had now phased out his surroundings, completely forgetting about the fight that had been happening in the middle of the training yard; a couple of meters away from him. All of the jutsu he knew were generic jutsu that anyone could have learned; His training in chakra manipulation had been rudimentary, practically boiling down to the academy lesson were their teacher gave them special chakra paper and told them to focus their chakra on it to actually discover their elemental affinity. Thus, finding an opportunity to increase his affinity with his element; Raiton; It was training that he genuinely gave him satisfaction and vastly increase the variety of his jutsu arsenal; even though it was mediocre and tedious training compared to what he usually trained. Putting all his thrown shuriken into their weapon pouches once again; He moved back to his starting position and relaxed his muscles. Palming a single shuriken. Taking slow and deliberate breaths to focus his chakra onto his hand, he closed his eyes to completely to isolate himself even more from his surroundings. Focusing chakra on paper was one thing but this time, but this time he needed to keep a constantly focused stream of chakra into the shuriken while manipulating it to his element; adding new layers of difficulty. Surface Walking had specifically had taught Sinai amazing chakra control but imbuing foreign items with his chakra, for the most part, was in a league of its own, contrary to popular belief. Siani stood still as the seconds passed one after the other; The rhythmic thunk of the shinobi training next to him stopped without skipping a beat. The whisper of the wind was hushed. The cawing of the crows faded into silence. Slowly the sounds around him started fading away one by one. Chakra was steadily making its way into the shuriken’ a faint buzz emanating erratically from it, which is quite significant. The only other sound he could hear now particularly was his own heart, thumping frantically like a well-oiled piston in a battleship’s engine. He had to generally calm down to be able to give a steady flow of chakra; his nerves having not been accustomed to working under the pressure that most shinobi do. He slowed his breathing even more; Only his’s chakra and the shuriken of mattered now.

Suddenly, a cold wind swept against his figure, chilling him to the core. He tried to basically push it away but an iron-like grasp enveloped around his shoulder, feeling each bone like joint clawing tightly like a vice; paralysing him to the core. Was it by fear or by sheer strength; he did not know. Simultaneously; a chill seemed to be entering from his nape; like an icicle carving its way through his brain. Yet, at the same time; he actually felt as if it was not really there; Simultaneously; a chill seemed to be entering from his nape; like an icicle carving its way through his brain.  Yet, at the same time; he felt as if it was not really there; a reversed sense phantom pain. His heart jolted into a faster beat, signalling that his natural instinct kicking in and his meditative state started to fade away as adrenaline started to flow in his body. Yet; strangely this initial sense of panic mellowed nearly instantly; as if his senses had somehow been shut down; He tried to open his eyes but a strange feeling told him not to as the cold feeling reached them and seem to envelop them completely. Why hasn't anyone come to his aid? Was this some kind of Genjutsu. The time around him seemed to grind to a halt, giving him the feeling of a drowning man with numb limbs; helpless as he watched his slow demise at the hands of the unknown. Yet his breathing started falling back to normal, with his heart was falling back into its normal rhythm as if has body believed that nothing had happened. Then it hit him. What if this was not an enemy but somehow related to the incident that had occurred to the academy? Still, he had no proof of it's relation to that fateful night when he was gifted with crimson eyes as a mark that his bloodline had been awakened; albeit he still was no closer to drawing its powers at his whim. Before he could ponder his situation any further; Bright blue light flared into his vision as the cold feeling retracted with haste; this surprised him and he instinctively tried to move away but the grasp on his shoulder didn’t loosen; still holding him fast to the where he stood. “The Sight will help you to overcome the darkness and guide you to Stand on the right path our goal.” The same voice. Hollow; Rasping yet at the same time hard as steel.It seems the same entity had visited him once again.

The blue light started to fade; with an oblique glow being left in its place. Realising his eyes were still closed, he wondered what the lingering glow was. He opened his eyes slowly and painfully; like a blind man seeing light for the first time. He found his body covered in blue spirals “This looks familiar" he thought to himself. His memory went back to that fateful night, where he was faced with a similar sight. His Chakra network. His Dojutsu has been awakened due to chakra flowing into his eyes. As he realised such, The grip left him; A Literal weight off his shoulders. The sudden change nearly sends him falling down but he just kept himself standing just in time.  But what was the purpose of opening his bloodline sight once again? His eyes fell on a faint outline that lay in his hand. He nearly forgot what he was doing. He was surprised to find himself still calm and relaxed; Putting himself back into position; He started isolating himself once more; this time is was much easier as he was already halfway there. Once again chakra begins flowing through his hand. Seeing the chakra pulsing from his Tenketsu; akin to a rushing stream of blue fire. It reached his hand and starting pooling around the shuriken yet it barely was channelling into it. It seemed that chakra infusion was not his strong suit. His mind fell back on the words of his ghastly ally. What another way to reach “our goal”? He kept referring to the goal as mutual yet Sinai seemed to be doing most of the work anyways. All his companion did was give cryptic advice. Couldn’t he at least a bit straightforward. Puffing with annoyance; Sinai threw the shuriken that he had in hand and broke out of his meditative state. Why bother? The heavy thunk that emanated from the shuriken impact seemed to be answering that question.

It was a surprisingly heavy thunk and he did not need to have chakra sight to see that it was a chakra enhanced shuriken. Yet his chakra sight was what he needed to decipher how it had happened. There was a small influx of chakra on the Shuriken and the surrounding splinters; that was not the reason of the destructive power. His arm was radiating with chakra, the chakra lines around his tendons surging brightest;. The chakra was not enhancing the speed of the Shuriken itself but of the arm throwing it. He finally understood why his ally had awakened his eyes and gave him that cryptic advice. This is what he meant. Why propel the Shuriken when you can propel your whole arm for greater effect? It also seemed to require far less concentration as it appeared that he somehow had done it subconsciously. Still, the chakra flow was erratic and unfocused,  so there was a lot of room for improvement. Better chakra focus would mean less chakra waste and more power. The versatility and potential of this jutsu were something he had only one way of finding out. Training it till he could master it. Palming another shuriken as quickly as he could; He concentrated the chakra on his arm and flung it with all his might; his arm crackling brightly with the raiton chakra; the shuriken landing close to the first one.

His hand reached back for another shuriken and he barely had opened the weapon pouch before another one was in his hand; sticking into it albeit it was only a flesh wound. Pulling it out; he wondered how that had happened. “Guess I’ll have to be more careful”  swift motion later and it joined the others with a metallic twang as it stuck out at an odd angle. He reached back and this time he was careful to pay attention; his eyes fixed on the motion. The same thing occurred; As soon as he his hand drifted over the weapon pouch; two shurikens seemed to jump out onto his hand although this time he was prepared and caught them without incident. Albeit to a passer-by it would have looked like some kind of magic trick but to his eyes, it was all clear. It seems that the static built from using this technique was attracting the top shuriken when he got close enough to it, letting him perform some kind of quick draw. If he combined it with some sleight of hand; It would enable him to palm and throw shuriken and kunai at amazing speeds, enabling him to start fast and hit hard at a range. All he need now as practice the technique together so he would be able to effectively implement them in the battle.

Sinai spent the rest of the afternoon training them, pushing himself to the limit by combining the things he learned and using them simultaneously, fine-tuning his chakra control using his Dojutsu. Albeit the Quick Draw Raiton: Swift Cutting Shadow Shuriken sounded fancy; He knew that it was nothing more than an amateur trick to take down an unskilled foe. Even though he had gotten a good grasp how to implement them; his biggest improvement was a side effect from the visit of his mysterious ghastly ally. All throughout his training, he learned how to keep his dojutsu active without having to focus exclusively on it and even though it took a toll on him as it expended a fair amount of chakra; he could at least train whilst also having insight into how his chakra was molding and interacting with each jutsu and technique he performed.

[1435 + 1765] = [3200]
[1000 WC for Shadow Shuriken Technique]
[1000 WC for Raiton: Swift Cutting]
[1000 WC for Hidden Arms]
[200 WC towards The Second Stage of the Meigan]
Claiming 16 stats [3200/200 = 16]
Rin Togakawa
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:00 pm
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